121 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of Three Radiographic Methods For Detecting Occlusal Caries Lesions

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    Aim: To compare, in vitro, the performance of three radiographic methods for the detection of occlusal caries in permanent teeth. Methods: A total of 96 extracted molars with no apparent occlusal cavitation were selected, they were photographed and radiographed under standardized conditions using conventional E-plus films and two digital systems, CDR and Sidexis. Two examiners analyzed all films and images, recording the presence and lesion depth. One quarter of the teeth were re-examined for intra- and interexaminer agreements. The teeth were subsequently bisected and examined under a stereomicroscope. The intra and interexaminer agreements and the diagnostic performance (sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and the area under receiver operating characteristic, ROC curve) of each method were evaluated. Results: Out of 96 occlusal surfaces, 41 were sound, 31 had lesions in enamel, and 24 had dentin lesions. Weighted Kappa values for intraexaminer agreement varied widely, depending on both the observer and method. The interexaminer agreement was higher for the digital images than for the conventional films. The area under the ROC curve for enamel and dentin caries (at D1 diagnostic threshold) was 0.55 for films, 0.60 for Schick and 0.54 for Sirona, which were not significantly different from each other. Conclusions: Digital images presented better results of interexaminer agreement; however, no additional effect in the diagnostic performance could be observed in comparison to conventional films.8267-7

    Factors associated with the use of herbal medicines for oral problems by patients attending the clinics of the School of Dentistry, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil

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    AIM: To evaluate differences in sociodemographic characteristics (gender, age, educational level and income) between users and nonusers of phytotherapy for dental purposes; the degree of population's knowledge of herbal medicines for dental needs; and whether patients inform the health professional about their use of phytotherapy. METHODS: A questionnaire was applied to 100 patients in waiting rooms of the School of Dentistry of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, in 2008, to inquire about sociodemographic variables and other factors associated with the use of phytotherapy. Statistical analyses were carried out using the chi square statistical test to calculate association between the variables, with 0.05 as level of significance. RESULTS: It was observed that 64.8% of participants were women with a mean age of 43.9±15.1 years. Phytotheraphy use for treatment of oral problems was reported by 37% of patients interviewed in this study. Significant differences were found between users and non-users of herbal medicines for oral problems, associated with the patient's age (p<0.05) and previous experience with use of phytotherapy to treat general health problems (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The results emphasize the need for more scientific evidence of the efficacy of herbal medicinal products already incorporated in the popular knowledge to treat oral problems in order to make it an accessible and alternative method for prevention and therapy in dentistry.

    Scientific Production in Dentistry for the LGBTQIA+ Population: A Scoping Review

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    Objective:&nbsp;To map, through a scoping review, the characteristics of scientific dental production directed at LGBTQIA+ people. Material and Methods: Text searches were carried out (September 2022) in three databases: PubMed (MEDLINE), Virtual Health Library (BVS/BIREME), and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online). Data extraction was carried out through the content of the abstracts and full texts.&nbsp;Results: A total of&nbsp;1,524 studies were found, of which 186 were&nbsp;considered eligible.&nbsp;The results point to the stigmatizing nature of HIV-AIDS among the LGBTQIA+ population, a highlight of the scientific production that is linked to serophobic outcomes. Studies were also found that addressed the precariousness of oral health and inaccessibility to dental services, anatomical specificities, and the risks of contracting and preventing sexually transmitted infections. However, a substantial gap became evident: questions and directions aimed at providing dental care for the LGBTQIA+ population.&nbsp;Conclusion: There is a need to expand the number and scope of research aimed at this population in an attempt to provide evidence for the construction of an effective model of dental care, therefore, integral, collective, and contextualized to the specificities, needs, and demands of the multiple LGBTQIA+ identities

    Conhecimento e utilização de métodos de detecção de lesões cariosas por cirurgiões-dentistas

