392 research outputs found

    Education is at the Heart of Every Human Settlement

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    Against those who question that ethical character should be considered as convincing factor of the human constitution based on empirical reasons, Obiora F. Ike gives good arguments, based on the agenda of the human development and education across the planet, to reaffirm some truth about character formation. There should be no question that simplifications, related to some sort of skepticism over the moral character, are at best purely theoretical fanciness, at worst irresponsible. Passivity in a world made of urgent challenges around education and economic inequalities is not acceptable. Our need to believe, to trust and to act in the real world, lead us to praise some dogmatism on the ground assumption that we act accordingly to our [moral] character. Education has shown us the value of developing moral character. Cross-situational consistency of integrity needs to be shared across cultures, against the impression that it opens a room for abuses, as integrity is also a social construct

    Moral and ethical leadership, human rights and conflict resolution : African and global contexts

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    First published 2019 by CIDJAP Publications, Enugu, NigeriaReprint with new Introduction : Virtue Based Moral and Ethical Leadership as a Collaborative Analysis by Ignace HaazThis book is concerned by the effectiveness of a limited number of cardinal virtues that great religions (such as Christianity) have in common with philosophical ethics, and the author uses philosophy as a practical aim for better inviting value- and reason-oriented actions. Based on the virtue of hope, the author thinks the very essence of fair conditions for education as transformative education. Deriving from the virtue of justice, we find a firm foundation for peace research and reconciliation programmes. Courage and productivity are, in a judicious manner, related to the value of work. Trust, the virtue of love and common good are matters of the management of natural and economic resources. As we discover each chapter after the other, the whole work is revealed to be grounded on a hierarchy of virtues

    Applied ethics to issues of development, culture, religion and education

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    2nd editionFirst published 2019 BEW IT LTD & CIDJAP Publications, Enugu, NigeriaThe reflections in this book emanate from several lectures, speeches and conferences papers delivered by the author on matters that impact the world. They are now put together in one volume to fulfill the need of documentation of reflected thought which relevance continues to have validity for humankind. We live at a time and in a period of massive global challenges which also influence the lives of billions of people around the world. Questions are asked and answered proffered even in a modest way

    Enhancing The First Semester Students' Speaking Ability Using Instructional Video

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    This one-cycle Clasroom Action Research (CAR) was intended to improve students' speaking abilty in describing someone. This was done because the researchers' observation during preliminary study showed that students found difficulties in delivering their thought in speaking. It was indicated by their hesitation to present their thoughts. Besides, from some students' performance during preliminary study, the researchers found that students still found difficuties to pronounce English words. To this, instructional video implementation was selected to eliminate this problem. After the plannings were implemented, the results of video implementation was reflected by reflecting the revealed scores with the criteria of success. Finally, it was found that using instructional video in teaching speaking did not only improve students' speaking ability but also motivate students to participate actively in the teaching and learning process

    Pengembangan Potensi Wilayah Terhadap Aksesibilitas Infrastruktur Dasar Dengan Metode Irap

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    Kecamatan Putussibau Selatan sebelah utara berbatasan dengan Kecamatan Putussibau Utara, sebelah Barat berbatasan dengan Kecamatan Bika, sebelah selatan berbatasan dengan Kecamatan Kalis, dan sebelah timur berbatasan dengan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Dengan luas wilayah kecamatan 5634,16km2. Kecamatan Putussibau Selatan terbagi menjadi 16 desa yang terdiri dari Desa Kedamin Hilir, Desa Kedamin Hulu, Desa Jaras, Desa Sungai Uluk, Desa Tanjung Jati, Desa Kedamin Darat, Desa Melapi, Desa Ingko'tambe, Desa Sayut, Desa Urang Unsa, Desa Suka Maju, Desa Cempaka Baru, Desa Beringin Jaya, Desa Kereho, Desa Bungan Jaya, dan Desa Tanjung Lokang. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi sektor-sektor yang diprioritaskan sebagai fasilitas pelayanan, menghitung nilai aksesibilitas dengan metode Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning (IRAP), serta menentukan pendekatan penanganan/perbaikan akses penduduk desa. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan suatu pengkajian mengenai perencanaan aksesibilitas pedesaan dengan menggunakan metode Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning (IRAP) yang dikembangkan oleh International Labour Organization (ILO). Pengumpulan data untuk metode IRAP ini dengan menggunakan kombinasi pengumpulan data berbasis interview/wawancara, observasi lapangan, dan pengisian kuisioner. Adapun sektor yang ditinjau dalam kuisioner ini antara lain : Sumber Tenaga Listrik, Sumber Air Bersih, Pendidikan, Kesehatan, Pasar, Perkebunan, Komunikasi, Pemukiman, Pertanian, dan Perikanan. Hasil analisa penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penangan sektor prioritas dari nilai aksesibilitas yang paling tinggi menyimpulkan bahwa tingkatan prioritas nilai aksesibilitas Desa Melapi adalah sektor air bersih dengan nilai 11,248dan nilai aksesibilitas sarana 11,467dengan pendekatan intervensi pemenuhan kebutuhan untuk mck51.200 ltr/ hari dengan pembangunan jaringan PDAM dan pemenuhan kebutuhan masak dan minum sebesar14.850 lt/hari dengan penambahan PAH maupun gentong-gentong air serta pemantapan jaringan jalan sepanjang100 m dengan penanganan jalan berupa tambal sulam cor beton. Hasil analisis terbagi atas tiga klasifikasi, yaitu aksesibilitas fasilitas, aksesibilitas sarana transportasi dan aksesibilitas prasarana transportasi. Berdasarkan perbandingan nilai aksesibilitas antara komponen fasilitas, sarana dan prasarana transportasi untuk semua sektor maka pada Desa Melapitersebut di ketahui bahwa memprioritaskan perbaikan/penanganan sarana dan prasarana

