923 research outputs found

    3D effects on transport and plasma control in the TJ-II stellarator

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    The effects of 3D geometry are explored in TJ-II from two relevant points of view: neoclassical transport and modification of stability and dispersion relation of waves. Particle fuelling and impurity transport are studied considering the 3D transport properties, paying attention to both neoclassical transport and other possible mechanisms. The effects of the 3D magnetic topology on stability, confinement and Alfven Eigenmodes properties are also explored, showing the possibility of controlling Alfven modes by modifying the configuration; the onset of modes similar to geodesic acoustic modes are driven by fast electrons or fast ions; and the weak effect of magnetic well on confinement. Finally, we show innovative power exhaust scenarios using liquid metals.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Comission. This work has been also funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Projects ENE2013-48109-P, ENE2013-48679-R, ENE2014-52174-P, ENE2014-58918-R, ENE2014-56517-R, ENE2014-56517-R, ENE2015-64914-C3-1-R, ENE2015-70142-P. Research and data analysis done by Kurchatov team (chapters 2, 3 and 7) were funded by Russian Science Foundation, Project 14-22-00193. The work of AVM was partly supported by the Competitiveness Program of NRNU MEPhI

    Biophysics of active vesicle transport, an intermediate step that couples excitation and exocytosis of serotonin in the neuronal soma

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    Transmitter exocytosis from the neuronal soma is evoked by brief trains of high frequency electrical activity and continues for several minutes. Here we studied how active vesicle transport towards the plasma membrane contributes to this slow phenomenon in serotonergic leech Retzius neurons, by combining electron microscopy, the kinetics of exocytosis obtained from FM1-43 dye fluorescence as vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane, and a diffusion equation incorporating the forces of local confinement and molecular motors. Electron micrographs of neurons at rest or after stimulation with 1 Hz trains showed cytoplasmic clusters of dense core vesicles at 1.5±0.2 and 3.7±0.3 µm distances from the plasma membrane, to which they were bound through microtubule bundles. By contrast, after 20 Hz stimulation vesicle clusters were apposed to the plasma membrane, suggesting that transport was induced by electrical stimulation. Consistently, 20 Hz stimulation of cultured neurons induced spotted FM1-43 fluorescence increases with one or two slow sigmoidal kinetics, suggesting exocytosis from an equal number of vesicle clusters. These fluorescence increases were prevented by colchicine, which suggested microtubule-dependent vesicle transport. Model fitting to the fluorescence kinetics predicted that 52-951 vesicles/cluster were transported along 0.60-6.18 µm distances at average 11-95 nms−1 velocities. The ATP cost per vesicle fused (0.4-72.0), calculated from the ratio of the ΔGprocess/ΔGATP, depended on the ratio of the traveling velocity and the number of vesicles in the cluster. Interestingly, the distance-dependence of the ATP cost per vesicle was bistable, with low energy values at 1.4 and 3.3 µm, similar to the average resting distances of the vesicle clusters, and a high energy barrier at 1.6-2.0 µm. Our study confirms that active vesicle transport is an intermediate step for somatic serotonin exocytosis by Retzius neurons and provides a quantitative method for analyzing similar phenomena in other cell types

    Absence of disparities in anthropometric measures among Chilean indigenous and non-indigenous newborns

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies throughout North America and Europe have documented adverse perinatal outcomes for racial/ethnic minorities. Nonetheless, the contrast in newborn characteristics between indigenous and non-indigenous populations in Latin America has been poorly characterized. This is due to many challenges, including a lack of vital registration information on ethnicity. The objective of this study was to analyze trends in anthropometric measures at birth in Chilean indigenous (Mapuche) and non-indigenous children over a 5-year period.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined weight and length at birth using information available through a national data base of all birth records for the years 2000 through 2004 (n = 1,166.513). Newborns were classified ethnically according to the origins of the parents' last names.</p> <p>Result</p> <p>The average birthweight was stable over the 5 year period with variations of less than 20 g in each group, and with mean values trivially higher in indigenous newborns. The proportion weighing less than 2500 g at birth increased modestly from 5.2% to 5.6% in non-indigenous newborns whereas the indigenous births remained constant at 5.2%. In multiple regression analyses, adjusting flexibly for gestational age and maternal characteristics, the occurrence of an indigenous surname added only 14 g to an average infant's birthweight while holding other factors constant. Results for length at birth were similar, and adjusted time trend variation in both outcomes was trivially small after adjustment. Anthropometric indexes at birth in Chile are quite favorable by international standards.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There is only a trivial degree of ethnic disparity in these values, in contrast to conditions for ethnic minorities in other countries. Moreover, these values remained roughly constant over the 5 years of observation in this study.</p