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    Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: 1) avaliar o conhecimento de um grupo de cirurgi&otilde;es-dentistas relativo a novos m&eacute;todos e a m&eacute;todos auxiliares de detec&ccedil;&atilde;o de les&otilde;es cariosas; 2) avaliar como o grupo utiliza, em sua pr&aacute;tica di&aacute;ria, os m&eacute;todos tradicionais de detec&ccedil;&atilde;o. Foi elaborado um question&aacute;rio contendo sete quest&otilde;es e entregue a uma amostra aleat&oacute;ria de 100 cirurgi&otilde;es-dentistas, cl&iacute;nicos gerais, que trabalham em consult&oacute;rios particulares localizados na cidade de Cascavel, regi&atilde;o Oeste do Paran&aacute;. Dentre os novos m&eacute;todos de detec&ccedil;&atilde;o, foram avaliados o FOTI, a Radiografia Digitalizada, o DIAGNOdent (Laser Fluorescente), a Separa&ccedil;&atilde;o interdental mediata e imediata, as lupas para amplia&ccedil;&atilde;o, a c&acirc;mera intra-oral, o espelho dental com luz, o DIFOTI, o Quantitative Light-Induced Fluorescence (QLF), o Electrical Caries Monitor (ECM) e os corantes para identifica&ccedil;&atilde;o do tecido cariado. A porcentagem de retorno dos question&aacute;rios respondidos foi de 35%, ap&oacute;s um per&iacute;odo de 3 semanas. Verificou-se que grande parte dos respondentes (42,9% a 100%) n&atilde;o conhece a maioria das novas tecnologias e m&eacute;todos auxiliares para o diagn&oacute;stico da doen&ccedil;a e que muitos utilizam m&eacute;todos tradicionais, como o exame cl&iacute;nico visual, a sonda exploradora e o exame radiogr&aacute;fico de forma insatisfat&oacute;ria

    Association between social conditions and oral health in school failure

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association of school failure among Brazilian adolescents with social conditions and aspects of oral health through hierarchical analysis. METHODS: A state-wide survey of 5,558 adolescents from the state of São Paulo, Brazil, inquired about the sociodemographic and social capital of participants by using a structured questionnaire. Trained and calibrated professionals performed intraoral examinations and interviews in the households. Questions about the access to dentist, reason for and frequency of using dental services, toothache episodes and impact of oral conditions on daily activities (OIDP) were applied. Oral examinations evaluated caries experience, tooth losses, periodontal problems, presence of open bite, and maxillary and mandibular overjet. School failure was estimated according to the teenagers’ years of schooling. The independent variables were grouped into three blocks: sociodemographic and economic characteristics, social capital and oral health aspects. The multiple hierarchical logistic regression model was used to identify the factors associated with school failure. RESULTS: Of the total sample, information about schooling of 5,162 adolescents was obtained, of whom 29.6% presented school failure. We found that adolescents over the age of 16 years who did not declare themselves as white, female, with feelings of insecurity, unhappiness, with toothache, caries, tooth losses, affected by dentofacial and/or periodontal changes, were more likely to fail at school. CONCLUSION: Oral disorders and social factors were associated with school failure in adolescents. A successful school trajectory was a strong determinant of health, therefore actions between the educational and health sectors must be developed for adolescents, especially those with this profile

    Scientific production on LGBTQIA+ health: a critical analysis of the literature

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    Esta pesquisa traz em seu escopo a análise do potencial estigmatizador do conteúdo de estudos direcionados à população LGBTQIA+ indexados na plataforma PubMed. Por meio de uma ampla e sistemática pesquisa bibliográfica foram identificados e incluídos, respectivamente, 821 e 334 (40,68%) artigos, dos quais foram extraídos 1838 descritores. Da análise dos dados coletados foram identificados as maiores prevalências dos descritores “men having sex with man” (192 repetições) e “HIV” (98 repetições). Sendo assim, o percurso analítico das informações levantadas refletiu que a população LGBTQIA+ é essencialmente designada como “homens que fazem sexo com outros homens e soropositivos”. Este estudo traz, portanto, a presença de características estigmatizantes nos estudos direcionados à população LGBTQIA+. Contudo, cabe destacar que o resultado encontrado é subsídio para o fortalecimento de uma perspectiva crítica de um fazer científico mais humanizado e direcionado às especificidades e necessidades da população LGBTQIA+.&nbsp;This paper analyzes the stigmatizing potential of studies conducted on the LGBTQIA+ population and indexed on the PubMED database. A broad and systematic bibliographic search identified 821 publications, of which it included 334 (40.68%), extracting 1838 descriptors. Data analysis showed the highest prevalence and potency for the descriptors “men who have sex with man” (192 repetitions) and “HIV” (98 repetitions). Thus, the analysis reveal that the LGBTQIA+ population is essentially described as “men who have sex with other men and are HIV positive.” This research unveils the presence of stigmatizing characteristics in the studies with the LGBTQIA+ population. However, such findings can help strengthen the critical perspective of a more humanized scientific practice actually concerned with the specificities and needs of the LGBTQIA+ population

