264 research outputs found

    Three-Body Dynamics and Self-Powering of an Electrodynamic Tether in a Plasmasphere

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    The dynamics of an electrodynamic tether in a three-body gravitational environment are investigated. In the classical two-body scenario the extraction of power is at the expense of orbital kinetic energy. As a result of power extraction, an electrodynamic tether satellite system loses altitude and deorbits. This concept has been proposed and well investigated in the past, for example for orbital debris mitigation and spent stages reentry. On the other hand, in the three-body scenario an electrodynamic tether can be placed in an equilibrium position fixed with respect to the two primary bodies without deorbiting, and at the same time generate power for onboard use. The appearance of new equilibrium positions in the perturbed three-body problem allow this to happen as the electrical power is extracted at the expenses of the plasma corotating with the primary body. Fundamental differences between the classical twobody dynamics and the new phenomena appearing in the circular restricted three-body problem perturbed by the electrodynamic force of the electrodynamic tether are shown in the paper. An interesting application of an electrodynamic tether placed in the Jupiter plasma torus is then considered, in which the electrodynamic tether generates useful electrical power of about 1 kW with a 20-km-long electrodynamic tether from the environmental plasma without losing orbital energy

    Orbifolded Konishi from the Mirror TBA

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    Starting with a discussion of the general applicability of the simplified mirror TBA equations to simple deformations of the AdS_5 x S^5 superstring, we proceed to study a specific type of orbifold to which the undeformed simplified TBA equations directly apply. We then use this set of equations, as well as Luscher's approach, to determine the NLO wrapping correction to the energy of what we call the orbifolded Konishi state, and show that they perfectly agree. In addition we discuss wrapping corrections to the ground state energy of the orbifolded model under consideration.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, v2: corrected typos, added a short discussion on the ground state of the model; as submitted to J. Phys.

    The low-energy limit of AdS(3)/CFT2 and its TBA

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    We investigate low-energy string excitations in AdS3 × S3 × T4. When the worldsheet is decompactified, the theory has gapless modes whose spectrum at low energies is determined by massless relativistic integrable S matrices of the type introduced by Al. B. Zamolodchikov. The S matrices are non-trivial only for excitations with identical worldsheet chirality, indicating that the low-energy theory is a CFT2. We construct a Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz (TBA) for these excitations and show how the massless modes’ wrapping effects may be incorporated into the AdS3 spectral problem. Using the TBA and its associated Y-system, we determine the central charge of the low-energy CFT2 to be c = 6 from calculating the vacuum energy for antiperiodic fermions — with the vacuum energy being zero for periodic fermions in agreement with a supersymmetric theory — and find the energies of some excited states

    Five-loop anomalous dimension at critical wrapping order in N=4 SYM

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    We compute the anomalous dimension of a length-five operator at five-loop order in the SU(2) sector of N=4 SYM theory in the planar limit. This is critical wrapping order at five loops. The result is obtained perturbatively by means of N=1 superspace techniques. Our result from perturbation theory confirms explicitly the formula conjectured in arXiv:0901.4864 for the five-loop anomalous dimension of twist-three operators. We also explicitly obtain the same result by employing the recently proposed Y-system.Comment: LaTeX, feynmp, 34 pages, 21 figures, 8 table

    Antitumour activity of novel taxanes that act at the same time as cytotoxic agents and P-glycoprotein inhibitors

