25 research outputs found


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    Esta pesquisa analisa a Prosódia Visual Imagética, isto é, a prosódia que pode ser percebida a partir das ilustrações que acompanham a linguagem verbal das Histórias em Quadrinhos (HQs). Assim, observamos as imagens de expressões faciais e gestos simultâneos à fala dos balões que funcionam como Marcadores Prosódicos Visuais Imagéticos (MPVI) na Graphic Novel “Laços”, de autoria dos irmãos Vitor Caffaggi e Lu Caffaggi. Com este estudo, foi possível perceber também que os Marcadores Prosódicos Lexicais (MPL) tradicionalmente presentes em outros gêneros escritos narrativos, como romances (CAGLIARI, 2002), não aparecem nesta HQ. Nossa hipótese é a de que isso ocorre, pois, diferentemente das narrativas clássicas, em uma novela gráfica, as imagens participam da narração da história, de modo que elas podem ser construídas sem a presença de um narrador, o que resulta em outras manifestações prosódicas características do hipergênero HQs, como os MPVI. Esperamos, com este estudo, contribuir para a reflexão sobre as diferentes manifestações da prosódia em HQs

    Kündigungsschutzrecht in den USA und in Deutschland: ein Beitrag zur ökonomischen Rechtsvergleichung

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    Der Beitrag plädiert für die Verwendung der ökonomischen Analyse als Methode der Rechtsvergleichung. Mit ihrer Hilfe wird gezeigt, daß das Vorurteil unbegründet ist, der Kündigungsschutz sei in den USA ?schwächer? (arbeitgeberfreundlicher) als in Deutschland. Die erwartete Abfindungszahlung kann in beiden Rechtssystemen durchaus gleich hoch ausfallen (in Deutschland ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Abfindung höher, in den USA die Höhe der Zahlung). Eine institutionenökonomische Analyse zeigt darüber hinaus, daß die Beteiligung des Betriebsrates an Kündigungen in Deutschland opportunistisches Verhalten der Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer einzudämmen hilft. Diese Art der Sicherung spezifischer Investitionen in Humankapital könnte zur Erklärung des empirischen Befundes beitragen, daß in Deutschland die Arbeitsproduktivität i.a. höher ist als in den USA. -- The paper argues in favor of the economic analysis as a method of international comparison of legal systems. It demonstrates that the legal rules governing the termination of employment contracts in the US are not "weaker" than in Germany. Arguing in terms of expected damages, the probability of a payment is higher in Germany, whereas the amount to be paid is higher in the US. An economic analysis of the German "workers' council" shows that this institution helps to prevent opportunistic terminations as well as opportunistic behavior of employees, and therefore protects specific investments into human capital. This may provide an explanation for the empirical observation that, in general, the productivity of labor is higher in Germany than in the US.Arbeitsvertrag,Betriebsrat,Quasirenten,spezifische Investitionen,Humankapital,economic comparison of law,termination of labor contracts,quasirents,human capital,specific investments workers' council

    The Appropriate Level of Enforcement in Multilevel Regulation Mapping Issues in Avoidance of Regulatory Overstretch

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    In modern day ‘multilevel’ regulation, legal enforcement of transnational standards usually takes place at another level than where the norm was created in the first place. The quest for smart regulation begs the question which level is most appropriate to proper legal enactment and enforcement. Not only as a matter of location (e.g. inter- or supranational, or domestic), but also concerning the level of strength (i.e. intensity of prescription and/or coercion). How can ‘regulatory overstretch’ be avoided – given smart regulatory principles of subsidiarity and responsiveness? A general description is provided of regulatory enforcement, from a regulatory and an enforcement perspective, followed by a discussion of appropriateness of enforcement from the dimensions of location-level and of strength-level. Finally, a simple model is presented for a ‘remediableness analysis’ of appropriate matching of strength and location level scenarios of enforcement – as guidance for enactment and enforcement of transnational standards without regulatory overstretch

    The Structure of the DCFR – Which Approach for Today's Contract Law?

