16 research outputs found

    Consideraciones sobre el final del relleno endorreico de las fosas de Calatayud y Teruel y su paso al exorreísmo. Implicaciones morfoestratigráficas y estructurales

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    [Resumen] Se pone en evidencia como la edad de la Superficie de Erosión Fundamental y el final del relleno endorreico de las fosas de Calatayud y Teruel, en la Cordillera Ibérica, no es un evento isócrono, sino variable en ambas depresiones yen. distintos sectores de una misma. La información geomorfológica y estratigráfica demuestra como la captura de una depresión endorreica y su paso al exorreismo es un proceso gradual en el espacio y en el tiempo, sin que necesariamente esté relacionado con estímulos tectónicos o climáticos. Así un intervalo de tiempo postcaptura puede estar representado en distintos sectores de una fosa por sedimentos endorreicos, hiatos erosivos o de no depósito y depósitos aluviales exorreicos. Por otra parte se cuestiona la cronoestratigrafía tradicional de los mantos aluviales depositados en condiciones exorreicas. Finalmente se esboza la evolución espacio temporal de la captura y paso al exorreismo de las fosas de Calatayud y Teruel y de las semifosas pliocuaternarias del sector central de la Cordillera Ibérica.[Abstract] It is shown how the age of the "Fundamental Erosión Surface" and the end of the endorheic infill of Calatayud and Teruel grabens, in the Iberian Range, is not isochronous, but variable between both basins and among different sectors of a certain one. Both, geomorphological and stratigraphical evidences demonstrate how the capture of an endorheic basin and its transition to exorheic conditions is a gradual process, which not necessarily has to be related with tectonic or climatic factors. A po~t-capture time span may be represented in different sectors of a graben by endorheic sediments, erosional and nondepositional hiatus and alluvial exorheic deposits. On the other hand, the traditional chronostratigraphy of the alluvial fans deposited under exorheic conditions is argued. Finally, the space and time evolution of the capture and transition to exorheic conditions in Teruel and Calatayud grabens and in the Plioquaternary halfgrabens of the central sector of the Iberian range is outlined

    Elefant (Proboscidea, Mammalia) remains in Pleistocene of Obón (Iberian Chain, Teruel)

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    An elephant tusk has been found in a fluvial terrace of a small creek affluent of the Martin river. The tooth is slightly curved, almost round in section and becomes increasingly smaller towards the tip. The specimens measurements and morphology lead us to propose it as a task of the "wood elephant" of the Pleistocene of Europe: Paleoloxodon antiquus, probably of an adult mal

    Stratigraphy and structure of the Los Mansuetos area (Teruel Basin)). Some remarks for the definition of the Turolian stratotype

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    Detailed mapping of the Los Mansuetos area, located northeast of the town of Teruel, allows a better lithostratigraphical definition of the Upper Miocene to Pliocene continental sediments exposed in the area. Six main stratigraphic units are distinguished and correlated from E to W of Los Mansuetos. In addition, the complex structure of the area is analyzed: four main fault systems trending NE-SW, NNW-SSE, E-W and NW-SE have been recognized. The NE-SW trending faults and an associated flexure are the youngest structures formed as a result of pervasive dissolution of underlying Triassic evaporite formations cropping out to the north of Los Mansuetos. The other fault systems are probably related to the reactivation of the Teruel and Concud fault systems. The study is relevant in furnishing a more precise geological framework for the stratotype of the Turolia

    Geomorphic Hazards in Spain

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    An overview of the main geomorphic hazards in Spain is presented. For each one of the processes analysed (floods, landslides, sinkholes, and coastal hazards), a brief description of their distribution, socioeconomic effects, and main causes is given. The main lines of research undertaken in recent times on these hazards, including development of new tools or techniques, are discussed. Finally, legislation and land-use planning measures for mitigation of risks due to such processes are described