303 research outputs found

    Upaya Majlis Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah (Dikdasmen) Daerah Kota Medan dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Sekolah Dasar dan Menengah Muhammadiyah

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    Sekolah dasar dan menengah Muhammadiyah jumlahnya cukup banyak, namun sayangnya tidak semua sekolah itu memiliki kualitas yang sama. Ada beberapa sekolah yang jumlahnya muridnya sedikit dikarenakan sarana dan prasarananya tidak memadai. Majlis Dikdasmen Daerah kota Medan sebagai pihak yang bertanggungjawab terhadap peningkatan mutu sekolah dianggap tidak bekerja secara maksimal. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research), bersifat normatif, sumber data diambil dari dokumen dian wawancara sebagai data pendukung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Majlis Dikdasmen Muhammadiyah Daerah kota Medan terindikasi belum melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya sesuai dengan peraturan persyarikatan Muhammadiyah serta Qa'idah Majlis Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Muhammadiyah. Keluhan mayoritas para kepala sekolah dasar dan menengah Muhammadiyah berkisar pada kurangnya arahan, bimbingan, dan evaluasi terhadap sekolah. Keluhan lainnya adalah minimnya fasilitas, sarana dan prasarana sekolah, hingga minimnya gaji guru dan kepala sekolah, sehingga membuat kinerja mereka tidak maksimal

    Diskursus Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

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    Empowerment is the antithesis of the concept andimplementation of community development that hasbeen developed in the third world (developingcountries), including Indonesia. The concept andimplementation of development that is top down andmakes economic growth as the orientation onachieving a fair and equitable prosperity, has ignoredcommunity participation and fostertered dependency.Therefore, the empowerment that is people centered,participative and sustainable, can be used as alternativedevelopment model. And today empowerment as aparadigm, concepts and practices has been aninteresting discourse among theorists and academics aswell as practitioners and common public

    Analisis Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Komunitas Peduli Lubang Jalanan di Kota Malang

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    Malang Raya with all the trimmings is a city with intense activity. As a result, the streets in most areas in Malang became commonly used. The volume density of vehicles per day resulted in a lot of potholes. However, the slow handling of city government and county government resulted in the holes in the road more and more common. Of course this led to frustration for road users. Many victims of accidents caused fall due pit road. Not the least of casualties caused by potholes is pushing a bunch of young for forming Social Community “Peduli Lubang”. The group is moved voluntarily. Social counciosness encouraging to form this community. In its action, they make a circular mark or ledges with pylox white against the hole in every street. The goal is sign that the road users see the white markings they have made. The sign is effective because Driver can seen from distance before the hole, finally the driver can reduce speed. A lot of appreciation given to this community. Remaining so many hole in streets, and the number of "Self founding" that they have to spend for the sake of this social action. Their action also received a response from the mayor. This research uses a case study approach and indepth interview methods to community members and resource persons also road users to recognize the existence of this grass-roots communities. Observations made to this community by following all the activities of this group. As a result, the public perception of these two groups divided into two: the pros and cons of their action. Part of the counter on the excuse that their sentences are inappropriate for display in public facilities. In conclusion the public perception of the pro-grassroots movement may be resistance to the government policy terksan slow in dealing with this issue. Evidenced by the more intense they carry out an action, response Malang city and county governments more quickly. Expected social consciousness is what will encourage Malang city and county governments to be more sensitive to sound that good netizens on social media and direct aspiration

    Desain Dan Implementasi Protokol Kriptografi Untuk Aplikasi Secure Chat Pada Multiplatform Sistem Operasi

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    Permasalahan yang terkait dengan keamanan informasi adalah masalah kerahasiaan, otentikasi dan keutuhan data serta nir-penyangkalan. Salah satu teknik yang dapat digunakan untuk melindungi informasi adalah dengan menggunakan kriptografi. Mekanisme kriptografi digunakan untuk membangun protokol kriptografi yang bertujuan untuk mencapai fungsi yang terkait keamanan informasi. Pada penelitian ini penulis membuat desain dan implementasi protokol kriptografi pada aplikasi Secure Chat yang dapat dijalankan pada multiplatform sistem operasi. Protokol kriptografi hasil perancangan telah diimplementasikan pada aplikasi Secure Chat untuk mengamankan komunikasi chat antar pengguna dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java

    Discourse Analysis of a Song Lyric Entitled "We Will Not Go Down”

