57 research outputs found

    Computed tomography commissioning programmes: how to obtain a reliable MTF with an automatic approach?

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the spatial resolution of a computed tomography (CT) scanner with an automatic approach developed for routine quality controls when varying CT parameters. The methods available to assess the modulation transfer functions (MTF) with the automatic approach were Droege's and the bead point source (BPS) methods. These MTFs were compared with presampled ones obtained using Boone's method. The results show that Droege's method is not accurate in the low-frequency range, whereas the BPS method is highly sensitive to image noise. While both methods are well adapted to routine stability controls, it was shown that they are not able to provide absolute measurements. On the other hand, Boone's method, which is robust with respect to aliasing, more resilient to noise and provides absolute measurements, satisfies the commissioning requirements perfectly. Thus, Boone's method combined with a modified Catphan 600 phantom could be a good solution to assess CT spatial resolution in the different CT plane

    Comparison of organ doses and image quality between CT and flat panel XperCT scans in wrist and inner ear examinations

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare organ doses delivered to patients in wrist and petrous bone examinations using a multislice spiral computed tomography (CT) and a C-arm cone-beam CT equipped with a flat-panel detector (XperCT). For this purpose, doses to the target organ, i.e. wrist or petrous bone, together with those to the most radiosensitive nearby organs, i.e. thyroid and eye lens, were measured and compared. Furthermore, image quality was compared for both imaging systems and different acquisition modes using a Catphan phantom. Results show that both systems guarantee adequate accuracy for diagnostic purposes for wrist and petrous bone examinations. Compared with the CT scanner, the XperCT system slightly reduces the dose to target organs and shortens the overall duration of the wrist examination. In addition, using the XperCT enables a reduction of the dose to the eye lens during head scans (skull base and ear examinations

    Computed tomography commissioning programmes: how to obtain a reliable MTF with an automatic approach?

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the spatial resolution of a computed tomography (CT) scanner with an automatic approach developed for routine quality controls when varying CT parameters. The methods available to assess the modulation transfer functions (MTF) with the automatic approach were Droege's and the bead point source (BPS) methods. These MTFs were compared with presampled ones obtained using Boone's method. The results show that Droege's method is not accurate in the low-frequency range, whereas the BPS method is highly sensitive to image noise. While both methods are well adapted to routine stability controls, it was shown that they are not able to provide absolute measurements. On the other hand, Boone's method, which is robust with respect to aliasing, more resilient to noise and provides absolute measurements, satisfies the commissioning requirements perfectly. Thus, Boone's method combined with a modified Catphan 600 phantom could be a good solution to assess CT spatial resolution in the different CT planes

    Paediatric cardiac CT examinations: impact of the iterative reconstruction method ASIR on image quality--preliminary findings.

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    BACKGROUND: Radiation dose exposure is of particular concern in children due to the possible harmful effects of ionizing radiation. The adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) method is a promising new technique that reduces image noise and produces better overall image quality compared with routine-dose contrast-enhanced methods. OBJECTIVE: To assess the benefits of ASIR on the diagnostic image quality in paediatric cardiac CT examinations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four paediatric radiologists based at two major hospitals evaluated ten low-dose paediatric cardiac examinations (80 kVp, CTDI(vol) 4.8-7.9 mGy, DLP 37.1-178.9 mGy·cm). The average age of the cohort studied was 2.6 years (range 1 day to 7 years). Acquisitions were performed on a 64-MDCT scanner. All images were reconstructed at various ASIR percentages (0-100%). For each examination, radiologists scored 19 anatomical structures using the relative visual grading analysis method. To estimate the potential for dose reduction, acquisitions were also performed on a Catphan phantom and a paediatric phantom. RESULTS: The best image quality for all clinical images was obtained with 20% and 40% ASIR (p < 0.001) whereas with ASIR above 50%, image quality significantly decreased (p < 0.001). With 100% ASIR, a strong noise-free appearance of the structures reduced image conspicuity. A potential for dose reduction of about 36% is predicted for a 2- to 3-year-old child when using 40% ASIR rather than the standard filtered back-projection method. CONCLUSION: Reconstruction including 20% to 40% ASIR slightly improved the conspicuity of various paediatric cardiac structures in newborns and children with respect to conventional reconstruction (filtered back-projection) alone

    Model-based iterative reconstruction in pediatric chest CT: assessment of image quality in a prospective study of children with cystic fibrosis.

