343 research outputs found

    Failure of the stem in total hip replacement. A study of aetiology and mechanism of failure in 13 cases.

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    Thirteen failed stem of Total Hip Replacement were studied: 9 were Charnley THR from an homogeneous series, which gives an incidence of 2.4% of stem fractures with a follow-up of 9-16 years; 4 were Mueller THR. Fatigue fracture of the stem occurred by defective support of the proximal part of the femur, following resorption of the calcar. In all cases reactive tissue to foreign body particles, metal and polyethylene, was found where bone resorption occurred. In Mueller THR wear of the cup produced the large amount of polyethylene particles; in Charnley THR metal particles prevailed and corrosion of the stem is suggested to be the initiating factor

    Development of simple multiplex real-time pcr assays for foodborne pathogens detection and identification on lightcycler

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    Most acute intestinal diseases are caused by food-borne pathogens. A fast and simple real-time PCR-based procedure for simultaneous detection of food contamination by any of the five food-borne pathogens: Campylobacter jejuni, Mycobacterium bovis, Enterobacter sakazaki, Shigella boydii, Clostridium perfrigens using multiplex EvaGreen real-time PCR for LightCycler was developed and evaluated. Real-time qPCR showed excellent sensitivity. Tm calling and Melting Curve Genotyping (MCG) were used for analysis of PCR product melting curves. The Melting Curve Genotyping option showed good performance for discrimination of positive samples containing DNA of single pathogen or pathogen mixtures from negative samples


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    The present study aims to evaluate the changes in concentrations of some acute phase proteins during Haemonchus contortus infection in lambs. This experiment was performed using 12 three-month-old healthy lambs, randomly allocated into 2 equal groups: G1 (uninfected control animals) and G2 (lambs infected with H. contortus). Each lamb of G2 group was orally inoculated with 4000 infective third stage larvae (L3) of H. contortus by placing a probe. Blood samples were collected on post infection days zero, 4, 7, 11, 14, 21, 28 and 32. After sampling, the blood was centrifuged, and the separated plasma was used for the quantitative determination of haptoglobin (Hp) and fibrinogen (Fb). The most pronounced changes occurred in Hp levels, which increased and attained the highest values on post infection days 4, 7, and 11. A peak concentration occurred on post infection day 7 when Hp increased by 45.96% vs the initial level, and by 44.08% vs the control level on the same day. There were no significant changes in Fb concentrations throughout the study

    Proteomics and metabolomics characterizing the pathophysiology of adaptive reactions to the metabolic challenges during the transition from late pregnancy to early lactation in dairy cows

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    The transition from late pregnancy to early lactation is a critical period in a dairy cow's life due to the rapidly increasing drain of nutrients from the maternal organism towards the foetus and into colostrum and milk. In order to cope with the challenges of parturition and lactation, comprehensive adaptive reactions comprising the endocrine and the immune system need to be accomplished. There is high variation in this coping ability and both metabolic and infectious diseases, summarized as \ue2\u80\u9cproduction diseases\ue2\u80\u9c, such as hypocalcaemia (milk fever), fatty liver syndrome, laminitis and ketosis, may occur and impact welfare, productive lifespan and economic outcomes. Proteomics and metabolomics have emerged as valuable techniques to characterize proteins and metabolite assets from tissue and biological fluids, such as milk, blood and urine. In this review we provide an overview on metabolic status and physiological changes during the transition period and the related production diseases in dairy cows, and summarize the state of art on proteomics and metabolomics of biological fluids and tissues involved in metabolic stress during the peripartum period. We also provide a current and prospective view of the application of the recent achievements generated by omics for biomarker discovery and their potential in diagnosis. Biological significance: For high-yielding dairy cows there are several \ue2\u80\u9coccupational diseases\ue2\u80\u9c that occur mainly during the metabolic challenges related to the transition from pregnancy to lactation. Such diseases and their sequelae form a major concern for dairy production, and often lead to early culling of animals. Beside the economical perspective, metabolic stress may severely influence animal welfare. There is a multitude of studies about the metabolic backgrounds of such so called production diseases like ketosis, fatty liver, or hypocalcaemia, although the investigations aiming to assess the complexity of the pathophysiological reactions are largely focused on gene expression, i.e. transcriptomics. For extending the knowledge towards the proteome and the metabolome, the respective technologies are of increasing importance and can provide an overall view of how dairy cows react to metabolic stress, which is needed for an in-depth understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the related diseases. We herein review the current findings from studies applying proteomics and metabolomics to transition-related diseases, including fatty liver, ketosis, endometritis, hypocalcaemia and laminitis. For each disease, a brief overview of the up to date knowledge about its pathogenesis is provided, followed by an insight into the most recent achievements on the proteome and metabolome of tissues and biological fluids, such as blood serum and urine, highlighting potential biomarkers. We believe that this review would help readers to be become more familiar with the recent progresses of molecular background of transition-related diseases thus encouraging research in this field

    Widespread extrahepatic expression of acute-phase proteins in healthy chicken (Gallus gallus) tissues

