75 research outputs found

    Procedimientos y Requisitos para la Acreditación y Registro de la Firma Electrónica de Nicaragua, Ley No. 729, en comparación con el Decreto No. 133, Ley de Firma Electrónica de El Salvador

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    La presente investigación que lleva como Título Procedimientos y Requisitos para la Acreditación y Registro de la Firma Electrónica de Nicaragua, Ley No. 729, en comparación con el Decreto No. 133, Ley de Firma Electrónica de El Salvador. Para dar respuesta a los objetivos planteados, se realizó bajo el enfoque cualitativo y de carácter explicativo y analítico ya que busca analizar la regulación de la Ley de Firma Electrónica de Nicaragua, Ley No. 729, en comparación con el Decreto No. 133, Ley de Firma Electrónica de El Salvador en lo que hace a los Procedimientos y Requisitos para la Acreditación y Registro de la Firma entendido. El trabajo de investigación se encuentra estructurado en tres capítulos los cuales se concentran de la siguiente manera: En el primer capítulo se Determinaran las Generalidades de la Ley 729, Ley de Firma Electrónica de Nicaragua y el Decreto No. 133, Ley de Firma Electrónica de El Salvador; Así mismo en el segundo capítulo explicaremos el Procedimiento de Acreditación de la Ley 729, Ley de Firma Electrónica de Nicaragua en comparación con el Decreto No. 133, Ley de Firma Electrónica de El Salvador. En el tercer capítulo hace referencia a las semejanzas y diferencias de las regulaciones de la Ley 729, Ley de Firma Electrónica de Nicaragua y el Decreto No. 133, Ley de Firma Electrónica de El Salvador, con respecto a los Requisitos y Procedimientos para la Acreditación y Registro de la Firm

    AC Electrokinetics of Salt-Free Multilayered Polymer-Grafted Particles

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    Interest in the electrical properties of the interface between soft (or polymer-grafted) nanoparticles and solutions is considerable. Of particular significance is the case of polyelectrolyte-coated particles, mainly taking into account that the layer-by-layer procedure allows the control of the thickness and permeability of the layer, and the overall charge of the coated particle. Like in simpler systems, electrokinetic determinations in AC fields (including dielectric dispersion in the 1 kHz–1 MHz frequency range and dynamic electrophoresis by electroacoustic methods in the 1–18 MHz range) provide a large amount of information about the physics of the interface. Different models have dealt with the electrokinetics of particles coated by a single polymer layer, but studies regarding multi-layered particles are far scarcer. This is even more significant in the case of so-called salt-free systems; ideally, the only charges existing in this case consist of the charge in the layer(s) and the core particle itself, and their corresponding countercharges, with no other ions added. The aims of this paper are as follows: (i) the elaboration of a model for the evaluation of the electrokinetics of multi-grafted polymer particles in the presence of alternating electric fields, in dispersion media where no salts are added; (ii) to carry out an experimental evaluation of the frequency dependence of the dynamic (or AC) electrophoretic mobility and the dielectric permittivity of suspensions of polystyrene latex spherical particles coated with successive layers of cationic, anionic, and neutral polymers; and (iii) finally, to perform a comparison between predictions and experimental results, so that it can be demonstrated that the electrokinetic analysis is a useful tool for the in situ characterization of multilayered particles.Spanish Institution, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades GC2018-098770-B-I00Junta de Andalucia BF-FQM-141-UGR1

    Nanostructured State-of-the-Art Thermoelectric Materials Prepared by Straight-Forward Arc-Melting Method

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    Thermoelectric materials constitute an alternative to harvest sustainable energy from waste heat. Among the most commonly utilized thermoelectric materials, we can mention Bi2Te3 (hole and electron conductivity type), PbTe and recently reported SnSe intermetallic alloys. We review recent results showing that all of them can be readily prepared in nanostructured form by arc-melting synthesis, yielding mechanically robust pellets of highly oriented polycrystals. These materials have been characterized by neutron powder diffraction (NPD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electronic and thermal transport measurements. Analysis of NPD patterns demonstrates near-perfect stoichiometry of above-mentioned alloys and fair amount of anharmonicity of chemical bonds. SEM analysis shows stacking of nanosized sheets, each of them presumably single-crystalline, with large surfaces parallel to layered slabs. This nanostructuration affects notably thermoelectric properties, involving many surface boundaries (interfaces), which are responsible for large phonon scattering factors, yielding low thermal conductivity. Additionally, we describe homemade apparatus developed for the simultaneous measurement of Seebeck coefficient and electric conductivity at elevated temperatures