    Tissue-specific variation in DNA methylation levels along human chromosome 1

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>DNA methylation is a major epigenetic modification important for regulating gene expression and suppressing spurious transcription. Most methods to scan the genome in different tissues for differentially methylated sites have focused on the methylation of CpGs in CpG islands, which are concentrations of CpGs often associated with gene promoters.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we use a methylation profiling strategy that is predominantly responsive to methylation differences outside of CpG islands. The method compares the yield from two samples of size-selected fragments generated by a methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme. We then profile nine different normal tissues from two human donors relative to spleen using a custom array of genomic clones covering the euchromatic portion of human chromosome 1 and representing 8% of the human genome. We observe gross regional differences in methylation states across chromosome 1 between tissues from the same individual, with the most striking differences detected in the comparison of cerebellum and spleen. Profiles of the same tissue from different donors are strikingly similar, as are the profiles of different lobes of the brain. Comparing our results with published gene expression levels, we find that clones exhibiting extreme ratios reflecting low relative methylation are statistically enriched for genes with high expression ratios, and <it>vice versa</it>, in most pairs of tissues examined.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The varied patterns of methylation differences detected between tissues by our methylation profiling method reinforce the potential functional significance of regional differences in methylation levels outside of CpG islands.</p

    Pancreatic window and open necrosectomy; a surgical alternative for walled-off pancreatic necrosis in a second level hospital in Mexico

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    Walled-off pancreatic necrosis is defined as a necrotic collection with a defined wall, which generally occurs in 15% of patients in the fourth week after acute pancreatitis. Actually, open surgery is reserved for selected cases, with minimally invasive treatments such as image-assisted percutaneous drainage or endoscopic ultrasound being the procedures of choice. However, in developing countries the open approach continues to be an effective therapeutic alternative. We present the case of a 47-year-old male patient with no significant history who developed severe acute pancreatitis secondary to hypertriglyceridemia and who later developed walled-off pancreatic necrosis as a late complication. As a treatment, a debridement of the necrotic tissue with marsupialization was performed using the bradley III technique, secondary to the procedure, a pancreatic fistula was developed. After 8 weeks of hospitalization, in which he had a favourable response to surgical treatment, with spontaneous closure of the fistula without complications. Surgical management of late complications of acute pancreatitis remains controversial. Although minimally invasive procedures are the first option nowadays, in developing countries, open necrosectomy remains a good option for the treatment of these types of complications

    Plasma Vitamin C and Risk of Late Graft Failure in Kidney Transplant Recipients:Results of the TransplantLines Biobank and Cohort Study

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    Recent studies have shown that depletion of vitamin C is frequent in outpatient kidney transplant recipients (KTR) and that vitamin C is inversely associated with risk of death. Whether plasma vitamin C is associated with death-censored kidney graft failure remains unknown. We investigated KTR who participated in the TransplantLines Insulin Resistance and Inflammation Biobank and Cohort Study. The primary outcome was graft failure (restart of dialysis or re-transplantation). Overall and stratified (pinteraction < 0.1) multivariable-adjusted Cox regression analyses are presented here. Among 598 KTR (age 51 ± 12 years-old; 55% males), baseline median (IQR) plasma vitamin C was 44.0 (31.0-55.3) µmol/L. Through a median follow-up of 9.5 (IQR, 6.3‒10.2) years, 75 KTR developed graft failure (34, 26, and 15 events over increasing tertiles of vitamin C, log-rank p < 0.001). Plasma vitamin C was inversely associated with risk of graft failure (HR per 1-SD increment, 0.69; 95% CI 0.54-0.89; p = 0.004), particularly among KTR with triglycerides ≥1.9 mmol/L (HR 0.46; 95% CI 0.30-0.70; p < 0.001; pinteraction = 0.01) and among KTR with HDL cholesterol ≥0.91 mmol/L (HR 0.56; 95% CI 0.38-0.84; p = 0.01; pinteraction = 0.04). These findings remained materially unchanged in multivariable-adjusted analyses (donor, recipient, and transplant characteristics, including estimated glomerular filtration rate and proteinuria), were consistent in categorical analyses according to tertiles of plasma vitamin C, and robust after exclusion of outliers. Plasma vitamin C in outpatient KTR is inversely associated with risk of late graft failure. Whether plasma vitamin C‒targeted therapeutic strategies represent novel opportunities to ease important burden of graft failure necessitates further studies