    Scientific Production in Dentistry for the LGBTQIA+ Population: A Scoping Review

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    Objective: To map, through a scoping review, the characteristics of scientific dental production directed at LGBTQIA+ people. Material and Methods: Text searches were carried out (September 2022) in three databases: PubMed (MEDLINE), Virtual Health Library (BVS/BIREME), and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online). Data extraction was carried out through the content of the abstracts and full texts. Results: A total of 1,524 studies were found, of which 186 were considered eligible. The results point to the stigmatizing nature of HIV-AIDS among the LGBTQIA+ population, a highlight of the scientific production that is linked to serophobic outcomes. Studies were also found that addressed the precariousness of oral health and inaccessibility to dental services, anatomical specificities, and the risks of contracting and preventing sexually transmitted infections. However, a substantial gap became evident: questions and directions aimed at providing dental care for the LGBTQIA+ population. Conclusion: There is a need to expand the number and scope of research aimed at this population in an attempt to provide evidence for the construction of an effective model of dental care, therefore, integral, collective, and contextualized to the specificities, needs, and demands of the multiple LGBTQIA+ identities

    Scientific production on LGBTQIA+ health: a critical analysis of the literature

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    Esta pesquisa traz em seu escopo a análise do potencial estigmatizador do conteúdo de estudos direcionados à população LGBTQIA+ indexados na plataforma PubMed. Por meio de uma ampla e sistemática pesquisa bibliográfica foram identificados e incluídos, respectivamente, 821 e 334 (40,68%) artigos, dos quais foram extraídos 1838 descritores. Da análise dos dados coletados foram identificados as maiores prevalências dos descritores “men having sex with man” (192 repetições) e “HIV” (98 repetições). Sendo assim, o percurso analítico das informações levantadas refletiu que a população LGBTQIA+ é essencialmente designada como “homens que fazem sexo com outros homens e soropositivos”. Este estudo traz, portanto, a presença de características estigmatizantes nos estudos direcionados à população LGBTQIA+. Contudo, cabe destacar que o resultado encontrado é subsídio para o fortalecimento de uma perspectiva crítica de um fazer científico mais humanizado e direcionado às especificidades e necessidades da população LGBTQIA+.&nbsp;This paper analyzes the stigmatizing potential of studies conducted on the LGBTQIA+ population and indexed on the PubMED database. A broad and systematic bibliographic search identified 821 publications, of which it included 334 (40.68%), extracting 1838 descriptors. Data analysis showed the highest prevalence and potency for the descriptors “men who have sex with man” (192 repetitions) and “HIV” (98 repetitions). Thus, the analysis reveal that the LGBTQIA+ population is essentially described as “men who have sex with other men and are HIV positive.” This research unveils the presence of stigmatizing characteristics in the studies with the LGBTQIA+ population. However, such findings can help strengthen the critical perspective of a more humanized scientific practice actually concerned with the specificities and needs of the LGBTQIA+ population

    Oral health-related quality of life in the LGBTIQ+ population: a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the associations between oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) and socioeconomic and demographic variables, suicidal ideation, self-perception of oral health, and experiences of dental care in the Brazilian adult LGBTIQ+ population. A sample of 464 participants completed self-administered online questionnaires and provided information for OHRQoL assessment, using the OHIP-14 instrument at three hierarchical levels of explanatory variables: LGBTIQ+ identities; socioeconomic and demographic data and existential suffering; and self-perception of oral health and experience of dental care. The collected data were fitted to hierarchical multiple logistic regression models, in which the associations between each independent variable with the OHIP-14 prevalence outcome were analyzed. The OHIP-14-prevalence index showed that 33.2% of the participants answered ‘frequently’ or ‘always’, and the highest frequencies were obtained for the psychological discomfort (27.8%), psychological disability (18.3%), and physical pain (17.5%) domains. According to the adjusted final model, LGBTIQ+ individuals who were more likely to have their OHRQoL affected were those who were indifferent (OR=3.21; 95% CI: 1.26-8.20), dissatisfied (OR=10.45; 95% CI: 3.86-28.26), or very dissatisfied (OR=53.93; 95% CI: 12.12-239.93) with their oral health status, and also those who had or have difficulty accessing dental treatment (OR=2.06; 95% CI: 1.24-3.41) (p<0.05). It may be concluded that the OHRQoL of the investigated Brazilian LGBTIQ+ population showed associations with individual aspects and with access to dental services