291 research outputs found

    Observation of pick-up ions in the solar wind: Evidence for the source of the anomalous cosmic ray component?

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    Singly ionized energetic helium has been observed in the solar wind by using the time of flight spectrometer SULEICA on the AMPTE/IRM satellite between September and December, 1984. The energy density spectrum shows a sharp cut off which is strongly correlated with the four fold solar wind bulk energy. The absolute flux of the He(+)ions of about 10000 ion/sq cm.s is present independent of the IPL magnetic field orientation. The most likely source is the neutral helium of the interstellar wind which is ionized by solar UV radiation. It is suggested that these particles represent the source of the anomalous cosmic ray component

    Evolution of populations expanding on curved surfaces

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from EPL Association via the DOI in this recordThe expansion of a population into new habitat is a transient process that leaves its footprints in the genetic composition of the expanding population. How the structure of the environment shapes the population front and the evolutionary dynamics during such a range expansion is little understood. Here, we investigate the evolutionary dynamics of populations consisting of many selectively neutral genotypes expanding on curved surfaces. Using a combination of individual-based off-lattice simulations, geometrical arguments, and lattice-based stepping-stone simulations, we characterise the effect of individual bumps on an otherwise flat surface. Compared to the case of a range expansion on a flat surface, we observe a transient relative increase, followed by a decrease, in neutral genetic diversity at the population front. In addition, we find that individuals at the sides of the bump have a dramatically increased expected number of descendants, while their neighbours closer to the bump's centre are far less lucky. Both observations can be explained using an analytical description of straight paths (geodesics) on the curved surface. Complementing previous studies of heterogeneous flat environments, the findings here build our understanding of how complex environments shape the evolutionary dynamics of expanding populations.Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek I (NWO-I)American Physical SocietySociedade Brasileira de FísicaFAPESPCenter for Computation and Visualization, Brown Universit

    SOHO CTOF Observations of Interstellar He+ Pickup Ion Enhancements in Solar Wind Compression Regions

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    We present a recent analysis with 1996 SOHO CELIAS CTOF data, which reveals correlations of He+ pickup ion fluxes and spectra with the magnetic field strength and solar wind density. The motivation is to better understand the ubiquitous large variations in both pickup ion fluxes and their velocity distributions found in interstellar pickup ion datasets. We concentrate on time periods of that can be associated with compression regions in the solar wind. Along with enhancements of the overall pickup ion fluxes, adiabatic heating and acceleration of the pickup ions are also observed in these regions. Transport processes that lead to the observed compressions and related heating or acceleration are discussed. A shift in velocity space associated with traveling interplanetary compression regions is observed, and a simple model presented to explain this phenomenon based on the conserved magnetic adiabatic moment.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Solar Wind 10 Conference Proceedings Pape

    537Microparticles and exosomes differentially impact on endothelial cell function in coronary artery disease

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    Background and Purpose: Microparticles (MPs) and exosomes are released by cells using different mechanisms. Thus, quantitative as well as qualitative changes of both particle populations, MPs and exosomes, in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) might reflect an altered activation status of the endothelium, platelets and leukocytes. Moreover, they might exert differential effects on the target organs, such as the endothelium. Yet, alterations in both populations have not been studied side-by-side so far. The aim of the study was to compare the impact of MPs and exosomes from healthy subjects and CAD patients on endothelial cell (EC) functional characteristics. Methods: MPs and exosomes were isolated by stepwise filtration and ultracentrifugation from citrate-plasma and verified by electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. MP and exosome fractions, as well as the vehicle (PBS), were added to human arterial ECs and EC apoptosis, number, size, capacity for in vitro-reendothelialisation after scratching, expression of adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 were assessed. In parallel, platelet-, endothelial- and leukocyte-derived MPs were quantified. In a separate sub-study, the same parameters were assessed in plasma of CAD patients undergoing standard medical rehabilitation or an exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation programme. Results: MPs of healthy, but not of CAD patients supported in vitro re-endothelialisation, while exosomes had no influence. Exercise, but not standard rehabilitation improved CAD MP capacity to support in vitro rehabilitation. This was negatively correlated to the number of leukocyte- and endothelial-derived MPs, but not total or platelet MPs. EC number was negatively affected by exposure to CAD MPs. ANCOVA analysis identified disease, but not the particle type as influencing factor. Instead, apoptotic cell death was influenced by particle type, but not by the disease, and was not altered in rehabilitation. Similarly, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression were enhanced on ECs after incubation with exosomes, but not with MPs, with no effect of disease or rehabilitation. Conclusion: MPs and exosomes differentially affect endothelial cell function and underlie differential modulation in disease and rehabilitation. Those findings might in the future help to optimize and monitor cardiovascular therap

    Effect of the heliospheric interface on the distribution of interstellar hydrogen atom inside the heliosphere

