156 research outputs found

    Australian survey of current practice and guideline use in adult cancer pain assessment and management: Perspectives of oncologists

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    Aims: Cancer pain continues to be undertreated in up to half of cases, despite the availability of evidence-based guidelines. This study aimed to: (i) identify barriers and facilitators to adult cancer pain assessment and management, as perceived by Australian health professionals; (ii) establish the perceived need for new Australian guidelines and implementation strategy; (iii) identify which guidelines are used; (iv) identify barriers and facilitators to guideline use. This article focuses on the perceptions of responding oncologists. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was administered online. Invitations were circulated via peak bodies and clinical leaders. Comments were coded independently by two researchers. Results: In all 76 oncologists self-reported high concordance with evidence-based recommendations, except validated pain scales. Perceived barriers to pain management included insufficient non-pharmacological interventions, access to /coordination between services, and time. Only 22 percent of respondents reported using pain guidelines. Perceived barriers to guideline use included lack of access, awareness and any single standard. Respondents were generally supportive of new Australian guidelines and especially an implementation strategy. Conclusion: Barriers to evidence-based practice and guideline use identified by our survey might be addressed via a clinical pathway that gives step-by-step guidance on evidence-based practice along with a framework for evaluation. Particular attention should be paid to promoting use of validated scales, patient education and non-pharmacological interventions, training of an appropriately skilled workforce and improving care coordination. Challenges are discussed. © 2012 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd

    A comparison of vegetable leaves and replicated biomimetic surfaces on the binding of Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes

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    Biofouling in the food industry is a huge issue, and one possible way to reduce surface fouling is to understand how naturally cleaning surfaces based on biomimetic designs influence bacterial binding. Four self-cleaning leaves (Tenderheart cabbage, Cauliflower, White cabbage and Leek) were analysed for their surface properties and artificial re-plicates were produced. The leaves and surfaces were subjected to attachment, adhesion and retention assays using Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes. For the attachment assays, the lowest cell numbers occurred on the least hydrophobic and smooth surfaces but were higher than the flat control surface, regardless of the strain. Following the ad-hesion assays, using L. monocytogenes, the Tenderheart and Cauliflower biomimetic re-plicated leaves resulted in significantly lowered cell adhesion. Following the retention assays, White cabbage demonstrated lower cell retention for both types of bacteria on the biomimetic replicated surface compared to the flat control surface. The biomimetic sur-faces were also more efficient at avoiding bacterial retention than natural leaves, with reductions of about 1 and 2 Log in L. monocytogenes and E. coli retention, respectively, on most of the produced surfaces. Although the surfaces were promising in reducing bac-terial binding, the results suggested that different experimental assays exerted different influences on the conclusions. This work demonstrated that consideration needs to be given to the environmental factors where the surface is to be used and that bacterial species influence the propensity of biofouling on a surface. (c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creative-commons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Production of hybrid macro/micro/nano surface structures on Ti6Al4V surfaces by picosecond laser surface texturing and their antifouling characteristics

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    The development of surfaces which reduce biofouling has attracted much interest in practical applications. Three picosecond laser generated surface topographies (Ti1, Ti2, Ti3) on titanium were produced, treated with fluoroalkylsilane (FAS), then characterised using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX), Raman Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectroscopy, contact angle measurements and white light interference microscopy. The surfaces had a range of different macro/micro/nano topographies. Ti2 had a unique, surface topography with large blunt conical peaks and was predominantly a rutile surface with closely packed, self-assembled FAS; this was the most hydrophobic sample (water contact angle 160°; ΔGiwi was −135.29 mJ m−2). Bacterial attachment, adhesion and retention to the surfaces demonstrated that all the laser generated surfaces retained less bacteria than the control surface. This also occurred following the adhesion and retention assays when the bacteria were either not rinsed from the surfaces or were retained in static conditions for one hour. This work demonstrated that picosecond laser generated surfaces may be used to produce antiadhesive surfaces that significantly reduced surface fouling. It was determined that a tri-modally dimensioned surface roughness, with a blunt conical macro-topography, combined with a close-packed fluoroalkyl monolayer was required for an optimised superhydrophobic surface. These surfaces were effective even following surface immersion and static conditions for one hour, and thus may have applications in a number of food or medical industries