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    BACKGROUND: The potential effects of ionizing radiation are of particular concern in children. The model-based iterative reconstruction VEO(TM) is a technique commercialized to improve image quality and reduce noise compared with the filtered back-projection (FBP) method. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potential of VEO(TM) on diagnostic image quality and dose reduction in pediatric chest CT examinations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty children (mean 11.4 years) with cystic fibrosis underwent either a standard CT or a moderately reduced-dose CT plus a minimum-dose CT performed at 100 kVp. Reduced-dose CT examinations consisted of two consecutive acquisitions: one moderately reduced-dose CT with increased noise index (NI = 70) and one minimum-dose CT at CTDIvol 0.14 mGy. Standard CTs were reconstructed using the FBP method while low-dose CTs were reconstructed using FBP and VEO. Two senior radiologists evaluated diagnostic image quality independently by scoring anatomical structures using a four-point scale (1 = excellent, 2 = clear, 3 = diminished, 4 = non-diagnostic). Standard deviation (SD) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) were also computed. RESULTS: At moderately reduced doses, VEO images had significantly lower SD (P < 0.001) and higher SNR (P < 0.05) in comparison to filtered back-projection images. Further improvements were obtained at minimum-dose CT. The best diagnostic image quality was obtained with VEO at minimum-dose CT for the small structures (subpleural vessels and lung fissures) (P < 0.001). The potential for dose reduction was dependent on the diagnostic task because of the modification of the image texture produced by this reconstruction. CONCLUSIONS: At minimum-dose CT, VEO enables important dose reduction depending on the clinical indication and makes visible certain small structures that were not perceptible with filtered back-projection

    Extending Timescales and Narrowing Linewidths in NMR

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    Among the different fields of research in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) which are currently investigated in the Laboratory of Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance (LRMB), two subjects that are closely related to each other are presented in this article. On the one hand, we show how to populate long-lived states (LLS) that have long lifetimes T_LLS which allow one to go beyond the usual limits imposed by the longitudinal relaxation time T_1. This makes it possible to extend NMR experiments to longer time-scales. As an application, we demonstrate the extension of the timescale of diffusion measurements by NMR spectroscopy. On the other hand, we review our work on long-lived coherences (LLC), a particular type of coherence between two spin states that oscillates with the frequency of the scalar coupling constant J_IS and decays with a time constant T_LLC. Again, this time constant T_LLC can be much longer than the transverse relaxation time T_2. By extending the coherence lifetimes, we can narrow the linewidths to an unprecedented extent. J-couplings and residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) in weakly-oriented phases can be measured with the highest precision

    Expectation maximization (EM) algorithms using polar symmetriesfor computed tomography(CT) image reconstruction

