608 research outputs found

    Using Genetic Algorithms with Variable-length Individuals for Planning Two-Manipulators Motion

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    International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms. 01/01/1997. NorwichA method based on genetic algorithms for obtaining coordinated motion plans of manipulator robots is presented. A decoupled planning approach has been used; that is, the problem has been decomposed into two subproblems: path planning and trajectory planning. This paper focuses on the second problem. The generated plans minimize the total motion time of the robots along their paths. The optimization problem is solved by evolutionary algorithms using a variable-length individuals codification and specific genetic operators

    Continuum description of finite-size particles advected by external flows. The effect of collisions

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    The equation of the density field of an assembly of macroscopic particles advected by a hydrodynamic flow is derived from the microscopic description of the system. This equation allows to recognize the role and the relative importance of the different microscopic processes implicit in the model: the driving of the external flow, the inertia of the particles, and the collisions among them. The validity of the density description is confirmed by comparisons of numerical studies of the continuum equation with Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) simulations of hard disks advected by a chaotic flow. We show that the collisions have two competing roles: a dispersing-like effect and a clustering effect (even for elastic collisions). An unexpected feature is also observed in the system: the presence of collisions can reverse the effect of inertia, so that grains with lower inertia are more clusterized.Comment: Final (strongly modified) version accepted in PRE; 6 pages, 3 figure

    Lattice points in rational ellipsoids

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    AbstractWe combine exponential sums, character sums and Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms to improve the best known upper bound for the lattice error term associated to rational ellipsoids

    Efectos del entrenamiento sobre variables electrocardiográficas en equinos Fina Sangre de Carrera

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    Los objetivos de este estudio fueron evaluar electrocardiográficamente equinos F.S.C después de un período de 12 meses de entrenamiento, aportar una base de datos electrocardiográficos en relación al sistema de entrenamiento usado en nuestro medio y complementar la información ya existente sobre los cambios en estos parámetros inducidos por el ejercicio. Se registraron 15 ejemplares, clínicamente sanos, en los cuales se obtuvieron trazados de las derivaciones unipolares aVR, aVL, aVF y de las derivaciones bipolares DI, DII, DIII, correspondientes al sistema clásico de Einthoven. Para la obtención de los registros se utilizó un equipo portátil de tres canales, usando agujas colocadas subcutáneamente en el cuerpo del animal, en puntos previamente estandarizados para ubicar los electrodos exploradores. Se analizó ritmo, frecuencia cardíaca, amplitud, duración y configuración de los parámetros electrocardiográficos. Además, se obtuvieron los ejes eléctricos promedio de activación atrial, activación ventricular y repolarización ventricular (ÂP, ÂQRS y ÂT respectivamente).Los resultados obtenidos de las variables electrocardiográficas y vectoriales fueron comparados estadísticamente con los valores obtenidos de los mismos ejemplares en período de amansa (Dörner 2009). Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la frecuencia cardíaca y en la duración del proceso de depolarización atrial, lo que evidenciaría el desarrollo de un proceso de adaptación fisiológica a la realización de un ejercicio sistemático y constante en el tiempo. Adicionalmente, no fue posible observar características electrocardiográficas que permitieran inferir la presencia de una hipertrofia ventricular, lo cual atribuimos mayoritariamente al sistema de entrenamiento usado en nuestro medio más que a la duración de este. Por otro lado, se realizó un análisis de regresión entre el peso de los individuos y sus respectivos ejes eléctricos promedio ÂP, ÂQRS y ÂT, no encontrándose relación entre éstos, de igual manera a lo que ocurrió en período de amansa (Dörner 2009). En este estudio se corrobora y complementan los cambios en los parámetros electrocardiográficos inducidos por el ejercicio en equinos F.S.C.; no obstante, el aumento de la duración del intervalo QRS no fue significativo. Los datos obtenidos, principalmente la duración de QRS, son importantes al momento de evaluar y monitorear el  sistema de entrenamiento utilizado

