10 research outputs found

    Managerial Views of Corporate Impacts and Dependencies on Ecosystem Services : A Case of International and Domestic Forestry Companies in China

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    A line of research is emerging investigating the private sector impacts and dependencies on critical biodiversity and ecosystem services, and related business risks and opportunities. While the ecosystem services narrative is being forwarded globally as a key paradigm for promoting business sustainability, there is scarce knowledge of how these issues are considered at managerial level. This study thus investigates managerial views of corporate sustainability after the ecosystem services concept. We analyse interviews conducted with 20 managers from domestic and international forestry companies operating with a plantation-based business model in China. Content analysis was employed to analyse the data, with a focus on four key areas: (1) interviewee familiarity with the ecosystem services concept; (2) their views of corporate dependencies and impacts on ecosystem services; (3) related business risks and opportunities; and (4) viability of existing instruments and practices that can be employed in detecting and addressing business impacts and dependencies on ecosystem services. Through an inductive approach to the empirical findings, we refined a framework that holds operational value for developing company response strategies to ecosystem services impact/dependence assessment, ensuring that all issues are addressed comprehensively, and that related risks and opportunities are properly acknowledged.Peer reviewe


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    RESUMO As iniciativas de educação corporativa vêm se institucionalizando como elemento de competitividade entre países (LANVIN; EVANS, 2013), organizações (EBOLI et al. 2010) e indivíduos (SARSUR, 2010). Como parte do resultado da melhor estruturação da educação corporativa, a qualificação da mão de obra traz no seu bojo os processos de certificação profissional. Neste contexto, o sistema financeiro brasileiro revela instituições mais efetivas na intermediação financeira e na geração de resultados, lastreadas em ações de educação corporativa e políticas de gestão de pessoas. O presente artigo delineia esta perspectiva analisando o movimento de certificação de trabalhadores bancários no Brasil, sob a égide de atores distintos como o órgão regulador; os bancos e suas universidades corporativas; as certificadoras; os sindicatos e os bancários. Verificaram-se por meio de pesquisa qualitativa de cunho descritivo, utilizando-se como instrumentos de coleta de dados a análise documental, entrevistas e grupo de foco, as políticas de gestão de pessoas sob o escopo da educação corporativa e o processo de certificação bancária sob a perspectiva destes atores. Os principais achados indicam que o Banco Central do Brasil normatiza o mercado, os bancos induzem ao processo de certificação bancária como mecanismo de ampliação de competitividade e pressão sobre o indivíduo enquanto trabalhador, e por sua vez os sindicatos atuam como coadjuvantes no processo

    Sistemas de mensuração e avaliação de desempenho organizacional: estudo de casos no setor químico no Brasil Organizational performance measurement and evaluation systems: multiple case study in the Brazilian chemical sector

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    O artigo pretende apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada junto a quatro grandes empresas brasileiras do setor químico, descrevendo os seus respectivos sistemas de mensuração e avaliação de desempenho organizacional. O presente trabalho é um estudo exploratório e descritivo e baseia-se no uso de estudos de casos múltiplos, tendo sido realizada a respectiva revisão da literatura que aborda o assunto. São propostas, ao final, as conclusões e recomendações que se fazem pertinentes ao tema do trabalho, guardadas as restrições próprias da metodologia empregada.<br>The objectives of this paper are to present some results of a research carried out in four large chemical companies operating in Brazil and to describe these companies' organizational performance measurement and evaluation systems. This is an exploratory and descriptive research based on multiple case studies, in accordance with a literature review on this subject. At the end, some conclusions and recommendations are presented, despite the limitations characteristic of the applied methodology

    International Delphi Consensus Study on disposable single-use endoscopy:A path to clinical adoption

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    Background/objective:Increasing infectious rate estimates and low microbiological surveillance affect safety of gastrointestinal endoscopy globally. Single use endoscopes and accessories have been claimed to improve safety, but there is lack of data on their indication and sustainability. We aimed to identify a series of best practice recommendations for the use of single use endoscopes and accessories using a modified Delphi. Methods/design: Consensus statements for the use of single use endoscopy and accessories were developed using a modified Delphi process, utilizing an international endoscopist expert panel of 62 experts from 33 nations. The main steps in the process were selecting the consensus group, conducting systematic literature reviews, developing statements, and anonymous voting on the statements until consensus was reached. High-risk patients were defined as those with multi-drug-resistant infections, immunosuppressive medication or chemotherapy, post-transplantation, or with severe neutropenia. Results:Of the 26 statements that were voted upon through two rounds, 17 statements reached consensus. Category 1: single use accessories (8 statements), related to defining recommendations for the use of single use accessories in all patient populations or high-risk patients. Category 2: clinical indication for single use endoscopes (9 statements), including indications to high-risk patients, protecting the endoscope apparatus and contamination measures in endoscopy units. Category 3: technical factors (4 statements), related to superior performance and technical specifications with the new innovation. Category 4: environmental issues (2 statements), concerning mechanisms that reduce the detrimental burden to the environment. Category 5: financial implications (3 statements), related to healthcare policies, cost neutrality and other financial associations of single use endoscopy. Conclusions: This is the first international initiative in determining clinical indications for single use endoscopy and accessories. The study's findings should serve as a framework for future physicians to guide future research and aid the proper evidence-based indications for the implementation of single use endoscopes in clinical practice.</p

    Shades of green: using computer-aided qualitative data analysis to explore different aspects of corporate environmental performance

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