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    We suggest a symmetric-polar pixellation scheme which makes possible a reduction of the computational cost for expectation maximization (EM) iterative algorithms. The proposed symmetric-polar pixellation allows us to deal with 3D images as a whole problem without dividing the 3D problem into 2D slices approach. Performance evaluation of each approach in terms of stability and image quality is presented. Exhaustive comparisons between all approaches were conducted in a 2D based image reconstruction model. From these 2D approaches, that showing the best performances were finally implemented and evaluated in a 3D based image reconstruction model. Comparison to 3D images reconstructed with FBP is also presented. Although the algorithm is presented in the context of computed tomography (CT) image reconstruction, it can be applied to any other tomographic technique as well, due to the fact that the only requirement is a scanning geometry involving measurements of an object under different projection angles. Real data have been acquired with a small animal (CT) scanner to verify the proposed mathematical description of the CT system.This work was supported by the Spanish Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica (I+D+I) under Grant, FIS2010-21216-CO2-01, Valencian Local Government under Grant Nos. PROMETEO 2008/114 and APOSTD/2010/012. The authors would like to thank Brennan Holt for checking and correcting the text.Rodríguez Álvarez, MJ.; Soriano Asensi, A.; Iborra Carreres, A.; Sánchez Martínez, F.; González Martínez, AJ.; Conde, P.; Hernández Hernández, L.... (2013). Expectation maximization (EM) algorithms using polar symmetriesfor computed tomography(CT) image reconstruction. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 43(8):1053-1061. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2013.04.015S1053106143

    Assessment of statistical iterative reconstructions to optimize CT examination protocols for children and young adults

