3,067 research outputs found

    ChatGPT tra lirica ibero e galloromanza: l’intelligenza artificiale alla prova con Jaufre Rudel, Don Denis e Thibaut de Champagne

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    Il contributo, analizzando le risposte fornite da ChatGPT a quesiti di ambito attribuzionistico, biografico, esegetico e metrico, nonché soffermandosi in particolar modo su alcune “scelte” traduttive, propone una panoramica sulle competenze del chatbot relative ad alcuni tra i più rappresentativi autori della tradizione lirica medievale ibero e galloromanza (Jaufre Rudel, Don Denis, Thibaut de Champagne). I dati ottenuti, pressoché omogenei tra le tre aree linguistico-letterarie prese in esame, se da una parte mettono in luce le grandi capacità del modello linguistico di OpenAI nella rielaborazione e interpretazione testuale, mostrandone altresì le potenzialità sotto il profilo della traduzione, dall’altra confermano le criticità già ad oggi note, legate soprattutto alla sostanziale inaffidabilità nella restituzione d’informazioni inerenti elementi fattuali, spesso travisati

    Effect of mannanoligosaccharides supplementation on caecal microbial activity of rabbits

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    A total of 200 weaned (35 days) hybrid Hyla rabbits were randomly divided among five groups housed in bicellular cages (20 cages per group). Between 35 and 60 days of age, the groups were submitted to the following treatments: group ANT (positive control) fed a basal diet supplemented with antibiotics (colistin sulphate, 144 mg/kg; tylosin, 100 mg/kg; and oxytetracyclin, 1000 mg/kg); groups MOS-0.5, MOS-1.0 and MOS-1.5 fed the basal diet supplemented with 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 g/kg mannanoligosaccharides (MOS), respectively; another group fed the basal diet without antibiotics or mannanoligosaccarides supplementation (negative control). Along the trial, an episode of epizootyc rabbit enteropathy occurs so that in the control group mortality rate was very high (78%) and survivor rabbits showed severe symptoms of disease (diarrhoea). Thus, the control group was discarded from the trial. At 60 days of age, samples of caecal content were collected from 10 rabbits per group and used as inocula for an in vitro gas production trial. At the end of fermentation (120 h of incubation), organic matter digestibility (OMd), cumulative gas production, fermentation kinetics, pH, volatile fatty acid (VFA) and NH3 productions were measured. Inoculum from MOS-1.0 rabbits showed the significant higher values of OMd (64.21%, P < 0.05), gas production (262.32 ml/g, P < 0.05), acetate (96.99 mmol/g OM, P < 0.05) and butyrate (26.21 mmol/g OM, P < 0.05) than the other groups. Slight differences were recorded among the groups ANT, MOS-0.5 and MOS-1.5. In addition, branched chain acids, in proportion to total VFAs, were significantly higher in MOS-1.0 inoculum (0.04, P < 0.05). MOS are able to affect fermentation activity of caecal micro-organism, but their activities seem not proportional to their level in the diet. Copyright © The Animal Consortium 2010

    Comparison of caecal and faeces fermentation characteristics of ostrich by in vitro gas production technique

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    To compare caecal and faecal fermentation characteristics, ostrich caecal content (CI) and faeces (FI) were used as inocula for an in vitro gas production trial in which four substrates (dehydrated alfalfa, alfalfa hay, maize and a commercial concentrate) were tested. The fermentation characteristics (degraded organic matter, OMd; potential gas production, A; acetate; branched chain proportion, BCP) were studied by inoculum and substrate. CI and FI showed significant differences for almost all the fermentation parameters, and CI had higher values than FI for OMd (76.83 vs. 72.79%, p<0.01), A (250.3 vs. 229.3 ml/g, p<0.01), acetate (57.91 vs. 53.20 mmol/l, p<0.01) and BCP (0.031 vs. 0.027, p<0.05). CI and FI showed differences in carbohydrates and protein fermentation, but the interaction between the tested effects was not significant. The regression equations to estimate caecal fermentation characteristics from faeces suggest the possibility to use faeces as inoculum alternative to faeces. © 2011 Taylor & Francis

    Mannan oligosaccharides as growth promoter in finishing rabbit: effect on in vivo performance and carcass traits

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    Four groups each consisting in 440, 60 days old rabbits, were fed, respectively, four experimental diets: (1) MOS_0.5 (Bio-Mos® at 0.5 g/kg); (2) MOS_1.0 (Bio-Mos® at 1.0 g/kg); (3) MOS_ 1.5 (Bio-Mos® at 1.5 g/kg) and (4) antibiotics (AGP, colistin sulphate 144 mg/kg; tylosin 100 mg/kg and oxytetracyclin 1000 mg/kg). Up to slaughter age (82 days of age) mortality rate was recorded daily. For each group, 64 rabbits were controlled weekly for live weight to calculate daily weight gain (DWG). Feed intake (and, by consequence feed conversion ratio) was measured, weekly, per group. At 82 days 16 rabbits per group were slaughtered and carcass traits were recorded. No differences were recorded among groups in live weight at different age and in daily weight gain but, in particular during the last week, AGP and MOS_0.5 groups showed higher feed intake and less favourable feed conversion ratio. MOS_1.0 group showed significantly higher incidence of empty gastro-intestinal tract but not differences were found for dressing out percentage. Perirenal fat showed a lower incidence in MOS than in AGP groups

    Cutaneous melanoma frequencies and seasonal trend in 20 years of observation of a population characterised by excessive sun exposure