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    Taxanes antitumour agents such as paclitaxel and docetaxel represent a successful family of chemotherapeutic drugs. Unfortunately, acquired and innate resistance represents a clinical problem for these drugs. We investigated, on a panel of 7 human cancer cell lines, the growth inhibition effect of 3 newly developed taxanes (SB-T-1213, SB-T-1250 and SB-T-101187) with modification at the C10 and C3′ positions of the taxane framework. These positions have been previously characterized as critical to make taxanes highly active against cells overexpressing the efflux pump P-glycoprotein (P-gp). Paclitaxel and docetaxel were used as reference compounds. Results unambiguously indicate the exceptional activity of the novel taxanes toward P-gp positive cells (up to >400 fold higher potency than that of paclitaxel). SB-T-1213 and SB-T-1250 are also substantially more active than the reference compounds against P-gp negative cells. To better understand the mechanisms underlying the enhanced activity of the newly developed taxanes, we performed cell cycle and apoptosis analysis. This study demonstrates that the striking growth inhibition effect exhibited by the novel taxanes is ascribed to their increased ability in inducing apoptosis and G 2/M cell cycle block. SB-T-1213 and SB-T-1250 are also more active than reference compounds in inducing intracellular accumulation of the beta-tubulin subunits. Finally, it is revealed that these novel taxanes have ability to inhibit the function of the P-gp efflux pump on the basis of the Rhodamine 123 assay. These findings strongly suggest that SB-T-1213, SB-T-1250 and SB-T-101187 represent a new tool to overcome innate or acquired P-gp mediated taxane-resistance. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Asymptotic solution for the two-body problem with constant tangencial acceleration

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    An analytical solution of the two body problem perturbed by a constant tangential acceleration is derived with the aid of perturbation theory. The solution, which is valid for circular and elliptic orbits with generic eccentricity, describes the instantaneous time variation of all orbital elements. A comparison with high-accuracy numerical results shows that the analytical method can be effectively applied to multiple-revolution low-thrust orbit transfer around planets and in interplanetary space with negligible error

    Y-system for Scattering Amplitudes

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    We compute N=4 Super Yang Mills planar amplitudes at strong coupling by considering minimal surfaces in AdS_5 space. The surfaces end on a null polygonal contour at the boundary of AdS. We show how to compute the area of the surfaces as a function of the conformal cross ratios characterizing the polygon at the boundary. We reduce the problem to a simple set of functional equations for the cross ratios as functions of the spectral parameter. These equations have the form of Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations. The area is the free energy of the TBA system. We consider any number of gluons and in any kinematic configuration.Comment: 69 pages, 19 figures, v2: references added, minor addition

    Six and seven loop Konishi from Luscher corrections

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    In the present paper we derive six and seven loop formulas for the anomalous dimension of the Konishi operator in N=4 SYM from string theory using the technique of Luscher corrections. We derive analytically the integrand using the worldsheet S-matrix and evaluate the resulting integral and infinite sum using a combination of high precision numerical integration and asymptotic expansion. We use this high precision numerical result to fit the integer coefficients of zeta values in the final analytical answer. The presented six and seven loop results can be used as a cross-check with FiNLIE on the string theory side, or with direct gauge theory computations. The seven loop level is the theoretical limit of this Luscher approach as at eight loops double-wrapping corrections will appear.Comment: 18 pages, typos correcte

    The Bajnok-Janik formula and wrapping corrections

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    We write down the simplified TBA equations of the AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5 string sigma-model for minimal energy twist-two operators in the sl(2) sector of the model. By using the linearized version of these TBA equations it is shown that the wrapping corrected Bethe equations for these states are identical, up to O(g^8), to the Bethe equations calculated in the generalized L\"uscher approach (Bajnok-Janik formula). Applications of the Bajnok-Janik formula to relativistic integrable models, the nonlinear O(n) sigma models for n=2,3,4 and the SU(n) principal sigma models, are also discussed.Comment: Latex, 22 pages, published versio

    From Scattering Amplitudes to the Dilatation Generator in N=4 SYM

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    The complete spin chain representation of the planar N=4 SYM dilatation generator has long been known at one loop, where it involves leading nearest-neighbor 2 -> 2 interactions. In this work we use superconformal symmetry to derive the unique solution for the leading L -> 2 interactions of the planar dilatation generator for arbitrarily large L. We then propose that these interactions are given by the scattering operator that has N=4 SYM tree-level scattering amplitudes as matrix elements. We provide compelling evidence for this proposal, including explicit checks for L=2,3 and a proof of consistency with superconformal symmetry.Comment: 39 pages, v2: reference added and minor changes, published versio