104 research outputs found

    Cloud-Based Retrieval Information System Using Concept for Multi-Format Data

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    The need of effective and efficient method to retrieving non-Web-enabled and Web-enabled information entities is essential, due to the fact of inaccuracy of the existing search engines that still use traditional term-based indexing for text documents and annotation text for images, audio and video files. Previous works showed that incorporating the knowledge in the form of concepts into an information retrieval system may increase the effectiveness of the retrieving method. Unfortunately, most of the works that implemented the concept-based information retrieval system still focused on one information format. This paper proposes a multi-format (text, image, video and, audio) concept-based information retrieval method for Cloud environment. The proposed method is implemented in a laboratory-scale heterogeneous cloud environment using Eucalyptus middleware.  755 multi-format information is experimented and the performance of the proposed method is measured

    Region of Interest Extraction in 3D Face Using Local Shape Descriptor

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    Recently, numerous efforts were focused on 3D face models due to its geometrical information and its reliability against pose estimation and identification problems. The major objective of this work is to reduce the massive amount of information contained the entire 3D face image into a distinctive and informative subset interested regions based 3D face analysis systems. The interested regions are represented by nose and eyes regions of frontal and profile 3D images. These regions are detected based on distance to local plan descriptor only which is copes well with profile views of 3D images. The statistical distribution of distance to local plane descriptor is predicted using Gaussian distribution. The framework of the proposed approach involves two modes: training mode and testing mode. In the training mode, a learning process for local shape descriptor related to the interested regions is carried out. The interested regions (nose and eyes) are extracted automatically in the testing mode. The performance evaluation of the proposed approach has been conducted using 3D images taken from GAVADB 3D face database which consists of both frontal and profile views. The proposed approach achieved high detection rate of interested regions for both frontal and profile views

    Scanning the Landscape of Flux Compactifications: Vacuum Structure and Soft Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We scan the landscape of flux compactifications for the Calabi-Yau manifold P[1,1,1,6,9]4\mathbb{P}^4_{[1,1,1,6,9]} with two K\" ahler moduli by varying the value of the flux superpotential W0W_0 over a large range of values. We do not include uplift terms. We find a rich phase structure of AdS and dS vacua. Starting with W01W_0\sim 1 we reproduce the exponentially large volume scenario, but as W0W_0 is reduced new classes of minima appear. One of them corresponds to the supersymmetric KKLT vacuum while the other is a new, deeper non-supersymmetric minimum. We study how the bare cosmological constant and the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters for matter on D7 branes depend on W0W_0, for these classes of minima. We discuss potential applications of our results.Comment: draft format remove

    A New Method of Probing the Phonon Mechanism in Superconductors including MgB2_{2}

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    Weak localization has a strong influence on both the normal and superconducting properties of metals. In particular, since weak localization leads to the decoupling of electrons and phonons, the temperature dependence of resistance (i.e., λtr\lambda_{tr}) is decreasing with increasing disorder, as manifested by Mooij's empirical rule. In addition, Testardi's universal correlation of TcT_{c} (i.e., λ\lambda) and the resistance ratio (i.e., λtr\lambda_{tr}) follows. This understanding provides a new means to probe the phonon mechanism in superconductors including MgB2_{2}. The merits of this method are its applicability to any superconductors and its reliability because the McMillan's electron-phonon coupling constant λ\lambda and λtr\lambda_{tr} change in a broad range, from finite values to zero, due to weak localization. Karkin et al's preliminary data of irradiated MgB2_{2} show the Testardi correlation, indicating that the dominant pairing mechanism in MgB2_{2} is the phonon-mediated interaction.Comment: 9 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Polarization and relaxation of radon

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    Investigations of the polarization and relaxation of 209^{209}Rn by spin exchange with laser optically pumped rubidium are reported. On the order of one million atoms per shot were collected in coated and uncoated glass cells. Gamma-ray anisotropies were measured as a signal of the alignment (second order moment of the polarization) resulting from the combination of polarization and quadrupole relaxation at the cell walls. The temperature dependence over the range 130^\circC to 220^\circC shows the anisotropies increasing with increasing temperature as the ratio of the spin exchange polarization rate to the wall relaxation rate increases faster than the rubidium polarization decreases. Polarization relaxation rates for coated and uncoated cells are presented. In addition, improved limits on the multipole mixing ratios of some of the main gamma-ray transitions have been extracted. These results are promising for electric dipole moment measurements of octupole-deformed 223^{223}Rn and other isotopes, provided sufficient quantities of the rare isotopes can be produced.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Large-Volume Flux Compactifications: Moduli Spectrum and D3/D7 Soft Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We present an explicit calculation of the spectrum of a general class of string models, corresponding to Calabi-Yau flux compactifications with h_{1,2}>h_{1,1}>1 with leading perturbative and non-perturbative corrections, in which all geometric moduli are stabilised as in hep-th/0502058. The volume is exponentially large, leading to a range of string scales from the Planck mass to the TeV scale, realising for the first time the large extra dimensions scenario in string theory. We provide a general analysis of the relevance of perturbative and non-perturbative effects and the regime of validity of the effective field theory. We compute the spectrum in the moduli sector finding a hierarchy of masses depending on inverse powers of the volume. We also compute soft supersymmetry breaking terms for particles living on D3 and D7 branes. We find a hierarchy of soft terms corresponding to `volume dominated' F-term supersymmetry breaking. F-terms for Kahler moduli dominate both those for dilaton and complex structure moduli and D-terms or other de Sitter lifting terms. This is the first class of string models in which soft supersymmetry breaking terms are computed after fixing all geometric moduli. We outline several possible applications of our results, both for cosmology and phenomenology and point out the differences with the less generic KKLT vacua.Comment: 64 pages, 4 figures; v2. references added; v3. typos, reference added, matches published versio

