34 research outputs found

    The response of tinea capitis to treatment with a two-week oral terbinafine

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    زمینه و هدف: درماتوفیتوز سر عبارت‌ است‌ از عفونت‌ قارچی‌ پوست‌ سر که‌ در اثر تهاجم‌ درماتوفیت‌ها به‌ ساقه‌ مو ایجاد می شود. از میان‌ درماتوفیت‌های‌ پاتوژن‌ فقط انواع‌ میکروسپوروم‌ و ترایکوفایتون‌ باعث‌آلوده‌ شدن‌ موها می شوند. یکی‌ از داروهای‌ مصرفی‌ برای‌ درمان‌ عفونت های‌ قارچی‌، تربینافین‌ می‌باشد که‌ تداخلات واضح با سایر داروها و مصرف غذا ندارد و بسته‌ به‌ حساسیت‌ گونه‌ قارچ‌ و شدت‌ عفونت‌ طول‌ درمان‌ با آن‌ 2 تا 6 هفته‌ پیشنهاد شده‌ است‌. ولی ‌بهترین‌ دوره‌ درمانی‌ مشخص‌ نشده‌ است‌. لذا این مطالعه با هدف تعیین‌ پاسخ‌ عفونت های قارچی سر به درمان‌ 2 هفته‌ای‌ تربینافین‌خوراکی‌‌ انجام‌ گرفت‌. روش ‌بررسی: در‌ یک مطالعه کارآزمایی‌ بالینی‌ روی 29 بیمار با تشخیص‌ بالینی‌ ابتلا به‌ عفونت‌ قارچی‌ سر، آزمایش‌ مستقیم‌ با محلول پتاس‌ 10 و کشت‌ روی‌ محیط سابورو و دکستروز آگار به عمل‌ آمد. سپس‌ این‌ بیماران‌ تحت‌ درمان‌ دو هفته‌ای‌ با تربینافین‌ خوراکی قرار گرفتند و در سه نوبت (قبل از درمان، بعد از درمان و ده هفته بعد از شروع درمان) تحت معاینه و آزمایشات تشخیصی قرار گرفتند. داده‌ها با استفاده‌ از آزمون‌ دقیق‌ فیشرتجزیه و تحلیل‌ شدند. یافته ها‌: ارگانیسم‌های‌ مولد عفونت‌ در 9 مورد میکروسپوروم‌ و 20 مورد ترایکوفایتون‌ بودند. بعد از دو هفته درمان و گذشت ده هفته از شروع درمان، در آزمایش‌ مستقیم‌ از نمونه‌ بالینی‌ 29 بیمار مراجعه‌ کننده‌ 7 مورد اکتوتریکس‌ یافت ‌شد و بقیه‌ موارد منفی‌ بودند. نتایج به دست آمده از کشت نمونه ها همه 20 مورد بیمار مبتلا به گونه ترایکوفایتون درمان شدند در حالی که 100 میکروسپوروم ها (9 مورد) به درمان جواب نداده و درمان نشدند. نتیجه‌گیری‌: جهت‌ درمان‌ بیماران‌ مبتلا به‌ درماتوفیتوز‌ سر در گونه‌های‌ ترایکوفایتون‌ می‌توان از تربینافین ‌خوراکی‌ به مدت 2 هفته استفاده‌ کرد. ولی این رژیم درمانی برای میکروسپوروم ها مؤثر نیست

    Prevalence of fungi in patients with allergic rhinitis in Shahrekord, Iran (2009)

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    Background and Objective: The identification of fungi agents causes allergic rhinitis is crucial for the appropriate diagnosis prophylaxis and treatment of patients suffering from the disease. This study was done to evaluate the prevalence of fungi in patients with allergic rhinitis in Shahrekord, Iran. Materials and Methods: This case-control study was done on 124 patients whom referred to Kashani hospital in Shahrekord, Iran during 2009. 62 patients with allergic rhinitis were selected as case group and 62 patients without allergic rhinitis were considered as controls. Direct smear and culture of nasal secretion were performed to identify the fungi. Also IgE level's were measured for all participants. Data were analyzed using SPSS-16, Chi-Square and independent t-tests. Results: The fungi from culture medium of nose exeretion were isolated from 15 (24%) cases and 5 persons (8%) in control group. The most common isolated fungi were Aspergillus (8%) and Penicillinum (6.5%). In direct smear the fungi agent were found in 23% and 8% in case and control groups respectively. The IgE titre in 31% of cases with allergic rhinitis was higher than 100 IU/mL, but this titre of IgE only was seen in 4.8% of control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that the fungi can be considered as induce of allergic rhinitis