    Novedades para la flora de la Región de Murcia, II

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    Se ponen en conocimiento de la comunidad científica nuevas refe-rencias corológicas para la flora de la Región de Murcia: Chei-lanthes hispanica, Dipsacus sativus, Sideritis stachydiodes

    Oral Toxicity of Okadaic Acid in Mice: Study of Lethality, Organ Damage, Distribution and Effects on Detoxifying Gene Expression

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    In vivo, after administration by gavage to mice and rats, okadaic acid has been reported to produce lesions in liver, small intestine and forestomach. Because several reports differ in the damage detected in different organs, and on okadaic acid distribution after consumption, we determined the toxicity of this compound after oral administration to mice. After 24 hours, histopathological examination showed necrotic foci and lipid vacuoles in the livers of intoxicated animals. By immunohistochemical analysis, we detected this toxin in the liver and kidneys of intoxicated animals. Okadaic acid induces oxidative stress and can be activated in vitro into reactive compounds by the post-mitochondrial S9 fraction, so we studied the okadaic effect on the gene expression of antioxidant and phase II detoxifying enzymes in liver. We observed a downregulation in the expression of these enzymes and a reduction of protein expression of catalase and superoxide dismutase 1 in intoxicated animalsThe research leading to these results has received funding from the following FEDER cofunded-grants: From Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain: AGL2009-13581-CO2-01, AGL2012-40485-CO2-01. From Xunta de Galicia, Spain: 10PXIB261254 PR. From the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme managed by REA–Research Executive Agency (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement Nos. 265896 BAMMBO, 265409 µAQUA, and 262649 BEADS, 315285 Ciguatools and 312184 PharmaSea. From the Atlantic Area Programme (Interreg IVB Trans-national): 2009-1/117 PharmatlanticS

    Chaotic asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of the Lighthill Whitham Richards equation

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    [EN] The phenomenon of chaos has been exhibited in mathematical nonlinear models that describe traffic flows, see, for instance (Li and Gao in Modern Phys Lett B 18(26-27):1395-1402, 2004; Li in Phys. D Nonlinear Phenom 207(1-2):41-51, 2005). At microscopic level, Devaney chaos and distributional chaos have been exhibited for some car-following models, such as the quick-thinking-driver model and the forward and backward control model (Barrachina et al. in 2015; Conejero et al. in Semigroup Forum, 2015). We present here the existence of chaos for the macroscopic model given by the Lighthill Whitham Richards equation.The authors are supported by MEC Project MTM2013-47093-P. The second and third authors are supported by GVA, Project PROMETEOII/2013/013Conejero, JA.; Martínez Jiménez, F.; Peris Manguillot, A.; Ródenas Escribá, FDA. (2016). Chaotic asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of the Lighthill Whitham Richards equation. Nonlinear Dynamics. 84(1):127-133. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-015-2245-4S127133841Albanese, A.A., Barrachina, X., Mangino, E.M., Peris, A.: Distributional chaos for strongly continuous semigroups of operators. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 12(5), 2069–2082 (2013)Aroza, J., Peris, A.: Chaotic behaviour of birth-and-death models with proliferation. J. Differ. Equ. Appl. 18(4), 647–655 (2012)Banasiak, J., Lachowicz, M.: Chaos for a class of linear kinetic models. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. II 329, 439–444 (2001)Banasiak, J., Lachowicz, M.: Topological chaos for birth-and-death-type models with proliferation. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 12(6), 755–775 (2002)Banasiak, J., Moszyński, M.: A generalization of Desch–Schappacher–Webb criteria for chaos. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 12(5), 959–972 (2005)Banasiak, J., Moszyński, M.: Dynamics of birth-and-death processes with proliferation—stability and chaos. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 29(1), 67–79 (2011)Barrachina, X., Conejero, J.A.: Devaney chaos and distributional chaos in the solution of certain partial differential equations. Abstr. Appl. Anal. Art. ID 457019, 11 (2012)Barrachina, X., Conejero, J.A., Murillo-Arcila, M., Seoane-Sepúlveda, J.B.: Distributional chaos for the forward and backward control traffic model (2015, preprint)Bayart, F., Matheron, É.: Dynamics of Linear Operators, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, vol. 179. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2009)Bayart, F., Matheron, É.: Mixing operators and small subsets of the circle. J Reine Angew. Math. (2015, to appear)Bermúdez, T., Bonilla, A., Conejero, J.A., Peris, A.: Hypercyclic, topologically mixing and chaotic semigroups on Banach spaces. Stud. Math. 170(1), 57–75 (2005)Bermúdez, T., Bonilla, A., Martínez-Giménez, F., Peris, A.: Li-Yorke and distributionally chaotic operators. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373(1), 83–93 (2011)Bernardes Jr, N.C., Bonilla, A., Müller, V., Peris, A.: Distributional chaos for linear operators. J. Funct. Anal. 265(9), 2143–2163 (2013)Brackstone, M., McDonald, M.: Car-following: a historical review. Transp. Res. Part F Traffic Psychol. Behav. 2(4), 181–196 (1999)Conejero, J.A., Lizama, C., Rodenas, F.: Chaotic behaviour of the solutions of the Moore–Gibson–Thompson equation. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 9(5), 1–6 (2015)Conejero, J.A., Mangino, E.M.: Hypercyclic semigroups generated by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators. Mediterr. J. Math. 7(1), 101–109 (2010)Conejero, J.A., Müller, V., Peris, A.: Hypercyclic behaviour of operators in a hypercyclic C0C_0 C 0 -semigroup. J. Funct. Anal. 244, 342–348 (2007)Conejero, J.A., Murillo-Arcila, M., Seoane-Sepúlveda, J.B.: Linear chaos for the quick-thinking-driver model. Semigroup Forum (2015). doi: 10.1007/s00233-015-9704-6Conejero, J.A., Peris, A., Trujillo, M.: Chaotic asymptotic behavior of the hyperbolic heat transfer equation solutions. Int. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Eng. 20(9), 2943–2947 (2010)Conejero, J.A., Rodenas, F., Trujillo, M.: Chaos for the hyperbolic bioheat equation. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 35(2), 653–668 (2015)Desch, W., Schappacher, W., Webb, G.F.: Hypercyclic and chaotic semigroups of linear operators. Ergod. Theory Dyn. Syst. 17(4), 793–819 (1997)Engel, K.-J., Nagel, R.: One-parameter semigroups for linear evolution equations, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 194. Springer, New York (2000). With contributions by S. Brendle, M. Campiti, T. Hahn, G. Metafune, G. Nickel, D. Pallara, C. Perazzoli, A. Rhandi, S. Romanelli and R. SchnaubeltGrosse-Erdmann, K.-G., Peris Manguillot, A.: Linear Chaos. Universitext. Springer, London (2011)Herzog, G.: On a universality of the heat equation. Math. 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    Distributional chaos for operators with full scrambled sets

