1,434 research outputs found

    Application of Learning Theories in Clinical Education

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    Introduction: The purpose of education is learning. Several theories have been raised about learning, which have tried to explain how learning occurs. They help teachers to choose teaching methods, prepare learning environment and determine students' activities. Given the importance of learning theories in education, this study aimed to review application of learning theories in nursing education. Methods: In this study, some related published literatures during 2000-2010 were selected using key words including learning, theory and nursing education. Then the selected materials were reviewed for extracting application of learning theories in nursing education. Application of behavioral learning theories, cognitive theories (including Gestalt theory, information processing, Ausubel meaningful learning, constructivism, Bandura's social learning) and adult learning theory in nursing education were discussed in this article. Results: Some applications of behavioral theories are teaching in a sequential, simple to complex pattern teaching the skills using behavioral objectives for determining learning outcomes and assessment and providing teaching plan using the nursing process and nursing care plans and positive reinforcement. Principles of Gestalt theory have been used in mental organization towards simplicity, directed balance and equilibrium, and selective stimulus perception. Writing narratives and portfolio are samples of the application of constructive theory. Role models have been used in social cognitive theory. Based on adult learning theory, learners should be active and taught material should be applicable for them. Conclusion: Each learning theory has the particular application. Nursing educators must apply proper learning theories regarding students' experience and target material

    Comparing Strengths and Weaknesses of Learning Theories

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    چكيده مقدمه: آموزش در علوم پزشكي در حال تغيير است. بنابراين نياز است كه مدرسان عملكردهاي خود را ارزيابي و براي به حداكثر رساندن يادگيري تلاش كنند. تئوريهاي يادگيري ميتواند ديدگاه هايي در مورد يادگيري فراهم كنند. هدف از اين مطالعه بررسي نقاط قوت و ضعف هر يك از تئوريهاي يادگيري شامل تئوريهاي رفتاري، شناختي و انسانگرايانه با مرور متون مرتبط است. روشها: در اين مطالعه برخي از متون مرتبط با تئوريهاي يادگيري شامل كتب و مقالات انتخاب شدند. سپس متون انتخاب شده از نظر نقاط قوت و ضعف تئوريهاي يادگيري مورد بررسي قرار گرفتند. يافتهها: نتايج نشان داد كه تئوريهاي رفتاري ساده هستند، كاربرد آنها آسان است و فراگير بر يك هدف واضح و مشخص متمركز ميشود. تئوريهاي يادگيري شناختي نظير خبرپردازي، گشتالت و سازندهگرايي موجب ارتقاي تفكر انتقادي و حل مسأله در فراگير ميشوند و فراگير ميتواند بهتر با موقعيتهاي واقعي زندگي روبرو شود. در تئوري انسانگرايانه تمركز يادگيري مربوط به نيازهاي فرد است كه نياز غايي آن خود شكوفايي و خوديابي است. يادگيري خود-راهبر يكي از مهمترين و مشهورترين اصول آموزشي اين رويكرد است كه نهايتاً منجر به خود هدايتي در فراگير ميشود. نتيجهگيري: هر تئوري به يك جنبه از يادگيري ميپردازد و بنابراين هر كدام داراي نقاط قوت و ضعف خاصي هستند. لازم است مدرسان و طراحان آموزشي به اين موارد جهت استفاده بهتر از تئوريها توجه كنند

    A Pre-structural Center: Deconstructing Classical Social Theory

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    For theory and literature to evolve parallel to the subject matter which it associates, it recurrently progresses through admittance of variably incremental, yet critical, entries. This is the nature of modernism. This thesis reflects on one important point in the life of modernism, the advent at which society is first formalized and assimilated into theory: the origin of social theory, a point indisputably influential to twentieth century philosophy, but just eclipsed by one of that century\u27s most noticeable theoretical features. The past century saw the rise and fall of a universalizing framework called structuralism. Informing the disciplines, especially the social sciences, on unearthing matters of the unconscious, structuralism occupied a place of knowledge-generation in a world entering its atomic youth. The heirs of this framework are the poststructuralists, and my paper applies poststructuralism to pre-structural social theories. The purpose of this activity is to articulate the value dormant in these dated theories by recontextualizing their abstracted elements for a world ready to use them. The developed world has acquired a postmaterial status in regard to the necessities of survival, as Inglehart explains, while the developing world burdens to address materialist concerns in close contingency to cultural and traditional concerns. This opens up the discussion to a greater postmodern debate, one involving politics, economic status, cultural difference, and more. The international stage has consolidated a considerable level of liberty, but the semantics are often neglected in light of the success of convention. The purpose of this thesis is then to make an interdisciplinary, holistic attempt to reconstruct, exposing the relevance and potential of the deconstructed

    The effect of applying pressure to the LIV3 and LI4 on the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome: a randomized clinical trial

