57 research outputs found

    Efecto de la variabilidad ambiental en el reclutamiento y modelación bioeconómica en la pesquería de sardina del Pacífico (Sardinopssagax caerulea) de Bahía Magdalena, Baja California Sur, México

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    Ricker's stock-recruitment equation, including the multivariate ENSO index (MEI) as an environmental variable, was fitted to data of the Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax caerulea) fishery from Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico. The equation was then incorporated into an age-structured, bioeconomic model. Uncertainty was incorporated by using environmental fluctuations; seven-year projections, equivalent to one sardine generation, were computed. Five management options were considered in the projections: open access, effort at maximum sustainable economic yield (fMSE), catch at maximum sustainable yield (CMSY), equivalent effort level applied in the year 2004 (f2004), and an arbitrary catch quota of 40000 tons (CQ40000). Projection results were summarised by the indicator Net Present Value (NPV) of the fishery for the modelled period. The strategies that involved some regulation in the effort level (fMSE and f2004) yielded the largest NPV. On the other hand, the strategies that involved regulation of the catch predicted—in addition to a lower NPV—a substantial increase in the effort to achieve the desired catch level. This study is the first bioeconomic approach for a sardine fishery management plan in this region.La ecuación stock-reclutamiento de Ricker incorporándole el índice multivariado del ENSO(IME) como variable ambiental fue ajustada a datos de la pesquería de sardina (Sardinops sagax caerulea) de Bahía Magdalena, Baja California Sur, México. Esta ecuación fue incorporada a un modelo bioeconómico estructurado por edad. La incertidumbre fue considerada al incorporar la variabilidad ambiental, y se realizaron proyecciones de siete años de duración, que equivalen a una generación de sardina. En las proyecciones se consideraron cinco estrategias de gestión: acceso abierto, esfuerzo en máximo rendimiento económico (fMRE), captura en el máximo rendimiento sostenible (CMRS), esfuerzo igual al aplicado en el año 2004 (f2004), y una cuota de captura de 40000 toneladas métricas (CC40000). Las proyecciones fueron expresadas como el valor presente neto (VPN) de la pesquería para el período modelado. Las estrategias que involucraron alguna regulación en el nivel de esfuerzo pesquero (fMRE y f2004) presentaron el mayor VPN. No así las estrategias que involucraron regulación en la captura, debido a que éstas predijeron un fuerte incremento en el esfuerzo para lograr el nivel de captura deseado. Este estudio es la primera aproximación bioeconómica para la ordenación de la pesquería de sardina en esta área

    Inventorying of herbal remedies used to control small ruminant’s parasites in Southern Benin

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    A botanical survey was undertaken in two agro-ecological zones of southern Benin, aiming inventorying the plants used by farmers as antiparasitic remedies in small ruminants. In total, 253 smallholders of livestock have been sampled throughout 90 villages and underwent a structured interview. The result revealed that 20% of interviewed people use indigenous knowledge based on plants. Twenty two plants of 18 families have been cited as effective remedies to parasitic diseases of small ruminants. Xanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Rutaceae) and Carica papaya (Caricaceae) were the most frequently cited(75% of plants users) followed by Spondias mombin (Anacardiaceae) and Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae). Leaves were the most frequently plant organ generally used in infusion (100%). Farmers think this medication is effective. Though widely reported, the effectiveness of these recipes still belongs to empirical knowledge awaiting proof


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    Background: Phyto-therapy studies on Chimborazo province in Ecuador are really limited. This area, located within the Andes, is considered a millenarian and intercultural province, where multiples cultures and ethnic groups coexist. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted through direct interviews with 84 ancestral healers from the Province of Chimborazo, Ecuador. Results: We presented ten most used species by ancestral healers of Chimborazo province to cure different illnesses and their medicinal uses. We also provided the application mode and some features of healing that should be emphasized. Conclusion: The nettle was the medicinal plant employed for more different illness and the chamomile was the one with higher prevalence. We could confirm that the Native Ecuadorians have a vast variety of traditions and popular medicinal practices that have great value and are needed to be researched and studied extensively

    Nível de desidratação e estratégias nutricionais utilizadas antes e durante o treino de Futebol de um grupo de adolescentes de Espera Feliz-MG

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    O desempenho é otimizado quando ocorre tanto a ingestão adequada de líquidos e de nutrientes, em especial o carboidrato. O objetivo foi avaliar o nível de desidratação e as estratégias nutricionais utilizadas antes e durante o treino de futebol de um grupo de adolescentes de Espera Feliz-MG. Estudo do tipo transversal com atletas adolescentes. Foi aplicado um questionário para os participantes contendo perguntas sobre os hábitos alimentares. A coleta do peso se deu antes e depois o treino para cálculo do percentual de desidratação. Verificou-se que apenas um (4,5%) participante atingiu a recomendação adequada de carboidrato na refeição pré treino e durante o treino eles não consumiram nenhum alimento ou suplemento. Apenas 9% dos jogadores apresentaram nível de desidratação acima de 2%. Diante do exposto, constata-se a necessidade e importância da educação nutricional para esse grupo de adolescentes, para que eles tenham uma melhor ingestão alimentar e que proporcione melhor desempenho no esporte. ABSTRACT Dehydration level and Strategies Used Nutrition Before and During Football Training of Teenagers in Espera Feliz-MGPerformance is optimized when there is both adequate intake of fluids and nutrients, especially carbohydrates. The objective was to evaluate the level of dehydration and nutritional strategies used before and during football training a group of teenagers from Espera Feliz-MG. Cross-sectional study with adolescent athletes a questionnaire to the participants with questions about eating habits was applied. The collection of weight was given before and after training for calculating the percentage of dehydration. It was found that only one (4.5%) participants has reached the appropriate carbohydrate meal recommendation pre training and during the training they did not consume any food or supplement. Only 9% of players had levels of dehydration above 2%. Given the above, there has been the need and importance of nutrition education for this group of adolescents, so they have a better nutritional intake and provides better performance in sports

