9,873 research outputs found

    Entropic forces generated by grafted semiflexible polymers

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    The entropic force exerted by the Brownian fluctuations of a grafted semiflexible polymer upon a rigid smooth wall are calculated both analytically and by Monte Carlo simulations. Such forces are thought to play an important role for several cellular phenomena, in particular, the physics of actin-polymerization-driven cell motility and movement of bacteria like Listeria. In the stiff limit, where the persistence length of the polymer is larger than its contour length, we find that the entropic force shows scaling behavior. We identify the characteristic length scales and the explicit form of the scaling functions. In certain asymptotic regimes we give simple analytical expressions which describe the full results to a very high numerical accuracy. Depending on the constraints imposed on the transverse fluctuations of the filament there are characteristic differences in the functional form of the entropic forces; in a two-dimensional geometry the entropic force exhibits a marked peak.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, minor misprints correcte

    Preclinical and Clinical Evidence of Antioxidant Effects of Antidepressant Agents: Implications for the Pathophysiology of Major Depressive Disorder

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common mental disorder associated with a significant negative impact on quality of life, morbidity/mortality, and cognitive function. Individuals who suffer with MDD display lower serum/plasmatic total antioxidant potentials and reduced brain GSH levels. Also, F2-isoprostanes circulatory levels are increased in MDD subjects and are correlated with the severity of depressive symptoms. Urinary excretion of 8-OHdG seems to be higher in patients with MDD compared to healthy controls. Despite the fact that antidepressant drugs have been used for more than 50 years, their mechanism of action is still not fully understood. This paper examines preclinical (in vitro and animal model) and clinical literature on oxidative/antioxidant effects associated with antidepressant agents and discusses their potential antioxidant-related effects in the treatment of MDD. Substantial data support that MDD seems to be accompanied by elevated levels of oxidative stress and that antidepressant treatments may reduce oxidative stress. These studies suggest that augmentation of antioxidant defences may be one of the mechanisms underlying the neuroprotective effects of antidepressants in the treatment of MDD

    Belief-propagation algorithm and the Ising model on networks with arbitrary distributions of motifs

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    We generalize the belief-propagation algorithm to sparse random networks with arbitrary distributions of motifs (triangles, loops, etc.). Each vertex in these networks belongs to a given set of motifs (generalization of the configuration model). These networks can be treated as sparse uncorrelated hypergraphs in which hyperedges represent motifs. Here a hypergraph is a generalization of a graph, where a hyperedge can connect any number of vertices. These uncorrelated hypergraphs are tree-like (hypertrees), which crucially simplify the problem and allow us to apply the belief-propagation algorithm to these loopy networks with arbitrary motifs. As natural examples, we consider motifs in the form of finite loops and cliques. We apply the belief-propagation algorithm to the ferromagnetic Ising model on the resulting random networks. We obtain an exact solution of this model on networks with finite loops or cliques as motifs. We find an exact critical temperature of the ferromagnetic phase transition and demonstrate that with increasing the clustering coefficient and the loop size, the critical temperature increases compared to ordinary tree-like complex networks. Our solution also gives the birth point of the giant connected component in these loopy networks.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Force-Velocity Relations of a Two-State Crossbridge Model for Molecular Motors

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    We discuss the force-velocity relations obtained in a two-state crossbridge model for molecular motors. They can be calculated analytically in two limiting cases: for a large number and for one pair of motors. The effect of the strain-dependent detachment rate on the motor characteristics is studied. It can lead to linear, myosin-like, kinesin-like and anomalous curves. In particular, we specify the conditions under which oscillatory behavior may be found.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, REVTeX; thoroughly revised version; also available at http://www.physik.tu-muenchen.de/~frey

    Extended polarized semiclassical model for quantum-dot cavity QED and its application to single-photon sources

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    We present a simple extension of the semi-classical model for a two-level system in a cavity, in order to incorporate multiple polarized transitions, such as those appearing in neutral and charged quantum dots (QDs), and two nondegenerate linearly polarized cavity modes. We verify the model by exact quantum master equation calculations, and experimentally using a neutral QD in a polarization non-degenerate micro-cavity, in both cases we observe excellent agreement. Finally, the usefulness of this approach is demonstrated by optimizing a single-photon source based on polarization postselection, where we find an increase in the brightness for optimal polarization conditions as predicted by the model.Comment: 8 pages, for simple code see https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.347666

    Evolutionary game theory in growing populations

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    Existing theoretical models of evolution focus on the relative fitness advantages of different mutants in a population while the dynamic behavior of the population size is mostly left unconsidered. We here present a generic stochastic model which combines the growth dynamics of the population and its internal evolution. Our model thereby accounts for the fact that both evolutionary and growth dynamics are based on individual reproduction events and hence are highly coupled and stochastic in nature. We exemplify our approach by studying the dilemma of cooperation in growing populations and show that genuinely stochastic events can ease the dilemma by leading to a transient but robust increase in cooperationComment: 4 pages, 2 figures and 2 pages supplementary informatio

    Chaotic Free-Space Laser Communication over Turbulent Channel

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    The dynamics of errors caused by atmospheric turbulence in a self-synchronizing chaos based communication system that stably transmits information over a \sim5 km free-space laser link is studied experimentally. Binary information is transmitted using a chaotic sequence of short-term pulses as carrier. The information signal slightly shifts the chaotic time position of each pulse depending on the information bit. We report the results of an experimental analysis of the atmospheric turbulence in the channel and the impact of turbulence on the Bit-Error-Rate (BER) performance of this chaos based communication system.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Bimodal distribution function of a 3d wormlike chain with a fixed orientation of one end

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    We study the distribution function of the three dimensional wormlike chain with a fixed orientation of one chain end using the exact representation of the distribution function in terms of the Green's function of the quantum rigid rotator in a homogeneous external field. The transverse 1d distribution function of the free chain end displays a bimodal shape in the intermediate range of the chain lengths (1.3Lp,...,3.5Lp1.3L_{p},...,3.5L_{p}). We present also analytical results for short and long chains, which are in complete agreement with the results of previous studies obtained using different methods.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Warped Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter

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    Warped compactifications of type IIB string theory contain natural dark matter candidates: Kaluza-Klein modes along approximate isometry directions of long warped throats. These isometries are broken by the full compactification, including moduli stabilization; we present a thorough survey of Kaluza-Klein mode decay rates into light supergravity modes and Standard Model particles. We find that these dark matter candidates typically have lifetimes longer than the age of the universe. Interestingly, some choices for embedding the Standard Model in the compactification lead to decay rates large enough to be observed, so this dark matter sector may provide constraints on the parameter space of the compactification.Comment: 37pp; v2. references, minor clarificatio

    Crossover from Isotropic to Directed Percolation

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    Directed percolation is one of the generic universality classes for dynamic processes. We study the crossover from isotropic to directed percolation by representing the combined problem as a random cluster model, with a parameter rr controlling the spontaneous birth of new forest fires. We obtain the exact crossover exponent yDP=yT1y_{DP}=y_T-1 at r=1r=1 using Coulomb gas methods in 2D. Isotropic percolation is stable, as is confirmed by numerical finite-size scaling results. For D3D \geq 3, the stability seems to change. An intuitive argument, however, suggests that directed percolation at r=0r=0 is unstable and that the scaling properties of forest fires at intermediate values of rr are in the same universality class as isotropic percolation, not only in 2D, but in all dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, 4 epsf-emedded postscript figure