2,663 research outputs found

    Semiempirical calculation of deep levels: divacancy in Si

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    A study of the electronic levels associated with the divacancy in silicon is reported. The extended Huckel theory is shown to reproduce the band structure of silicon. The electronic levels of the divacancy are calculated by considering a periodic array of large unit cells each containing 62 atoms; a 64 atom perfect cell with two atoms removed to form the divacancy. The results are found to be in qualitative agreement with the results of EPR and infrared absorption measurements

    Derivation of surface properties from Magellan altimetry data

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    The fit of the Hagfors model to the Magellan altimetry data provides a means to characterize the surface properties of Venus. However, the derived surface properties are only meaningful if the model provides a good representation of the data. The Hagfors model provides a good representation of the data. The Hagfors model is generally a realistic fit to surface scattering properties of a nadir-directed antenna such as the Magellan altimeter; however, some regions of the surface of Venus are poorly described by the existing model, according to the goodness of fit parameter provided on the ARCDR CD-ROMs. Poorly characterized regions need to be identified and fit to new models in order to derive more accurate surface properties for use in inferring the geological processes that affect the surface in those regions. We have compared the goodness of fit of the Hagfors model to the distribution of features across the planet, and preliminary results show a correlation between steep topographic slopes and poor fits to the standard model, as has been noticed by others. In this paper, we investigate possible relations between many classes of features and the ability of the Hagfors model to fit the observed echo profiles. In the regions that are not well characterized by existing models, we calculate new models that compensate for topographic relief in order to derive improved estimates of surface properties. Areas investigated to date span from longitude 315 through 45, at all latitudes covered by Magellan. A survey of those areas yields preliminary results that suggest that topographically high regions are well suited to the current implementation of the Hagfors model. Striking examples of such large-scale good fits are Alpha Regio, the northern edges of Lada Terra, and the southern edge of Ishtar Terra. Other features that are typically well fit are the rims of coronae such as Heng-O and the peaks of volcanos such as Gula Mons. Surprisingly, topographically low regions, such as the ubiquitous plains areas, are modeled poorly in comparison. However, this generalization has has exceptions: Lakshmi Planum is an elevated region that is not well fit compared to the rest of neighboring Ishtar, while the southern parts of topographically low Guinevere Planitia are characterized quite well by the Hagfors model. Features that are candidates for improved models are impact craters, coronae, ridges of significant scale, complex ridged terrains, moderate-sized mountains, and sharp terrain boundaries. These features are chosen because the goodness of fit is likely to be most affected either by departures from normal incidence angles or by sharp changes in terrain type within a single footprint. Most large features that are elevated with respect to their surroundings will suffer from steep slope effects, and smaller coronae and impact craters will probably suffer due to rapid changes in their appearance within a single footprint (10-20 km)

    Salicylic Silk.

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    Variation of impurity–to–band activation energies with impurity density

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    A theory of the variation of conduction electron density with the temperature for various impurity concentrations is presented. In addition to previously noted effects of condcution band edge lowering and screening of the impurity potential by the conduction electrons, the influence of a finite energy transfer integral and spatial fluctuation in the potential are included. The results show that for ND ~ ≄ 10^(17) cm^–3 in silicon one must not view the activation as occurring between a single impurity level and a well–defined conduction band edge, but must include the broadening of the impurity level and tailing of the conduction–band density of states. Calculations for the shallow donors P, Sb, and As in Si are found to be in satisfactory agreement with experiment

    Surficial slip distribution on the central Emerson fault during the June 28, 1992, Landers earthquake, California

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    We present the results of our mapping of a 5.6‐km length of the central Emerson fault that ruptured during the 1992 Landers earthquake in the southwestern Mojave Desert, California. The right‐lateral slip along this portion of the rupture varied from about 150 to 530 cm along the main rupture zone. In some locations a total of up to 110 cm of additional right‐lateral slip occurred on secondary faults up to 1.7 km away from the main rupture zone. Other secondary faults carried up to several tens of centimeters of left‐lateral or thrust displacement. The maximum net vertical displacement was 175 cm, east‐side‐up. The sense of vertical slip across the main fault zone varied along strike, but in most cases it was consistent with the sense of vertical slip in previous earthquakes, as indicated by the locations of areas of older, uplifted, and abandoned alluvial fan surfaces. Although variations in surficial slip have been reported along previous strike‐slip ruptures, our closely spaced slip measurements allow a much more detailed study of slip variability than was possible previously. We document variations in slip as large as 1 m or more over distances ranging from 1–2 km to a few tens of meters, suggesting that strains of the order of 10−1 may have occurred locally within the surficial sediments. The long‐wavelength (kilometer‐scale) variations in surficial slip may be influenced by fault geometry and perhaps by the thickness of unconsolidated sediments. The slip variations over shorter length scales (tens of meters) may be caused by variations in the proportion of the total shear that occurs on visible, brittle fractures versus that which occurs as distributed shear, warping or rotation. The variability of slip along the ruptures associated with the Landers earthquake calls for caution in interpreting geomorphic offsets along prehistoric fault ruptures

    n-CdSe/p-ZnTe based wide band-gap light emitters: Numerical simulation and design

