78 research outputs found

    Using the Plan–Teach–Reflect Cycle of the Refined Consensus Model of PCK to Improve Pre-Service Biology Teachers’ Personal PCK as Well as Their Motivational Orientations

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    In this article, we analyse how to improve pre-service biology teachers’ pPCK (personal Pedagogical Content Knowledge), professional values and motivational orientations in the field of academic and scientific language. On the basis of the theory of the Refined Consensus Model of PCK (RCM), we made a two-month quasi-experimental intervention study with 32 pre-service biology teachers. As a treatment, we trained the participants in the Plan–Teach–Reflect Cycle of enacted PCK in a school class, in the framework of a seminar. In the control group, the teaching of the cycle was replaced by presentations of their lesson plans. As dependent variables, we analysed participants’ pPCK, professional values and motivational orientations. Our results showed an increase in pre-service biology teachers’ pPCK (F(1,28) = 3.51, p = 0.04, part. η2 = 0.11, d = 0.70) and motivational orientations (F(1,23) = 29.68, p < 0.01, part. η2 = 0.56, d = 2.26) in both groups, but no effects on participants’ professional values. The teaching experience in a school class strengthened the effects both in participants’ pPCK (F(1,28) = 2.92, p = 0.04, part. η2 = 0.10, d = 0.67) and motivational orientations (F(1,23) = 7.64, p < 0.01, part. η2 = 0.25, d = 1.15). We recommend integrating the use of the Plan–Teach–Reflect Cycle of ePCK into science teacher education programmes

    The Refined Consensus Model of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): Detecting Filters Between the Realms of PCK

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    In this article, we analyse potential filters that moderate the transformation process between the realms of PCK defined in the refined consensus model of pedagogical content knowledge. We tested 58 preservice biology teachers in a 15-week one-group pretest/post-test design. To identify filters between collective PCK (cPCK) and personal PCK (pPCK), we set up moderation models with pretest pPCK as an independent variable, post-test pPCK as a dependent variable, and motivational orientations or professional values as moderator variables. To identify filters between pPCK and enacted PCK (ePCK), we set up moderation models with post-test pPCK as an independent variable, ePCK as a dependent variable, and noticing or knowledge-based reasoning as moderator variables. We did this specifically with a focus on language in biology education. We found that only the variable knowledge-based reasoning had a role as a filter. It moderates the transformation process between pPCK and ePCK (moderation analysis: F(3,19) = 10.40, p < 0.001, predicting 25.72% of the variance). In future studies, other filters should be identified

    Effects of Teachers' Professional Knowledge and Their Use of Three-Dimensional Physical Models in Biology Lessons on Students' Achievement

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    Using three-dimensional physical models elaborately in their learning, students can develop high-level understanding of models and modeling in science, thereby attaining higher achievement. However, there are in the literature few indications of how teachers should use three-dimensional physical models in instruction and whether teachers' professional knowledge is a prerequisite for teaching with elaborate use of models. Therefore, our study used a mixed-methods approach to analyze the effects of biology teachers' domain-specific pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and content knowledge (CK) on students' achievement mediated by elaborate model use (ELMO). Our quantitative sample comprised 36 German secondary school teachers whose lessons on the topic of neurobiology were videotaped twice (N = 72 lessons). Teachers completed professional knowledge tests on their PCK and CK. Students' achievement was measured using pre- and post-knowledge tests. Our qualitative analysis involved five selected teachers according to aspects of ELMO. The results of our study indicated that teachers' PCK and CK had no direct effect on students' achievement. However, teachers' PCK had a significant indirect and positive effect on students' achievement mediated by ELMO. The findings of our study can provide teachers and researchers examples of how to implement biology instruction with elaborate use of three-dimensional physical models

    DuPontTM Debut®DuoActive (DPX-R3D76): Ein neues Produkt für optimierte Herbizidprogramme in Rüben