    Determination of catchability bony-fish and optimized exploitation in the Caspian Sea

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    To accomplish the stock assessment that pre-planned for bony-fish resources investigation started by considering two pivotal act. First gathering biometric data and second using catch statistics information for stock analyses. Implementing the research programmes five itinerant groups in Anzali, Keyashahr, Noshahar, Babolsar, Torkaman have been organized during fishing season. The biometric data were supplied in computer that distincted by each fish species and subdivided into age groups. In analyses the samples, Bertalanffy formula used for calculating average length and age, also for growth coefficient. Total mortality rate calculated by using Pauly formula, and the biomass status estimated through Cohort analysis. The catch by beach seiner cooperatives recorded 8630 metric tons, but estimation including. Poacher catch raised the harvest to 15.6 thousand tons. The total catch of Kutum reduced by 1400 tons compared with previous year, but the estimation revealed the biomass of Kutum 18.5 thousand tones, the stock stowed reduction in quantity relative to past years. Harvest exceeding the limit, fishing pressure. And employing higher fishing effort, combining releasing the Kutum seedling with shorter average length in recent years, leaded the shrinkage of biomass of Kutum resources. The Golden Grey mullet catch has been estimated 3437 metric tons, the figure showed 1500 tons increment, in comparison with previous year, nearly 24% of catch was shorter than Lm50% of this species. In Guilan province higher number of sub - size golden mullet captured, this development occured less in Mazandaran and Golestan province. Higher rate of exploitation, reduction of catch in recent years, dominating small size fish in catch composition indicated the population undergoing stress in ecosystem. Thin - lipped grey mullet only comprised 9.2% of the mullet catch - Length - structure of this fish species population formed mainly by young small size fish, the biomass of latter estimated 1100 metric tons. Catch further than maximum sustainable yield, by higher exploitation rate, and gradual diminishing of harvest, represented the resources of this fish species suffering both by high fishing pressure and un - sustainable effort, which ultimately declined the fishery of this fish species. Carp catch and its resources in Anzali region become very low, it is necessary to enhance the stock by Sea-ranching programmes. The carp resources in Gorgan region enjoy better status, but catch practices do not compatible with rule and regulation in Gorgan and Gomeyshan area. The standing stock of Gorgan carp estimated nearly 6000 tons. The information concerning carp resources indicate the stock experiencing pressure and likely the catch will diminish in future. The total catal catch of carp calculated 1900 tons. In recent years the Caspian roach resources are increasing but the bulk of harvest fished illegally and by gill - nets. The total catch of the roach during 1998-1999 estimated 1700 tons. Considering the semi - artificial propagation of roach in Golestan province, if has been concluded the multiplication of this fish species also should be planned by fisheries authorities for Anzali region. It is also advisable catching of this fish species to be regulated soon and selective catch are proposed. The catch of pike - perch during the year of 1997 - 98 jumped to 95 tons, but 90% of catch formed by young fish or sub – standard length size. Almost, all the increment of catch attributed to the releasing of millions of seedlings in the Sea which the plan has been implemented by Iranian Fisheries. Increasing the numbers of released seedlings, with higher average weight Identification of most suitable site for unloading the fries could ensure better survival rate and contribute the enhancement of resources and produce good catch for this desirable fish species. The total catch of Bream hit 18 tons, but most of the catch comprised by young fish with sub - standard size. The present formation of fisheries population of bream are the result of seedling releasing! In the Sea by Iranian Fisheries, since the catch of bream are negligible despite releasing programmes of seedling in a decade which 14million individuals until now, one could conclude the programmes do not contributed effectively to stock rehabilitation. The Caspian Barbus (Barbus brachycephalus) are at the threshold 01 vanishing, at present a few numbers are caught, therefore B.capito appeared in catch composition. The catch of latter species in recent two years are increasing. Total catch during the year of 1998 - 99 estimated 34.5 tons, biomass calculated 93 tons. Caspian vimba are small size fish which beach seiner (mesh size in bosom 30 millimeters) could not capture them ideally, bulk of the catch caught in illegal manner by gill nets. The total catch estimated 154 tons which the present fishing procedures surpassed total allowable catch (136 tons). In recent years the catch of this fish species are increasing. "Shemaya' similar in size with Vimba are caught less by beach seiner, illegal catch are considerable, the total catch in 1998 - 99 estimated 86 tons. The level of harvesting of this fish species are increasing in recent years and its population size become significant relative to last years. The main part of catch concerning Aspius fish species occured in Guilan coastal area, high fishing pressure reduced the population size, including low discharge of water in rivers during spawning period, impact negatively to reproduction. Catch statistic in 1989 showed 128 tons of this fish species are caught but in 1998 - 99 it has been reduced to 6.8 tons. It has been suggested artificial spawning could prevent its fate as endangering species. Caspian salmon catch estimated 78 tons during 1998 - 99, salmon population in Caspian Sea are supported by releasing reared smolts, which in recent years nearly 500 thousands fingerlings released in suitable rivers. After banning the gill nets application in Southern Caspian Sea, the catch of salmon in beach seining are increasing. It is necessary the released smolts in rivers being protected for its safe approach to Caspian Sea. The total catch of herring fish species in 1998 - 99 were nearly 700 tons. The bulk of the catch occur In Guilan fishing area, elimination of gill - nets usage in Southern Caspian Sea contributed the increment of herrings catch in beach seining. The herring resources in Caspian Sea reduced relative to past decades. The catch during 1913 – 1916 ranged between 130 - 160 thousand tons, in Caspian Sea