    A comparison of vegetable leaves and replicated biomimetic surfaces on the binding of Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes

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    Biofouling in the food industry is a huge issue, and one possible way to reduce surface fouling is to understand how naturally cleaning surfaces based on biomimetic designs influence bacterial binding. Four self-cleaning leaves (Tenderheart cabbage, Cauliflower, White cabbage and Leek) were analysed for their surface properties and artificial replicates were produced. The leaves and surfaces were subjected to attachment, adhesion and retention assays using Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes. For the attachment assays, the lowest cell numbers occurred on the least hydrophobic and smooth surfaces but were higher than the flat control surface, regardless of the strain. Following the adhesion assays, using L. monocytogenes, the Tenderheart and Cauliflower biomimetic replicated leaves resulted in significantly lowered cell adhesion. Following the retention assays, White cabbage demonstrated lower cell retention for both types of bacteria on the biomimetic replicated surface compared to the flat control surface. The biomimetic surfaces were also more efficient at avoiding bacterial retention than natural leaves, with reductions of about 1 and 2 Log in L. monocytogenes and E. coli retention, respectively, on most of the produced surfaces. Although the surfaces were promising in reducing bacterial binding, the results suggested that different experimental assays exerted different influences on the conclusions. This work demonstrated that consideration needs to be given to the environmental factors where the surface is to be used and that bacterial species influence the propensity of biofouling on a surface

    The detection and quantification of food components on stainless steel surfaces following use in an operational bakery

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    © 2019 Institution of Chemical Engineers Food preparation areas in commercial bakeries present surfaces for continual organic fouling. The detection of retained food components and microorganisms on stainless steel surfaces situated for one month in the weighing in area, pastry and confectionary production areas of a bakery were investigated using different methods. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated the morphology of the material on the surfaces from all three areas, with the weighing in area demonstrating a more even coverage of material. Differential staining assays demonstrated a high percentage coverage of organic material heterogeneously distributed across the surfaces. Differential staining also demonstrated that the amount of organic material on the surface from the confectionary area was significantly greater than from both the pastry and weighing in areas. Although, UV at 353 nm did not detect residual surface fouling, performance of the UV detection was optimised and demonstrated that the residual organic material on the weighing in area and the pastry samples was best illuminated at 510–560 nm, and from the confectionary area of the bakery at 590–650 nm. ATP bioluminescence revealed the confectionary production area contained the highest level of biofouling. Contact plates determined that only low microbial counts (≤2 CFU/cm2) were recovered from the surfaces. Changes in the physicochemistry (increased hydrophobicity) demonstrated that all the surfaces were fouled (ΔGiwi −26.8 mJ/m2 to −45.4 mJ/m2). Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR) demonstrated that all the surfaces had retained fats, carbohydrates and proteins. This work suggests that a range of methods may be needed to fully detect organic and microbial fouling

    Photochemistry and photopolymerisation of substituted 2-methylanthraquinones and novel 2-acryloxymethylanthraquinone in radiation curing

