577 research outputs found

    Definition Constructed Process in Mathematics Learning

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    Salah satu faktor yang dapat mendukung kemampuan profesional guru adalah penguasaan guru tentang ilmu psikologi kognitif. Salah satu kajian dari ilmu kognitif adalah tentang bagaimana siswa belajar. Tulisan ini membahas tentang bagaimana pemahaman terhadap definisi berkembang dalam pikiran siswa. Seorang guru tidak hanya memfasilitasi siswa untuk memiliki konsep definisi sebaiknya sampai memiliki konsep image

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Realisasi Pembiayaan Murabahah untuk USAha Mikro Agribisnis Sektor Perdagangan (Studi Kasus: Kbmt Bil Barkah, Bogor)

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    Micro business has significant contribution to GDP and employment. Micro business in agriculture has the highest contribution. The problem faced by micro business in agriculture is the difficulty to get financed by conventional bank. Shari Microfinance is one of the financing alternatives. Baitul Mal wat Tanwil Cooperative (KBMT) Bil Barkah is one of Shari microfinance provider via murabahah funding. The purpose of this research is to analyze customer characteristics affecting murabahah funding acquirement. The sampling method used was convenience sampling and total sample used was 40 people. The collected data was processed by multiple regressions. The results shows the significant factors are education, business experience, monthly revenue and collateral

    Photonic applications of azobenzene molecules embedded in amorphous polymer

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    AbstractThe incorporation of azobenzene chromophores into polymer systems gives rise to a number of unique effects under UV and visible light irradiation. The light-driven isomerization of the azobenzene element acts as a light-to-mechanical energy converter, translating the nanoscopic structural movement of the isomerization azobenzene into macroscopic topographic film modulation in the form of surface relief. This review focuses on the study of reversible changes in shape in various systems incorporating azobenzene, including large-scale superficial photo-patterned glassy materials, light-driven reshaping of tridimensional superficial azo-textures and contractions of stimuli-responsive liquid crystalline networks (LCNs). Further, promising applications of azo systems are investigated as smart biointerfaces able to mimic time-varying biological systems

    Online Fault Classification in HPC Systems through Machine Learning

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    As High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems strive towards the exascale goal, studies suggest that they will experience excessive failure rates. For this reason, detecting and classifying faults in HPC systems as they occur and initiating corrective actions before they can transform into failures will be essential for continued operation. In this paper, we propose a fault classification method for HPC systems based on machine learning that has been designed specifically to operate with live streamed data. We cast the problem and its solution within realistic operating constraints of online use. Our results show that almost perfect classification accuracy can be reached for different fault types with low computational overhead and minimal delay. We have based our study on a local dataset, which we make publicly available, that was acquired by injecting faults to an in-house experimental HPC system.Comment: Accepted for publication at the Euro-Par 2019 conferenc

    In vitro strategies for mimicking dynamic cell–ECM reciprocity in 3D culture models

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    The extracellular microenvironment regulates cell decisions through the accurate presentation at the cell surface of a complex array of biochemical and biophysical signals that are mediated by the structure and composition of the extracellular matrix (ECM). On the one hand, the cells actively remodel the ECM, which on the other hand affects cell functions. This cell–ECM dynamic reciprocity is central in regulating and controlling morphogenetic and histogenetic processes. Misregulation within the extracellular space can cause aberrant bidirectional interactions between cells and ECM, resulting in dysfunctional tissues and pathological states. Therefore, tissue engineering approaches, aiming at reproducing organs and tissues in vitro, should realistically recapitulate the native cell–microenvironment crosstalk that is central for the correct functionality of tissue-engineered constructs. In this review, we will describe the most updated bioengineering approaches to recapitulate the native cell microenvironment and reproduce functional tissues and organs in vitro. We have highlighted the limitations of the use of exogenous scaffolds in recapitulating the regulatory/instructive and signal repository role of the native cell microenvironment. By contrast, strategies to reproduce human tissues and organs by inducing cells to synthetize their own ECM acting as a provisional scaffold to control and guide further tissue development and maturation hold the potential to allow the engineering of fully functional histologically competent three-dimensional (3D) tissues

    Pemanfaatan Daging Buah Kuini dalam Pembuatan Produk Fruit Leather dengan Penambahan Daging Buah Naga Merah

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    Fruit leather type of food made from fruit that have been crushed and dried. Fruit leather has a storage period of up to 12 mounth if kept in good storage conditions. One of the criterationfordeterminan the quality of fruit leather is color. The fruit used is not just the fruit of this kuini but combined with red dragon fruit to color interesting and also dragon fruit contain useful pigment. This study aims to determine the best characteristic of the concentration of fruit kuini and red dragon fruit in the manufacture of quality fruit leather product. Treatment used KN1 (50% kuini fruit, 50% red dragon fruit), KN2 (60% kuini fruit, 40% red dragon fruit), KN3 (70% kuini fruit, 30% red dragon fruit), KN4 (80% kuini fruit, 20% red dragon fruit), KN5 (90% kuini fruit, 10% red dragon fruit). The data obtained were analyzed statistically by using Anova and DNMRT at 5%. The result showed that the use of kuini and red dragon fruit significantly affect the water content, ash content, acidity degree, coarse fiber content, sucrose content, and organic assessment. The best fruit leather the results of this study is fruit leather with KN3 treatment, which has a 12,08% of water content, 0,89% ash content, 4,40% acidity degree, 1,12% crude fiber content, 58,57% sucrose content. Descriptive assessment shows the result that is the color is yellowish red, the aroma tends to smell the fruit of kuini and red dragon fruit, sweet taste, chewy texture and the hedonic overall assessment fruit leather favored by panelists

    Pemanfaatan Tepung Ampas Tahu pada Pembuatan Kukis Mengandung Minyak Sawit Merah

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    This study aimed to get the best formulation of substitution of wheat flour with okaraflour in making of cookies containing red palm oil, judging from the content of nutrients and organoleptic tests based on SNI 01-2973-1992. The research was conducted with an experimental method using a completely randomized design with four treatments and four replications. The treatment in this study were ratio of wheat flour and okara flour 100%:0%, 75%:25%, 50%:50%, and 25%:75%. Data were statistically analyzed by using Analysis of Variance and followed by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test at level5%.Results of the analysis showed that ratio of wheat flourand okara flour significantlyaffected on moisture, ash, protein,and crude fiber content as well as descriptive and hedonic sensory test of the cookies. Based on this research, the best treatment wasratio of wheat flourand okara flour 75%:25% which hadmoisture 2.37%, ash 1.62%, protein 6.21%,and crude fiber content 3.80%.Characteristics cookies of best treatment based on descriptive test was golden yellow color, rather beany flavor, rathertofu tasteless, and crunchy texture
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