2,073 research outputs found

    Continuous Forest Fire Propagation in a Local Small World Network Model

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    This paper presents the development of a new continuous forest fire model implemented as a weighted local small-world network approach. This new approach was designed to simulate fire patterns in real, heterogeneous landscapes. The wildland fire spread is simulated on a square lattice in which each cell represents an area of the land's surface. The interaction between burning and non-burning cells, in the present work induced by flame radiation, may be extended well beyond nearest neighbors. It depends on local conditions of topography and vegetation types. An approach based on a solid flame model is used to predict the radiative heat flux from the flame generated by the burning of each site towards its neighbors. The weighting procedure takes into account the self-degradation of the tree and the ignition processes of a combustible cell through time. The model is tested on a field presenting a range of slopes and with data collected from a real wildfire scenario. The critical behavior of the spreading process is investigated

    Consommation d'alcool, syndrome métabolique et diabète dans une population à consommation moyenne d'alcool élevée

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    ButsDans la littérature actuelle, peu d'études existent sur la relation entre la consommation d'alcool et le syndrome métabolique. Les quelques données disponibles sont contradictoires et très limitées chez les buveurs à haut risque. Quant au diabète, une association est connue entre la consommation à bas risque d'alcool et une prévalence diminuée de la maladie. Là encore, les données sur la consommation à haut risque sont très limitées. Par conséquent, notre but était d'étudier la relation entre la consommation d'alcool, le syndrome métabolique et le diabète dans la cohorte lausannoise (CoLaus), où la consommation moyenne d'alcool est nettement plus élevée que dans la plupart des études disponibles, notamment celles des États-Unis.MéthodesNous avons analysé les données de 6172 hommes et femmes, âgés de 35 à 75 ans. La consommation d'alcool a été catégorisée en 0,1-6, 7-13, 14-20, 21-27, 28-34 et >35 boissons par semaine ou comme non-buveurs (0), buveurs à bas risque (1-13), à risque moyen à élevé (14-34) et à très haut risque (>35). Nous avons confirmé la consommation d'alcool par la y- glutamyl transferase et la transferrine déficiente en hydrates de carbone (CDT). Après l'analyse des caractéristiques des groupes de consommateurs, nous avons utilisé des régressions multivariées pour évaluer la relation entre la consommation d'alcool, la prévalence du syndrome métabolique et du diabète ainsi que la résistance à l'insuline, déterminée par le modèle d'homéostasie de la résistance à l'insuline (HOMA-IR). Dans le modèle d'ajustement, nous avons inclus l'âge, le genre, le status tabagique, l'activité physique et le niveau de formation. Nous avons aussi comparé la relation du type d'alcool (vin, bière et spiritueux) avec le syndrome métabolique, le diabète et le HOMA-IR en testant l'hypothèse d'égalité de leurs coefficients de régression, après ajustement.RésultatsParmi les participants, 73% buvaient de l'alcool, 16% étant buveurs à risque moyen à élevé et 2% à risque très élevé. En analyse multivariée, la prévalence du syndrome métabolique et du diabète ainsi que le HOMA-IR moyen diminuaient avec la consommation d'alcool à bas risque et augmentaient avec la consommation à très haut risque, montrant une relation en U. La prévalence ajustée du syndrome métabolique était de 24% chez les non-buveurs, 19% chez les buveurs à bas risque (p<0.001 vs. non-buveurs), 20% chez ceux à risque moyen à élevé et 29% chez ceux à très haut risque (p=0.005 vs. bas risque). La prévalence ajustée du diabète était de 6.0% chez les non-buveurs, 3.6% chez les buveurs à bas risque (p<0.001 vs. non-buveurs), 3.8% chez ceux à risque moyen à élevé et 6.7% chez ceux à très haut risque (p=0.046 vs. bas risque). Le HOMA-IR moyen ajusté était de 2.47 chez les non-buveurs, 2.14 chez ceux à bas risque (pcO.OOl vs. non-buveurs), 2.27 chez ceux à risque moyen à élevé et 2.53 chez ceux à très haut risque (p=0.04 vs. bas risque). Ces relations ne différaient pas selon les types de boissons.ConclusionsLa prévalence du syndrome métabolique, du diabète et le HOMA-IR baissent pour les faibles consommations d'alcool, mais augmentent à nouveau avec les plus fortes consommations, sans différence entre les types de boissons

    Plant clonal morphologies and spatial patterns as self-organized responses to resource-limited environments

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    We propose here to interpret and model peculiar plant morphologies (cushions, tussocks) observed in the Andean altiplano as localized structures. Such structures resulting in a patchy, aperiodic aspect of the vegetation cover are hypothesized to self-organize thanks to the interplay between facilitation and competition processes occurring at the scale of basic plant components biologically referred to as 'ramets'. (Ramets are often of clonal origin.) To verify this interpretation, we applied a simple, fairly generic model (one integro-differential equation) emphasizing via Gaussian kernels non-local facilitative and competitive feedbacks of the vegetation biomass density on its own dynamics. We show that under realistic assumptions and parameter values relating to ramet scale, the model can reproduce some macroscopic features of the observed systems of patches and predict values for the inter-patch distance that match the distances encountered in the reference area (Sajama National Park in Bolivia). Prediction of the model can be confronted in the future to data on vegetation patterns along environmental gradients as to anticipate the possible effect of global change on those vegetation systems experiencing constraining environmental conditions.Comment: 14 pages, 6figure