    Moduli Stabilisation and de Sitter String Vacua from Magnetised D7 Branes

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    Anomalous U(1)'s are ubiquitous in 4D chiral string models. Their presence crucially affects the process of moduli stabilisation and cannot be neglected in realistic set-ups. Their net effect in the 4D effective action is to induce a matter field dependence in the non-perturbative superpotential and a Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term. We study flux compactifications of IIB string theory in the presence of magnetised D7 branes. These give rise to anomalous U(1)'s that modify the standard moduli stabilisation procedure. We consider simple orientifold models to determine the matter field spectrum and the form of the effective field theory. We apply our results to one-modulus KKLT and multi-moduli large volume scenarios, in particular to the Calabi-Yau P^4_{[1,1,1,6,9]}. After stabilising the matter fields, the effective action for the Kahler moduli can acquire an extra positive term that can be used for de Sitter lifting with non-vanishing F- and D-terms. This provides an explicit realization of the D-term lifting proposal of hep-th/0309187.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure. v2: Minor changes, references adde

    Sparticle Spectra and LHC Signatures for Large Volume String Compactifications

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    We study the supersymmetric particle spectra and LHC collider observables for the large-volume string models with a fundamental scale of 10^{11} GeV that arise in moduli-fixed string compactifications with branes and fluxes. The presence of magnetic fluxes on the brane world volume, required for chirality, perturb the soft terms away from those previously computed in the dilute-flux limit. We use the difference in high-scale gauge couplings to estimate the magnitude of this perturbation and study the potential effects of the magnetic fluxes by generating many random spectra with the soft terms perturbed around the dilute flux limit. Even with a 40% variation in the high-scale soft terms the low-energy spectra take a clear and predictive form. The resulting spectra are broadly similar to those arising on the SPS1a slope, but more degenerate. In their minimal version the models predict the ratios of gaugino masses to be M_1 : M_2 : M_3=(1.5 - 2) : 2 : 6, different to both mSUGRA and mirage mediation. Among the scalars, the squarks tend to be lighter and the sleptons heavier than for comparable mSUGRA models. We generate 10 fb^{-1} of sample LHC data for the random spectra in order to study the range of collider phenomenology that can occur. We perform a detailed mass reconstruction on one example large-volume string model spectrum. 100 fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity is sufficient to discriminate the model from mSUGRA and aspects of the sparticle spectrum can be accurately reconstructed.Comment: 42 pages, 21 figures. Added references and discussion for section 3. Slight changes in the tex

    Fiscal Policy, Private Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from G-7 Countries

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    Measuring the effects of fiscal policy on economic growth is difficult, because fiscal policy variables are influenced by changes in income. This paper uses an unbalanced panel data set for G-7 countries for the period 1965-2000 that includes annual estimates of cyclically adjusted government expenditures, capital outlays, income tax revenues, indirect tax revenues, corporate tax revenues and social security tax revenues, based on definitions developed by OECD revenue statistics. The percentage share of these estimates in GDP is used to investigate the effects of fiscal policy on economic growth, and results are compared with regression results that use 5-year averages of cyclically unadjusted variables. The empirical results from both sets of regressions suggest that only taxes on household income and government expenditures have negative effects on per capita income growth. We consolidate our findings by showing that both government expenditures and income taxes have distortionary effects on private investment

    Detection of ice core particles via deep neural networks

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    Insoluble particles in ice cores record signatures of past climate parameters like vegetation dynamics, volcanic activity, and aridity. For some of them, the analytical detection relies on intensive bench microscopy investigation and requires dedicated sample preparation steps. Both are laborious, require in-depth knowledge, and often restrict sampling strategies. To help overcome these limitations, we present a framework based on flow imaging microscopy coupled to a deep neural network for autonomous image classification of ice core particles. We train the network to classify seven commonly found classes, namely mineral dust, felsic and mafic (basaltic) volcanic ash grains (tephra), three species of pollen (Corylus avellana, Quercus robur, Quercus suber), and contamination particles that may be introduced onto the ice core surface during core handling operations. The trained network achieves 96.8 % classification accuracy at test time. We present the system's potential and its limitations with respect to the detection of mineral dust, pollen grains, and tephra shards, using both controlled materials and real ice core samples. The methodology requires little sample material, is non-destructive, fully reproducible, and does not require any sample preparation procedures. The presented framework can bolster research in the field by cutting down processing time, supporting human-operated microscopy, and further unlocking the paleoclimate potential of ice core records by providing the opportunity to identify an array of ice core particles. Suggestions for an improved system to be deployed within a continuous flow analysis workflow are also presented