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    In this article we answer in the negative the question of whether hypercyclicity is sufficient for distributional chaos for a continuous linear operator (we even prove that the mixing property does not suffice). Moreover, we show that an extremal situation is possible: There are (hypercyclic and non-hypercyclic) operators such that the whole space consists, except zero, of distributionally irregular vectors.The research of first and third author was supported by MEC and FEDER, project MTM2010-14909 and by GV, Project PROMETEO/2008/101. The research of second author was supported by the Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant of the European Commission under grant agreement no. PERG08-GA-2010-272297. The financial support of these institutions is hereby gratefully acknowledged. We also want to thank X. Barrachina for pointing out to us a gap in the proof of a previous version of Theorem 3.1.Martínez Jiménez, F.; Oprocha, P.; Peris Manguillot, A. (2013). Distributional chaos for operators with full scrambled sets. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 274(1-2):603-612. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00209-012-1087-8S6036122741-2Banks, J., Brooks, J., Cairns, G., Davis, G., Stacey, P.: On Devaney’s definition of chaos. Am. Math. Monthly 99(4), 332–334 (1992)Barrachina, X., Peris, A.: Distributionally chaotic translation semigroups. J. Differ. Equ. Appl. 18, 751–761 (2012)Beauzamy, B.: Introduction to Operator Theory and Invariant Subspaces. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1988)Bermúdez, T., Bonilla, A., Martínez-Giménez, F., Peris, A.: Li–Yorke and distributionally chaotic operators. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373, 83–93 (2011)Bayart, F., Matheron, E.: Dynamics of linear operators, vol. 179. Cambridge University Press, London(2009).Costakis, G., Sambarino, M.: Topologically mixing hypercyclic operators. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 132, 385–389 (2004)Devaney, R.L.: An introduction to chaotic dynamical systems, 2nd edn. Addison-Wesley Studies in Nonlinearity. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Advanced Book Program. Redwood City (1989)Feldman, N.: Hypercyclicity and supercyclicity for invertible bilateral weighted shifts. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 131, 479–485 (2003)Grosse-Erdmann, K.-G.: Hypercyclic and chaotic weighted shifts. Studia Math. 139(1), 47–68 (2000)Grosse-Erdmann, K.-G., Peris Manguillot, A.: Linear Chaos. Universitext, Springer, London (2011)Hou, B., Cui, P., Cao, Y.: Chaos for Cowen-Douglas operators. Proc. Am. Math. Soc 138, 929–936 (2010)Hou, B., Tian, G., Shi, L.: Some dynamical properties for linear operators. Ill. J. Math. 53, 857–864 (2009)Li, T.Y., Yorke, J.A.: Period three implies chaos. Am. Math. Monthly 82(10), 985–992 (1975)Martínez-Giménez, F., Oprocha, P., Peris, A.: Distributional chaos for backward shifts. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 351, 607–615 (2009)Müller, V., Peris, A.: A Problem of Beauzamy on Irregular Operators (2011). (Preprint)Oprocha, P.: Distributional chaos revisited. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 361, 4901–4925 (2009)Oprocha, P.: A quantum harmonic oscillator and strong chaos. J. Phys. A 39(47), 14559–14565 (2006)Schweizer, B., Smítal, J.: Measures of chaos and a spectral decomposition of dynamical systems on the interval. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 344(2), 737–754 (1994)Wu, X., Zhu, P.: The principal measure of a quantum harmonic oscillator. J. Phys. A 44(505101), 6 (2011