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    This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.This paper discusses the DCFR as a potential model for a European Code because core members of the study group see it as this. The paper discusses, first, the overall structure and does so in two respects: It asks the question whether one should really aim at a big Code – including all obligations and large parts of property law – and argues that one should rather concentrate on a modern and convincing Contract Law Code, given that contract law is very complex today and there are not really many common problems with other obligations anyhow; the content and structure of contract law has reduced quality in the DCFR as a result of its combination with other obligations. Moreover, this paper asks the question whether all types of contract partners should be included and argues that the DCFR is right in doing so, but that it does not really reflect modern theory on where markets fail and therefore does not convincingly find the reasons where and why to differentiate in the substantive law solutions. In the two other sections two core phenomena of modern contract law are discussed: information and formation of contracts and service contracts and networks in today's service society. These are discussed with a view to see how intensively their peculiarities have indeed influenced the structure of the DCFR. Little such influence can be detected. These examples also show how well founded is the criticism that much too often general clauses are chosen instead of finding concrete solutions.Peer Reviewe

    Exports and Labor Skills: The Role of Training

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    An increasing number of analyses show that firms that are engaged in international trade have superior labor capabilities than their counterparts serving only the domestic market. One way to improve labor skills is by training current employees. There is, however, no empirical evidence showing how the exports of a firm respond to training programs. Using firm level data from Chile this study examines the impact of training employees on the firm’s export status. Based on a matching difference-in-differences estimator the results show that training employees can substantially increase the probability of becoming an exporter. Additional results provide details on how the effects differ by labor type, by the intensity of the labor training and whether there are cumulative effects over time. The analysis also sheds light on factors that complement training. All these issues are important to assess under what conditions labor training programs might work best with respect to trade outcome

    Võlaõiguse ühtlustamine Euroopa Liidus

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    La régulation par les standards ISO

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    International audienceDes appareillages électriques, en passant par les bilans comptables jusqu'aux technologies de l'information et de la communication, rares sont les secteurs économiques qui ne soient pas soumis à des normes dites techniques. Les normes techniques, dont les normes ISO sont certainement les plus connues (notamment ISO 9000 et 14000), sont des standards de production qui ont pour but d'améliorer la qualité, la sécurité ou la comptabilité de biens et de services. De fait, si ces normes passent souvent pour un objet obscur et complexe engageant les quelques initiés des domaines concernés, elles n'en demeurent pas moins un véritable processus de régulation économique à l'échelle mondiale. Le terme ISO est polysémique puisqu'il désigne aussi bien l'organisation internationale (International Organization for Standardization) au sein de laquelle sont adoptés les standards que les normes elles-mêmes. Créée en 1946, à la suite de la Fédération internationale des associations nationales de normalisation, l'ISO présente une structure fédérative regroupant les agences nationales de 148 pays. Le nombre impressionnant de normes publiées (13 700 depuis 1947) tend à attester de l'importance de ces dispositions pour les secteurs économiques concernés. A l'heure des débats sur la mondialisation, il peut être intéressant de se pencher sur une entreprise de régulation internationale qui, loin de réactiver des oppositions classiques (libéralisme économique contre régulation ou intérêts privés contre autorité publique), semble, au contraire, réaliser un syncrétisme original. Les politiques de normalisation internationale mettent en relation une multitude d'acteurs publics et privés : organisations internationales, administrations nationales, agences, centres de recherches, entreprises, associations, etc. Cette diversité d'acteurs n'épuise cependant pas la notion de politique publique, mais incite à la concevoir sous un nouveau jour, qui soit susceptible d'en faire ressortir tant l'originalité des formes que la portée effective dans les cas qui nous intéressent. Dans la contribution sans doute un peu trop dense que nous présentons ici, nous aimerions à la fois interroger les entrées classiques d'analyse de ces politiques, et proposer une démarche d'analyse un peu différente, basée sur l'idée de format empruntée à Rémi Barbier, et de monopolisation des formats. Ce cadre d'analyse permet de saisir à la fois les modalités d'élaboration des prescriptions et la mise à l'épreuve de ces prescriptions dans les situations de travail qui les opérationnalisent

    Exports and Labor Skills: The Role of Training

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    An increasing number of analyses show that firms that are engaged in international trade have superior labor capabilities than their counterparts serving only the domestic market. One way to improve labor skills is by training current employees. There is, however, no empirical evidence showing how the exports of a firm respond to training programs. Using firm level data from Chile this study examines the impact of training employees on the firm’s export status. Based on a matching difference-in-differences estimator the results show that training employees can substantially increase the probability of becoming an exporter. Additional results provide details on how the effects differ by labor type, by the intensity of the labor training and whether there are cumulative effects over time. The analysis also sheds light on factors that complement training. All these issues are important to assess under what conditions labor training programs might work best with respect to trade outcome