626 research outputs found

    Concentration of Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in Sediment of Gresik Waters

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    Gresik coastal waters is one of the areas that have a potential risk for environmental damage due to anthropogenic activities. Water and sediment samples were collected to determin metals concentration and to identify sediment quality in February 2012. Twelve samples were collected for analysis of mercury (Hg) and four other metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn). Mercury was analyzed using USEPA method 7471B with Flameless-AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) varian type SpectarAA VGA 20-76 and the other metals were analyzed using USEPA 30050B with Flame-AAS. Results showed that ranges and average concentrations of Hg were 0.04-0.33 (0.13) mg/kg, Cd 0.08-3.05 (0.64) mg/kg, Cu 23.7-234.0 (85.5) mg/kg, Pb 1.74-12.7 (4.29) mg/kg, and Zn 77.0-405.0 (133.0) mg/kg. Metals with high concentrations were detected in some places and by SQG-Q, surface sediment showed a moderate impact level of biological adverse effects in aquatic sediments

    Study of Metal Contaminant Level in the Mahakam Delta: Sediment and Dissolved Metal Perspectives

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    The Mahakam Delta in East Kalimantan contains large number of natural resources specially hydrocarbon sources. Anthropogenic activities have influenced this ecosystem for many years. The aims of this work were to find out dissolved metal and metals in sediment distribution in this area and to find out contaminant level based on allowable guidelines. Twenty nine stations were sampled within the delta and metal content analyses, both in sediment and water column, were established for Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. Sediment analyses were conducted using US EPA 3050B method and dissolved metals analyses were conducted using Back Extraction method. Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in sediment had 0.07 mg/kg dw, 18.64 mg/kg dw, 35.62 mg/kg dw, 10.56 mg/kg dw and 74.95 mg/kg dw in maximum concentration respectively. Whereas dissolved Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn had 0.001 mg/l; 0.003 mg/l; 0.003 mg/l; 0.013 mg/l and 0.003 mg/l in maximum concentration respectively. Based on allowable guidelines, metals contaminat levels, both in sediment and water column, were below permitted value

    Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metal in Sediment of Urban Coastal Waters: a Case Study in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia

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    Heavy metals, hazardous chemical substances, increase in marine environment due to anthropogenic discharges. However, due to the hydrodynamic of the marine system these metals could vary both temporal and spatial distribution of metals in Jakarta Bay. This study was to reveal the temporal and spatial distribution of metals in sediment over the bay and to assess the environmental condition. Sediment samples were collected in11 stations of March (transitional season) and June(dry season)2013. The result showed that the concentration of heavy metals varied spatially, in which elevated concentration occurred adjacent terrestrial indicating the enrichment of metal-anthropogenic source, but insignificant temporarily.Keywords: heavy metals, spatial distribution, temporal distribution, anthropogenic activities, Jakarta Bay. Logam berat merupakan bahan berbahaya yang tersebar di lingkungan laut karena pengaruh aktifitas antropogenik. Akan tetapi, logam berat ini dapat terdistribusi secara temporal ataupun spasial di Teluk Jakarta akibat sistem hidrodinamika laut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi spasial dan temporal logam berat dalam sedimen dan untuk menilai kondisi lingkungan teluk. Sedimen diambil dari 11 stasiun pada bulan Maret (musim transisi) dan Juni (musim kering) tahun 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa distribusi spasial logam berat bervariasi, dimana konsentrasinya meningkat di lokasi dekat daratan yang mengindikasikan tingginya sumber logam-antropogenik namun secara temporal tidak signifikan

    Utilization of Scientific Publication Media to Improve the Quality of Scientific Work

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    The publication of scientific work is an absolute thing that must be owned and produced by academics at this time. Moreover, when referring to the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN RB) Regulation No. 17 of 2013 and the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 92 of 2004 which states that the increase in the academic level of lecturers requires publication of accredited national scientific journals and journals Internationally reputable in their field. In addition to being very important for the performance of lecturers, the publication of scientific papers has become a government regulation through the Director General of Higher Education, which requires S1, S2 and S3 students to make a summary of scientific work published both online and in print as one of the graduation requirements. Seeing this, Raharja College has participated in providing publication media for scientific works, especially in online forms, one of which is iLearning Journal Center (iJC). Until now iLearning Journal Center has overseen 5 (five) journals in it with different scope of research. However, the problems that occur at this time are still a lack of the general public to know especially in the Higher Education environment regarding the iLearning Journal Center (iJC) as a publication media for online scientific work. In this study will be discussed about the steps or methods taken to maximize the use of iLearning Journal Center (iJC) as an online journal publication media to improve the quality and quantity of scientific works. This study uses SWOT analysis method and system design using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the applications used in this study by applying the Open Journal System (OJS) which is known as management software and publishing online journals. The results of this study are a governance or management that can be done as a step to maximize the increase of publication of online scientific works for the academic community. Keywords: iLearning Journal Center (iJC), Scientific Work Publication, Journal Online, Open Journal System (OJS

