42 research outputs found

    Nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter dalam kisah Nabi Musa As dan Nabi Khidir As: Telaah tafsir Al-Qur’an surat Al-Kahfi ayat 06-28

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    ABSTRAK Al-Qur’an yang merupakan sumber utama pendidikan Islam berbicara banyaktentang pendidikan, baik mengenai tujuan, materi, serta metode pendidikandiantaranya adalah metode kisah. Diantara sekian banyak kisah yang dipaparkandalam Al-Qur’an, ada satu kisah yang paling bagus dan indah, yaitu kisah nabi Kisah Nabi Musa As dan Nabi Khidir Asyang hanya terdapat dalam Surat Al- Kahfi. Menariknya kisah ini tidak hanya berbicaratentang masalah akidah saja, di dalamnya juga dijumpai masalah etika/akhlak, seni,interaksi sosial, politik, persahabatan dan cinta dengan menampilkan tokoh utamaseorang pemuda yang tampan, cerdas, tangguh, berani, dan berakhlak mulia. Diaadalah nabiyullah Kisah Nabi Musa As dan Nabi Khidir Asyang tumbuh dibawah asuhan orang tua yang bijaksana,penuh pengertian dan sabar. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali nilai-nilaipendidikan Karakter terkait dengan pendidikan etika/moral yang terkandungdalam Surat Al- Kahfi , serta relevansinya dengan pendidikan remaja untuk kemudianbisa dijadikan pedoman dalam bertingkah laku. Jenis penelitian yang penulis gunakan disini adalah penelitian murni deskriptifkualitatif dengan metode library research , yaitu suatu riset kepustakaan. Data- datadiperoleh dengan dokumentasi yang diambil dari Sumber utama yaitu Al- Qur’an,Hadis, kitab-kitab tafsir baik klasik maupun kotemporer dan karangan ilmiah. Disini,penulis menggunakan teknik analisis isi (content analisis) dari ayat-ayat dalam suratAl-Kahfi sekaligus dari tafsirannya untuk menemukan nilai-nilai pendidikan Karakter yangrelevan dengan remaja. Hasil dari penelitian yang dapat penulis paparkan disini bahwa dalam Surat Al- Kahfi mengandung nilai-nilai Pendidikan Karakter terhadap Tuhan meliputi sabar, syukur,taqwa, iffah dan al- haya’, dan berdoa; pendidikan terhadap terhadap diri sendiri meliputi etika berilmu, dalam proses belajar mengajar, tidak sombong, cinta Ilmu, menghormati Guru, etika remaja terhadap sesama meliputi mempererat persaudaraan,pemaaf dan tidak memiliki rasa dendam, menutup aib orang lain, amanah, dantawadhu; menghargai orang lain, serta etika remaja terhadap negara meliputi menyelamatkan negara dari bahaya, mengantarkan Negara pada kemajuan, serta mematuhi peraturan yangditetapkan Negara. Adapun Relevansi Kandungan Surat Al-Kahfi dengan Pendidikan Karakter ada dua, yaitu relevansi metode kisah dalam pendidikan rKarakter dalam proses belajar dan relevansisikap gurudan Murid. Nilai-nilai pendidikan etika bagi remaja yang penulis sampaikan di atas,diharapkan menjadi salah satu solusi untuk memperbaiki karakter kita agar tujuanpendidikan Islam untuk membentuk generasi bangsa yang beriman, berakal, danberakhlak sesuai dengan Al-Qur’an bisa terwujud. ABSTRACT Al-Bukhari, Äôan which is the main source of Islamic education speaks volumes about the education, both on the objectives, materials, and methods of such education is a method of story. Among the many stories presented in Al-Qur, Äôan, there is a story of the most beautiful and good, the story of the Prophet Stories of the Prophet Moses and Prophet Khidr As of As that is only found in Surat Al-Kahf. Interestingly this story is not just talk about faith issues alone, it also found problems in the ethics / morals, art, social interaction, politics, friendship and love to show the main character a young man handsome, smart, tough, brave, and noble. He is nabiyullah story of Prophet Moses and Khidr As of As that grows under the care of parents who are wise, understanding and patient. The purpose of this study was to explore the values associated with character education educational ethics / morality is contained in Surat Al-Kahf, and the relevance of education for theyouth could then be used as guidelines in the act. Kind of research that the authors use here is purely descriptive qualitative research methods of library research, a research library. The data acquired with the documentation taken from the main source of Al-Bukhari, Äôan, Hadith, tafseer and kotemporer both classical and scientific articles. Here, the authors used content analysis techniques (content analysis) of the verses in Surat al-Kahf as well as of interpretation to find the values of character education that is relevant to teens. The results of research that can be the writer explained here that in Surat Al-Kahf contains the values of God's Character Education includes patience, gratitude, piety, and al-haya Iffah, AO, and pray; education to include the ethics of self-knowledge, in teaching and learning process, not boastful, love science, respect for Teachers, youth ethics of neighbor includes strengthening brotherhood, forgiveness and have no sense of revenge, closing disgrace of others, trust, and tawadhu; respect for others, and the ethics of the country covering teens save the state of danger, led the State in advance, as well as comply with regulations set out the State. The relevance of the content-Kahf SuratAl with Character Education There are two stories in the educational relevance of the method rKarakter in the learning process and the relevance of teacher and student attitudes The values of ethics education for adolescents author gave at the top, is expected to be one solution to improve our character for the purpose of Islamic education to form a generation of people who believe, intelligent, and a certain character in accordance with Al-Bukhari, Äôan can be realized

