5 research outputs found

    Social and Psychological Features of Hardiness in Personality of Students of Higher Education Institutions

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    The topicality and significance of the study is determined by the fact that life and activity of a person in contemporary socio-economic conditions are inextricably connected with the constant impact of adverse social, political, economic and other factors on him. These factors are accompanied by the emergence of various kinds of difficult life situations, as a result of which stress develops in a person. In the student milieu, stress arises under the influence of difficulties associated with both the learning process and life circumstances. The paper presents the results of an empirical study of socio-psychological features of hardiness in students of higher educational institutions. The methods of research comprised: theoretical analysis, empirical research (testing), qualitative analysis of the obtained data, mathematical and statistical data processing (SPSS Statistics, Excel). Testing included the following psycho-diagnostic tools: the author’s questionnaire for assessing stressful situations; McCrae-Costa Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire (The Big Five dimensions); “Hardiness test”; Self-attitude technique. The validity and reliability of the study results was ensured by the initial methodological positions, the use of proven tools, sample representativeness of the research, as well as mathematical processing of data with the use of a software package for statistical analysis. As a result of the study, it was proved that emotion-focused ways of overcoming stress associated with a decrease in tension and a change in attitude to emerging difficulties prevail among the students of both the experimental and control groups. A high level of stress was found in the majority of subjects. In order to reduce this stress, it is necessary for students to form special skills to overcome it. In addition, an analysis of the psychological factors of students’ hardiness made it possible to determine the main areas of their psychological support in overcoming difficult life situations (development of qualities that form the core of students’ personal adaptive potential, the formation of their social competency, enrichment of social networks, as well as learning ways to find and accept social support)

    Self-reflection technologies to design the developmental environment for the professional formation of sports teachers

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    The significance of this article lies in the fact that the problem of modifying the forms, methods and means of implementing the content of education, training and retraining of personnel for the sphere of physical education, sports and tourism always comes first among other pedagogical problems. To improve the educational process and, specifically, educational activities is an essential objective of all the system of education. The article presents the results of a study of the role, place and function of self-reflection in educational activities, as well as in the formation of a sports teacher’s professional thinking based on self-reflective culture of solving professional problems. Based on the logical-substantive analysis, the article shows that the mechanism of self-reflective thinking is mandatory for the formation of the methodological culture of future specialists’ professional thinking in the implementation of the curriculum content of physical education universities; it has been proved that activation of self-reflection during training leads to the fact that the learner makes his own activity as the object of his influence, he begins to purposefully change, improve or rebuild it. In addition, the article substantiates that the modern practice of education, training and retraining of personnel for the field of physical education, sports and tourism requires constant creative improvement of the teaching staff of higher education, which provides solutions to modern educational problems, the resolution of which will prepare competitive specialists for the open labour market; the analysis of a great number of scientific literature sources shows that psych didactics of developmental education should be based on activation of self-reflection, as a special way and means of forming self-reflective culture of sports teachers; the introduction of self-reflection in the educational process determines the improvement of the methodological culture and the personal inclusion of students, which undoubtedly leads to an increase in their professional competence

    Social and Psychological Features of Hardiness in Personality of Students of Higher Education Institutions

