26 research outputs found

    Improved retrieval of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) column densities by means of MKIV Brewer spectrophotometers

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    A new algorithm to retrieve nitrogen dioxide (NO2) column densities using MKIV ("Mark IV") Brewer spectrophotometers is described. The method includes several improvements, such as a more recent spectroscopic data set, the reduction of measurement noise, interference by other atmospheric species and instrumental settings, and a better determination of the zenith sky air mass factor. The technique was tested during an ad hoc calibration campaign at the high-altitude site of Izaña (Tenerife, Spain) and the results of the direct sun and zenith sky geometries were compared to those obtained by two reference instruments from the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC): a Fourier Transform Infrared Radiometer (FTIR) and an advanced visible spectrograph (RASAS-II) based on the differential optical absorption spectrometry (DOAS) technique

    A multiwavelength numerical model in support of quantitative retrievals of aerosol properties from automated lidar ceilometers and test applications for AOT and PM10 estimation

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    Abstract. The use of automated lidar ceilometer (ALC) systems for the aerosol vertically resolved characterization has increased in recent years thanks to their low construction and operation costs and their capability of providing continuous unattended measurements. At the same time there is a need to convert the ALC signals into usable geophysical quantities. In fact, the quantitative assessment of the aerosol properties from ALC measurements and the relevant assimilation in meteorological forecast models is amongst the main objectives of the EU COST Action TOPROF ("Towards operational ground-based profiling with ALCs, Doppler lidars and microwave radiometers for improving weather forecasts"). Concurrently, the E-PROFILE program of the European Meteorological Services Network (EUMETNET) focuses on the harmonization of ALC measurements and data provision across Europe. Within these frameworks, we implemented a model-assisted methodology to retrieve key aerosol properties (extinction coefficient, surface area, and volume) from elastic lidar and/or ALC measurements. The method is based on results from a large set of aerosol scattering simulations (Mie theory) performed at UV, visible, and near-IR wavelengths using a Monte Carlo approach to select the input aerosol microphysical properties. An average "continental aerosol type" (i.e., clean to moderately polluted continental aerosol conditions) is addressed in this study. Based on the simulation results, we derive mean functional relationships linking the aerosol backscatter coefficients to the abovementioned variables. Applied in the data inversion of single-wavelength lidars and/or ALCs, these relationships allow quantitative determination of the vertically resolved aerosol backscatter, extinction, volume, and surface area and, in turn, of the extinction-to-backscatter ratios (i.e., the lidar ratios, LRs) and extinction-to-volume conversion factor (cv) at 355, 532, and 1064 nm. These variables provide valuable information for visibility, radiative transfer, and air quality applications. This study also includes (1) validation of the model simulations with real measurements and (2) test applications of the proposed model-based ALC inversion methodology. In particular, our model simulations were compared to backscatter and extinction coefficients independently retrieved by Raman lidar systems operating at different continental sites within the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET). This comparison shows good model–measurement agreement, with LR discrepancies below 20 %. The model-assisted quantitative retrieval of both aerosol extinction and volume was then tested using raw data from three different ALCs systems (CHM 15k Nimbus), operating within the Italian Automated LIdar-CEilometer network (ALICEnet). For this purpose, a 1-year record of the ALC-derived aerosol optical thickness (AOT) at each site was compared to direct AOT measurements performed by colocated sun–sky photometers. This comparison shows an overall AOT agreement within 30 % at all sites. At one site, the model-assisted ALC estimation of the aerosol volume and mass (i.e., PM10) in the lowermost levels was compared to values measured at the surface level by colocated in situ instrumentation. Within this exercise, the ALC-derived daily-mean mass concentration was found to reproduce the corresponding (EU regulated) PM10 values measured by the local air quality agency well in terms of both temporal variability and absolute values. Although limited in space and time, the good performances of the proposed approach suggest it could possibly represent a valid option to extend the capabilities of ALCs to provide quantitative information for operational air quality and meteorological monitoring

    Improved retrieval of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) column densities by means of MKIV Brewer spectrophotometers

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    A new algorithm to retrieve nitrogen dioxide (NO2) column densities using MKIV ("Mark IV") Brewer spectrophotometers is described. The method includes several improvements, such as a more recent spectroscopic data set, the reduction of measurement noise, interference by other atmospheric species and instrumental settings, and a better determination of the zenith sky air mass factor. The technique was tested during an ad hoc calibration campaign at the high-altitude site of Izaña (Tenerife, Spain) and the results of the direct sun and zenith sky geometries were compared to those obtained by two reference instruments from the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC): a Fourier Transform Infrared Radiometer (FTIR) and an advanced visible spectrograph (RASAS-II) based on the differential optical absorption spectrometry (DOAS) technique

    Brewer direct irradiance measurements: polarization effects

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    Comunicación presentada en: COST ES1207, Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer/Metrology Open Workshop celebrado del 17 al 20 de mayo de 2016 en Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal

    Second solar ultraviolet radiometer comparison campaign UVC-II

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    In 2017, PMOD/WRC organised the solar ultraviolet broadband radiometer comparison campaign UVC-II. All 75 participating instruments from all over the world were characterised in the laboratory of the World Calibration Center for UV (WCCUV) and calibrated outdoors relative to the Qasume reference spectroradiometer. After a three month calibration period, all devices were returned to their owners, accompanied by a certificate demonstrating traceability to the international system of units. The calibration uncertainty stated in these certificates was less than 6% for the majority of the radiometers. The deviation to the original calibration factors was analysed. From this data we determined three components affecting the overall measurement uncertainty of solar UV measurements using broadband radiometers on different time scales: Usage of additional correction factors to the absolute calibration factor, control of the humidity inside the device and recalibration frequency. A subset of radiometers participating in the campaign were calibrated and characterised at their home laboratories. A comparison of the calibration factors shows that the USER- and the WCCUV-calibrations agree within the uncertainties for 9 out of 11 calibrations

    Precipitable water vapour content from ESR/SKYNET sun-sky radiometers: validation against GNSS/GPS and AERONET over three different sites in Europe

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    The estimation of the precipitable water vapour content (W) with high temporal and spatial resolution is of great interest to both meteorological and climatological studies. Several methodologies based on remote sensing techniques have been recently developed in order to obtain accurate and frequent measurements of this atmospheric parameter. Among them, the relative low cost and easy deployment of sun-sky radiometers, or sun photometers, operating in several international networks, allowed the development of automatic estimations of W from these instruments with high temporal resolution. However, the great problem of this methodology is the estimation of the sun-photometric calibration parameters. The objective of this paper is to validate a new methodology based on the hypothesis that the calibration parameters characterizing the atmospheric transmittance at 940nm are dependent on vertical profiles of temperature, air pressure and moisture typical of each measurement site. To obtain the calibration parameters some simultaneously seasonal measurements of W, from independent sources, taken over a large range of solar zenith angle and covering a wide range of W, are needed. In this work yearly GNSS/GPS datasets were used for obtaining a table of photometric calibration constants and the methodology was applied and validated in three European ESR-SKYNET network sites, characterized by different atmospheric and climatic conditions: Rome, Valencia and Aosta. Results were validated against the GNSS/GPS and AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) W estimations. In both the validations the agreement was very high, with a percentage RMSD of about 6, 13 and 8% in the case of GPS intercomparison at Rome, Aosta and Valencia, respectively, and of 8% in the case of AERONET comparison in Valencia. Analysing the results by W classes, the present methodology was found to clearly improve W estimation at low W content when compared against AERONET in terms of %bias, bringing the agreement with the GPS (considered the reference one) from a %bias of 5.76 to 0.52