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    Acute phase proteins (APP) are plasma proteins that can modify their expression in response to inflammation caused by tissue injury, infections, immunological disorders or stress. Although APP are produced mainly in liver, extrahepatic production has also been described. As a prerequisite to get insight the expression of APP in chicken during diseases, this study investigated the presence of five APP, including alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), Serum Amyloid A (SAA), PIT54, C-Reactive protein (CRP) and Ovotransferrin (OVT) in twenty tissues collected from healthy chicken (Gallus gallus) by quantitative Real Time PCR and immunohistochemistry. As expected, APP gene abundance was higher in liver compared with other tissues. The mRNA coding for CRP, OVT and SAA was detected in all analyzed tissues with a higher expression in gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and lymphatic samples. SAA expression was particularly high in cecal tonsil, lung, spleen and Meckel's diverticulum, whereas OVT in lung, bursa of Fabricius and pancreas. AGP and PIT54 mRNA expression were detected in all tissues but at negligible levels. Immunohistochemical expression of AGP and OVT was variably detected in different organs, being identified in endothelium of every tissue. Positive cells were present in the epithelium of the mucosal layer of gastrointestinal tract and kidney. Lung and central nervous system stained for both proteins. No positive staining was detected in lymphoid tissues and muscle. These results suggest that most tissues can express different amount of APP even in healthy conditions and are therefore capable to mount a local acute phase reaction

    The bovine acute phase protein α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) can disrupt Staphylococcus aureus biofilm

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    Staphylococcus aureus biofilm-related infections are of clinical concern due to the capability of bacterial colonies to adapt to a hostile environment. The present study investigated the capability of the acute phase protein alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) to a) disrupt already established S. aureus biofilm and b) interfere with the biofilm de novo production by using Microtiter Plate assay (MtP) on field strains isolated from infected quarters by assessing. The present study also investigated whether AGP could interfere with the expression of bacterial genes related to biofilm formation (icaA, icaD, icaB, and icaC) and adhesive virulence determinants (fnbA, fnbB, clfA, clfB, fib, ebps, eno) by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). The results provided the evidence that AGP could disrupt the biofilm structure only when it was already developed, but could not prevent the de novo biofilm formation. Moreover, AGP could interfere with the expression levels of genes involved in biofilm formation in a dose- and strain-dependent way, by upregulating, or downregulating, icaABC genes and fnbB, respectively. The results presented in this study provide new insights about the direct antibacterial activity of AGP in bovine milk. It remains to be demonstrated the molecular bases of AGP mechanism of action, in particular for what concerns the scarce capability to interact with the de novo formation of biofilm

    Association of Socioeconomic Factors and Physical Activity with Health-Related Quality of Life in Italian Middle School Children: An Exploratory Cross-Sectional Study

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    Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) provides a broad assessment of an individual's well-being and can serve as a good prognosticator of life's outcomes later for children and adolescents. Understanding the factors associated with HRQoL is crucial for promoting better health and life satisfaction. This study investigated the cross-sectional association of socioeconomic status, cardio fitness, and physical activity levels with HRQoL in 224 Italian early adolescents attending secondary school in the Emilia-Romagna region located in Northern Italy. In a multivariate path regression model, younger students and females reported a higher quality of life (& beta; = -0.139, p = 0.015, 95% CI: -0.254--0.023 and & beta; = 0.142, p = 0.019, 95% CI: 0.011-0.273, respectively). Having both parents employed and having a higher familiar educational status were also associated with a higher quality of life (& beta; = 0.142, p = 0.013, 95% CI 0.027-0.257 and & beta; = 0.133, p = 0.017, 95% CI 0.022-0.244, respectively). Greater engagement in routine physical activity levels from moderate to vigorous intensity was positively associated with quality of life (& beta; = 0.429, p < 0.001, 95% CI: 0.304-0.554). Endurance (speed) was positively associated with quality of life (& beta; = 0.221, p = 0.001, 95% CI: 0.087-0.355), and students with longer times on the shuttle run reported less quality of life (& beta; = -0.207, p = 0.002, 95% CI: -0.337--0.077). These relations remained intact even when controlling for socioeconomic factors. The current findings reinforce the importance of promoting regular physical activity among younger children and also addressing socioeconomic status disparities to improve children's well-being. Future studies may want to consider expanding the array of measures used to assess physical activity and include additional measures assessing nutrition, cultural factors, and family functioning, all of which can influence a child's willingness to engage in physical activity and their well-being. The emphasis on fitness and physical activity and their contribution to a child's well-being should be the prime focus for stakeholders who work in the education, public health, and health policy sectors

    Alpha1-acid glycoprotein post-translational modifications: a comparative two dimensional electrophoresis based analysis

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    Alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) is an immunomodulatory protein expressed by hepatocytes in response to the systemic reaction that follows tissue damage caused by inflammation, infection or trauma. A proteomic approach based on two dimensional electrophoresis, immunoblotting and staining of 2DE gels with dyes specific for post-translational modifications (PTMs) such as glycosylation and phosphorylation has been used to evaluate the differential interspecific protein expression of AGP purified from human, bovine and ovine sera. By means of these techniques, several isoforms have been identified in the investigated species: they have been found to change both with regard to the number of isoforms expressed under physiological condition and with regard to the quality of PTMs (i.e. different oligosaccharidic chains, presence/absence of phosphorilations). In particular, it is suggested that bovine serum AGP may have one of the most complex pattern of PTMs among serum proteins of mammals studied so far

    Proteomics in veterinary medicine : applications and trends in disease pathogenesis and diagnostics

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    Advancement in electrophoresis and mass spectrometry techniques along with the recent progresses in genomics, culminating in bovine and pig genome sequencing, widened the potential application of proteomics in the field of veterinary medicine. The aim of the present review is to provide an in-depth perspective about the application of proteomics to animal disease pathogenesis, as well as its utilization in veterinary diagnostics. After an overview on the various proteomic techniques that are currently applied to veterinary sciences, the article focuses on proteomic approaches to animal disease pathogenesis. Included as well are recent achievements in immunoproteomics (ie, the identifications through proteomic techniques of antigen involved in immune response) and histoproteomics (ie, the application of proteomics in tissue processed for immunohistochemistry). Finally, the article focuses on clinical proteomics (ie, the application of proteomics to the identification of new biomarkers of animal diseases)
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