369 research outputs found

    Brane Resolution Through Fibration

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    We consider p-branes with one or more circular directions fibered over the transverse space. The fibration, in conjunction with the transverse space having a blown-up cycle, enables these p-brane solutions to be completely regular. Some such circularly-wrapped D3-brane solutions describe flows from SU(N)^3 N=2 theory, F_0 theory, as well as an infinite family of superconformal quiver gauge theories, down to three-dimensional field theories. We discuss the operators that are turned on away from the UV fixed points. Similarly, there are wrapped M2-brane solutions which describe smooth flows from known three-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons matter theories, such as ABJM theory. We also consider p-brane solutions on gravitational instantons, and discuss various ways in which U-duality can be applied to yield other non-singular solutions.Comment: 35 pages, additional referenc

    Balanced metrics on Cartan and Cartan-Hartogs domains

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    This paper consists of two results dealing with balanced metrics (in S. Donaldson terminology) on nonconpact complex manifolds. In the first one we describe all balanced metrics on Cartan domains. In the second one we show that the only Cartan-Hartogs domain which admits a balanced metric is the complex hyperbolic space. By combining these results with those obtained in [13] (Kaehler-Einstein submanifolds of the infinite dimensional projective space, to appear in Mathematische Annalen) we also provide the first example of complete, Kaehler-Einstein and projectively induced metric g such that αg\alpha g is not balanced for all α>0\alpha >0.Comment: 11 page

    Multi-Hamiltonian structure of Plebanski's second heavenly equation

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    We show that Plebanski's second heavenly equation, when written as a first-order nonlinear evolutionary system, admits multi-Hamiltonian structure. Therefore by Magri's theorem it is a completely integrable system. Thus it is an example of a completely integrable system in four dimensions

    Solid state protein monolayers: morphological, conformational, and functional properties

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    We have studied the morphological, conformational, and electron-transfer (ET) function of the metalloprotein azurin in the solid state, by a combination of physical investigation methods, namely atomic force microscopy, intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy. We demonstrate that a “solid state protein film” maintains its nativelike conformation and ET function, even after removal of the aqueous solvent

    Canonical transformations for hyperkahler structures and hyperhamiltonian dynamics

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    We discuss generalizations of the well known concept of canonical transformations fo symplectic structures to the case of hyperkahler structures. Different characterizations, which are equivalent in the symplectic case, give rise to non-equivalent notions in the hyperkahler ramework; we will thus distinguish between hyperkahler and canonical transformations. We also discuss the properties of hyperhamiltonian dynamics in this respect

    Upper bounds on the first eigenvalue for a diffusion operator via Bakry-\'{E}mery Ricci curvature II

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    Let L=ΔφL=\Delta-\nabla\varphi\cdot\nabla be a symmetric diffusion operator with an invariant measure dμ=eφdxd\mu=e^{-\varphi}dx on a complete Riemannian manifold. In this paper we prove Li-Yau gradient estimates for weighted elliptic equations on the complete manifold with φθ|\nabla \varphi|\leq\theta and \infty-dimensional Bakry-\'{E}mery Ricci curvature bounded below by some negative constant. Based on this, we give an upper bound on the first eigenvalue of the diffusion operator LL on this kind manifold, and thereby generalize a Cheng's result on the Laplacian case (Math. Z., 143 (1975) 289-297).Comment: Final version. The original proof of Theorem 2.1 using Li-Yau gradient estimate method has been moved to the appendix. The new proof is simple and direc

    Myers' type theorems and some related oscillation results

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    In this paper we study the behavior of solutions of a second order differential equation. The existence of a zero and its localization allow us to get some compactness results. In particular we obtain a Myers' type theorem even in the presence of an amount of negative curvature. The technique we use also applies to the study of spectral properties of Schroedinger operators on complete manifolds.Comment: 16 page

    Global analysis by hidden symmetry

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    Hidden symmetry of a G'-space X is defined by an extension of the G'-action on X to that of a group G containing G' as a subgroup. In this setting, we study the relationship between the three objects: (A) global analysis on X by using representations of G (hidden symmetry); (B) global analysis on X by using representations of G'; (C) branching laws of representations of G when restricted to the subgroup G'. We explain a trick which transfers results for finite-dimensional representations in the compact setting to those for infinite-dimensional representations in the noncompact setting when XCX_C is GCG_C-spherical. Applications to branching problems of unitary representations, and to spectral analysis on pseudo-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces are also discussed.Comment: Special volume in honor of Roger Howe on the occasion of his 70th birthda