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    DuPontTM Debut®DuoActive (Triflusulfuron-methyl 71 g/kg, Lenacil 714 g/kg) ist ein neues Herbizid zur Kontrolle dikotyler Unkräuter in Zucker- und Futterrüben. Mit der Kombination eines blatt- mit einem bodenaktiven Wirkstoff werden sowohl typische Leitunkräuter als auch schwierig kontrollierbare Unkräuter wie z.B. Ausfallraps (Brassica napus), Knötericharten (Polygonum ssp.), Hundspetersilie (Aethusa cynapium) und Klettenlabkraut (Galium aparine) erfolgreich kontrolliert. Debut®DuoActive ist ein ausgezeichneter Partner für Standardtankmischungen auf Basis von Phen/-Desmedipham, Ethofumesat und Metamitron. Eingebunden in ein Herbizidprogramm hilft Debut®DuoActive die Effizienz von Standardmischungen deutlich zu verbessern und die Notwendigkeit von Nachbehandlungen zu vermindern. Beantragt ist die Anwendung in der Futter- und Zuckerrübe (BBCH 10 - 39) mit einer Aufwandmenge von 210 g/ha (+ 0,1 % (v/v) DuPontTM Trend®).DuPontTM Debut®DuoActive (DPX-R3D76): A new product for optimized herbicide programs in beetsDuPontTM Debut®DuoActive (triflusulfuron-methyl 71 g/kg, Lenacil 714 g/kg) is a new herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in fodder and sugar beets. The combination of a leave with a soil active ingredient controls successfully typical broadleaf weeds as well as hard to control weeds like volunteer oilseed rape (Brassica napus), knotweeds (Polygonum ssp.), fool's parsley (Aethusa cynapium) and cleavers (Galium aparine). Debut®DuoActive is an excellent partner for standard tankmixes based on the active ingredients Phen/-desmedipham, ethofumesate und metamitron. As part of a herbicide program Debut®DuoActive helps to improve significantly the efficiency of standard herbicide tankmixes and reduces the necessity of possible subsequent treatment. Registration is applied for use in fodder and sugar beet (BBCH 10-39) with a use rate of 210 g/ha (+ 0.1 % (v/v) DuPontTM Trend®)

    A 4-year longitudinal study investigating the relationship between flexible school starts and grades

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    The mismatch between teenagers’ late sleep phase and early school start times results in acute and chronic sleep reductions. This is not only harmful for learning but may reduce career prospects and widen social inequalities. Delaying school start times has been shown to improve sleep at least short-term but whether this translates to better achievement is unresolved. Here, we studied whether 0.5–1.5 years of exposure to a flexible school start system, with the daily choice of an 8 AM or 8:50 AM-start, allowed secondary school students (n = 63–157, 14–21 years) to improve their quarterly school grades in a 4-year longitudinal pre-post design. We investigated whether sleep, changes in sleep or frequency of later starts predicted grade improvements. Mixed model regressions with 5111–16,724 official grades as outcomes did not indicate grade improvements in the flexible system per se or with observed sleep variables nor their changes—the covariates academic quarter, discipline and grade level had a greater effect in our sample. Importantly, our finding that intermittent sleep benefits did not translate into detectable grade changes does not preclude improvements in learning and cognition in our sample. However, it highlights that grades are likely suboptimal to evaluate timetabling interventions despite their importance for future success

    Distributing Entanglement with Separable States

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    Like a silver thread, quantum entanglement [1] runs through the foundations and breakthrough applications of quantum information theory. It cannot arise from local operations and classical communication (LOCC) and therefore represents a more intimate relationship among physical systems than we may encounter in the classical world. The `nonlocal' character of entanglement manifests itself through a number of counterintuitive phenomena encompassing Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox [2,3], steering [4], Bell nonlocality [5] or negativity of entropy [6,7]. Furthermore, it extends our abilities to process information. Here, entanglement is used as a resource which needs to be shared between several parties, eventually placed at remote locations. However entanglement is not the only manifestation of quantum correlations. Notably, also separable quantum states can be used as a shared resource for quantum communication. The experiment presented in this paper highlights the quantumness of correlations in separable mixed states and the role of classical information in quantum communication by demonstrating entanglement distribution using merely a separable ancilla mode.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure


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    Basiskonzepte verändern den Blick auf die Inhalte


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    Fokusfragen richten die Unterrichtsstunde auf ein Basiskonzepte aus und leiten durch diese


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    Konzeptorientierung – Vernetztes Denken durch digitale Medien förder


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    In dieser Präsentation geht es um digitale Werkzeuge, die spezifisch für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht geeignet sind. Neben der Vorstellung von Best Practice Beispielen, wird die Datenbank digitaler Werkzeuge präsentiert. Auch wird kurz eine Checkliste vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe digitale Werkzeuge reflektiert und bewertet werden können
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