16 research outputs found

    Efectos del entrenamiento en conciencia fonológica y velocidad de denominación sobre la lectura. Un estudio longitudinal

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    Existen una serie de predictores que contribuyen directamente a la precisión y a la velocidad lectora. En este trabajo se analizan los efectos que un programa de instrucción en dos de dichos predictores, “conciencia fonológica” y “velocidad de denominación”, tienen sobre el aprendizaje de la lectura. Los participantes fueron 326 escolares (171 del grupo experimental y 155 del grupo control) que cursaban 2º y 3º de educación infantil y primero de primaria al comenzar la instrucción. Procedían de cuatro colegios (dos públicos y dos concertados). El grupo experimental recibió entrenamiento explícito en conciencia fonológica y velocidad de denominación durante tres cursos, dos días a la semana. El grupo control siguió el plan curricular ofi cial. El grupo experimental obtuvo puntuaciones signifi cativamente más altas que el grupo control en las pruebas de conciencia fonológica y denominación rápida, y obtuvo mejores puntuaciones en tareas de lectura en los tres primeros cursos de primaria. Los resultados indican que la intervención explícita mejora la precisión y velocidad en la lectura de palabras y de pseudopalabras y orientan la intervención en el aula.Reading predictors directly contribute to reading accuracy and speed. This study analyses the effect of an instructional programme aimed at improving two of these reading predictors, phonological awareness and naming speed. Participants were 326 children (171 in the experimental group and 155 in the control group) in grades second and third year preschool and fi rst year primary school at the onset. They attended four schools (2 public and 2 private). The experimental group was explicitly trained in phonological awareness and naming speed during three consecutive years two days a week. The control group followed the offi cial curriculum. Results show that this explicit intervention improves words and pseudowords reading accuracy and speed and provides keys for future intervention

    Phrase Frequency Effects in Language Production

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    A classic debate in the psychology of language concerns the question of the grain-size of the linguistic information that is stored in memory. One view is that only morphologically simple forms are stored (e.g., ‘car’, ‘red’), and that more complex forms of language such as multi-word phrases (e.g., ‘red car’) are generated on-line from the simple forms. In two experiments we tested this view. In Experiment 1, participants produced noun+adjective and noun+noun phrases that were elicited by experimental displays consisting of colored line drawings and two superimposed line drawings. In Experiment 2, participants produced noun+adjective and determiner+noun+adjective utterances elicited by colored line drawings. In both experiments, naming latencies decreased with increasing frequency of the multi-word phrase, and were unaffected by the frequency of the object name in the utterance. These results suggest that the language system is sensitive to the distribution of linguistic information at grain-sizes beyond individual words

    Efectos del entrenamiento en conciencia fonológica y velocidad de denominación sobre la lectura. Un estudio longitudinal

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    Existen una serie de predictores que contribuyen directamente a la precisión y a la velocidad lectora. En este trabajo se analizan los efectos que un programa de instrucción en dos de dichos predictores, “conciencia fonológica” y “velocidad de denominación”, tienen sobre el aprendizaje de la lectura. Los participantes fueron 326 escolares (171 del grupo experimental y 155 del grupo control) que cursaban 2º y 3º de educación infantil y primero de primaria al comenzar la instrucción. Procedían de cuatro colegios (dos públicos y dos concertados). El grupo experimental recibió entrenamiento explícito en conciencia fonológica y velocidad de denominación durante tres cursos, dos días a la semana. El grupo control siguió el plan curricular ofi cial. El grupo experimental obtuvo puntuaciones signifi cativamente más altas que el grupo control en las pruebas de conciencia fonológica y denominación rápida, y obtuvo mejores puntuaciones en tareas de lectura en los tres primeros cursos de primaria. Los resultados indican que la intervención explícita mejora la precisión y velocidad en la lectura de palabras y de pseudopalabras y orientan la intervención en el aula.Reading predictors directly contribute to reading accuracy and speed. This study analyses the effect of an instructional programme aimed at improving two of these reading predictors, phonological awareness and naming speed. Participants were 326 children (171 in the experimental group and 155 in the control group) in grades second and third year preschool and fi rst year primary school at the onset. They attended four schools (2 public and 2 private). The experimental group was explicitly trained in phonological awareness and naming speed during three consecutive years two days a week. The control group followed the offi cial curriculum. Results show that this explicit intervention improves words and pseudowords reading accuracy and speed and provides keys for future intervention

    EsPal: One-stop shopping for Spanish word properties

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    This article introduces EsPal: a Web-accessible repository containing a comprehensive set of properties of Spanish words. EsPal is based on an extensible set of data sources, beginning with a 300 million token written database and a 460 million token subtitle database. Properties available include word frequency, orthographic structure and neighborhoods, phonological structure and neighborhoods, and subjective ratings such as imageability. Subword structure properties are also available in terms of bigrams and trigrams, bi-phones, and bi-syllables. Lemma and part-of-speech information and their corresponding frequencies are also indexed. The website enables users to either upload a set of words to receive their properties, or to receive a set of words matching constraints on the properties. The properties themselves are easily extensible and will be added over time as they become available. It is freely available from the following website: http://www.bcbl.eu/databases/espa