26 research outputs found

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    Nuku kuule! : Kehtolauluja radioaalloille

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    TĂ€mĂ€n toiminnallisen opinnĂ€ytetyöni aiheena olivat kehtolaulutraditio ja sen tuominen radioon. Toiminnallisen osuuden tarkoitus oli ÀÀnittÀÀ kehtolauluja Pohjois-Karjalan ammattikorkeakoulun studiolla ja valita niistĂ€ onnistuneimmat ja sopivimmat Radio Oi fm:n yösoittoon. Ă„Ă€nitykset tapahtuivat yhteistyössĂ€ viestinnĂ€n opiskelija Janne OjajĂ€rven kanssa, joka valmistelee opinnĂ€ytetyötÀÀn akustisten soitinten ÀÀnittĂ€misestĂ€. Tutkin vanhaa suomalaista tuutulauluperinnettĂ€ ja tutustuin sen melodiikkaan, estetiikkaan ja lainalaisuuksiin pystyĂ€kseni kĂ€yttĂ€mÀÀn nĂ€itĂ€ pohjana luodessani omaa uutta musiikkia. Tutkin hiljaa ja rauhallisesti laulamisen ja ajattoman keskittymisen problematiikkaa tilanteessa, jossa tuudittaja ei laulakaan lapselle vaan tuntemattomalle radionkuuntelijalle. TĂ€rkeĂ€nĂ€ tutkimuskysymyksenĂ€ oli oman tasapainon löytĂ€minen rentoutumisen ja vaivattoman laulutavan sekĂ€ oikeanlaisen laulutekniikan vĂ€lille. Jonkinlaisia nukutuslauluja on todennĂ€köisesti laulettu melkein yhtĂ€ kauan kuin on ollut ihmisiĂ€. Itse valitsin henkilökohtaisen lĂ€hestymistavan kĂ€rsittyĂ€ni unettomuudesta ja mietittyĂ€ni minulle ominaista rauhattomuutta ja suorituskeskeisyyttĂ€. Työni tarkoitus oli tuoda palanen vanhan perinteen rauhaa ja kiireettömyyttĂ€ modernia nuorisokanavaa kuunteleville. Työn tuloksena syntyi kolmen kappaleen levytys, joissa sekĂ€ toistin vanhaa kehtolauluperinnettĂ€ mahdollisimman tarkasti ettĂ€ kĂ€ytin sitĂ€ inspiraationa omille uusille sĂ€vellyksille ja sovituksille. Levy soi Radio Oi fm:llĂ€ tammi-helmikuussa 2011.The purpose of this thesis was to explore the Finnish lullaby tradition. The aim of the practical part of the thesis was to record my own lullabies at the studio of North Karelia University of Applied Sciences. The recording process was done together with an information technology stu-dent Janne OjajĂ€rvi who is working on his thesis on the subject of recording acoustic instruments. The best and most suitable songs for radio were chosen for my own lullaby record which was played on radio channel Oi fm. I studied the old Finnish lullaby tradition in order to use it as basis and inspiration when making my own compositions and arrangements. I examined the problem of singing quietly and the dificulty fof timeless concentration in a situation where one is not singing to a child, but to an un-known radio listener. The important theme was finding my own balance between relaxed and effortless singing and the correct singing technique. The tradition of singing someone to sleep is probably as old as humanity. I chose a personal approach to the subject after suffering from insomnia and thinking about anxiety and performance pressure in almost everything I do. In early times the conception of time and the sounds of everyday life were different. The purpose of my work was to bring a piece of that tradition to modern radio listeners. The result was a record of three songs in which I replicated the old tradition, and used it as inspiration for new compositions and arrangements of my own. The record was played on Radio Oi fm January – February 2011.Toiminnalliseen opinnĂ€ytetyöhön kuuluu myös kolmen musiikkikappaleen ÀÀnilevy

    How To Sell A Product : Solo Folk Singing, Personal Branding and Spiritual Journey