    Balancing parallel assembly lines with disabled workers

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    [EN] In this paper, we study an assembly line balancing problem that occurs in sheltered worker centres for the disabled, where workers with very different characteristics are present. We are interested in the situation in which complete parallel assembly lines are allowed and name the resulting problem as parallel assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem (PALWABP). This approach enables many new possible worker-tasks assignments, what is beneficial in terms of both labour integration and productivity. We present a linear mixed-integer formulation and two heuristic solution methods: one is based on tabu search and the other is a biased random-key genetic algorithm (BRKGA). Computational results with a large set of instances recently proposed in the literature show the advantages of allowing such alternative line layouts.This research was supported by CAPES-Brazil and MEC-Spain (coordinated project CAPES DGU 258-12/PHB2011-0012-PC) and by FAPESP-Brazil. The authors thank Dr. Marcus Ritt, from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS - Brazil), for providing the optimal solutions for the serial ALWABP. The authors also thank three anonymous reviewers for their comments which have helped improve this paper.Araujo, FFB.; Costa, AM.; Miralles Insa, CJ. (2015). Balancing parallel assembly lines with disabled workers. European J of Industrial Engineering. 9(3):344-365. https://doi.org/10.1504/EJIE.2015.069343S3443659

    Reconstruction of water ice: the neglected process OH + OH → H2O + O

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    Producción CientíficaContext. Although H2O is the most important molecular material found in the solid state in the interstellar medium, the chemical routes leading to ice through surface reactions are still a matter of discussion. Three reaction pathways proposed in the past are at the heart of current research: hydrogenation of atomic oxygen, molecular oxygen, and ozone. The reaction network finally leads to a small number of processes giving H2O: H + OH, H2 + OH, and H + H2O2. To these processes, OH + OH should be added. It is known to be efficient in atmospheric chemistry and takes the irradiations of the interstellar grains into account that, directly or indirectly, create a number of OH radicals on and in the icy mantles. Aims. We study the role of the existing ice in its own reconstruction after it is destroyed by the constant irradiation of interstellar grains and focus on the OH + OH reaction in the triplet state. Methods. We used numerical simulations with a high level of coupled cluster ab initio calculations for small water aggregates and methods relevant to density functional theory for extended systems, including a periodic description in the case of solid water of infinite dimensions. Results. OH + OH → H2O + O reaction profiles are reported that take the involvement of an increasing number of H2O support molecules into account. It is found that the top of the barrier opposing the reaction gradually decreases with the number of supporting H2O and falls below the level of the reactants for H2O layers or solid water. Conclusions. In contrast to the gas phase, the reaction is barrierless on water ice. By adding a reconstructed H2O molecule and a free oxygen atom at the surface of the remaining ice, this reaction leaves open the possibility of the ice reconstruction

    Resistance to antibiotics of clinical relevance in the fecal microbiota of Mexican wildlife.

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    There are a growing number of reports of antibiotic resistance (ATBR) in bacteria living in wildlife. This is a cause for concern as ATBR in wildlife represents a potential public health threat. However, little is known about the factors that might determine the presence, abundance and dispersion of ATBR bacteria in wildlife. Here, we used culture and molecular methods to assess ATBR in bacteria in fecal samples from howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata), spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi), tapirs (Tapirus bairdii) and felids (jaguars, Panthera onca; pumas, Puma concolor; jaguarundis, Puma yagouaroundi; and ocelots, Leopardus pardalis) living freely in two regions of the Mexican state of Veracruz under different degrees of human influence. Overall, our study shows that ATBR is commonplace in bacteria isolated from wildlife in southeast Mexico. Most of the resistances were towards old and naturally occurring antibiotics, but we also observed resistances of potential clinical significance. We found that proximity to humans positively affected the presence of ATBR and that ATBR was higher in terrestrial than arboreal species. We also found evidence suggesting different terrestrial and aerial routes for the transmission of ATBR between humans and wildlife. The prevalence and potential ATBR transfer mechanisms between humans and wildlife observed in this study highlight the need for further studies to identify the factors that might determine ATBR presence, abundance and distribution.The authors acknowledge the National Council of Science of Technology (CONACYT) in Mexico and the Veracruz State Government for providing partial financial support to JCA (Grant Number 108990). JCD was supported by grants from the Isaac Newton Trust and The Cambridge Humanities Research Grant Scheme. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.This is the final published version. It originally appeared in PLOS One at http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0107719

    Remote mining: from clustering to DTM

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    LIDAR data acquisition is becoming an indispensable task for terrain characterization in large surfaces. In Mediterranean woods this job results hard due to the great variety of heights and forms, as well as sparse vegetation that they present. A new data mining-based approach is proposed with the aim of classifying LIDAR data clouds as a first step in DTM generation. The developed methodology consists in a multi-step iterative process that splits the data into different classes (ground and low/med/high vegetation) by means of a clustering algorithm. This method has been tested on three different areas of the southern Spain with successful results, verging on 80% hitsMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2007-6808