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    This library research aimed at finding the three aspect of discourse analysis: contextual, grammatical and lexical aspect of Michael Heart's song lyrics entitled “We will not go down (Song for Gaza). After analysis it can be found that the life experience and background of the song writer and singer is closely related to the idea proposes within the song lyrics. Whereas, the result of the grammatical and lexical analysis gives a depiction of cohesion and coherence of the song discourse of “We will not Go Down (Song for Gaza)”. There are eight (8) forms of first plural personal pronoun of “We”, four (4) second plural personal pronoun of ‘You” and seven (7) third personal pronouns in various forms. On the other side, it is difficult to find lexical aspects of this song discourse. There is only one form of anaphoric repetition. The repetition of the sentence “We Will Not Go Down” seven times is to influence the hearers whether they are supporters or opponents of the idea brought by the singer/the author that whatever happens Palestinian people will not surrender to every force, nation or people that want to colonialize them

    Ono Rego Ono Rupo: Efek Plasebo Harga dan Konsumsi Hedonis di Mal Kota YOGYAKARTA

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    There are interesting phenomena related to consumer behavior in Yogyakarta. One of them is price placebo effect. In Javanese language can be found words in relevance with price placebo effect, that is ”ono rego ono rupo” which can be translated to where there is price, there is quality. Therefore, this research is aimed to prove the influence of price placebo effect on brand equity and hedonic consumption, atmospheric cues on hedonic consumption, and also the influence of hedonic consumption on brand equity and impulsive buying behavior. Path analysis is used to test the hypotheses and the total of 506 respondents are participated in this research. The result indicated that all of this research hypotheses are supported

    Implementasi Uji Korelasi untuk Pengujian Sub Kunci pada Algoritma Kriptografi Block Cipher Present Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman C++

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    Kriptografi merupakan salah satu teknik dalam mengamankan suatu informasi berklasifikasi. Penerapan suatu aplikasi kriptografi dalam mengamankan suatu informasi tidak lepas dari pemilihan kekuatan algoritma kriptografi yang digunakan. Pada algoritma kriptografi block cipher, salah satu komponen pembangun yang harus diperhatikan adalah key schedule, untuk menghasilkan sub kunci yang digunakan pada proses enkripsi/dekripsi. Metode uji korelasi merupakan salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk menguji kekuatan algoritma kriptografi block cipher. Penelitian paper ini akan membuat implementasi pengujian korelasi menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C++, yang dterapkan pada block cipher PRESENT sebagai salah satu algoritma yang banyak digunakan saat ini

    Implementasi Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Manusia (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Jasa PT. Wiranas Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service)

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    The purpose of this minor thesis is to describe the human resources management of information system, to analize the problem of human resources information system, and to give an alternative solution or a new human resources information system recommendation to PT. Wiranas Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service. The method that the writer used to write this minor thesis is a qualitative-descriptive method. The first step used before giving the new human resources information system recommendation is to describe the current human resources information system used in the company in the form of flow charts. Also to analize the current system used by identifying the problems occur and to analize that system\u27s weakness. From the result of the analyzing step, the human resource in PT. Wiranas Laundry and Dry Cleaning service is still being managed manually, not computerized and not intergrated between branches. The trial of the new human resources information system shows that Orange HRM could give way easier and more effective or efficient way to manage the human resources information system in PT. Wiranas Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service

    Bentuk Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Kekayaan Minyak Dan Gas Bumi Sebagai Aset Negara Melalui Instrumen Kontrak

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    Negara mempunyai kekuasaan untuk mengelola sumber daya alam demi mewujudkan keadilan sosial, kesejahteraan umum dan untuk kemakmuran rakyat. Instrumen hukum kontrak menjadi payung hukum sebagai upaya perlindungan hukum terhadap aset negara yang berupa minyak dan gas bumi. Kontrak Bagi Hasil menjadi pilar dasar dalam upaya pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan kegiatan USAha minyak dan gas bumi. Kontrak Bagi Hasil merupakan kontrak publik yang tidak sepenuhnya tunduk pada hukum privat. Dalam melakukan hubungan kontraktualnya, negara tidak boleh dirugikan (imunitas negara) dan harus memperhatikan klausula-klausula yang menitikberatkan pada perlindungan aset negara.State has the power to manage natural resources for the sake of social justice, the general welfare and are used as much as possible the greatest benefit for the greatest welfare of people. Contract law is the main instrument used to protect the state assets including oil and gas. Production Sharing Contract as a legal safeguard for oil and gas, is a fundamental pillar in the effort and utilization management activities of oil and gas. In this Production Sharing Contract, which the contracts also involve the government and called government contract, has a unique characteristic which is not entirely subject to private law. In principle, the state should not be harmed, called as state immunity. This principle also applies universally in the interest of protecting the state assets