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    The only II‐VI/II‐VI wide band‐gap heterojunction to provide both good lattice match and p‐ and n‐type dopability is CdSe/ZnTe. We have carried out numerical simulations of several light emitter designs incorporating CdSe, ZnTe, and Mg alloys. In the simulations, Poisson’s equation is solved in conjunction with the hole and electron current and continuity equations. Radiative and nonradiative recombination in bulk material and at interfaces are included in the model. Simulation results show that an n‐CdSe/p‐ZnTe heterostructure is unfavorable for efficient wide band‐gap light emission due to recombination in the CdSe and at the CdSe/ZnTe interface. An n‐CdSe/Mg_(x)Cd_(1−x)Se/p‐ZnTe heterostructure significantly reduces interfacial recombination and facilitates electron injection into the p‐ZnTe layer. The addition of a Mg_(y)Zn_(1−y)Te electron confining layer further improves the efficiency of light emission. Finally, an n‐CdSe/Mg_(x)Cd_(1−x)Se/Mg_(y)Zn_(1−y)Te/p‐ZnTe design allows tunability of the wavelength of light emission from green into the blue wavelength regime

    Statistical Arbitrage Mining for Display Advertising

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    We study and formulate arbitrage in display advertising. Real-Time Bidding (RTB) mimics stock spot exchanges and utilises computers to algorithmically buy display ads per impression via a real-time auction. Despite the new automation, the ad markets are still informationally inefficient due to the heavily fragmented marketplaces. Two display impressions with similar or identical effectiveness (e.g., measured by conversion or click-through rates for a targeted audience) may sell for quite different prices at different market segments or pricing schemes. In this paper, we propose a novel data mining paradigm called Statistical Arbitrage Mining (SAM) focusing on mining and exploiting price discrepancies between two pricing schemes. In essence, our SAMer is a meta-bidder that hedges advertisers' risk between CPA (cost per action)-based campaigns and CPM (cost per mille impressions)-based ad inventories; it statistically assesses the potential profit and cost for an incoming CPM bid request against a portfolio of CPA campaigns based on the estimated conversion rate, bid landscape and other statistics learned from historical data. In SAM, (i) functional optimisation is utilised to seek for optimal bidding to maximise the expected arbitrage net profit, and (ii) a portfolio-based risk management solution is leveraged to reallocate bid volume and budget across the set of campaigns to make a risk and return trade-off. We propose to jointly optimise both components in an EM fashion with high efficiency to help the meta-bidder successfully catch the transient statistical arbitrage opportunities in RTB. Both the offline experiments on a real-world large-scale dataset and online A/B tests on a commercial platform demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed solution in exploiting arbitrage in various model settings and market environments.Comment: In the proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD 2015

    Half a world apart? overlap in nonbreeding distributions of Atlantic and Indian ocean thin-billed prions

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    Distant populations of animals may share their non-breeding grounds or migrate to distinct areas, and this may have important consequences for population differentiation and dynamics. Small burrow-nesting seabirds provide a suitable case study, as they are often restricted to safe breeding sites on islands, resulting in a patchy breeding distribution. For example, Thin-billed prions Pachyptila belcheri have two major breeding colonies more than 8,000 km apart, on the Falkland Islands in the south-western Atlantic and in the Kerguelen Archipelago in the Indian Ocean. We used geolocators and stable isotopes to compare at-sea movements and trophic levels of these two populations during their non-breeding season, and applied ecological niche models to compare environmental conditions in the habitat. Over three winters, birds breeding in the Atlantic showed a high consistency in their migration routes. Most individuals migrated more than 3000 km eastwards, while very few remained over the Patagonian Shelf. In contrast, all Indian Ocean birds migrated westwards, resulting in an overlapping nonbreeding area in the eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Geolocators and isotopic signature of feathers indicated that prions from the Falklands moulted at slightly higher latitudes than those from Kerguelen Islands. All birds fed on low trophic level prey, most probably crustaceans. The phenology differed notably between the two populations. Falkland birds returned to the Patagonian Shelf after 2-3 months, while Kerguelen birds remained in the nonbreeding area for seven months, before returning to nesting grounds highly synchronously and at high speed. Habitat models identified sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a concentration as important environmental parameters. In summary, we show that even though the two very distant populations migrate to roughly the same area to moult, they have distinct wintering strategies: They had significantly different realized niches and timing which may contribute to spatial niche partitioning

    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurement of valence-band offsets for Mg-based semiconductor compounds

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    We have used x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to measure the valence-band offsets for the lattice matched MgSe/Cd0.54Zn0.46Se and MgTe/Cd0.88Zn0.12Te heterojunctions grown by molecular beam epitaxy. By measuring core level to valence-band maxima and core level to core level binding energy separations, we obtain values of 0.56+/-0.07 eV and 0.43+/-0.11 eV for the valence-band offsets of MgSe/Cd0.54Zn0.46Se and MgTe/Cd0.88Zn0.12Te, respectively. Both of these values deviate from the common anion rule, as may be expected given the unoccupied cation d orbitals in Mg. Application of our results to the design of current II-VI wide band-gap light emitters is discussed

    Refining Outreach to Woodland Owners in West Virginia--Preferred Topics and Assistance Methods

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    Four hundred and fourteen private forest landowners in West Virginia responded to a questionnaire assessing their forest management assistance topics and delivery methods of interest. Logistic regression was used to analyze 39 independent variables in relation to the dependent variables of wanting a specific topic of forestry assistance or not. Ownership of property for investment, cultivation of wildlife food crops, and receiving assistance from the West Virginia State Division of Forestry were recurrent significant variables characterizing landowners wanting a specific assistance topic. These results can be used to develop forestry assistance programs that achieve landowner objectives and good forest management
