354 research outputs found

    Tail States below the Thouless Gap in SNS junctions: Classical Fluctuations

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    We study the tails of the density of states (DOS) in a diffusive superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (SNS) junction below the Thouless gap. We show that long-wave fluctuations of the concentration of impurities in the normal layer lead to the formation of subgap quasiparticle states, and calculate the associated subgap DOS in all effective dimensionalities. We compare the resulting tails with those arising from mesoscopic gap fluctuations, and determine the dimensionless parameters controlling which contribution dominates the subgap DOS. We observe that the two contributions are formally related to each other by a dimensional reduction.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Commensurability effects in Andreev antidot billiards

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    An Andreev billiard was realized in an array of niobium filled antidots in a high-mobility InAs/AlGaSb heterostructure. Below the critical temperature T_C of the Nb dots we observe a strong reduction of the resistance around B=0 and a suppression of the commensurability peaks, which are usually found in antidot lattices. Both effects can be explained in a classical Kubo approach by considering the trajectories of charge carriers in the semiconductor, when Andreev reflection at the semiconductor-superconductor interface is included. For perfect Andreev reflection, we expect a complete suppression of the commensurability features, even though motion at finite B is chaotic.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Andreev Conductance of Chaotic and Integrable Quantum Dots

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    We examine the voltage V and magnetic field B dependent Andreev conductance of a chaotic quantum dot coupled via point contacts to a normal metal and a superconductor. In the case where the contact to the superconductor dominates, we find that the conductance is consistent with the dot itself behaving as a superconductor-- it appears as though Andreev reflections are occurring locally at the interface between the normal lead and the dot. This is contrasted against the behaviour of an integrable dot, where for a similar strong coupling to the superconductor, no such effect is seen. The voltage dependence of the Andreev conductance thus provides an extremely pronounced quantum signature of the nature of the dot's classical dynamics. For the chaotic dot, we also study non-monotonic re-entrance effects which occur in both V and B.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Universal gap fluctuations in the superconductor proximity effect

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    Random-matrix theory is used to study the mesoscopic fluctuations of the excitation gap in a metal grain or quantum dot induced by the proximity to a superconductor. We propose that the probability distribution of the gap is a universal function in rescaled units. Our analytical prediction for the gap distribution agrees well with exact diagonalization of a model Hamiltonian

    Conductance Fluctuations in a Disordered Double-Barrier Junction

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    We consider the effect of disorder on coherent tunneling through two barriers in series, in the regime of overlapping transmission resonances. We present analytical calculations (using random-matrix theory) and numerical simulations (on a lattice) to show that strong mode-mixing in the inter-barrier region induces mesoscopic fluctuations in the conductance GG of universal magnitude e2/he^2/h for a symmetric junction. For an asymmetric junction, the root-mean-square fluctuations depend on the ratio ν\nu of the two tunnel resistances according to rmsG=(4e2/h)β−1/2ν(1+ν)−2{rms} G = (4e^2/h)\beta^{-1/2} \nu(1+\nu)^{-2}, where β=1(2)\beta = 1 (2) in the presence (absence) of time-reversal symmetry.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX-3.0, 2 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Quantum interference and the formation of the proximity effect in chaotic normal-metal/superconducting structures

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    We discuss a number of basic physical mechanisms relevant to the formation of the proximity effect in superconductor/normal metal (SN) systems. Specifically, we review why the proximity effect sharply discriminates between systems with integrable and chaotic dynamics, respectively, and how this feature can be incorporated into theories of SN systems. Turning to less well investigated terrain, we discuss the impact of quantum diffractive scattering on the structure of the density of states in the normal region. We consider ballistic systems weakly disordered by pointlike impurities as a test case and demonstrate that diffractive processes akin to normal metal weak localization lead to the formation of a hard spectral gap -- a hallmark of SN systems with chaotic dynamics. Turning to the more difficult case of clean systems with chaotic boundary scattering, we argue that semiclassical approaches, based on classifications in terms of classical trajectories, cannot explain the gap phenomenon. Employing an alternative formalism based on elements of quasiclassics and the ballistic σ\sigma-model, we demonstrate that the inverse of the so-called Ehrenfest time is the relevant energy scale in this context. We discuss some fundamental difficulties related to the formulation of low energy theories of mesoscopic chaotic systems in general and how they prevent us from analysing the gap structure in a rigorous manner. Given these difficulties, we argue that the proximity effect represents a basic and challenging test phenomenon for theories of quantum chaotic systems.Comment: 21 pages (two-column), 6 figures; references adde

    Scaling Theory of Conduction Through a Normal-Superconductor Microbridge

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    The length dependence is computed of the resistance of a disordered normal-metal wire attached to a superconductor. The scaling of the transmission eigenvalue distribution with length is obtained exactly in the metallic limit, by a transformation onto the isobaric flow of a two-dimensional ideal fluid. The resistance has a minimum for lengths near l/Gamma, with l the mean free path and Gamma the transmittance of the superconductor interface.Comment: 8 pages, REVTeX-3.0, 3 postscript figures appended as self-extracting archive, INLO-PUB-94031

    Giant Backscattering Peak in Angle-Resolved Andreev Reflection

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    It is shown analytically and by numerical simulation that the angular distribution of Andreev reflection by a disordered normal-metal -- superconductor junction has a narrow peak at the angle of incidence. The peak is higher than the well-known coherent backscattering peak in the normal state, by a large factor G/G_0 (where G is the conductance of the junction and G_0=2e^2/h). The enhanced backscattering can be detected by means of ballistic point contacts.Comment: Instituut-Lorentz, Leiden, The Netherlands, 4 pages, REVTeX-3.0, 3 figure

    Mapping (dis)agreement in hydrologic projections

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    Hydrologic projections are of vital socio-economic importance. However, they are also prone to uncertainty. In order to establish a meaningful range of storylines to support water managers in decision making, we need to reveal the relevant sources of uncertainty. Here, we systematically and extensively investigate uncertainty in hydrologic projections for 605 basins throughout the contiguous US. We show that in the majority of the basins, the sign of change in average annual runoff and discharge timing for the period 2070–2100 compared to 1985–2008 differs among combinations of climate models, hydrologic models, and parameters. Mapping the results revealed that different sources of uncertainty dominate in different regions. Hydrologic model induced uncertainty in the sign of change in mean runoff was related to snow processes and aridity, whereas uncertainty in both mean runoff and discharge timing induced by the climate models was related to disagreement among the models regarding the change in precipitation. Overall, disagreement on the sign of change was more widespread for the mean runoff than for the discharge timing. The results demonstrate the need to define a wide range of quantitative hydrologic storylines, including parameter, hydrologic model, and climate model forcing uncertainty, to support water resource planning

    Andreev Bound States and Self-Consistent Gap Functions for SNS and SNSNS Systems

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    Andreev bound states in clean, ballistic SNS and SNSNS junctions are calculated exactly and by using the Andreev approximation (AA). The AA appears to break down for junctions with transverse dimensions chosen such that the motion in the longitudinal direction is very slow. The doubly degenerate states typical for the traveling waves found in the AA are replaced by two standing waves in the exact treatment and the degeneracy is lifted. A multiple-scattering Green's function formalism is used, from which the states are found through the local density of states. The scattering by the interfaces in any layered system of ballistic normal metals and clean superconducting materials is taken into account exactly. The formalism allows, in addition, for a self-consistent determination of the gap function. In the numerical calculations the pairing coupling constant for aluminum is used. Various features of the proximity effect are shown
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