24,054 research outputs found

    Matrices coupled in a chain. I. Eigenvalue correlations

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    The general correlation function for the eigenvalues of pp complex hermitian matrices coupled in a chain is given as a single determinant. For this we use a slight generalization of a theorem of Dyson.Comment: ftex eynmeh.tex, 2 files, 8 pages Submitted to: J. Phys.

    Dynamics of Shear-Transformation Zones in Amorphous Plasticity: Formulation in Terms of an Effective Disorder Temperature

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    This investigation extends earlier studies of a shear-transformation-zone (STZ) theory of plastic deformation in amorphous solids. My main purpose here is to explore the possibility that the configurational degrees of freedom of such systems fall out of thermodynamic equilibrium with the heat bath during persistent mechanical deformation, and that the resulting state of configurational disorder may be characterized by an effective temperature. The further assumption that the population of STZ's equilibrates with the effective temperature allows the theory to be compared directly with experimentally measured properties of metallic glasses, including their calorimetric behavior. The coupling between the effective temperature and mechanical deformation suggests an explanation of shear-banding instabilities.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figure

    Cover-Encodings of Fitness Landscapes

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    The traditional way of tackling discrete optimization problems is by using local search on suitably defined cost or fitness landscapes. Such approaches are however limited by the slowing down that occurs when the local minima that are a feature of the typically rugged landscapes encountered arrest the progress of the search process. Another way of tackling optimization problems is by the use of heuristic approximations to estimate a global cost minimum. Here we present a combination of these two approaches by using cover-encoding maps which map processes from a larger search space to subsets of the original search space. The key idea is to construct cover-encoding maps with the help of suitable heuristics that single out near-optimal solutions and result in landscapes on the larger search space that no longer exhibit trapping local minima. We present cover-encoding maps for the problems of the traveling salesman, number partitioning, maximum matching and maximum clique; the practical feasibility of our method is demonstrated by simulations of adaptive walks on the corresponding encoded landscapes which find the global minima for these problems.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Glassy dynamics in granular compaction

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    Two models are presented to study the influence of slow dynamics on granular compaction. It is found in both cases that high values of packing fraction are achieved only by the slow relaxation of cooperative structures. Ongoing work to study the full implications of these results is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures; accepted in J. Phys: Condensed Matter, proceedings of the Trieste workshop on 'Unifying concepts in glass physics

    Decision blocks: A tool for automating decision making in CLIPS

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    The human capability of making complex decision is one of the most fascinating facets of human intelligence, especially if vague, judgemental, default or uncertain knowledge is involved. Unfortunately, most existing rule based forward chaining languages are not very suitable to simulate this aspect of human intelligence, because of their lack of support for approximate reasoning techniques needed for this task, and due to the lack of specific constructs to facilitate the coding of frequently reoccurring decision block to provide better support for the design and implementation of rule based decision support systems. A language called BIRBAL, which is defined on the top of CLIPS, for the specification of decision blocks, is introduced. Empirical experiments involving the comparison of the length of CLIPS program with the corresponding BIRBAL program for three different applications are surveyed. The results of these experiments suggest that for decision making intensive applications, a CLIPS program tends to be about three times longer than the corresponding BIRBAL program

    Glassy states in a shaken sandbox

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    Our model of shaken sand, presented in earlier work, has been extended to include a more realistic `glassy' state, i.e., when the sandbox is shaken at very low intensities of vibration. We revisit some of our earlier results, and compare them with our new results on the revised model. Our analysis of the glassy dynamics in our model shows that a variety of ground states is obtained; these fall in two categories, which we argue are representative of regular and irregular packings.Comment: 10 pages. 3 figures. To appear in Proceedings of Research Workshop on "Challenges in Granular Physics" (ICTP, Trieste, August 7-11, 2001). Special issue of Advances in Complex System

    Universal features of spin transport and breaking of unitary symmetries

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    When time-reversal symmetry is broken, quantum coherent systems with and without spin rotational symmetry exhibit the same universal behavior in their electric transport properties. We show that spin transport discriminates between these two cases. In systems with large charge conductance, spin transport is essentially insensitive to the breaking of time-reversal symmetry, while in the opposite limit of a single exit transport channel, spin currents vanish identically in the presence of time-reversal symmetry but can be turned on by breaking it with an orbital magnetic field

    Random Matrices with Correlated Elements: A Model for Disorder with Interactions

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    The complicated interactions in presence of disorder lead to a correlated randomization of states. The Hamiltonian as a result behaves like a multi-parametric random matrix with correlated elements. We show that the eigenvalue correlations of these matrices can be described by the single parametric Brownian ensembles. The analogy helps us to reveal many important features of the level-statistics in interacting systems e.g. a critical point behavior different from that of non-interacting systems, the possibility of extended states even in one dimension and a universal formulation of level correlations.Comment: 19 Pages, No Figures, Major Changes to Explain the Mathematical Detail

    Finite-difference distributions for the Ginibre ensemble

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    The Ginibre ensemble of complex random matrices is studied. The complex valued random variable of second difference of complex energy levels is defined. For the N=3 dimensional ensemble are calculated distributions of second difference, of real and imaginary parts of second difference, as well as of its radius and of its argument (angle). For the generic N-dimensional Ginibre ensemble an exact analytical formula for second difference's distribution is derived. The comparison with real valued random variable of second difference of adjacent real valued energy levels for Gaussian orthogonal, unitary, and symplectic, ensemble of random matrices as well as for Poisson ensemble is provided.Comment: 8 pages, a number of small changes in the tex

    Competition and cooperation:aspects of dynamics in sandpiles

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    In this article, we review some of our approaches to granular dynamics, now well known to consist of both fast and slow relaxational processes. In the first case, grains typically compete with each other, while in the second, they cooperate. A typical result of {\it cooperation} is the formation of stable bridges, signatures of spatiotemporal inhomogeneities; we review their geometrical characteristics and compare theoretical results with those of independent simulations. {\it Cooperative} excitations due to local density fluctuations are also responsible for relaxation at the angle of repose; the {\it competition} between these fluctuations and external driving forces, can, on the other hand, result in a (rare) collapse of the sandpile to the horizontal. Both these features are present in a theory reviewed here. An arena where the effects of cooperation versus competition are felt most keenly is granular compaction; we review here a random graph model, where three-spin interactions are used to model compaction under tapping. The compaction curve shows distinct regions where 'fast' and 'slow' dynamics apply, separated by what we have called the {\it single-particle relaxation threshold}. In the final section of this paper, we explore the effect of shape -- jagged vs. regular -- on the compaction of packings near their jamming limit. One of our major results is an entropic landscape that, while microscopically rough, manifests {\it Edwards' flatness} at a macroscopic level. Another major result is that of surface intermittency under low-intensity shaking.Comment: 36 pages, 23 figures, minor correction