    Characterization and isolation of microsatellite in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus, Borodine, 1897)

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    In order to have a sustainable management on Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) as a highly commercial species in the South Caspian Sea, we need to identify its population structure and the level as well as its conservation status in their natural habitat. To develop a conservation program for this all Caspian Sea' sturgeon species it requires knowledge of its genetic diversity using reliable molecular marker to study population genetic structure. For these purposes, an enriched library was prepared based on a modified biotin-capture method. Approximately 1800 positive clones were screened for microsatellites in an Acipenser persicus genomic library. Of these 350 positively hybridizing clones were sequenced, and 81 clones were identified as having microsatellites with adequate flanking regions. We developed and tested 68 microsatellite primer pairs for Persian sturgeon. Out of 68 primer pairs developed, 11 pairs resulted in poor or no amplification, 13 were ambiguous, 6 were monomorphic, 20 were tetrasomic and 18 were octosomic in Persian sturgeon. While none of the markers showed disomic inheritance in Persian sturgeon and Russian sturgeon (A. gueldenstaedtii). Several of the markers appeared useful for studies stellate sturgeon (A. stellatus), ship sturgeon (A.nudiventris) and beluga (Huso huso). Nearly all the polymorphic pattern for ship, stellate and beluga displayed the simple banding patterns characteristic of disomic loci, while those for Russian sturgeon displayed banding patterns characteristic of tetraploid or higher polyploid levels. These markers may prove useful in a variety of future sturgeon population genetic studies in the Caspian Sea

    Stock assessment of the bony fishes in Iranian coastal waters of the Caspian Sea (2005-2007)