    Karakteristik Pembungaan Tiga Provenan dan Empat Ras Lahan Cendana

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    Hutan penelitian Wanagama terdiri atas berbagai jenis tanaman termasuk cendana. Cendana tersebut berasal dari tiga provenan dan empat ras lahan yang telah mampu beradaptasi dan bereproduksi. Namun demikian kemampuan beradaptasi dan bereproduksi tanaman tersebut tergolong rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menditeksi karakteristik pembungaan cendana yang diharapkan mampu memberikan informasi mengenai tahap-tahap terjadinya dan karakteristik pembungaan cendana untuk membantu upaya penyediaan benih yang berkualitas. Metode yang digunakan yakni purposive sampling dalam pemilihan pohon cendana yang berbunga. Variasi pembungaan pada cendana meliputi waktu terjadinya tiap tahap perkembangan dalam satu periode pembungaan, puncak pembungaan, karakteristik organ reproduksi. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa tiap provenan dan ras lahan mempunyai fase dan puncak pembungaan yang berbeda dalam satu periode pembungaan. Ras Lahan Pegunungan Bromo mengalami puncak pembungaan tercepat yang terjadi pada bulan Januari minggu kedua. Puncak pembungaan paling lambat terjadi di bulan Februari minggu kedua oleh Ras Lahan Wanagama dan Imogiri serta provenan Bu'at

    Tingkat Kerusakan Laut di Indonesia dan Tanggung Jawab Negara terhadap Kerusakan Ekosistem Laut Dikaitkan dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pengendalian Pencemaran Dan/atau Perusakan Laut dan Konvensi Hukum Laut 1982

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    Indonesia secara geografis merupakan negara dengan kelautan yang besar, memiliki ribuan pulau besar maupun kecil yang dipisahkan oleh lautan. Indonesia juga diapit oleh dua samudra, yaitu samudra Hindia dan Samudra Pasifik. Dengan wilayah perairan yang luas membuat Indonesia menjadi negara yang kaya akan sumber daya laut. Banyak ikan dan terumbu karang yang hidup dalam perairan di Indonesia. Tak sedikit juga penduduk yang memanfaatkan sumber daya laut untuk keperluan hidupnya sehari-hari dan untuk pemenuhan perekoniam mereka. Diwilayah pesisir banyak warga yang berprofesi sebagai nelayan, pengepul ikan, pembuat jaring untuk mengkap ikan, pembuat bom ikan, dan masih banyak lagi profesi yang ada. Kurang bijaknya beberapa nelayan yang menangkap ikan dengan bom dapat mengakibatkan rusaknya laut. Walaupun tidak semua nelayan melakukan metode penangkapan ikan dengan bom, ada nelayan yang tetap menggunakan metode tradisional misalnya dengan jaring. Penggunaaan bom untuk menangkap ikan dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan terumbu karang dan ekosistem laut, selain itu juga adanya pembuangan limbah berbahaya yang mengakibatkan pencemaran laut oleh oknum yang tidak bertanggungjawab, maka dari itu pemasalahan kerusakan laut merupakan suatu hal yang perlu diperhatikan sebagai satu langkah menjadikan Indonesia sebagai poros maritim dunia. Sehingga tanggung jawab negara terhadap kelestarian laut di Indoensia sangatlah besar, diperlukan pertanggungjawaban baik dari sisi hukum nasional maupun hukum Internasional secara lebih komprehensif agar ada kepastian hukum yang jelas terhadap berbagai kasus Perusakan dan pencemaran laut

    Student Perceptions of Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, and Pharmacy University of Indonesia in Facing Disaster as Efforts to Enhance Resilience in University 2017