    Chromatin and siRNA pathways cooperate to maintain DNA methylation of small transposable elements in Arabidopsis

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    BACKGROUND: DNA methylation occurs at preferred sites in eukaryotes. In Arabidopsis, DNA cytosine methylation is maintained by three subfamilies of methyltransferases with distinct substrate specificities and different modes of action. Targeting of cytosine methylation at selected loci has been found to sometimes involve histone H3 methylation and small interfering (si)RNAs. However, the relationship between different cytosine methylation pathways and their preferred targets is not known. RESULTS: We used a microarray-based profiling method to explore the involvement of Arabidopsis CMT3 and DRM DNA methyltransferases, a histone H3 lysine-9 methyltransferase (KYP) and an Argonaute-related siRNA silencing component (AGO4) in methylating target loci. We found that KYP targets are also CMT3 targets, suggesting that histone methylation maintains CNG methylation genome-wide. CMT3 and KYP targets show similar proximal distributions that correspond to the overall distribution of transposable elements of all types, whereas DRM targets are distributed more distally along the chromosome. We find an inverse relationship between element size and loss of methylation in ago4 and drm mutants. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the targets of both DNA methylation and histone H3K9 methylation pathways are transposable elements genome-wide, irrespective of element type and position. Our findings also suggest that RNA-directed DNA methylation is required to silence isolated elements that may be too small to be maintained in a silent state by a chromatin-based mechanism alone. Thus, parallel pathways would be needed to maintain silencing of transposable elements

    Long-term catheterization: current approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of port-related infections

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    Since the first description in 1982, totally implanted venous access ports have progressively improved patients' quality of life and medical assistance when a medical condition requires the use of long-term venous access. Currently, they are part of the standard medical care for oncohematologic patients. However, apart from mechanical and thrombotic complications, there are also complications associated with biofilm development inside the catheters. These biofilms increase the cost of medical assistance and extend hospitalization. The most frequently involved micro-organisms in these infections are gram-positive cocci. Many efforts have been made to understand biofilm formation within the lumen catheters, and to resolve catheter-related infection once it has been established. Apart from systemic antibiotic treatment, the use of local catheter treatment (ie, antibiotic lock technique) is widely employed. Many different antimicrobial options have been tested, with different outcomes, in clinical and in in vitro assays. The stability of antibiotic concentration in the lock solution once instilled inside the catheter lumen remains unresolved. To prevent infection, it is mandatory to perform hand hygiene before catheter insertion and manipulation, and to disinfect catheter hubs, connectors, and injection ports before accessing the catheter. At present, there are still unresolved questions regarding the best antimicrobial agent for catheter-related bloodstream infection treatment and the duration of concentration stability of the antibiotic solution within the lumen of the port

    Modelo de los determinantes de la actitud hacia la rehidratación

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    Las políticas de salud suponen que el factor clave de sus programas preventivos está en la participación de la gente respecto a su rehidratación, porque esta se considera un instrumento de prevención de las enfermedades crónicas degenerativas, que han incrementado su tasa de morbilidad recientemente. En tal sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo es establecer un modelo de las relaciones causales entre factores sociodemográficos y cognitivos relativos al consumo de bebidas. Para tal propósito, se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal y correlacional con una muestra de 100 afiliados a un hospital público. A partir de un modelo estructural (X2 = 163.873, 28 gl, p = .000; GFI = .875; AGFI = .840; PGF = .681; RMSEA = .027; RMR = .066), se estableció que la edad determinó negativamente la actitud hacia la rehidratación (β = -.22) mientras que las creencias de rehidratación grupal (CRG) incidieron de manera positiva (β= ,47.). En el marco de las teorías actitudinales, se discutió la inclusión de las normas y percepciones como sus determinantes