    Aplikasi Game Edukatif Tebak Nama Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia (Gnpi) Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif

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    Permainan (Game) pada handphone saat ini telah menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan, khususnya pada sistem operasi android. Sebagian besar orang termasuk pelajar banyak menghabiskan waktu dengan handphone sekitar 5-6 jam di depan handphone hanya untuk aplikasi dan membuka alamat website (Digital GFK Asia, 2016). Waktu penggunaan handphone yang setiap harinya memakan cukup banyak waktu tentu memberikan dampak yang cukup besar pada pelajar. Disamping dampak positif yang memberikan keuntungan, adapula dampak negatif yang merugikan bagi pelajar, termasuk salah satunya yang mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku seorang pelajar. Untuk mengatasi salah satu dampak negatif tersebut, handphone dapat digunakan sebagai media hiburan yang bersifat edukatif seperti aplikasi permainan (Game) sejarah untuk mengatasi kejenuhan pelajar di waktu senggang. Dibuatnya aplikasi permainan ini sehigga dapat memberikan waktu pada pelajar untuk bermain sambil belajar

    Studi Sistem Pencegahan Dan Penanggulangan Kebakaran Pada Pabrik Pembuatan Pesawat Terbang

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    Pembangunan suatu gedung, penting untuk memperhatikan keselamatan jiwa para penghuninya. Pada pabrik pesawat terbang, perencanaan sistem pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran sangatlah penting. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi sistem pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran di pabrik pesawat terbang dengan studi kasus PT. Dirgantara In-donesia (PTDI) Bandung. Sistem pencegahan kebakaran yang dievaluasi adalah hidran, springkler, Pemadam Api Ringan (PAR), detektor kebakaran, alarm kebakaran, dan alat bantu evakuasi. Peraturan yang dipakai adalah SKBI (Standar Konstruksi Bangunan Indonesia), SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia), dan NFPA (National Fire Protection Association). Bangunan yang dijadikan studi kasus adalah hanggar cat, kantor Sub-Assy, gedung poliklinik, gedung Dharma Wanita, dan gudang Flammable Storage. Sistem penanggulangan kebakaran yang dievaluasi adalah organisasi pemadam kebakaran. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi sistem pencegahan kebakaran, didapatkan pada beberapa bangunan atau area, ada yang sudah memenuhi persyaratan SKBI, SNI, dan NFPA; ada yang belum memenuhi persyaratan SKBI, SNI, dan NFPA; dan ada pula yang memenuhi salah satu/ dua dari persyaratan dalam SKBI, SNI, dan NFPA. Maka PTDI disarankan untuk memenuhi jumlah alat pencegah kebakaran sesuai peraturan dan menambah jumlah anggota regu pemadam kebakaran

    In vivo anxiolytic and in vitro anti-inflammatory activities of water-soluble extract (WSE) of Nigella sativa (L.) seeds

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    The WSE is a highly polar, gummy and mucilaginous bioactive content of the Nigella sativa (L.) seeds. This study reports the anxiolytic and anti-inflammatory effects of WSE investigated using Elevated Plus Maze (EPM) and Hole-Board Test (HBT) in adult mice and human RBCs haemolysis inhibition and protein denaturation respectively. The oral WSE treatment (100 & 200 mg/kg b.w/day) for 72 hours has exhibited slightly better anxiolytic effect (p < 0.05) through the time span (92.33 & 93.33 s) spent in the opened arms of EPM vs. diazepam (1 mg/kg b.w i.p/day; 69.33 s). In HBT, only WSE (200 mg/kg b.w/day) has shown a promising number of mean head pokes (13.27 times/min) vs. diazepam (12.87 times/min). The WSE (62.5-500 mg/mL) exposure has exhibited 40.14-72.18% protection against lysis of RBCs vs. aspirin (57.04-71.48%) whilst 62.67-67.66% inhibition of protein denaturation vs. diclofenac sodium (43.11-80.64%). The current findings suggested WSE has promising anxiolytic and anti-inflammatory activities

    The thrombolytic and cytotoxic effects of nigella sativa (L.) seeds: the prophetic medicine