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    Background. Cutaneous melanoma is an aggressive form of skin cancer. It has become an increasingly common neoplasm in the most developed countries, especially among individuals of European origin. Patients and methods. Anonymous data of patients with cutaneous melanoma were collected from the diagnostic database of the University Hospital of Trieste from 1 January 1990 to 10 December 2013. Our study is based on a population which was constant over the period of observation; it was also well-defined and characterised by unrestrained sun exposure. Results. The number of cutaneous melanomas increased during the period of observation with a seasonality trend and gender related differences both for anatomical sites distribution and stage of the disease. Moreover, 6% of our cohort developed multiple melanomas. Conclusions. In a well-defined population devoted to excessive sun exposure the frequencies of skin melanomas roughly doubled from 1990 to 2013 following a seasonal trend. In that population, prevention efforts according to gender specific risk behaviour, as well as follow-up programmes both for evaluation of metastatic spreading and for early diagnosis of additional skin melanomas, are crucial due to gender specific differences and to the occurrence of multiple melanomas. \ua9 2015 Serena Bonin et al., published by De Gruyter Open

    π-Stacked polyphenolic dimers: A case study using dispersion-corrected methods

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    The accuracy of dispersion-corrected calculations (DFT-D2, DFT-D3 and DFT-NL) is assessed here, with large basis sets (def2-QZVP) to avoid incompleteness effects, for the most stable structure of a real-world polyphenol dimer chosen as an appropriate model. Natural polyphenols form such complexes with π-stacking playing a key stabilizing role. Our benchmark calculations predict its existence favored by 22–24 kcal/mol with respect to the isolated monomers, mainly driven by both π–π and H-bonding interactions. The adequate comparison of lower-cost DFT-based methods allowed bracketing their expected accuracy. These results thus pave the way towards reliable studies of challenging aggregation processes of natural products.The work in Alicante is supported by the ‘Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia’ of Spain and the ‘European Regional Development Fund’ through project CTQ2011-27253. The work in Mons is supported by the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS). The work in Limoges is supported by the ‘Conseil Régional du Limousin’ and COST actions FA1003 ‘East–West Collaboration for Grapevine Diversity Exploration and Mobilization of Adaptive Traits for Breeding’ and CM0804 ‘Chemical Biology with Natural Products’. The work in Malaysia is supported by Akademi Sains Malaysia through the SAGA Grant C20 and by the Ministry of Higher Education through the Grant 600-RMI/ST/FRGS 5/3/Fst (4/2011). The authors gratefully acknowledge the support by the Operational Program Research and Development for Innovation–European Regional Development Fund (Project CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0058 of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic). I.B. gratefully thanks the ‘Association Djerbienne de France’ (ADF) for the financial support

    An improved characterization of horse (Equus caballus, 2n=64) chromosomes by using replicating G and R banding patterns

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    Abstract Peripheral blood lymphocytes were cultured and treated for early- and late-BrdU incorporation to perform replicating G- and R-banding patterns, respectively. Slides were treated for GBG-, RBA- and RBG-banding techniques. Improved banded karyotypes at early- (350 bands) and pro-metaphase (500 bands) stage were performed and GBG- and RBA-banded prometaphase karyotypes were presented for the first time on this species. All chromosomes, including the small acrocentrics, show clear and distinguishable G- and R-banding patterns. Chromosome identification followed the latest chromosome standard nomenclature (ISCNH 1997). This study is also our contribution to further standard karyotype attempts at the prometaphase stage

    Levetiracetam in patients with epilepsy and chronic liver disease: observations in a case series.

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate levetiracetam (LEV) tolerability in patients with epilepsy and liver disease. METHODS: Fourteen patients with epilepsy and concomitant liver disease were treated with LEV in an open prospective investigation mimicking the daily clinical practice. All patients were stabilized (ie, for at least 1 year) on traditional antiepileptic drugs with complete or partial control of seizures. In the 6-month pre-LEV baseline period, seizure frequency ranged from 3 to 300. Levetiracetam was added on to the basal treatment at a starting daily dose of 250 mg, and the dose was adjusted according to the tolerability and the therapeutic response. Four patients discontinued the drug within the first 3 months because of intolerable side effects. The remaining 10 continued LEV treatment, and the present follow-up is 12 to 38 months. RESULTS: In the last 6 months of observation, none of the patients showed worsening of liver function on the basis of blood chemistry, and in 4 patients, a complete normalization or a trend toward physiological values of transaminase and/or gamma-glutamyltransferase activity was observed. A greater than 50% reduction in seizure frequency occurred in all uncontrolled patients, 2 of whom achieved seizure freedom during LEV treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these observations, LEV seems to be an attractive therapeutic option in epileptic patients with chronic liver diseases

    Native cattle breeds of Southern Italy: karyological profile

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    Italian typical products of animal origin are strictly linked to native breeds. Their protection requires control of their reproductive and productive abilities. Hence the need for karyological studies to identify subjects with chromosome abnormalities linked to hypofertility or sterility. We report the results of karyological analyses carried out from January 2008 to December 2008 on 145 cattle of native breeds (Agerolese, Cinisara, Modicana and Podolica) reared in Southern Italy so as to evaluate and characterize the presence of chromosome abnormalities in subjects with normal phenotypes. Besides the 128 karyologically normal subjects (2n=60, XY and 2n=60, XX), 17 were carriers of rob (1;29) and one male was a carrier of cellular chimerism 2n=60, XX/XY. According to our data there is a high frequency of rob (1;29) in Cinisara and Podolica breeds while in Agerolese there was only one case of rob (1;29) and none in Modicana