9 research outputs found

    English Is It! (ELT Training Series) Vol. 16

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    The Research group From English Acquisition to English Learning and Teaching is registered at the Institute of Professional Development Teaching (IDP-ICE), at the University of Barcelona. The group, founded and led by Lourdes Montoro (September 2013 - June 2021), has involved 28 teachers and professionals. 7 of them have been members of the group, and, together with 21 guest authors, have presented their work in the publication which she also created, and coordinated to fulfill the objectives of the pedagogical project which she had devised: English Is It! (ELT Training Series (Vols. 1-16)

    English Is It! (ELT Training Series) Vol. 18

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    The Research group From English Acquisition to English Learning and Teaching is registered at the Institute of Professional Development Teaching (IDP-ICE), at the University of Barcelona. The group, founded and led by Lourdes Montoro (September 2013 - June 2021), has involved 28 teachers and professionals. 7 of them have been members of the group, and, together with 21 guest authors, have presented their work in the publication which she also created, and coordinated to fulfill the objectives of the pedagogical project which she had devised: English Is It! (ELT Training Series) (Vols. 1-18)..

    Structures of T7 bacteriophage portal and tail suggest a viral DNA retention and ejection mechanism

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    Double-stranded DNA bacteriophages package their genome at high pressure inside a procapsid through the portal, an oligomeric ring protein located at a unique capsid vertex. Once the DNA has been packaged, the tail components assemble on the portal to render the mature infective virion. The tail tightly seals the ejection conduit until infection, when its interaction with the host membrane triggers the opening of the channel and the viral genome is delivered to the host cell. Using high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography, here we describe various structures of the T7 bacteriophage portal and fiber-less tail complex, which suggest a possible mechanism for DNA retention and ejection: a portal closed conformation temporarily retains the genome before the tail is assembled, whereas an open portal is found in the tail. Moreover, a fold including a seven-bladed β-propeller domain is described for the nozzle tail protein.This work was supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain, grants BFU 2014-54181 (to J.L.C.), BFU 2014-53550-P and BFU2017-83720-P (to M.C.), and contracts SEV-2013-0347 (to A.C.) and RYC-2011-09071 (to C.M.). We acknowledge institutional funding through the Spanish Government Centres and Units of Excellence Severo Ochoa and Maria de Maeztu awards to IRB Barcelona (SEV-2015-0500) and IBMB Structural Biology Unit (MDM-2014-0435), respectively, and from the CERCA Programme of the Catalan Government to the IRB Barcelona. This work has also been supported by the European Commission, Horizon 2020 program through iNEXT project (grant number 653706)

    English Is It! (ELT Training Series) Vol. 17

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    The Research group From English Acquisition to English Learning and Teaching is registered at the Institute of Professional Development Teaching (IDP-ICE), at the University of Barcelona. The group, founded and led by Lourdes Montoro (September 2013 - June 2021), has involved 28 teachers and professionals. 7 of them have been members of the group, and, together with 21 guest authors, have presented their work in the publication which she also created, and coordinated to fulfill the objectives of the pedagogical project which she had devised: English Is It! (ELT Training Series) (Vols. 1-15)..

    Predictores de demora en el intervencionismo coronario percutáneo primario en el infarto de miocardio diagnosticado en hospitales sin hemodinámica