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    The Water-Soluble Extract (WSE) is a crude bioactive phytoconstituent of Nigella sativa (L.) seeds discovered recently. The current findings report about the thrombolytic and cytotoxic effects of WSE using human blood clot lysis and brine shrimp lethality (BSL) bioassay. The thrombolytic effect of WSE (1,666.67 µg/mL) was determined via the clot and lysate weight measurements compared to streptokinase (STK) of 30,000 IU/mL and normal saline (NS) while the cytotoxicity of WSE (44.14-2,000 µg/mL) against vincristine sulfate (VCS;3.125-100 µg/mL). WSE has shown extremely statistically significant (p<0.0001) clot lysis (90.00%) compared to NS (3.76%) whilst it was also significantly different (p<0.0063) to STK (72.41%) exhibiting LC50 of 1,795.90 µg/mL vs. VCS (39.25 µg/mL) in a dose-dependent manner. The current results suggested WSE has a potent thrombolytic effect with mild dose-dependent cytotoxicity towards brine shrimp nauplii (Artemia salina). It also suggested WSE might have enzymatic roles on thrombin, fibrin, and plasmin of blood. This pharmacological action of WSE is might be due to its antioxidant property, short-chain fatty acids and/or amino acids. Further studies are highly recommended on the enzymatic role(s) and bioactive phytoconstituents of WSE

    Impact of primary kidney disease on the effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease: secondary analyses of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial

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    Background: The EMPA KIDNEY trial showed that empagliflozin reduced the risk of the primary composite outcome of kidney disease progression or cardiovascular death in patients with chronic kidney disease mainly through slowing progression. We aimed to assess how effects of empagliflozin might differ by primary kidney disease across its broad population. Methods: EMPA-KIDNEY, a randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial, was conducted at 241 centres in eight countries (Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, the UK, and the USA). Patients were eligible if their estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was 20 to less than 45 mL/min per 1·73 m2, or 45 to less than 90 mL/min per 1·73 m2 with a urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (uACR) of 200 mg/g or higher at screening. They were randomly assigned (1:1) to 10 mg oral empagliflozin once daily or matching placebo. Effects on kidney disease progression (defined as a sustained ≥40% eGFR decline from randomisation, end-stage kidney disease, a sustained eGFR below 10 mL/min per 1·73 m2, or death from kidney failure) were assessed using prespecified Cox models, and eGFR slope analyses used shared parameter models. Subgroup comparisons were performed by including relevant interaction terms in models. EMPA-KIDNEY is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03594110. Findings: Between May 15, 2019, and April 16, 2021, 6609 participants were randomly assigned and followed up for a median of 2·0 years (IQR 1·5–2·4). Prespecified subgroupings by primary kidney disease included 2057 (31·1%) participants with diabetic kidney disease, 1669 (25·3%) with glomerular disease, 1445 (21·9%) with hypertensive or renovascular disease, and 1438 (21·8%) with other or unknown causes. Kidney disease progression occurred in 384 (11·6%) of 3304 patients in the empagliflozin group and 504 (15·2%) of 3305 patients in the placebo group (hazard ratio 0·71 [95% CI 0·62–0·81]), with no evidence that the relative effect size varied significantly by primary kidney disease (pheterogeneity=0·62). The between-group difference in chronic eGFR slopes (ie, from 2 months to final follow-up) was 1·37 mL/min per 1·73 m2 per year (95% CI 1·16–1·59), representing a 50% (42–58) reduction in the rate of chronic eGFR decline. This relative effect of empagliflozin on chronic eGFR slope was similar in analyses by different primary kidney diseases, including in explorations by type of glomerular disease and diabetes (p values for heterogeneity all &gt;0·1). Interpretation: In a broad range of patients with chronic kidney disease at risk of progression, including a wide range of non-diabetic causes of chronic kidney disease, empagliflozin reduced risk of kidney disease progression. Relative effect sizes were broadly similar irrespective of the cause of primary kidney disease, suggesting that SGLT2 inhibitors should be part of a standard of care to minimise risk of kidney failure in chronic kidney disease. Funding: Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, and UK Medical Research Council

    Implementasi Kekuatan Eksekutorial Terhadap Hak Tanggungan Dalam Rangka Penyelesaian Kredit Macet Berdasarkan Akta Yang Telah Dibuat Oleh Notaris

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    The mortgage right is one of the guarantee institutions in Indonesia that is often used in the provision of credit agreements whose arrangements are regulated in Law No. 4 of 1996 on Mortgage Rights. Against a non-performing loan, the mortgage holds stronger executorial strength compared to other guarantees in general. Registration of mortgages can only be done by the Land Acquisition Authority (PPAT) who has the authority as mandated by law with the establishment of a Deed of Assignment Rights (APHT) and registered by the relevant official to the National Land Agency (BPN) with the terms and times that have been determined as well.The existence of a bad credit is also caused by the debtor who has bad faith in installing the credit and expected a self-know system to know the financial history of debtors to the bank more thoroughly in conducting credit analysis