41 research outputs found

    Masker SENGAT API (Senyum Semangat Aromaterapi) Solusi Atasi Kantuk Saat Berkendara

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    “Masker Sengat Api” was mask of aromatherapy which served as an effective solution to overcome drowsiness for riders. It was well known that one factor contributed to the high number of traffic accidents in Indonesia are caused by human neglience that is the condition of the rider was tired and sleepy that endangered the lives of riders and others. This mask inserted with aromatherapy gel made from natural ingredients with a fresh scent and had stimulant effect (orange, lemon, peppermint, and greentea) but did not have harmful side effect. This product was easy to use and fun for riders, especially with its unique shape and designed as well as affordable price. Stages of production “Masker Sengat Api” included pre production survey of availability of raw materials and the manufactured of masks and packaging designed, followed by production stage. This product has been publicized through speeched with others or writing and marketed “mobile” in Bandung and Jatinangor 1072 pieces of mask and 468 pieces aromatherapy gell refill pack. Based on the activity of PKM-K can be concluded that the students were able to be independent and aved an entrepreneurial spirit by selling the innovative products “Masker Sengat Api” that were able to sensitize the public to always overcome drowsiness in driving as well as being a practical choice in selecting a mask with all its benefits

    Replication, Pathogenesis and Transmission of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Virus in Non-Immune Pigs

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    The declaration of the human influenza A pandemic (H1N1) 2009 (H1N1/09) raised important questions, including origin and host range [1,2]. Two of the three pandemics in the last century resulted in the spread of virus to pigs (H1N1, 1918; H3N2, 1968) with subsequent independent establishment and evolution within swine worldwide [3]. A key public and veterinary health consideration in the context of the evolving pandemic is whether the H1N1/09 virus could become established in pig populations [4]. We performed an infection and transmission study in pigs with A/California/07/09. In combination, clinical, pathological, modified influenza A matrix gene real time RT-PCR and viral genomic analyses have shown that infection results in the induction of clinical signs, viral pathogenesis restricted to the respiratory tract, infection dynamics consistent with endemic strains of influenza A in pigs, virus transmissibility between pigs and virus-host adaptation events. Our results demonstrate that extant H1N1/09 is fully capable of becoming established in global pig populations. We also show the roles of viral receptor specificity in both transmission and tissue tropism. Remarkably, following direct inoculation of pigs with virus quasispecies differing by amino acid substitutions in the haemagglutinin receptor-binding site, only virus with aspartic acid at position 225 (225D) was detected in nasal secretions of contact infected pigs. In contrast, in lower respiratory tract samples from directly inoculated pigs, with clearly demonstrable pulmonary pathology, there was apparent selection of a virus variant with glycine (225G). These findings provide potential clues to the existence and biological significance of viral receptor-binding variants with 225D and 225G during the 1918 pandemic [5]

    System Engineering for Online Monitoring and Early Warning of Water Environment

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    Measurement activity usually performed at a time or in a certain time period. In the case of measurements at one time, measurements manually by visiting the location of measurements, take measurements and write them down, then left the location is not a problem. However, measurements made within a certain period of time or year would be verydraining, costly, and time consuming if perfomed manually. Thus, design and implementation of embedded system for online monitoring and early warning of water environment is proposed. The system consists of two parts i.e. monitoring stations (site) and monitoring center (server). A monitoring station is an embedded system that has interface with a logger. Monitoring center is a computer that runs the service that gets the data sent by the monitoring stations, process it and put it into the database. Monitoring center also runan http service to display data acquired from monitoring stations to end users both in tabular or graphical view . The system can perform continuous measurements and its results can be monitored remotely

    Drug release from perforated matrices containing hydroxypropylcellulose

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    Perforated matrices were obtained using as excipient hydroxypropylcelluloses having different viscosity degrees. Furosemide release was affected by the polymer viscosity, while it was not related to the releasing surface area. In fact, the matrix having the highest hole diameter, and consequently the lowest releasing surface area, showed the highest release rate. The application of an impermeable coating on all the surfaces, except the hole surface, restricted the releasing surface area reducing the release rate. Furosemide release from the perforated coated matrices was the same regardless of the hole diameter (surface) as the data were related to the unitary releasing surface. The comparative analysis of the drug release mechanism showed the decrease of the erosion (polymer dissolution) component and the increase of the drug diffusion component of the process as the perforated matrices were coated. These results can be justified by the restriction of the matrix swelling produced by the impermeable coating. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Sistem Informasi Manajemen Sekolah Berbasis Web pada Yayasan Ibnu Sina Bogor

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    SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN SEKOLAH BERBASIS WEB PADA YAYASAN IBNU SINA BOGOR. Yayasan Ibnu Sina adalah yayasan yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan. Yayasan Ibnu Sina memiliki lembaga-lembaga pendidikan yang terdiri dari SMP dan SMA. Selama ini, kegiatan belajar mengajar seperti jadwal mengajar, pengecekan dan pencatatan kehadiran mengajar guru, pencatatan data nilai siswa, dan pencatatan data pembayaran siswa dilakukan secara manual menggunakan buku catatan berbasis kertas. Untuk mengefisienkan waktu dan meningkatkan kualitas informasi, perlu dibuat sebuah sistem informasi guna mengelola data sekolah tersebut. Metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) digunakan dalam membangun sistem dengan Waterfall dipilih sebagai model pengembangan perangkat lunaknya. Hasil penelitian ini berupa sebuah sistem informasi manajemen sekolah berbasis web. Ruang lingkup data yang dikelola terdiri dari modul pengaturan (periode, jenjang, jurusan, dan paket pembayaran), modul data master (guru, siswa, petugas, kelas, ruangan, mata pelajaran, dan jadwal mengajar), modul transaksi (pembayaran siswa, kehadiran mengajar guru, progres mengajar guru, jadwal ujian, dan nilai siswa), dan modul laporan (pembayaran, kehadiran mengajar guru, dan nilai siswa). Keberadaan sistem informasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu sekolah di lingkup Yayasan Ibnu Sina dalam mengelola data-data kegiatannya dan menghasilkan informasi yang berkualitas