    Spatial variability of dissolved nickel is enhanced by mesoscale dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico

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    The Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is one of the most dynamic marginal seas in the world owing to the intrusion of the Loop Current and the shedding of anticyclonic eddies (LCE) that travel westward across the Gulf. However, the impacts of these mesoscale dynamics on the supply and removal of bioessential trace metals in surface waters remain unclear. We study the impact of mesoscale eddies on the distribution of dissolved nickel (Ni), a biologically active element scarcely studied in the region. The vertical distribution of Ni was determined in the deep-water region of the GoM during summer of 2017, when two anticyclonic LCE (Quantum and Poseidon) were present. Nutrient-like profiles of Ni in the GoM resemble those from the Atlantic Ocean, but they showed high spatial variability within the first 1000 m, which was associated with the impact of mesoscale eddies. Similarly to subtropical gyres, macronutrients were almost depleted in surface waters, while Ni never fell below 1.51 nmol kg-1, suggesting low Ni lability or alternatively, slow biological uptake compared to that of macronutrients. In particular, lowest levels of Ni and macronutrients (PO4 and NO3) were recorded in surface waters of the anticyclonic eddies and the Loop Current area. Anticyclonic LCEs deepened these Ni-poor waters pushing the Ni-rich core of Tropical Atlantic Central Water up to 600 m, whereas its shallowest position (up to 200 m) was recorded under cyclonic conditions in Campeche Bay. This eddy-induced vertical displacement of water masses also affected the integrated Ni and macronutrient concentrations in the upper 350 m but without modifying their stoichiometries. We suggest that a significant decrease in surface inventories of Ni and macronutrient in areas impacted by LCEs is a consequence of the trapping of the water within eddies, the biological uptake of Ni and macronutrients combined with their limited replenishment from below, which likely affects autotrophic groups. In conclusion, the mesoscale dynamic permanently present in the GoM play an important role in modifying the vertical distribution of Ni and macronutrients as well as their availability in the upper water column of this marginal sea

    On the viscosity of two 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium ionic liquids: Effect of the temperature and pressure

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    A new calibration procedure was used and four new temperatureprobes have been placed on afalling-body viscometer to improve its accuracy. The new configuration and calibrationprocedure allow measuring viscosities with an uncertainty of 3.5% at pressures up to 150 MPa.This device was employed to measure viscosities as a function of temperature and pressure fortwo ionic liquids (ILs): 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidiniumtris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphateand 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium trifluoromethanesulfonate.Besides, we have measured the flow curves at pressures up to 75 MPa and shear rates up to1000 s-1in a Couette rheometer. Dynamic viscosities were correlated as function of temperature and pressure with four differentequations with average absolute deviation lower than 1%. The pressure-viscosity and temperature-viscosity derived properties were analyzed and compared with those of other ionic liquids. Furthermore, experimental data were used to check the application of the thermodynamic scaling approach as well as the hard-sphere scheme. Both models represent the viscosity values with average relative deviations lower than 2%