17 research outputs found

    Stigma in Parkinson's disease: Placing it outside the body

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    6-hydroxydopamine and ovariectomy has no effect on heart rate variability parameters of females

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    OBJECTIVES: In addition to the classic motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD), patients also present with non-motor symptoms, such as autonomic dysfunction, which is present in almost 90% of patients with PD, affecting the quality of life and mortality. Regarding sex differences in prevalence and presentation, there is increasing concern about how sex affects autonomic dysfunction. However, there are no previous data on autonomic cardiac function in females after 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) striatal injection. METHODS: Wistar female rats were ovariectomized. After 20 days, the animals received bilateral injections of 6-OHDA (total dose per animal: 48 mg) or a vehicle solution in the striatum. Thirty days after 6-OHDA injection, subcutaneous electrodes were implanted for electrocardiogram (ECG) recording. Ten days after electrode implantation, ECG signals were recorded. Analyses of heart rate variability (HRV) parameters were performed, and the 6-OHDA lesion was confirmed by analyzing the number of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc). RESULTS: A high dose of 6-OHDA did not affect HRV of females, independent of ovariectomy. As expected, ovariectomy did not affect HRV or lesions in the SNpc after 6-OHDA injection. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that females with 6-OHDA present with cardioprotection, independent of ovarian hormones, which could be related to female vagal predominance

    Whole transcriptome analysis of the hippocampus: toward a molecular portrait of epileptogenesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Uncovering the molecular mechanisms involved in epileptogenesis is critical to better understand the physiopathology of epilepsies and to help develop new therapeutic strategies for this prevalent and severe neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Changes in the transcriptome of hippocampal cells from rats subjected to the pilocarpine model of epilepsy were evaluated by microarrays covering 34,000 transcripts representing all annotated rat genes to date. Using such genome-wide approach, differential expression of nearly 1,400 genes was detected during the course of epileptogenesis, from the early events post <it>status epilepticus (SE) </it>to the onset of recurrent spontaneous seizures. Most of these genes are novel and displayed an up-regulation after <it>SE</it>. Noteworthy, a group of 128 genes was found consistently hyper-expressed throughout epileptogenesis, indicating stable modulation of the p38MAPK, Jak-STAT, PI3K, and mTOR signaling pathways. In particular, up-regulation of genes from the TGF-beta and IGF-1 signaling pathways, with opposite effects on neurogenesis, correlate with the physiopathological changes reported in humans.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A consistent regulation of genes functioning in intracellular signal transduction regulating neurogenesis have been identified during epileptogenesis, some of which with parallel expression patterns reported in patients with epilepsy, strengthening the link between these processes and development of epilepsy. These findings reveal dynamic molecular changes occurring in the hippocampus that may serve as a starting point for designing alternative therapeutic strategies to prevent the development of epilepsy after acquired brain insults.</p

    Alcohol Abuse Promotes Changes in Non-Synaptic Epileptiform Activity with Concomitant Expression Changes in Cotransporters and Glial Cells

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    Non-synaptic mechanisms are being considered the common factor of brain damage in status epilepticus and alcohol intoxication. the present work reports the influence of the chronic use of ethanol on epileptic processes sustained by non-synaptic mechanisms. Adult male Wistar rats administered with ethanol (1, 2 e 3 g/kg/d) during 28 days were compared with Control. Non-synaptic epileptiform activities (NEAs) were induced by means of the zero-calcium and high-potassium model using hippocampal slices. the observed involvement of the dentate gyrus (DG) on the neurodegeneration promoted by ethanol motivated the monitoring of the electrophysiological activity in this region. the DG regions were analyzed for the presence of NKCC1, KCC2, GFAP and CD11b immunoreactivity and cell density. the treated groups showed extracellular potential measured at the granular layer with increased DC shift and population spikes (PS), which was remarkable for the group E1. the latencies to the NEAs onset were more prominent also for the treated groups, being correlated with the neuronal loss. in line with these findings were the predispositions of the treated slices for neuronal edema after NEAs induction, suggesting that restrict inter-cell space counteracts the neuronal loss and subsists the hyper-synchronism. the significant increase of the expressions of NKCC1 and CD11b for the treated groups confirms the existence of conditions favorable to the observed edematous necrosis. the data suggest that the ethanol consumption promotes changes on the non-synaptic mechanisms modulating the NEAs. for the lower ethanol dosage the neurophysiological changes were more effective suggesting to be due to the less intense neurodegenertation.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Univ Fed Sao Joao del Rei, Dept Engn Biossistemas, Lab Neurociencia Expt & Computac, Sao Joao Del Rei, MG, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Disciplina Neurol Expt, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ciencia & Tecnol, Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Disciplina Fisiol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Disciplina Neurol Expt, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ciencia & Tecnol, Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Disciplina Fisiol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Epilepsia e atividade fĂ­sica: estudos em humanos e animais