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    In this thesis I ́m trying to to find out whether we need to make our art into a product and I am using myself and my career as an example of a product. I wanted to use the word “product” in a positive way and inspire people to think about music management and personal branding as something they could use as a tool when working with something creative. I ́m writing about my own journey as a folk musician and solo artist and wish to turn something personal into something common and shared. ! I approached my research question “How much of a product would you have to be in order to be a successful artist at the Nordic folk music scene?” from three angels. Firstly, I ́ve gathered information that I have from my years as a freelance musician. Secondly, I interviewed a few professionals, and finally I read a lot of material and wrote about the basics of music business and working life of a folk musician in the Nordic countries. My theory is that we ́re all selling a product when selling our music and playing for money, that is why we need to know this product, love and respect it and have a need to share it. I believe that finding your artistic me is a spiritual journey and when you start searching for your “core” you ́ll become a better musician since you ́re getting better in recognising and handling your own emotions. I ́m trying to diminish the polarisation between music business and being a genuine artist. I believe that knowing your core gives you power to work better in the field which is continually changing and demands a lot. This spiritual journey into yourself is also an artistic journey and I see personal branding as a fun and inspirational tool for anyone who wants to get to know oneself and build a personal brand which is true, likeable and also selling.Master konsert: ILMOI; medverkande Anna FĂ€lt, Joonas OjajĂ€rvi, Jenni VenĂ€lĂ€inen</p

    How To Sell A Product : Solo Folk Singing, Personal Branding and Spiritual Journey

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    In this thesis I ́m trying to to find out whether we need to make our art into a product and I am using myself and my career as an example of a product. I wanted to use the word “product” in a positive way and inspire people to think about music management and personal branding as something they could use as a tool when working with something creative. I ́m writing about my own journey as a folk musician and solo artist and wish to turn something personal into something common and shared. ! I approached my research question “How much of a product would you have to be in order to be a successful artist at the Nordic folk music scene?” from three angels. Firstly, I ́ve gathered information that I have from my years as a freelance musician. Secondly, I interviewed a few professionals, and finally I read a lot of material and wrote about the basics of music business and working life of a folk musician in the Nordic countries. My theory is that we ́re all selling a product when selling our music and playing for money, that is why we need to know this product, love and respect it and have a need to share it. I believe that finding your artistic me is a spiritual journey and when you start searching for your “core” you ́ll become a better musician since you ́re getting better in recognising and handling your own emotions. I ́m trying to diminish the polarisation between music business and being a genuine artist. I believe that knowing your core gives you power to work better in the field which is continually changing and demands a lot. This spiritual journey into yourself is also an artistic journey and I see personal branding as a fun and inspirational tool for anyone who wants to get to know oneself and build a personal brand which is true, likeable and also selling.Master konsert: ILMOI; medverkande Anna FĂ€lt, Joonas OjajĂ€rvi, Jenni VenĂ€lĂ€inen</p

    Lite engagemang, tack! : en studie om ideella engagemangets betydelse för demokratin

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    The aim of this study is to investigate how non-profit engagement influence voting in school election, but also how the school has influenced the pupils to vote and if there are any differences between a big and a small town. The methods which have been used for this study are quantitative and qualitative, both questionnaires and interviews. To be able to see differences between a big and a small town the study was carried out in one school from each category of town. By examine the empirical material and analyse it with theories which are used for this study we have come to the conclusion that there are no obvious differences between pupils in the big town and the small town. Pupils in both schools were pretty engaged in associations, though had the pupils from the small town some higher level of engagement. Moreover, both schools had a high participation for the election. The result of the study showed that there were no noticeable tendencies on if the pupils choose to vote depending on engagement in associations. Furthermore, both schools were very engaged in the school election indeed. The small town school did not give a connection between the school’s engagement and the pupils’ willingness to vote. However the big town school had a greater connection between the school’s engagement and the pupils’ willingness to vote

    Women’s experiences of treatment from health personnel after intimate partner violence : A literature review

