11 research outputs found

    Practical indications for the prevention and management of SARS-CoV-2 in ambulatory dialysis patients : lessons from the first phase of the epidemics in Lombardy

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    Confronting the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has allowed us to appreciate how efficiently highly-resourced settings can respond to crises. However even such settings are not prepared to deal with the situation, and lessons are only slowly being learnt. There is still an urgent need to accelerate protocols that lead to the implementation of rapid point-of-care diagnostic testing and effective antiviral therapies. In some high-risk populations, such as dialysis patients, where several individuals are treated at the same time in a limited space and overcrowded areas, our objective must be to ensure protection to patients, the healthcare team and the dialysis ward. The difficult Italian experience may help other countries to face the challenges. The experience of the Lombardy underlines the need for gathering and sharing our data to increase our knowledge and support common, initially experience-based, and as soon as possible evidence-based position to face this overwhelming crisis

    Correction to: Practical indications for the prevention and management of SARS-CoV-2 in ambulatory dialysis patients: lessons from the first phase of the epidemics in Lombardy (Journal of Nephrology, (2020), 33, 2, (193-196), 10.1007/s40620-020-00727-y)

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    The originally published article the co-author name Marco Heidempergher incorrectly spelled as Marco Hedemperger. The correct name given below:

    Best practices on pregnancy on dialysis: the Italian Study Group on Kidney and Pregnancy

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Pregnancy during dialysis is increasingly being reported and represents a debated point in Nephrology. The small number of cases available in the literature makes evidence-based counselling difficult, also given the cultural sensitivity of this issue. Hence, the need for position statements to highlight the state of the art and propose the unresolved issues for general discussion. METHODS: A systematic analysis of the literature (MESH, Emtree and free terms on pregnancy and dialysis) was conducted and expert opinions examined (Study Group on Kidney and Pregnancy; experts involved in the management of pregnancy in dialysis in Italy 2000-2013). Questions regarded: timing of dialysis start in pregnancy; mode of treatment, i.e. peritoneal dialysis (PD) versus haemodialysis (HD); treatment schedules (for both modes); obstetric surveillance; main support therapies (anaemia, calcium-phosphate parathormone; acidosis); counselling tips. MAIN RESULTS: Timing of dialysis start is not clear, considering also the different support therapies; successful pregnancy is possible in both PD and HD; high efficiency and strict integration with residual kidney function are pivotal in both treatments, the blood urea nitrogen test being perhaps a useful marker in this context. To date, long-hour HD has provided the best results. Strict, personalized obstetric surveillance is warranted; therapies should be aimed at avoiding vitamin B12, folate and iron deficits, and at correcting anaemia; vitamin D and calcium administration is safe and recommended. Women on dialysis should be advised that pregnancy is possible, albeit rare, with both types of dialysis treatment, and that a success rate of over 75% may be achieved. High dialysis efficiency and frequent controls are needed to optimize outcomes

    Children of a lesser god or miracles? An emotional and behavioural profile of children born to mothers on dialysis in Italy: A multicentre nationwide study 2000-12

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Pregnancy on dialysis is increasingly being reported. This study evaluates the behavioural profile of the children of mothers on dialysis and the parental stress their mothers undergo when compared with a group of mothers affected by a different chronic disease (microcythaemia) and a group of healthy control mothers. METHODS: Between 2000 and 2012, 23 on-dialysis mothers gave birth to 24 live-born children in Italy (23 pregnancies, 1 twin pregnancy, one of the twins deceased soon after delivery); of these, 16 mothers and 1 father (whose wife died before the inquiry) were included in the study (1 mother had died and the father was unavailable; 2 were not asked to participate because their children had died and 3 were unavailable; children: median age: 8.5, min-max: 2-13 years). Twenty-three mothers affected by transfusion-dependent microcythaemia or drepanocitosis (31 pregnancies, 32 children) and 35 healthy mothers (35 pregnancies, 35 children; median age of the children: 7, min-max: 1-13 years) were recruited as controls. All filled in the validated questionnaires: 'Child Behaviour Checklist' (CBCL) and the 'Parental Stress Index-Short Form' (PSI-SF). RESULTS: The results of the CBCL questionnaire were similar for mothers on dialysis and healthy controls except for pervasive developmental problems, which were significantly higher in the dialysis group, while microcythaemia mothers reported higher emotional and behavioural problems in their children in 8 CBCL sub-scales. Two/16 children in the dialysis and 3/32 in the microcythaemia group had pathological profiles, as assessed by T-scores (p: ns). PSI-SF indicated a normal degree of parental stress in microcythaemia subjects and healthy controls, while mothers on dialysis declared significantly lower stress, suggesting a defensive response in order to minimize problems, stress or negativity in their relationship with their child. CONCLUSIONS: According to the present analysis, the emotional and behavioural outcome is normal in most of the children from on-dialysis mothers. A 'positive defence' in the dialysis mothers should be kept in mind when tailoring psychological support for this medical miracle

    Tests for Anxiolytic Activity

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