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    La tomodensitométrie (CT) est une technique d'imagerie dont l'intérêt n'a cessé de croître depuis son apparition dans le début des années 70. Dans le domaine médical, son utilisation est incontournable à tel point que ce système d'imagerie pourrait être amené à devenir victime de son succès si son impact au niveau de l'exposition de la population ne fait pas l'objet d'une attention particulière. Bien évidemment, l'augmentation du nombre d'examens CT a permis d'améliorer la prise en charge des patients ou a rendu certaines procédures moins invasives. Toutefois, pour assurer que le compromis risque - bénéfice soit toujours en faveur du patient, il est nécessaire d'éviter de délivrer des doses non utiles au diagnostic.¦Si cette action est importante chez l'adulte elle doit être une priorité lorsque les examens se font chez l'enfant, en particulier lorsque l'on suit des pathologies qui nécessitent plusieurs examens CT au cours de la vie du patient. En effet, les enfants et jeunes adultes sont plus radiosensibles. De plus, leur espérance de vie étant supérieure à celle de l'adulte, ils présentent un risque accru de développer un cancer radio-induit dont la phase de latence peut être supérieure à vingt ans. Partant du principe que chaque examen radiologique est justifié, il devient dès lors nécessaire d'optimiser les protocoles d'acquisitions pour s'assurer que le patient ne soit pas irradié inutilement. L'avancée technologique au niveau du CT est très rapide et depuis 2009, de nouvelles techniques de reconstructions d'images, dites itératives, ont été introduites afin de réduire la dose et améliorer la qualité d'image.¦Le présent travail a pour objectif de déterminer le potentiel des reconstructions itératives statistiques pour réduire au minimum les doses délivrées lors d'examens CT chez l'enfant et le jeune adulte tout en conservant une qualité d'image permettant le diagnostic, ceci afin de proposer des protocoles optimisés.¦L'optimisation d'un protocole d'examen CT nécessite de pouvoir évaluer la dose délivrée et la qualité d'image utile au diagnostic. Alors que la dose est estimée au moyen d'indices CT (CTDIV0| et DLP), ce travail a la particularité d'utiliser deux approches radicalement différentes pour évaluer la qualité d'image. La première approche dite « physique », se base sur le calcul de métriques physiques (SD, MTF, NPS, etc.) mesurées dans des conditions bien définies, le plus souvent sur fantômes. Bien que cette démarche soit limitée car elle n'intègre pas la perception des radiologues, elle permet de caractériser de manière rapide et simple certaines propriétés d'une image. La seconde approche, dite « clinique », est basée sur l'évaluation de structures anatomiques (critères diagnostiques) présentes sur les images de patients. Des radiologues, impliqués dans l'étape d'évaluation, doivent qualifier la qualité des structures d'un point de vue diagnostique en utilisant une échelle de notation simple. Cette approche, lourde à mettre en place, a l'avantage d'être proche du travail du radiologue et peut être considérée comme méthode de référence.¦Parmi les principaux résultats de ce travail, il a été montré que les algorithmes itératifs statistiques étudiés en clinique (ASIR?, VEO?) ont un important potentiel pour réduire la dose au CT (jusqu'à-90%). Cependant, par leur fonctionnement, ils modifient l'apparence de l'image en entraînant un changement de texture qui pourrait affecter la qualité du diagnostic. En comparant les résultats fournis par les approches « clinique » et « physique », il a été montré que ce changement de texture se traduit par une modification du spectre fréquentiel du bruit dont l'analyse permet d'anticiper ou d'éviter une perte diagnostique. Ce travail montre également que l'intégration de ces nouvelles techniques de reconstruction en clinique ne peut se faire de manière simple sur la base de protocoles utilisant des reconstructions classiques. Les conclusions de ce travail ainsi que les outils développés pourront également guider de futures études dans le domaine de la qualité d'image, comme par exemple, l'analyse de textures ou la modélisation d'observateurs pour le CT.¦-¦Computed tomography (CT) is an imaging technique in which interest has been growing since it first began to be used in the early 1970s. In the clinical environment, this imaging system has emerged as the gold standard modality because of its high sensitivity in producing accurate diagnostic images. However, even if a direct benefit to patient healthcare is attributed to CT, the dramatic increase of the number of CT examinations performed has raised concerns about the potential negative effects of ionizing radiation on the population. To insure a benefit - risk that works in favor of a patient, it is important to balance image quality and dose in order to avoid unnecessary patient exposure.¦If this balance is important for adults, it should be an absolute priority for children undergoing CT examinations, especially for patients suffering from diseases requiring several follow-up examinations over the patient's lifetime. Indeed, children and young adults are more sensitive to ionizing radiation and have an extended life span in comparison to adults. For this population, the risk of developing cancer, whose latency period exceeds 20 years, is significantly higher than for adults. Assuming that each patient examination is justified, it then becomes a priority to optimize CT acquisition protocols in order to minimize the delivered dose to the patient. Over the past few years, CT advances have been developing at a rapid pace. Since 2009, new iterative image reconstruction techniques, called statistical iterative reconstructions, have been introduced in order to decrease patient exposure and improve image quality.¦The goal of the present work was to determine the potential of statistical iterative reconstructions to reduce dose as much as possible without compromising image quality and maintain diagnosis of children and young adult examinations.¦The optimization step requires the evaluation of the delivered dose and image quality useful to perform diagnosis. While the dose is estimated using CT indices (CTDIV0| and DLP), the particularity of this research was to use two radically different approaches to evaluate image quality. The first approach, called the "physical approach", computed physical metrics (SD, MTF, NPS, etc.) measured on phantoms in well-known conditions. Although this technique has some limitations because it does not take radiologist perspective into account, it enables the physical characterization of image properties in a simple and timely way. The second approach, called the "clinical approach", was based on the evaluation of anatomical structures (diagnostic criteria) present on patient images. Radiologists, involved in the assessment step, were asked to score image quality of structures for diagnostic purposes using a simple rating scale. This approach is relatively complicated to implement and also time-consuming. Nevertheless, it has the advantage of being very close to the practice of radiologists and is considered as a reference method.¦Primarily, this work revealed that the statistical iterative reconstructions studied in clinic (ASIR? and VECO have a strong potential to reduce CT dose (up to -90%). However, by their mechanisms, they lead to a modification of the image appearance with a change in image texture which may then effect the quality of the diagnosis. By comparing the results of the "clinical" and "physical" approach, it was showed that a change in texture is related to a modification of the noise spectrum bandwidth. The NPS analysis makes possible to anticipate or avoid a decrease in image quality. This project demonstrated that integrating these new statistical iterative reconstruction techniques can be complex and cannot be made on the basis of protocols using conventional reconstructions. The conclusions of this work and the image quality tools developed will be able to guide future studies in the field of image quality as texture analysis or model observers dedicated to CT