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of simple acupressure protocol in LIV3, LI4 and placebo points on the quality of life (QOL) in women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Method: This paper reports a randomized, single blinded clinical trial. 97 participants (students in of Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Iran) with PMS were allocated to three groups to receive 20 minutes acupressure on different acupoints for 14 days before menstruation for three consecutive menstrual cycles (training and then two cycles self applied acupressure).The acupoints were LIV3 and LI4; one group received acupressure at a placebo point. Each participant completed the PSST scale (to determine PMS severity), HADS scale (for depression and anxiety), and quality of life SF12. Results: The number of people with moderate/severe PMS decreased in LIV3 and LI4 acupressure groups by the second and third cycles compared with the placebo group (p<0.04). Moreover, depression and anxiety scores significantly decreased in the LIV3 and LI4 groups by the second and third cycles compared with the placebo group (p<0.05).Analyzing the score of SF12 fields in the second and third cycles showed a significant difference in all dimensions between the intervention and placebo groups. There was no significant difference between LIV3 and LI4 acupressure groups in decrease of PMS symptoms, anxiety and depression and improving SF12scores (p<0.05). Conclusion: Performing the simple acupressure protocol at LIV3 and LI4 is an effective method to decrease the severity of PMS symptoms, anxiety and depression, and to improve the QOL. Pressure at LIV3 and LI4 appear to be equally effective

    A Study of Supply Chain Management for Preliminary Destination Brand Experience in North Sumatera, Indonesia

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    The development of tourism places is getting more attention in current era especially Lake Toba, North Sumatera, Indonesia. It aims to attracts many tourists. As one way to differentiate the identity of a product or service is by the brand. The brand experience emerges as an essential and effective in management and marketing. Thus, this study consider the brand experience as a factor in market competition. In conjuction with the issue, this study aims to identify the supply chain management for preliminary destination brand experience In North Sumatera, Indonesia. This quantitative study designed using the library, literature reviews and others relevance source. The data analyzed using the Matrix Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE). The results of the analysis found that the environmental stability of Lake Toba as tourism area categorized as medium position. Also, using the inelastic dimension of environmental stability (pricing), we found that the Lake Toba is still a tourist choice. In addition, the experience as the value of excellence to increase the tourist satisfaction

    Camera motion estimation through planar deformation determination

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    In this paper, we propose a global method for estimating the motion of a camera which films a static scene. Our approach is direct, fast and robust, and deals with adjacent frames of a sequence. It is based on a quadratic approximation of the deformation between two images, in the case of a scene with constant depth in the camera coordinate system. This condition is very restrictive but we show that provided translation and depth inverse variations are small enough, the error on optical flow involved by the approximation of depths by a constant is small. In this context, we propose a new model of camera motion, that allows to separate the image deformation in a similarity and a ``purely'' projective application, due to change of optical axis direction. This model leads to a quadratic approximation of image deformation that we estimate with an M-estimator; we can immediatly deduce camera motion parameters.Comment: 21 pages, version modifi\'ee accept\'e le 20 mars 200

    Efficacy of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate therapy in nucleoside-analogue naive Iranian patients treated for chronic hepatitis B

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    Background: Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) is a new effective treatment option for patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB). Objectives: To evaluate TDF efficacy in nucleos(t)ide analogues (NAs)-naive Iranian patients with CHB. Patients and Methods: The NA-naive patients received TDF for at least six months. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients achieving a complete virological response (CVR) during the treatment. Multivariate Cox regression analysis determined predictive factors independently associated with the time to CVR. The secondary endpoints were biochemical and serological responses, frequency of virological breakthrough, genotypic resistance development, safety and tolerability. Results: In all, 93 patients (64.5 hepatitis B e antigen HBeAg-negative) were eligible. Of these, 70 patients completed 24 months of treatment. The cumulative CVR rates in HBeAg-negative and HBeAg-positive patients were 87% versus 53% at 24 months, respectively. The multivariate Cox regression model showed only HBeAg positivity at baseline and a high baseline HBV DNA level were independent factors predicting a CVR. No patient achieved hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and HBeAg loss or seroconversion and no virologic breakthrough occurred. A new amino acid substitution (rtD263E) was observed to develop in 60% of patients with viremia. Conclusions: The cumulative CVR rates showed that patients with HBeAg-negative have better virologic respond than those with HBeAg-positive during the same period. The rtD263E mutation might be associated with partial resistance to TDF. © 2015, Kowsar Corp

    Nature of Nitrogen Incorporation in BiVO4 Photoanodes through Chemical and Physical Methods

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    In recent years, BiVO4 has been optimized as a photoanode material to produce photocurrent densities close to its theoretical maximum under AM1.5 solar illumination. Its performance is, therefore, limited by its 2.4 eV bandgap. Herein, nitrogen is incorporated into BiVO4 to shift the valence band position to higher energies and thereby decreases the bandgap. Two different approaches are investigated: modification of the precursors for the spray pyrolysis recipe and post-deposition nitrogen ion implantation. Both methods result in a slight red shift of the BiVO4 bandgap and optical absorption onset. Although previous reports on N-modified BiVO4 assumed individual nitrogen atoms to substitute for oxygen, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy on the samples reveals the presence of molecular nitrogen (i.e., N-2). Density functional theory calculations confirm the thermodynamic stability of the incorporation and reveal that N-2 coordinates to two vanadium atoms in a bridging configuration. Unfortunately, nitrogen incorporation also results in the formation of a localized state of approximate to 0.1 eV below the conduction band minimum of BiVO4, which suppresses the photoactivity at longer wavelengths. These findings provide important new insights on the nature of nitrogen incorporation into BiVO4 and illustrate the need to find alternative lower-bandgap absorber materials for photoelectrochemical energy conversion applications