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    This paper deals with the modeling of the interstellar hydrogen atoms (H atoms) distribution in the heliosphere. We study influence of the heliospheric interface, that is the region of the interaction between solar wind and local interstellar medium, on the distribution of the hydrogen atoms in vicinity of the Sun. The distribution of H atoms obtained in the frame of the self-consistent kinetic-gasdynamic model of the heliospheric interface is compared with a simplified model which assumes Maxwellian distribution of H atoms at the termination shock and is called often as 'hot' model. This comparison shows that the distribution of H atoms is significantly affected by the heliospheric interface not only at large heliocentric distances, but also in vicinity of the Sun at 1-5 AU. Hence, for analysis of experimental data connected with direct or undirect measurements of the interstellar atoms one necessarily needs to take into account effects of the heliospheric interface. In this paper we propose a new model that is relatively simple but takes into account all major effects of the heliospheric interface. This model can be applied for analysis of backscattered Ly-alpha radiation data obtained on board of different spacecraft.Comment: published in Astronomy Letter

    Global Anisotropies in TeV Cosmic Rays Related to the Sun's Local Galactic Environment from IBEX

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    Observations with the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) have shown enhanced energetic neutral atom (ENA) emission from a narrow, circular ribbon likely centered on the direction of the local interstellar medium (LISM) magnetic field. Here, we show that recent determinations of the local interstellar velocity, based on interstellar atom measurements with IBEX, are consistent with the interstellar modulation of high-energy (tera-electron volts, TeV) cosmic rays and diffusive propagation from supernova sources revealed in global anisotropy maps of ground-based high-energy cosmic-ray observatories (Milagro, Asg, and IceCube). Establishing a consistent local interstellar magnetic field direction using IBEX ENAs at hundreds to thousands of eV and galactic cosmic rays at tens of TeV has wide-ranging implications for the structure of our heliosphere and its interactions with the LISM, which is particularly important at the time when the Voyager spacecraft are leaving our heliosphere

    Vacuum/Compression Valving (VCV) Using Parrafin-Wax on a Centrifugal Microfluidic CD Platform

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    This paper introduces novel vacuum/compression valves (VCVs) utilizing paraffin wax. A VCV is implemented by sealing the venting channel/hole with wax plugs (for normally-closed valve), or to be sealed by wax (for normally-open valve), and is activated by localized heating on the CD surface. We demonstrate that the VCV provides the advantages of avoiding unnecessary heating of the sample/reagents in the diagnostic process, allowing for vacuum sealing of the CD, and clear separation of the paraffin wax from the sample/reagents in the microfluidic process. As a proof of concept, the microfluidic processes of liquid flow switching and liquid metering is demonstrated with the VCV. Results show that the VCV lowers the required spinning frequency to perform the microfluidic processes with high accuracy and ease of control.open5

    Separation of the Ribbon From Globally Distributed Energetic Neutral Atom Flux Using the First Five Years of \u3ci\u3e IBEX \u3c/i\u3e Observations

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    The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) observes the IBEX ribbon, which stretches across much of the sky observed in energetic neutral atoms (ENAs). The ribbon covers a narrow (∼20◦–50◦) region that is believed to be roughly perpendicular to the interstellar magnetic field. Superimposed on the IBEX ribbon is the globally distributed flux that is controlled by the processes and properties of the heliosheath. This is a second study that utilizes a previously developed technique to separate ENA emissions in the ribbon from the globally distributed flux. A transparency mask is applied over the ribbon and regions of high emissions. We then solve for the globally distributed flux using an interpolation scheme. Previously, ribbon separation techniques were applied to the first year of IBEX-Hi data at and above 0.71 keV. Here we extend the separation analysis down to 0.2 keV and to five years of IBEX data enabling first maps of the ribbon and the globally distributed flux across the full sky of ENA emissions. Our analysis shows the broadening of the ribbon peak at energies below 0.71 keV and demonstrates the apparent deformation of the ribbon in the nose and heliotail. We show global asymmetries of the heliosheath, including both deflection of the heliotail and differing widths of the lobes, in context of the direction, draping, and compression of the heliospheric magnetic field. We discuss implications of the ribbon maps for the wide array of concepts that attempt to explain the ribbon’s origin. Thus, we present the five-year separation of the IBEX ribbon from the globally distributed flux in preparation for a formal IBEX data release of ribbon and globally distributed flux maps to the heliophysics community

    Heliospheric Neutral Atom Spectra Between 0.01 and 6 keV fom IBEX

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    Since 2008 December, the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) has been making detailed observations of neutrals from the boundaries of the heliosphere using two neutral atom cameras with overlapping energy ranges. The unexpected, yet defining feature discovered by IBEX is a Ribbon that extends over the energy range from about 0.2 to 6 keV. This Ribbon is superposed on a more uniform, globally distributed heliospheric neutral population. With some important exceptions, the focus of early IBEX studies has been on neutral atoms with energies greater than approx. 0.5 keV. With nearly three years of science observations, enough low-energy neutral atom measurements have been accumulated to extend IBEX observations to energies less than approx. 0.5 keV. Using the energy overlap of the sensors to identify and remove backgrounds, energy spectra over the entire IBEX energy range are produced. However, contributions by interstellar neutrals to the energy spectrum below 0.2 keV may not be completely removed. Compared with spectra at higher energies, neutral atom spectra at lower energies do not vary much from location to location in the sky, including in the direction of the IBEX Ribbon. Neutral fluxes are used to show that low energy ions contribute approximately the same thermal pressure as higher energy ions in the heliosheath. However, contributions to the dynamic pressure are very high unless there is, for example, turbulence in the heliosheath with fluctuations of the order of 50-100 km/s