    Design And Development Of A Microcontroller Based Wireless Security Access System

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    Security can simply be protecting your equipment and files from unauthorized access, but there is much more. Computer security helps ensure that your computers, networks, and peripherals work as expected all the time, and that your dsta is safe in the event of hard disk crash or a power failure resulting from an electrical storm. Security makes sure no dsmage is done to your dsta and that no one is able to read it unless you want them to. This work focuses on security from the dimension of remote wireless access using password credential. In various industries, companies and even homes of today, the use of this means of security is very popular and various evolution over the years have been made to the first model that came out in the late 1800's. The main activities involved in this work are the research done on how the automatic gate works and the transfer of frequency modulated signals using the transmitter and receiver module

    Pembuatan Penghitung Jumlah Mobil Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega 8535 Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik

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    Car drivers often experience difficulties to park their cars in the parking lot there is a slot or an empty space with a limited number. For example, some parking places such as shopping centers, apartments and hotels. To determine the state of the parking spaces have been filled or not it is necessary to update the conditions in the room. The purpose of this thesis is to create a functioning device calculates and displays the number of entrances. A number of automatically calculating devices have been made. General description of the device is designed to use the SRF04 ultrasonic sensor, microcontroller ATMega8535, and buzzer. SRF04 ultrasonic sensors as detecting obstructions between the ends of the door with the barrier wall and counting. With the existence of this device in the state of the room can be determined easily and saves time

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Berbasis Web

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    Instalasi rekam medis merupakan tahapan proses pencatatan data pasien, pendaftaran pasien yang datang untuk kunjungan yang baru pertama kali atau berikutnya ke sebuah rumah sakit untuk mendapatkan nomor rekam medis ( medical record ). Pasien datang dengan mendaftarkan diri ke bagian pendaftaran namun pasien yang datang tidak semua dalam keadaan sadar. Proses pencarian data pasien kadang memakan waktu yang relatif tidak sedikit akibat kartu member yang hilang menyebabkan pasien yang sama bisa mendapatkan nomor rekam medis yang lebih dari satu. Kejadian ini kerap terjadi apabila sistem yang berjalan di rumah sakit yang belum terkomputerisasi. Dilatarbelakangi hal tersebut penulis mencoba menyusun Tugas Akhir Perancangan Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis Rawat Inap Berbasis Web. Perancangan aplikasi ini menggunakan UML, dengan database engine Mysql dan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Aplikasi ini juga didukung oleh javascript , jquery dan AJAX untuk membuat antarmuka menjadi lebih cepat terutama dalam penampilan data dan pencarian secara live search.Pengujian aplikasi ini dengan metode blackbox. Dengan aplikasi ini, pengguna dapat memperoleh pelayanan yaitu berupa data rekam medis dari seluruh pasien pada bagian rawat inap di rumah sakit tersebut yang dapat diakses dengan mudah. Hasil pengujian aplikasi ini meningkatkan pengelolaan data rekam medis menjadi lebih mudah dan efisien dilakukan, aman karena data tersimpan dalam basis data, tidak cepat rusak, mempermudah dalam pencarian data, serta lebih terstruktur dibandingkan dengan pengelolaan secara manual
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