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    Bakgrund: VĂ„ld i nĂ€ra relation innefattar psykiskt, fysiskt och sexuellt vĂ„ld som förekommer mellan individer i nĂ€ra relation till varandra. Det Ă€r ett folkhĂ€lsoproblem som leder till försĂ€mrad hĂ€lsa för de utsatta. Kvinnor som utsĂ€tts för vĂ„ld kommer ofta i kontakt med vĂ„rden pĂ„ grund av skador vĂ„ldet medför men vĂ„rdpersonal upplever att de har bristande kunskap om problematiken. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser av bemötandet frĂ„n vĂ„rdpersonal efter vĂ„ld i nĂ€ra relation som utövats av en manlig partner. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har genomförts. Tio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar hĂ€mtade frĂ„n databaserna PubMed och CINAHL Complete har anvĂ€nts som grund till resultatet.   Resultat: Fem teman framkom i resultatet. Tveksamhet inför att söka vĂ„rd, Att fĂ„ frĂ„gan av vĂ„rdpersonal, Attityder och bemötande frĂ„n vĂ„rdpersonal, Brist pĂ„ avskildhet och tid och Att bli bekrĂ€ftad, hörd och tagen pĂ„ allvar.  Diskussion: Resultatets övergripande fynd om betydelsen av att vĂ„rdpersonal frĂ„gar om vĂ„ld i nĂ€ra relation, tidsbrist inom vĂ„rden och personcentrerad vĂ„rd diskuteras. Diskussionen förs i relation till litteraturöversiktens bakgrund, annan relevant forskning, författarnas egna reflektioner och Katie Erikssons perspektiv pĂ„ lidande och sjuksköterskans förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt mot den lidande mĂ€nniskan.Background: Intimate partner violence includes psychological, physical and sexual violence that occur between individuals in close relation to each other. It is a public health problem that deteriorates health for the vulnerable. Women who are exposed to violence often come into contact with the health care system because of the damage sustained, but health personnel feel that they have insufficient knowledge in the matter. Aim: The aim was to illuminate how the women exposed to intimate partner violence by a male partner experienced treatment of the health personnel. Method: A literature review has been carried out. Ten qualitative scientific articles taken from the database PubMed and CINAHL Complete have been used as a basis for the result. Results: Five themes appeared in the result. Doubts for seeking care, To receive questions from healthcare staff, Attitudes and treatment from healthcare staff, Lack of privacy and time and Being affirmed, heard and taken seriously. Discussion: The overall findings of the result about the importance of healthcare professionals asking whether violence in close relationship, time shortage in healthcare and person –centered care discussed. The discussion is conducted in relation to background of the literature review, other relevant researches, the author’s own reflections and Katie Eriksson’s perspective on suffering and the nurse’s attitude towards the suffering person

    Women’s experiences of treatment from health personnel after intimate partner violence : A literature review

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    Bakgrund: VĂ„ld i nĂ€ra relation innefattar psykiskt, fysiskt och sexuellt vĂ„ld som förekommer mellan individer i nĂ€ra relation till varandra. Det Ă€r ett folkhĂ€lsoproblem som leder till försĂ€mrad hĂ€lsa för de utsatta. Kvinnor som utsĂ€tts för vĂ„ld kommer ofta i kontakt med vĂ„rden pĂ„ grund av skador vĂ„ldet medför men vĂ„rdpersonal upplever att de har bristande kunskap om problematiken. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser av bemötandet frĂ„n vĂ„rdpersonal efter vĂ„ld i nĂ€ra relation som utövats av en manlig partner. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har genomförts. Tio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar hĂ€mtade frĂ„n databaserna PubMed och CINAHL Complete har anvĂ€nts som grund till resultatet.   Resultat: Fem teman framkom i resultatet. Tveksamhet inför att söka vĂ„rd, Att fĂ„ frĂ„gan av vĂ„rdpersonal, Attityder och bemötande frĂ„n vĂ„rdpersonal, Brist pĂ„ avskildhet och tid och Att bli bekrĂ€ftad, hörd och tagen pĂ„ allvar.  Diskussion: Resultatets övergripande fynd om betydelsen av att vĂ„rdpersonal frĂ„gar om vĂ„ld i nĂ€ra relation, tidsbrist inom vĂ„rden och personcentrerad vĂ„rd diskuteras. Diskussionen förs i relation till litteraturöversiktens bakgrund, annan relevant forskning, författarnas egna reflektioner och Katie Erikssons perspektiv pĂ„ lidande och sjuksköterskans förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt mot den lidande mĂ€nniskan.Background: Intimate partner violence includes psychological, physical and sexual violence that occur between individuals in close relation to each other. It is a public health problem that deteriorates health for the vulnerable. Women who are exposed to violence often come into contact with the health care system because of the damage sustained, but health personnel feel that they have insufficient knowledge in the matter. Aim: The aim was to illuminate how the women exposed to intimate partner violence by a male partner experienced treatment of the health personnel. Method: A literature review has been carried out. Ten qualitative scientific articles taken from the database PubMed and CINAHL Complete have been used as a basis for the result. Results: Five themes appeared in the result. Doubts for seeking care, To receive questions from healthcare staff, Attitudes and treatment from healthcare staff, Lack of privacy and time and Being affirmed, heard and taken seriously. Discussion: The overall findings of the result about the importance of healthcare professionals asking whether violence in close relationship, time shortage in healthcare and person –centered care discussed. The discussion is conducted in relation to background of the literature review, other relevant researches, the author’s own reflections and Katie Eriksson’s perspective on suffering and the nurse’s attitude towards the suffering person