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    University is one of the institutions that may have to face disaster events. For two decades, there have been a number of disasters that have negatively impacted the university. Resilience is an important concept that has been developed in the field of disaster management. This concept emphasizes on building adaptive capacitythrough social development, community competences, and strong communication and information systems. Students as a community often stay in campus for their activities such as study, research, and organization activities and are therefore prone to risks and dangers. It is important for students to be prepared in facing possible disasters so as to increase the resilience in the event of a disaster in the university. This research will show the perception of students in facing disaster, and furthermore will develop comprehensive disaster mitigation at the university, not only structural resilience, but also human resource to prepare in facing disasters. The purpose of this study is to describe the preparedness and awareness of the students of theFaculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Nursing, and Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Indonesia in facing disasters in an effort to increase disaster resilience in the university. This is a quantitative cross-sectional study performed on 388 respondents. Results show that generally the respondents are resilient enough in facing disasters. It showed from their answers with a percentage > 50%, there are: awareness of potentials for disaster on campus, respondents need to prepare in facing disasters, they got information from valid sources, they have been trained in disaster, appropriate answers regarding to emergency response during disaster, and knowledge regarding nearest health services. However, improvements are still needed for several variables, including disaster preparedness on campus, knowledge of early warning system in campus, ownership of catastrophe insurance, level of preparedness (which is still low at 30.9%), valid information sources, and participation in disaster response training should be increased. Keywords: disaster, disaster management, awareness, preparedness, resilience, universit

    Team Buildingthrough Class Blog

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    Student's work for a writing class is no longer one submitted for limited readership the teacher and the writer himself as it can be publicly shared online. Posted on a webpage such as blog, it allows more people to access, read, or leave comments. Though it may sound intimidating for some shy students who are likely to keep their writing private, it is less about trespassing the confidential status of a student's work than building the student's self confidence and encouraging them to produce a better composition. It is especially through class blog which is managed by a number of students of the same class. This model proves to be beneficial for the students because not only is their writing read by more audience than their fellow classmates but they can also identify themselves as a team. This paper attempts to describe the previous researches concerning the application of blog in general and what it means by class blog, the model of class blog which has been implemented in this project, and how team work among the classmates is built through class blogs

    Gaya Bahasa Dan Tema Humor Yang Terdapat Dalam ”Sontoloyo” Harian Meteor

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    Gaya bahasa memungkinkan kita dapat menilai pribadi, watak, dan kemampuan seseorang yang mempergunakan bahasa itu. Semakin baik gaya bahasanya, semakin baik pula penilaian orang terhadapnya; semakin buruk gaya bahasa seseorang, semakin buruk pula penilaian yang diberikan kepadanya. Gaya merupakan sebuah pilihan. Pilihan dalam hal ini yaitu untuk menggunakan atau tidak menggunakan struktur yang menyimpang. Oleh karenanya gaya yang dipakai oleh seorang kreator berbeda dari seorang kreator yang lain. Hal ini sangat berhubungan dengan selera masing-masing. Dalam kreasi penulisan, kreator secara bebas dapat menampilkan bentuk ekspresi ke dalam bentuk penulisan tertentu, misalnya humor. Dalam penelitian ini penulis ingin mengungkapkan gaya bahasa dan tema yang dipakai dalam “Sontoloyo” Harian Meteor, adapun konsep-konsep teoritis yang penulis gunakan sebagai landasan penelitian, meliputi (1) gaya bahasa, dan (2) humor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan gaya bahasa yang terdapat dalam “Sontoloyo” Harian Meteor, serta mendeskripsikan tema humor apa sajakah yang terdapat dalam “Sontoloyo” Harian Meteor. Berdasarkan gaya bahasa dalam “Sontoloyo” Harian Meteor, ditemukan lima jenis, yakni gaya bahasa perbandingan, yang terdiri dari hiperbola, metonimia, personifikasi, metafora, simile, asonansi. Gaya bahasa Perulangan, terdiri dari anaphora, mesodiplosis, epizeuksis. Gaya bahasa sindiran, yang terdiri dari ironi dan sarkasme. Gaya bahasa pertentangan, terdiri dari 3 antitesis dan paradoks. Gaya bahasa penegasan, terdiri dari klimaks, antiklimaks, anafora, epistrofa dan polisidenton. Menurut sasaran yang dijadikan kelucuan humor dapat dibagi menjadi humor etnis, humor seksual, humor politik. Humor etnis mengangkat segi-segi yang mencolok dan dianggap sebagai kekurangan suatu kelompok etnis. Humor seksual adalah humor tentang alat kelamin, hubungan seks, atau hal-hal yang menyeret hubungan seks sebagai target humor. Humor politik Humor politik menjadikan pemimpin politik, politikus, lembaga, kelompok, partai, dan gagasan-gagasan politik sebagai sasaran
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