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    Exploitation of bony fishes resources started on 12 October 2005 and finished on 9 April 2006 in 2005-2006. 142 beach seines caught about 14333.4 tons of bony fishes by 47101 hauling. The total catch was estimated 21844.7 tones (Includes illegal fishery). Kutum, mullets and common carp comprised more than 97 percent of total catch. Length classes 39-40, 31-32 and 40-41 cm predominated for kutum, golden grey mullet and common carp, respectively. Age groups 3 to 5 year comprised 84.2, 74.8 and 83.7 percent for Kutum, golden grey mullet and common carp, respectively and age group 4 year was dominant with 42.0, 35.9 and 43.0 percent, respectively. K value and L_∞ calculated 0.26 (/year) and 58.3 cm for Kutum and 0.15 (/year) and 61.5 cm for golden grey mullet, respectively. The total biomass and MSY estimated about 24733.7 and 8550.4 tones for kutum and about 16948.0 and 4999.0 tones for golden grey mullet, respectively. Exploitation rate (E) calculated 0.71 and 0.70 for Kutum and golden grey mullet, respectively. In 2006-2007, the exploitation of bony fishes resources started on 12 October 2006 and finished on 7 April 2007 in 2006-2007. 134 beach seines caught about 14120.0 tons of bony fishes by 48470 hauling. The total catch was estimated 23801.8 tones (Includes illegal fishery). Kutum, mullets and common carp comprised more than 98.5 percent of total catch. Length classes 39-40 and 38-39 cm predominated for kutum and common carp, respectively and length classes 27-28 and 29-30 cm predominated for golden grey mullet. Age groups 3 to 5 year comprised 80.2 and 71.8 percent for kutum and golden grey mullet, respectively and age groups 4 to 6 year comprised 71.8 percent for common carp. Age group 3, 4 and 5 year was dominant with 35.5, 32.1 and 27.1 percent for kutum, golden grey mullet and common carp respectively. K value and L∞ calculated 0.27 (/year) and 60.7 cm for Kutum, 0.2 (/year) and 58.4 cm for golden grey mullet and 0.19 (/year) and 66.7 cm for common carp, respectively. The total biomass and MSY estimated about 46654.9 and 14801.4 tones for Kutum, about 19549.0 and 5748.4 tones for golden grey mullet and about 10584.3 and 2186.0 tones for common carp, respectively. Exploitation rate (E) calculated 0.69, 0.53 and 0.52 for kutum, golden grey mullet and common carp, respectively

    Quantitative evaluation and identification of fungi in Shahid Rajaeii Dam Lake, Mazandaran Province (Sari)

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    The present study is carried out to investigate the fungal species present in water of Shahid Rajaeii damlake in Sari, (Mazandaran province). Samples were taken from five stations including, Station 1: Input of Shirinrud river, station 2: Input of Sefidrud river, Station 3: The confluence of the two branches, Station 4: dam crest and stations 5: Output dam from June to February 2012. Every sample was diluted by sterile saline (10-1 and 10-2) and 0.5 mL from each dilution was cultured on SD and incubated at 27-30°C for 3-5 days. Finally, the number of colonies wasrecorded as (colony forming unit = CFU) per 100 mL. Identification of fungal agents were conducted by slide culture preparation and stained in lacto-phenol blue. The results showed that in August and February were significantly highest and lowest rates of fungal colonies were isolated from water in different stations respectively. Moreover, the number of fungal colonies in the crown and the output was significantly higher than other stations. The frequency of identified fungi were: Aspergillus species (31.4%), various types of yeast (mainly Candida) (24.2%), Penicillium sp. (19.3%), Cladosporium sp.(10.3%), Mucor sp. (5.4%), Fusarium sp. (2.9%), sterile hype (2.8%), Alternaria sp. (2.3%) and Paecilomyces sp. (1.4%)

    Stock assessment of the bony fishes in Iranian coastal waters of the Caspian Sea (2007-2010)

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    In the years 2007-2007, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 the exploitation of bony fishes resources (by 131 beach seines) started on 12 October but finished on 9 April, 9 April and 13 April, respectively. During these periods the total catch of bony fishes were 23537.8, 20045.5 and 18664.8 tonnes, respevtively. During these periods, kutum predominated and represented the highest proportion of total catch at 73.1, 74.0 and 66.9% , followed by golden grey mullet at 18.3, 13.9 and 18.7%, respectively. K values calculated 0.22, 0.15 and 0.14 year-1 and L∞ were 66.0, 62.7 and 70.0 cm for kuttum, golden grey mullet and common carp, respectively. The instantaneous coefficient natural mortality were estimated as 0.386 and 0.35 year-1 for kutum and golden grey mullet, respectively. During three periods, the exploitation rates were 0.789, 0.584 and 0.614 for kutum and 0.71, 0.75 and 0.61 for golden grey mullet, respectively. In the years 2007-2007, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, the total biomass, from the biomass-based cohort analysis were 56600, 62090 and 61590 tonnes for kutum and and MSY estimated about 24733.7 and 8550.4 tones for kuttum and 11040, 11900 and 14460 tonnes for golden grey mullet, respectively. The ABC (acceptable biological catch) were estimated as 8000 and 2200 tonnes