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Anthraquinones have been the subject of numerous photochemical studies and their photopolymerization activities have been examined under various conditions to improve more efficient photochemical systems. This article involves further detailed investigations into the photophysical, photochemistry and photopolymerisation properties of 4 commercial derivatives of 2-substituted anthraquinone, namely, 2-Bromomethylanthraquinone (2BA), 2 Chloromethylanthraquinone (2CA), 2 Ethylanthraquinone (2EA), 2 Hydroxymethylanthraquinone (2HA) and one novel synthesized anthraquinone, 2 Acryloxymethylanthraquinone (2AA). 2AA is synthesized from 2HA. The results from both spectroscopic and analysis studies proved the 2AA to having the ester link. Absorption spectroscopy and solvent shift data are used to characterise their spectral activity. Luminescence studies involving fluorescence and phosphorescence analysis indicates efficient intersystem crossing to triplet state and n-π* nature of the lowest excited triplet state. The polymerisation activity was studied using methyl methacrylate (MMA) and analysis of the cure rate was measured using the gravimetric method. All the compounds are shown to be highly dependent on the structure. However, the rate of polymerisation (Rp) was reduced in the presence of amine. This is consistent with other results, proving the behaviour of derivatives with n-π* configuration. Hardness tests for all compounds took place using a different formula of acrylated resin/monomer systems. The excited state characteristics of the methyl derivatives have also been examined using micro and nanosecond flash photolysis. Triplet absorption spectra of all the anthraquinone derivatives show a significant red shift in the region of 340–370 nm with increasing solvent polarity due to stabilisation of the lowest triplet state by solvent reorganization. Hydrogen atom abstraction takes place in 2 propanol, forming a semiquinone radical. In the presence of the tertiary amine, triethylamine, all anthraquinone derivatives show the formation of intermediary species related to either the exciplex or the radical ion pair. Under aerobic conditions, the first decay rate for all anthraquinone derivatives increases and showed oxygen to be a good quencher with a bimolecular rate constant of around 2 × 10 8 mol. dm −3 s −1 . Relative to benzophenone, the molar absorption coefficient, ε, and quantum yield of intersystem crossing, Φisc were calculated, and it is summarised that the value for Φisc for all compound is less than 1.00 and controls to a major extent their photochemical activities

    Chemiluminescence studies on comparison of antioxidant effectiveness on multiextruded polyethylenes

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    Several polyethylene resins; high density polyethylene (Ph-HDPE, Phillips metal oxide catalyst) and linear low density polyethytlenes (LLDPE, formed using Ziegler–Natta catalyst and metallocene catalyst technology, m-LLDPE) were used in order to acquire an insight in to the effect of different polymerization catalyst systems on the melt stabilization performance of single AO. Chemiluminescence (CL) and melt flow rate (MFR) were used to analyze the degradation as a function of the number of passes through a twin-screw extruder. A good correlation was obtained, and the additives resulting with the best melt flow stability in the polymer were the same as those that promote the best CL results

    Short- and long-term cause-specific survival of patients with inflammatory breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) had been perceived to have a poor prognosis. Oncologists were not enthusiastic in the past to give aggressive treatment. Single institution studies tend to have small patient numbers and limited years of follow-up. Most studies do not report 10-, 15- or 20-year results. METHODS: Data was obtained from the population-based database of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program of the National Cancer Institute from 1975–1995 using SEER*Stat5.0 software. This period of 21 years was divided into 7 periods of 3 years each. The years were chosen so that there was adequate follow-up information to 2000. ICD-O-2 histology 8530/3 was used to define IBC. The lognormal model was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: A total of 1684 patients were analyzed, of which 84% were white, 11% were African Americans, and 5% belonged to other races. Age distribution was < 30 years in 1%, 30–40 in 11%, 40–50 in 22%, 50–60 in 24%, 60–70 in 21%, and > 70 in 21%. The lognormal model was validated for 1975–77 and for 1978–80, since the 10-, 15- and 20-year cause-specific survival (CSS) rates, could be calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method with data available in 2000. The data were then used to estimate the 10-, 15- and 20-year CSS rates for the more recent years, and to study the trend of improvement in survival. There were increasing incidences of IBC: 134 patients in the 1975–77 period to 416 patients in the 1993–95 period. The corresponding 20-year CSS increased from 9% to 20% respectively with standard errors of less than 4%. CONCLUSION: The improvement of survival during the study period may be due to introduction of more aggressive treatments. However, there seem to be no further increase of long-term CSS, which should encourage oncologists to find even more effective treatments. Because of small numbers of patients, randomized studies will be difficult to conduct. The SEER population-based database will yield the best possible estimate of the trend in improvement of survival for patients with IBC

    Functional Identification of Neuroprotective Molecules

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    The central nervous system has the capacity to activate profound neuroprotection following sub-lethal stress in a process termed preconditioning. To gain insight into this potent survival response we developed a functional cloning strategy that identified 31 putative neuroprotective genes of which 28 were confirmed to provide protection against oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) or excitotoxic exposure to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) in primary rat cortical neurons. These results reveal that the brain possesses a wide and diverse repertoire of neuroprotective genes. Further characterization of these and other protective signals could provide new treatment opportunities for neurological injury from ischemia or neurodegenerative disease