    Spatiotemporal chaos induces extreme events in an extended microcavity laser

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    Extreme events such as rogue wave in optics and fluids are often associated with the merging dynamics of coherent structures. We present experimental and numerical results on the physics of extreme events appearance in a spatially extended semiconductor microcavity laser with intracavity saturable absorber. This system can display deterministic irregular dynamics only thanks to spatial coupling through diffraction of light. We have identified parameter regions where extreme events are encountered and established the origin of this dynamics in the emergence of deterministic spatiotemporal chaos, through the correspondence between the proportion of extreme events and the dimension of the strange attractor

    Physical-chemical stability of docetaxel concentrated solution during one month

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    Background  Docetaxel is an antineoplastic agent widely used in combination with others cytotoxic agents in many cancers (breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, prostate cancer, etc.). Today, this costly cytotoxic agent is marketed by several pharmaceutical companies who suggest discarding any remainder immediately after use, making it a very costly drug. Purpose  The aim of this study was to determine the physical-chemical stability of docetaxel stock solution after the first sampling in the vial. Materials and methods  The study was conducted in accordance with European consensus guidelines for the practical stability of anticancer drugs (1) and by two societies GERPAC and SFPC (2). The physical-chemical stability was assessed on 3 different vials of docetaxel (Taxotere 20 mg/mL). On day 0, 2, 4 and 30 triplicate samples of each vial of docetaxel were assayed by a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with UV detection at 230 nm (method validated following ICH guidelines). Docetaxel concentration at day 0 was considered to be 100% and if the docetaxel concentrations in samples were greater than 90% in the following days they were considered stable. The reference concentration was degraded by 20% by addition of a quantity of 0.01N NaOH in order to produce and observe primary degradation products. On each vial and on different days, docetaxel UV absorption spectra between 200 and 600 nm, pH and colour change were compared by a visual inspection with reference at T = 0, and finally a turbidimetry method at 350, 410 and 530 nm was used to evaluate the formation of visible and sub-visible particles. Results  After 30 days, for each sample, no colour or pH change were observed, all UV spectra and turbidimetry measures were strictly similar. From day 2 to day 30, docetaxel concentrations were not significantly different to the day 0 solution and no degradation products were observed in any samples. According to these results, no significant drug loss was shown during the study period. Conclusions  At a storage temperature between 20 to 25°C for 30 days, docetaxel solution at 20 mg/mL was seen to be stable. The sterility of the solution was not tested because the handling environment (Iso 5) was strictly controlled and operator validations are regularly checked


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    Oral Communication presented at the ";Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs";, Brest (France) 2011

    Spontaneous exciton condensation in 1T-TiSe2: a BCS-like approach

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    Recently strong evidence has been found in favor of a BCS-like condensation of excitons in 1\textit{T}-TiSe2_2. Theoretical photoemission intensity maps have been generated by the spectral function calculated within the excitonic condensate phase model and set against experimental angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy data. Here, the calculations in the framework of this model are presented in detail. They represent an extension of the original excitonic insulator phase model of J\'erome \textit{et al.} [Phys. Rev. {\bf 158}, 462 (1967)] to three dimensional and anisotropic band dispersions. A detailed analysis of its properties and further comparison with experiment are also discussedComment: Submitted to PRB, 11 pages, 7 figure

    A case study of early galaxy cluster with the Athena X-IFU

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    Context: Observations of the hot gas in distant clusters of galaxies, though challenging, are key to understand the role of intense galaxy activity, super-massive black hole feedback and chemical enrichment in the process of massive halos assembly. Aims: We assess the feasibility to retrieve, using X-ray hyperspectral data only, the thermodymamical hot gas properties and chemical abundances of a z=2z=2 galaxy cluster of mass M500=7 x 1013M10^{13} M_{\odot}, extracted from the Hydrangea hydrodynamical simulation. Methods: We create mock X-ray observations of the future X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) onboard the Athena mission. By forward-modeling the measured 0.4-1 keV surface brightness, the projected gas temperature and abundance profiles, we reconstruct the three-dimensional distribution for the gas density, pressure, temperature and entropy. Results: Thanks to its large field-of-view, high throughput and exquisite spectral resolution, one X-IFU exposure lasting 100ks enables reconstructing density and pressure profiles with 20% precision out to a characteristic radius of R500, accounting for each quantity's intrinsic dispersion in the Hydrangea simulations. Reconstruction of abundance profiles requires both higher signal-to-noise ratios and specific binning schemes. We assess the enhancement brought by longer exposures and by observing the same object at later evolutionary stages (z=11.5z=1-1.5). Conclusions: Our analysis highlights the importance of scatter in the radially binned gas properties, which induces significant effects on the observed projected quantities. The fidelity of the reconstruction of gas profiles is sensitive to the degree of gas components mixing along the line-of-sight. Future analyses should aim at involving dedicated hyper-spectral models and fitting methods that are able to grasp the complexity of such three-dimensional, multi-phase, diffuse gas structures.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&