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    Epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological disorder in the world that influences negatively the quality of people's life affected by this disease. Although the favorable effect of physical activity on general health is unquestionable, the appropriate physical exercise for people with epilepsy is still controversial. Studies have shown beneficial effect of physical exercise on frequency of seizures as well as on life quality. However, people with epilepsy frequently are discouraged and excluded from participation in physical exercise due to the fear that the participation in a physical exercise program can precipitate epileptic seizures. Therefore, the aim of this study was to review the effect of physical exercise based on clinical and experimental studies of epilepsy.A epilepsia Ă© considerada o distĂșrbio neurolĂłgico crĂŽnico mais prevalente no mundo, influenciando negativamente a qualidade de vida de indivĂ­duos com epilepsia. Apesar do efeito favorĂĄvel do exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico sobre a saĂșde ser inquestionĂĄvel, a realização de um programa de exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico por pessoas com epilepsia ainda Ă© um assunto controverso. Estudos tĂȘm mostrado efeitos benĂ©ficos do exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico na freqĂŒĂȘncia de crises assim como na qualidade de vida. Entretanto, indivĂ­duos com epilepsia sĂŁo freqĂŒentemente desencorajados e excluĂ­dos da participação em programas de exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico pelo medo que tal participação possa precipitar crises epilĂ©pticas. Sendo assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi revisar o efeito do exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico baseado em dados de estudos clĂ­nicos e experimentais de epilepsia

    Parkinson-related neuropathy

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    BenefĂ­cios e riscos da prĂĄtica de atividade fĂ­sica recreativa e/ou esportiva por pessoas com epilepsia

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    A epilepsia Ă© o distĂșrbio neurolĂłgico crĂŽnico mais comum no mundo. O tratamento farmacolĂłgico Ă© a base em aproximadamente 70% dos casos. Entretanto, terapias adjuvantes como a prĂĄtica de exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico vem sendo estudadas na tentativa de entender os mecanismos fisiopatolĂłgicos responsĂĄveis pela doença. Apesar do conhecimento de que a prĂĄtica regular de atividade fĂ­sica proporciona benefĂ­cios sobre a aptidĂŁo fĂ­sica e saĂșde, pessoas com epilepsia sĂŁo freqĂŒentemente desencorajadas a participarem de programas de atividade fĂ­sica. Esta relutĂąncia origina-se do desconhecimento e da proteção excessiva dos profissionais da saĂșde e familiares, pois existe o receio que a prĂĄtica de atividade fĂ­sica possa predispor os indivĂ­duos a lesĂ”es traumĂĄticas ou que a fadiga resultante do esforço fĂ­sico possa precipitar uma crise epilĂ©ptica. Entretanto, evidĂȘncias crescentes mostram que a prĂĄtica regular de exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico Ă© benĂ©fica para pessoas com epilepsia, havendo poucos achados mostrando o aumento da freqĂŒĂȘncia de crises ou do risco de lesĂ”es quando a doença estĂĄ controlada. Portanto, o objetivo da presente revisĂŁo Ă© apresentar os possĂ­veis riscos e benefĂ­cios da prĂĄtica regular de exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico por pessoas com epilepsia

    BenefĂ­cios e riscos da prĂĄtica de atividade fĂ­sica recreativa e/ou esportiva por pessoas com epilepsia

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    A epilepsia Ă© o distĂșrbio neurolĂłgico crĂŽnico mais comum no mundo. O tratamento farmacolĂłgico Ă© essencial na maioria dos casos. Entretanto, terapias nĂŁo farmacolĂłgicas, como a prĂĄtica de atividade fĂ­sica regular, vĂȘm sendo estudadas para o tratamento complementar desse distĂșrbio. JĂĄ estĂĄ bem estabelecido que programas de atividade fĂ­sica promovem benefĂ­cios sobre a aptidĂŁo fĂ­sica e a saĂșde. Contudo, pessoas com epilepsia frequentemente sĂŁo desencorajadas a participar desses programas. Essa relutĂąncia origina-se da proteção excessiva dos profissionais da saĂșde e familiares, pois existe o receio que a prĂĄtica de atividade fĂ­sica possa predispor os indivĂ­duos a lesĂ”es traumĂĄticas ou que a fadiga resultante do esforço fĂ­sico possa precipitar uma nova crise epilĂ©ptica. EvidĂȘncias crescentes mostram que a prĂĄtica de atividade fĂ­sica Ă© benĂ©fica para pessoas com epilepsia, havendo poucos achados mostrando o aumento da frequĂȘncia de crises ou do risco de lesĂŁo quando a doença estĂĄ farmacologicamente controlada. Portanto, o objetivo da presente revisĂŁo Ă© apresentar os possĂ­veis riscos e benefĂ­cios da prĂĄtica de atividade fĂ­sica por pessoas com epilepsia

    Nissl stain analysis.

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    <p>A: After Nissl staining, the typical morphology of the granule layer of DG for each group investigated (control, E1, E2 and E3) are shown. B: Effect of the non-synaptic activity induction on the cell morphology, performed for the group E3 in comparison with control. Before seizure induction, the normal morphology of the granule layer (a) is replaced by the presence of whitish zones, somas with swelling (thick arrows) and dark cells (thin arrows) (b). After seizure induction, the slices of the control group showed edematous cell bodies and a few dark cells (thin arrows) (c). However, the slices from the group E3 appeared with intense edematous necrosis, as shown in (d). Several cell bodies with intense swelling (thick arrows) and dark cells (thin arrows) can be seen.</p