755 research outputs found

    Innovations in the development of degree thesis of a informatics career. Cohorts 2003-2007.

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    Trabajo Final de Aplicación es una asignatura de las carreras Licenciatura en Sistemas y Licenciatura en Sistemas de Información (FACENA – UNNE). Tiene por objetivo general, completar la formación académica y profesional de los alumnos, a fin de fomentar la integración y empleo de los conocimientos adquiridos para la resolución de problemas. En este trabajo se sintetizan las innovaciones de la cátedra en las cohortes 2003 a 2007. La primera sección ilustra el contexto, la segunda resume la metodología aplicada. En la tercera se sintetizan los resultados alcanzados. Finalmente se enuncian las conclusiones y futuras líneas de trabajo.Trabajo Final de Aplicación is a subject of Licenciatura en Sistemas and Licenciatura en Sistemas de Información career (FACENA - UNNE). Its overall goal, completing the academic and professional training of students, to foster the integration and use of knowledge acquired in order to guide the problemsolving. This paper summarizes the implemented innovations between the years 2003 to 2007. The first section illustrates the context. The second section summarizes the methodology and the third section the results achieved. Finally, some conclusions and future lines of work are exposed

    Nonperturbative aspects of ABJM theory

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    Using the matrix model which calculates the exact free energy of ABJM theory on S^3 we study non-perturbative effects in the large N expansion of this model, i.e., in the genus expansion of type IIA string theory on AdS4xCP^3. We propose a general prescription to extract spacetime instanton actions from general matrix models, in terms of period integrals of the spectral curve, and we use it to determine them explicitly in the ABJM matrix model, as exact functions of the 't Hooft coupling. We confirm numerically that these instantons control the asymptotic growth of the genus expansion. Furthermore, we find that the dominant instanton action at strong coupling determined in this way exactly matches the action of an Euclidean D2-brane instanton wrapping RP^3.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures. v2: small corrections, final version published in JHE

    Nonperturbative effects and nonperturbative definitions in matrix models and topological strings

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    We develop techniques to compute multi-instanton corrections to the 1/N expansion in matrix models described by orthogonal polynomials. These techniques are based on finding trans-series solutions, i.e. formal solutions with exponentially small corrections, to the recursion relations characterizing the free energy. We illustrate this method in the Hermitian, quartic matrix model, and we provide a detailed description of the instanton corrections in the Gross-Witten-Wadia (GWW) unitary matrix model. Moreover, we use Borel resummation techniques and results from the theory of resurgent functions to relate the formal multi-instanton series to the nonperturbative definition of the matrix model. We study this relation in the case of the GWW model and its double-scaling limit, providing in this way a nice illustration of various mechanisms connecting the resummation of perturbative series to nonperturbative results, like the cancellation of nonperturbative ambiguities. Finally, we argue that trans-series solutions are also relevant in the context of topological string theory. In particular, we point out that in topological string models with both a matrix model and a large N gauge theory description, the nonperturbative, holographic definition involves a sum over the multi-instanton sectors of the matrix modelComment: 50 pages, 12 figures, comments and references added, small correction

    Multi-Instantons and Multi-Cuts

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    We discuss various aspects of multi-instanton configurations in generic multi-cut matrix models. Explicit formulae are presented in the two-cut case and, in particular, we obtain general formulae for multi-instanton amplitudes in the one-cut matrix model case as a degeneration of the two-cut case. These formulae show that the instanton gas is ultra-dilute, due to the repulsion among the matrix model eigenvalues. We exemplify and test our general results in the cubic matrix model, where multi-instanton amplitudes can be also computed with orthogonal polynomials. As an application, we derive general expressions for multi-instanton contributions in two-dimensional quantum gravity, verifying them by computing the instanton corrections to the string equation. The resulting amplitudes can be interpreted as regularized partition functions for multiple ZZ-branes, which take into full account their back-reaction on the target geometry. Finally, we also derive structural properties of the trans-series solution to the Painleve I equation.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figures, JHEP3.cls; v2: added references, minor changes; v3: added 1 reference, more minor changes, final version for JMP; v4: more typos correcte

    Interacting fermions and N=2 Chern-Simons-matter theories

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    The partition function on the three-sphere of N=3 Chern-Simons-matter theories can be formulated in terms of an ideal Fermi gas. In this paper we show that, in theories with N=2 supersymmetry, the partition function corresponds to a gas of interacting fermions in one dimension. The large N limit is the thermodynamic limit of the gas and it can be analyzed with the Hartree and Thomas-Fermi approximations, which lead to the known large N solutions of these models. We use this interacting fermion picture to analyze in detail N=2 theories with one single node. In the case of theories with no long-range forces we incorporate exchange effects and argue that the partition function is given by an Airy function, as in N=3 theories. For the theory with g adjoint superfields and long-range forces, the Thomas-Fermi approximation leads to an integral equation which determines the large N, strongly coupled R-charge.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    Educando en investigación y desarrollo. Una breve reflexión desde la exigencia universal de protección de los derechos humanos

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    El presente artículo reproduce los principales puntos de una ponencia presentada en torno del tema de la educación universitaria vinculada con la necesidad perentoria de garantizar la protección de los derechos humanos. En realidad de lo que se trata es de proponer el camino que debe trazarse la educación universitaria para, al mismo tiempo que los estudiantes internalizan los valores universales rectores de la convivencia civilizada entre los hombres de todas las naciones, alcanzar uno de sus principales objetivos: formar personas realizadas en el campo de su actividad profesional al mismo tiempo que defensoras del sistema internacional de protección de los derechos humanos, condición indispensable para garantizar un efectivo desarrollo sostenible

    Decoupling A and B model in open string theory -- Topological adventures in the world of tadpoles

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    In this paper we analyze the problem of tadpole cancellation in open topological strings. We prove that the inclusion of unorientable worldsheet diagrams guarantees a consistent decoupling of A and B model for open superstring amplitudes at all genera. This is proven by direct microscopic computation in Super Conformal Field Theory. For the B-model we explicitly calculate one loop amplitudes in terms of analytic Ray-Singer torsions of appropriate vector bundles and obtain that the decoupling corresponds to the cancellation of D-brane and orientifold charges. Local tadpole cancellation on the worldsheet then guarantees the decoupling at all loops. The holomorphic anomaly equations for open topological strings at one loop are also obtained and compared with the results of the Quillen formula