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    The topicality and significance of the study is determined by the fact that life and activity of a person in contemporary socio-economic conditions are inextricably connected with the constant impact of adverse social, political, economic and other factors on him. These factors are accompanied by the emergence of various kinds of difficult life situations, as a result of which stress develops in a person. In the student milieu, stress arises under the influence of difficulties associated with both the learning process and life circumstances. The paper presents the results of an empirical study of socio-psychological features of hardiness in students of higher educational institutions. The methods of research comprised: theoretical analysis, empirical research (testing), qualitative analysis of the obtained data, mathematical and statistical data processing (SPSS Statistics, Excel). Testing included the following psycho-diagnostic tools: the author’s questionnaire for assessing stressful situations; McCrae-Costa Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire (The Big Five dimensions); “Hardiness test”; Self-attitude technique. The validity and reliability of the study results was ensured by the initial methodological positions, the use of proven tools, sample representativeness of the research, as well as mathematical processing of data with the use of a software package for statistical analysis. As a result of the study, it was proved that emotion-focused ways of overcoming stress associated with a decrease in tension and a change in attitude to emerging difficulties prevail among the students of both the experimental and control groups. A high level of stress was found in the majority of subjects. In order to reduce this stress, it is necessary for students to form special skills to overcome it. In addition, an analysis of the psychological factors of students’ hardiness made it possible to determine the main areas of their psychological support in overcoming difficult life situations (development of qualities that form the core of students’ personal adaptive potential, the formation of their social competency, enrichment of social networks, as well as learning ways to find and accept social support).La actualidad y la importancia del estudio están determinadas por el hecho de que la vida y la actividad de una persona en condiciones socioeconómicas contemporáneas están inextricablemente conectadas con el impacto constante de factores sociales, políticos, económicos y otros adversos en él. Estos factores están acompañados por la aparición de varios tipos de situaciones difíciles de la vida, como resultado de lo cual el estrés se desarrolla en una persona. En el entorno estudiantil, el estrés surge bajo la influencia de dificultades asociadas tanto con el proceso de aprendizaje como con las circunstancias de la vida. El artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio empírico de las características sociopsicológicas de la resistencia en estudiantes de instituciones de educación superior. Los métodos de investigación comprendieron: análisis teórico, investigación empírica (pruebas), análisis cualitativo de los datos obtenidos, procesamiento de datos matemáticos y estadísticos (SPSS Statistics, Excel). Las pruebas incluyeron las siguientes herramientas de psico-diagnóstico: el cuestionario del autor para evaluar situaciones estresantes; Cuestionario de personalidad de cinco factores McCrae-Costa (Las cinco grandes dimensiones); "Prueba de resistencia"; Técnica de actitud propia. La validez y la fiabilidad de los resultados del estudio se garantizaron mediante las posiciones metodológicas iniciales, el uso de herramientas comprobadas, la representatividad de la muestra de la investigación, así como el procesamiento matemático de los datos con el uso de un paquete de software para el análisis estadístico. Como resultado del estudio, se demostró que las formas centradas en la emoción de superar el estrés asociado con una disminución de la tensión y un cambio de actitud ante las dificultades emergentes prevalecen entre los estudiantes de los grupos experimentales y de control. Se encontró un alto nivel de estrés en la mayoría de los sujetos. Para reducir este estrés, es necesario que los estudiantes formen habilidades especiales para superarlo. Además, un análisis de los factores psicológicos de la resistencia de los estudiantes permitió determinar las áreas principales de su apoyo psicológico para superar situaciones difíciles de la vida (desarrollo de cualidades que forman el núcleo del potencial de adaptación personal de los estudiantes, la formación de su sociedad). competencia, enriquecimiento de las redes sociales, así como aprender formas de encontrar y aceptar apoyo social)

    Topological Insulator Films for Terahertz Photonics

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    We discuss experimental and theoretical studies of the generation of the third terahertz (THz) frequency harmonic in thin films of Bi2Se3 and Bi2-xSbxTe3-ySey (BSTS) topological insulators (TIs) and the generation of THz radiation in photoconductive antennas based on the TI films. The experimental results, supported by the developed kinetic theory of third harmonic generation, show that the frequency conversion in TIs is highly efficient because of the linear energy spectrum of the surface carriers and fast energy dissipation. In particular, the dependence of the third harmonic field on the pump field remains cubic up to the pump fields of 100 kV/cm. The generation of THz radiation in TI-based antennas is obtained and described for the pump, with the energy of photons corresponding to the electron transitions to higher conduction bands. Our findings open up possibilities for advancing TI-based films into THz photonics as efficient THz wave generators and frequency converters