    The survey statistical and biological of sturgeon in the southern Caspian Sea (Mazandaran waters)

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    This study have been conducted entitle biological and statistical sturgeon in the southern Caspian Sea (Mazandaran waters)” from 2009 to 2013. Sampling was manthly. Overal, 1859 specimens of different species of sturgeon was caught including Acipenserpersicus (69%), A. stellatus (19%), Husohuso (6%), A. nudiventris (4%) and A. guldenstaedtii (2%). Totally, the meat and caviar of five species were found 53263.6 kg and 5633 kg respectively and caviar to meat ratio was 10.6%. The results show that ration of meat and caviar whole species reduced from 2009 to 2012 in which the meat and caviar of A. persicus was declined from 12146 to 4465 kg in meat and caviar from 1358 to 487 kg were extremely reduced respectively. The CPUE (catch per unit effort) of sturgeon has fluctuated from 2009 to 2012. Totally, the CPUE of A. persicus was decreased from 0.150 (2009) to 0.130 (2012) kg boat per day, A. stellatue from 0.009 (2009) to 0.021 (2012) kg boat/day, A. guldenstaedtii from 0.002 (2009) to 0.003 (2012) kg boat/day, A. nudiventris from 0.027 (2009) to 0.001 (2012) kg boat/day and H. huso from 0.123 (2009) to 0.018 (2012) kg boat /day. 1061 specimens of fish has been caviar including A. persicus with 69%, A. stellatus (18.1%), H. huso (5.5%), A. guldenstaedtii (2.7%). The frequency of caviar categorize was included 1 , 2, 3 and massive with 49.6%, 38%), 10.6% and 1.9%, respectively. The highest of meat and caviar belong to A. persicus with 31414 kg and 3515.7 kg, respectively were found and the lowest was 841kg and 105.9 kg pertain to A. guldenstaedtii. The results show that 65.9% of sturgeon was caught by legal catch (landing) and 34.1% by beach seine remained. 391 individuals was age determined that the minimum and maximum age was 9 and 41 year comprised to H.huso and A. stellatus, respectively. A. persicus and A. stellatus were majority caught compare to other species. A. persicus has the highest frequency in 14-15 year age groups with 50% and 57% in 2009 and 2011, respectively and 15-16 year age group with 41% and 56% in 2010 and 2012, respectively. The results show that mean of fork length, body weight, caviar weight of A. persicus was declined because the FL and weight average (±SD) obtained from 152.4±16.7cm and 25.8±9.2 kg in 2009 to 146.5± 18.7cm and 22.1±9.2kg in 2012, respectively. In contrast, the average (±SD) FL and weight of H. huso was increased from 218.8±41.1cm and 137.3±96.6kg in 2009 to 231.3±45.2cm in FL and 146.2±78.5kg body weight in 2012, respectively. Consequently, the results show that stocks of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea has a trend declined because of some species in IUCN categorize list was Endangered in 2006 but at this moment lie in Critically Endangered list of IUCN categorize were down which could be a serious alarm for the valuable sturgeon fish in the Caspian Sea. Therefore, recommendation that trade catch of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea must be forbidden and continue legal catch for spawner fish that needede to artificial propagation only

    Stock assessment of sturgeon fishes in the southern part of Caspian Sea (Iranian water)