    Lite engagemang, tack! : en studie om ideella engagemangets betydelse för demokratin

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    The aim of this study is to investigate how non-profit engagement influence voting in school election, but also how the school has influenced the pupils to vote and if there are any differences between a big and a small town. The methods which have been used for this study are quantitative and qualitative, both questionnaires and interviews. To be able to see differences between a big and a small town the study was carried out in one school from each category of town. By examine the empirical material and analyse it with theories which are used for this study we have come to the conclusion that there are no obvious differences between pupils in the big town and the small town. Pupils in both schools were pretty engaged in associations, though had the pupils from the small town some higher level of engagement. Moreover, both schools had a high participation for the election. The result of the study showed that there were no noticeable tendencies on if the pupils choose to vote depending on engagement in associations. Furthermore, both schools were very engaged in the school election indeed. The small town school did not give a connection between the school’s engagement and the pupils’ willingness to vote. However the big town school had a greater connection between the school’s engagement and the pupils’ willingness to vote

    Ny förpackning för Renat BrÀnnvin Ät Vin & Sprit AB

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    The purpose of this degree project is to come up with a new package to Renat BrĂ€nnvin for »Vin & SpritAB« and make the product more attractive on the market of bars, restaurants and hotels. The commissionhas included to decide the material of the package, whether itÂŽs possible to manufacture the productand to make an estimation of the costs.The conditions that »Vin & Sprit AB« set up was to make the product attractive to a younger targetgroup, in this case people from 20 to 40 years old. As Renat BrĂ€nnvin is considered to be a product of firstclass itÂŽs of great importance that the package reflects the look of a premium product.At first we looked at the history of the company »Vin & Sprit AB« and Renat BrĂ€nnvin. We decidedthat the package schould consist of a bottle, glasses and a device used when serving the liquor. To getinspiration before sketching we studied different kinds of bottles, glasses and serving devices. We madea lot of different sketches to start with after which we consult with Ingrid FlorĂ©n – our supervisor from»Vin & Sprit AB« – agreed on one. That one we developed and we made more accurate sketches in 3DStudioMAX.At last we looked at the opportunities to produce the bottle by questioning different manufacturers. Wewanted to know the limitations to consider when making a bottle

    Ny förpackning för Renat BrÀnnvin Ät Vin & Sprit AB

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    The purpose of this degree project is to come up with a new package to Renat BrĂ€nnvin for »Vin & SpritAB« and make the product more attractive on the market of bars, restaurants and hotels. The commissionhas included to decide the material of the package, whether itÂŽs possible to manufacture the productand to make an estimation of the costs.The conditions that »Vin & Sprit AB« set up was to make the product attractive to a younger targetgroup, in this case people from 20 to 40 years old. As Renat BrĂ€nnvin is considered to be a product of firstclass itÂŽs of great importance that the package reflects the look of a premium product.At first we looked at the history of the company »Vin & Sprit AB« and Renat BrĂ€nnvin. We decidedthat the package schould consist of a bottle, glasses and a device used when serving the liquor. To getinspiration before sketching we studied different kinds of bottles, glasses and serving devices. We madea lot of different sketches to start with after which we consult with Ingrid FlorĂ©n – our supervisor from»Vin & Sprit AB« – agreed on one. That one we developed and we made more accurate sketches in 3DStudioMAX.At last we looked at the opportunities to produce the bottle by questioning different manufacturers. Wewanted to know the limitations to consider when making a bottle