    Drug and xenobiotic biotransformation in the blood–brain barrier: a neglected issue

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    Drug biotransformation is a crucial mechanism for facilitating the elimination of chemicals from the organism and for decreasing their pharmacological activity. Published evidence suggests that brain drug metabolism may play a role in the development of adverse drug reactions and in the clinical response to drugs and xenobiotics. The blood–brain barrier (BBB) has been regarded mainly as a physical barrier for drugs and xenobiotics, and little attention has been paid to the BBB as a drug-metabolizing barrier. The presence of drug-metabolizing enzymes in the BBB is likely to have functional implications because local metabolism may inactivate drugs or may modify the drug’s ability to cross the BBB, thus modifying drug response and the risk of developing adverse drug reactions. In this perspective paper, we discuss the expression of relevant xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes in the brain and in the BBB, and we cover current advances and future directions on the potential role of these BBB drug-metabolizing enzymes as modifiers of drug response

    Composição da refeição pré-treino, uso de suplementos e nível de desidratação em lutadores de Jiu-Jitsu de Leopoldina-MG

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    Introdução: O Jiu-Jitsu é um esporte praticado no mundo inteiro e está adquirindo formatos próprios no país. Objetivo: Verificar a composição da refeição pré-treino, uso de suplementos alimentares e nível de desidratação durante um treino em atletas de Jiu-Jitsu. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo do tipo transversal, com lutadores de duas academias de Leopoldina, MG. Aplicou-se um questionário contendo questões sobre o treino, orientação nutricional, uso de suplementos, e refeição realizada antes do treino. O nível de desidratação foi determinado a partir da aferição do peso antes e após o treino. Resultados: Participaram da pesquisa 30 lutadores, sendo todos do sexo masculino. Em relação ao uso de suplementos, 40% afirmaram usar algum tipo de produto, sendo os suplementos proteicos, os mais utilizados. Em relação ao consumo de macronutrientes observou-se baixo consumo de proteínas e moderado consumo de lipídeos. A maioria (96,4%) apresentou baixo consumo de carboidrato na refeição pré-treino. Não houve diferença significante entre o peso antes e após o treino. O maior percentual médio de desidratação foi de 1,44%. Conclusão: Os resultados afirmam a necessidade dos lutadores serem acompanhados por nutricionista, a fim de orientar sobre condutas nutricionais, uso de suplementos e hidratação. ABSTRACT Composition of the pre-workout meal, supplements and equipment and dehydration level in fighters jiu-jitsu of Leopoldina-MGIntroduction: Jiu-Jitsu is a sport practiced worldwide and is acquiring own formats in the country. Objective: To determine the composition of the pre-workout meal, use of dietary supplements and level of dehydration during training in Jiu-Jitsu athletes. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study, with fighters from two academies Leopoldina, MG. Applied a questionnaire with questions about training, nutrition counseling, use of supplements, and meal held before training. The level of dehydration was determined from the weight measurement before and after training. Results: The participants were 30 fighters, being all male. Regarding the use of supplements, 40% said they use some type of product, and the protein supplements, the most widely used. Regarding the consumption of macronutrients was noted low protein intake and moderate consumption of lipids. Most (96.4%) had low intake of carbohydrate in the pre-workout meal. There was no significant difference between the weight before and after training. The highest mean percentage of dehydration was 1.44%. Conclusion: These results support the need for fighters to be accompanied by nutritionist, in order to focus on nutritional behaviors, use of supplements and hydration

    Obtaining a Concentrated Fresh Product of Capsicum Annuum by Reverse Osmosis Process and Analysis of Its Bioactive Constituents and Mineral Composition

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the quality of fresh extract product of bell pepper Capsicum annuum obtained by reverse osmosis in terms of bioactive compounds and mineral composition. Quantitative analysis of this product showed the presence of total alkaloids, total polyphenols and vitamin C at contents of 14.42 ± 0.23 %, 69.65 ± 0.43 g/LGA equivalent and 157.48 mg/100g, respectively, indicating the preservation of these bioactive compounds after the application of this membrane technology. Regarding mineral composition, the contents were estimated to 61.68±0.41, 16.66±2.66, 20.69±5.31 and 11.52±0.7 mg/100g, respectively for potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron, also indicating the preservation of these minerals in the fresh concentrated product.The bioactive compounds of fresh concentrated product were analyzed using Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Thirty four compounds were identified of which 4-Hydroxyphenylethanol. di-TMS; Benzoic acid 4-methoxy-3-(trimethylsilyl) oxy-. methyl ester; Bis(trimethylsilyl)isovanillate. Benzoic acid. 3.4-bis[(trimethylsilyl)oxy]-. trimethylsilyl ester. Vanillylpropionic acid bis(trimethylsilyl) - are phenolic compounds and cis-4-Trimethylsilyloxy-cyclohexyl (trimethylsilyl) carboxylate is one derived fatty acid. The presence of these various bioactive compounds in the fresh concentrated product demonstrated that the application of membrane technology by reverse osmosis could constitute a good alternative for obtaining the viable finished product of Capsicum fruits