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    The marine survey for sturgeon stock assessment was conducted in summer, winter and spring in the years 2006 and 2009 to estimate the relative and absolute abundance and percentage composition of each species in the Guilan, Mazandaran and Golestan Provinces. This survey was carried out in the Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea on board the Sisara2 and Guilan vessels using trawl nets at 2-100 m depths. Trawling was carried out in 85 stations that were selected using a stratified random design. The number of stations in each scope was based on the area of the scope in terms of the total area. Trawling and sampling in shallow water up to 10 m were carried out using 9 m trawl nets whereas 24.7 m trawl nets were used for depths more than 10 m. Trawl surveys were carried out in the daytime. Trawling velocity was kept at 2.5-3 kts and trawls lasted half an hour in order to calculate abundance, and biomass of sturgeons using the swept area method. Catch per unit area (CPUA) in the winter 2006 survey was 3853 specimens nm^2 , in the summer and winter 2007 survey was 1854 , 2912 specimens nm^2 at depths less than 10 m respectively . CPUA for sturgeons in spring 2008 survey was 2103 specimens nm2 at depths less than 10 m and 393 specimens nm2 at depths greater than 10 m (10-100 m depth). These values in the winter 2008 survey dropped to 44 specimens nm^2 at depths at depths above 10 m. CPUA for sturgeons in the spring 2009 survey was 300 specimens nm^2 at depths less than 10 m and 307 specimens nm^2 at depths greater than 10 m. In all the surveys conducted CPUA for A. persicus was higher than that for the other sturgeon species. Based on the calculations carried out in the marine survey in winter 2006 the estimated absolute abundance for sturgeons was about 2977.363 thousand. The total biomass of sturgeon was estimated as 131.713 tons. In the summer 2007 survey total abundance was estimated 1432.398 thousand, and total biomass of sturgeons was estimated at about 312.161 tons. In the winter 2007 survey total abundance for sturgeons was estimated at about 2250.105 thousand, and total biomass was estimated 578.08 tons. In the spring 2008 survey total abundance was estimated at about 3002.832 thousand. The total biomass was estimated at about 2533.318 tons .In the winter 2008 survey total abundance was estimated at about 152.722 thousand, and total biomass in winter 2008 was estimated 170.540 tons. Total abundance in spring 2009 survey was 1310.232 thousand and total biomass was estimated at 2019.tons. Investigation of stomach content of sturgeon Acipenser persicus caught under 10m depth in 2006 to 2007 surveys showed that there is significant difference in the consumed food. Polychaeta is the major food consumed and crustacean an the minor one(P>0.05).Also no new types of food( such as bony fishes or benthic) have been observed in food chain of Acipenser persicus only the food consumption rate has been related to the season of year and increases or decreases in warm or cold seasons, respectively For physiological study and determination of sexual maturation stages in sturgeon,119 gonad sampling prepared. The results showed that 63 % of fishes were females and 37 % of them were males. Gill microscopic study shows complications such as hyperplasia, curvature, adhesion, embowed, shorting and lengthen of secondary filaments and fraught bloody. Microscopic study on liver indicates signs of cloudy inflammation, fatty degeneration, dispersion of billed secretions and cell atrophy. The population genetic structure of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) in Sefidrood and Gorganrood rivers watershed analyzed based on microsatellite markers during sturgeons assessment in 2006-2008. Results showed that Acipenser persicus in two region of south part of Caspian Sea are two independent populations

    Prevalence of fungi in patients with allergic rhinitis in Shahrekord, Iran (2009)

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    Background and Objective: The identification of fungi agents causes allergic rhinitis is crucial for the appropriate diagnosis prophylaxis and treatment of patients suffering from the disease. This study was done to evaluate the prevalence of fungi in patients with allergic rhinitis in Shahrekord, Iran. Materials and Methods: This case-control study was done on 124 patients whom referred to Kashani hospital in Shahrekord, Iran during 2009. 62 patients with allergic rhinitis were selected as case group and 62 patients without allergic rhinitis were considered as controls. Direct smear and culture of nasal secretion were performed to identify the fungi. Also IgE level's were measured for all participants. Data were analyzed using SPSS-16, Chi-Square and independent t-tests. Results: The fungi from culture medium of nose exeretion were isolated from 15 (24%) cases and 5 persons (8%) in control group. The most common isolated fungi were Aspergillus (8%) and Penicillinum (6.5%). In direct smear the fungi agent were found in 23% and 8% in case and control groups respectively. The IgE titre in 31% of cases with allergic rhinitis was higher than 100 IU/mL, but this titre of IgE only was seen in 4.8% of control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that the fungi can be considered as induce of allergic rhinitis