Quantitative evaluation and identification of fungi in Shahid Rajaeii Dam Lake, Mazandaran Province (Sari)


The present study is carried out to investigate the fungal species present in water of Shahid Rajaeii damlake in Sari, (Mazandaran province). Samples were taken from five stations including, Station 1: Input of Shirinrud river, station 2: Input of Sefidrud river, Station 3: The confluence of the two branches, Station 4: dam crest and stations 5: Output dam from June to February 2012. Every sample was diluted by sterile saline (10-1 and 10-2) and 0.5 mL from each dilution was cultured on SD and incubated at 27-30°C for 3-5 days. Finally, the number of colonies wasrecorded as (colony forming unit = CFU) per 100 mL. Identification of fungal agents were conducted by slide culture preparation and stained in lacto-phenol blue. The results showed that in August and February were significantly highest and lowest rates of fungal colonies were isolated from water in different stations respectively. Moreover, the number of fungal colonies in the crown and the output was significantly higher than other stations. The frequency of identified fungi were: Aspergillus species (31.4%), various types of yeast (mainly Candida) (24.2%), Penicillium sp. (19.3%), Cladosporium sp.(10.3%), Mucor sp. (5.4%), Fusarium sp. (2.9%), sterile hype (2.8%), Alternaria sp. (2.3%) and Paecilomyces sp. (1.4%)

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