27 research outputs found

    Twenty-five subarcsecond binaries discovered by lunar occultations

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    We report on 25 subarcsecond binaries, detected for the first time by means of lunar occultations in the near-infrared (near-IR) as part of a long-term program using the ISAAC instrument at the ESO Very Large Telescope. The primaries have magnitudes in the range K = 3.8–10.4, and the companions in the range K = 6.4–12.1. The magnitude differences have a median value of 2.8, with the largest being 5.4. The projected separations are in the range 6–748 mas and with a median of 18 mas, or about three times less than the diffraction limit of the telescope. Among our binary detections are a pre-main-sequence star and an enigmatic Mira-like variable previously suspected to have a companion. Additionally, we quote an accurate first-time near-IR detection of a previously known wider binary. We discuss our findings on an individual basis as far as made possible by the available literature, and we examine them from a statistical point of view. We derive a typical frequency of binarity among field stars of ≈10%, in the resolution and sensitivity range afforded by the technique (≈0farcs003 to ≈0farcs5, and K ≈ 12 mag, respectively). This is in line with previous results using the same technique but we point out interesting differences that we can trace up to sensitivity, time sampling, and average distance of the targets. Finally, we discuss the prospects for further follow-up studies

    A catalog of near-ir sources found to be unresolved with milliarcsecond resolution

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    Calibration is one of the long-standing problems in optical interferometric measurements, particularly with long baselines which demand stars with angular sizes on the milliarcsecond scale and no detectable companions. While systems of calibrators have been generally established for the near-infrared in the bright source regime (K ≲ 3 mag), modern large interferometers are sensitive to significantly fainter magnitudes. We aim to provide a list of sources found to be unresolved from direct observations with high angular resolution and dynamic range, which can be used to choose interferometric calibrators. To this purpose, we have used a large number of lunar occultations recorded with the ISAAC instrument at the Very Large Telescope to select sources found to be unresolved and without close companions. An algorithm has been used to determine the limiting angular resolution achieved for each source, taking into account a noise model built from occulted and unocculted portions of the light curves. We have obtained upper limits on the angular sizes of 556 sources, with magnitudes ranging from Ks ≈ 4 to 10, with a median of 7.2 mag. The upper limits on possible undetected companions (within ≈0farcs5) range from Ks ≈ 8 to 13, with a median of 11.5 mag. One-third of the sources have angular sizes ⩽1 mas, and two-thirds have sizes ⩽2 mas. This list of unresolved sources matches well the capabilities of current large interferometric facilities. We also provide available cross-identifications, magnitudes, spectral types, and other auxiliary information. A fraction of the sources are found to be potentially variable. The list covers parts of the Galactic Bulge and in particular the vicinity of the Galactic Center, where extinction is very significant and traditional lists of calibrators are often insufficient

    Can gas in young debris disks be constrained by their radial brightness profiles?

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    Disks around young stars are known to evolve from optically thick, gas-dominated protoplanetary disks to optically thin, almost gas-free debris disks. It is thought that the primordial gas is largely removed at ages of ~10 Myr, but it is difficult to discern the true gas densities from gas observations. This suggests using observations of dust: it has been argued that gas, if present with higher densities, would lead to flatter radial profiles of the dust density and surface brightness than those actually observed. However, here we show that these profiles are surprisingly insensitive to variation of the parameters of a central star, location of the dust-producing planetesimal belt, dustiness of the disk and - most importantly - the parameters of the ambient gas. This result holds for a wide range of gas densities (three orders of magnitude), for different radial distributions of the gas temperature, and different gas compositions. The brightness profile slopes of -3...-4 we find are the same that were theoretically found for gas-free debris disks, and they are the same as actually retrieved from observations of many debris disks. Our specific results for three young (10-30 Myr old), spatially resolved, edge-on debris disks (beta Pic, HD 32297, and AU Mic) show that the observed radial profiles of the surface brightness do not pose any stringent constraints on the gas component of the disk. We cannot exclude that outer parts of the systems may have retained substantial amounts of primordial gas which is not evident in the gas observations (e.g. as much as 50 Earth masses for beta Pic). However, the possibility that gas, most likely secondary, is only present in little to moderate amounts, as deduced from gas detections (e.g. ~0.05 Earth masses in the beta Pic disk), remains open, too.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Fast Generation of Best Interval Patterns for Nonmonotonic Constraints

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    International audienceIn pattern mining, the main challenge is the exponential explosion of the set of patterns. Typically, to solve this problem, a constraint for pattern selection is introduced. One of the first constraints proposed in pattern mining is support (frequency) of a pattern in a dataset. Frequency is an anti-monotonic function, i.e., given an infrequent pattern, all its superpatterns are not frequent. However, many other constraints for pattern selection are neither monotonic nor anti-monotonic, which makes it difficult to generate patterns satisfying these constraints.In this paper we introduce the notion of "generalized monotonicity" and Sofia algorithm that allow generating best patterns in polynomial time for some nonmonotonic constraints modulo constraint computation and pattern extension operations. In particular, this algorithm is polynomial for data on itemsets and interval tuples. In this paper we consider stability and delta-measure which are nonmonotonic constraints and apply them to interval tuple datasets. In the experiments, we compute best interval tuple patterns w.r.t. these measures and show the advantage of our approach over postfiltering approaches

    Die ethische Seite des Neuroseproblems

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    Recording the Context of Action for Process Documentation

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    In reviewing evidence about real world processes, being aware of the context in which activities within such processes are performed enables us to make more informed judgements. It is necessary to distinguish between the environment in which a process occurs, and the sequence of activities which form part of the description of that process. Each of these types of information is complementary to understanding the other and therefore making associations between them is also important. Our work has been exploring the use of context whilst documenting a process and working toward a solution which incorporates the two. We present an approach to automatically relating properties of workflow actors to the documentation of the process within which these actors are involved

    Using exact locality sensitive mapping to group and detect audio-based cover songs

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    Cover song detection is becoming a very hot research topic when plentiful personal music recordings or performance are released on the Internet. A nice cover song recognizer helps us group and detect cover songs to improve the searching experience. The traditional detection is to match two musical audio sequences by exhaustive pairwise comparisons. Different from the existing work, our aim is to generate a group of concatenated feature sets based on regression modeling and arrange them by indexing-based approximate techniques to avoid complicated audio sequence comparisons. We mainly focus on using Exact Locality Sensitive Mapping (ELSM) to join the concatenated feature sets and soft hash values. Similarity-invariance among audio sequence comparison is applied to define an optimal combination of several audio features. Soft hash values are pre-calculated to help locate searching range more accurately. Furthermore, we implement our algorithms in analyzing the real audio cover songs and grouping and detecting a batch of relevant cover songs embedded in large audio datasets. © 2008 IEEE