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    Objetivos. La indicación de intervencionismo coronario percutáneo primario (ICPP) en hospitales sin hemodinámica (HSH) se asocia con tiempos primera asistencia-apertura de la arteria (TPA) prolongados. Es pertinente identificar los factores implicados, especialmente aquellos relacionados con la organización de los servicios de urgencias.Método. Análisis de un registro de pacientes atendidos en HSH en una región sanitaria con una red asistencial para infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST (IAMEST) establecida y de sus tiempos de actuación.Resultados. En 2.542 pacientes, de edad 63 ± 13 años, se alcanzó un TPA# 120 minutos en un 42% de casos. En 9 de los 16 HSH analizados existía un box de dolor torácico en el área de urgencias, que se comportó como factor pre-dictor independiente de un TPA# 120 minutos [OR 0,64 (IC 95% 0,54-0,77), p < 0,001], con una reducción de 11 minutos de este. Se asociaron de forma independiente con un TPA superior a 120 minutos la intubación y shock du-rante la primera asistencia, edad, sexo, atención en horario nocturno, bloqueo de rama izquierda y la clase Killip. La mortalidad al mes y al año aumentó en los HSH proporcionalmente al TPA (1,7% y 3,5% si TPA# 106 minutos y del 7,3% y 12,4% si TPA# 176 minutos, p <0,001).Conclusiones. El TPA alcanzado en activaciones procedentes de HSH supera las recomendaciones en el 58% de casos y se relaciona inversamente con la disponibilidad de un box de dolor torácico en urgencias. La mortalidad al mes y al año es proporcional al grado de retraso en la reperfusión

    Using a partial atomic model from medium- resolution cryo-EM to solve a large crystal structure

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    Medium-resolution cryo-electron microscopy maps, in particular when they include a significant number of α-helices, may allow the building of partial models that are useful for molecular-replacement searches in large crystallo­graphic structures when the structures of homologs are not available and experimental phasing has failed. Here, as an example, the solution of the structure of a bacteriophage portal using a partial 30% model built into a 7.8 Å resolution cryo-EM map is shown. Inspection of the self-rotation function allowed the correct oligomerization state to be determined, and density-modification procedures using rotation matrices and a mask based on the cryo-EM structure were critical for solving the structure. A workflow is described that may be applicable to similar cases and this strategy is compared with direct use of the cryo-EM map for molecular replacement.The following funding is acknowledged: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain (grant Nos. BFU2014-53550-P and BFU2017-83720-P to Miquel Coll; grant No. BFU2014-54181 to Jose´ L. Carrascosa; contract No. SEV2013-0347 to Ana Cuervo; contract No. RYC-2011-09071 to Cristina Machon; award No. SEV-2015-0500 to IRB Barcelona; award No. MDM-2014-0435 to IBMB Structural Biology Unit); Catalan Government CERCA Programme (grant to IRB Barcelona)

    Validación de una versión reducida en español del cuestionario de actividad física en el tiempo libre de Minnesota

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    Fundamentos: con el fin de disponer de una versión breve y en españoldel Cuestionario de Actividad Física en el tiempo libre de Minnesota (CAFM) para poder utilizarlo en atención primaria, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la elaboración de la versión reducida (VREM) y su validación. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de validación del cuestionario, realizada en cinco centros de Atención Primaria de Barcelona. Se seleccionaron 200 sujetos igual o mayores de 50 años que consultaron por cualquier motivo, con una distribución por edad y sexo similar a la de la población de Cataluña . Dos fases: primera, se construyó el VREM mediante reducción del número de ítems. Segunda, se evaluó su validez de criterio respecto al CAFM (referencia) y la fiabilidad test-retest mediante el índice kappa y el coeficiente de correlación intraclase (CCI). Resultados: Los 6 ítems incluidos en el VREM fueron: caminar, trabajar el huerto, hacer deporte o bailar, subir escaleras, ir a comprar a pie y limpiar la casa. La duración de la entrevista mediante el VREM fue de 5 minutos (desviación estándar 2). La validez de criterio entre ambos cuestionarios, usando 4 categorías de actividad física, fue del 95,5% (kappa=0,93). La fiabilidad test-retest del cuestionario fue del 92,5% (kappa=0,88). Usando un resultado continuo en forma de metabolic energy turnover (MET) el VREM también mostró una alta validez y fiabilidad (CCI=0,95 y CCI=0,96 respectivamente). Conclusiones: La versión reducida del CAFM es válida y fiable en población mayor o igual a 50 años