58 research outputs found

    The Bryophyte Flora of Aladağlar National Park (Turkey)

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    In this study, the bryophyte flora of Aladağlar National Park was investigated. Based on the result of identifications of 3672 bryophyte specimens collected from the national park, total of 249 taxa were found (13 liverworts, 236 mosses). Among them, Marchantia polymorpha L. subsp. ruderalis Bischl. & Boisselier, Preissia quadrata (Scop.) Nees, Physcomitrium eurystomum Sendtn, Schistidium sordidum I.Hagen, Brachythecium capillaceum (F.Weber & D.Mohr) Giacom, and Hypnum bambergeri Schimp. are recorded for the second time from Turkey. Also, a total of 57 taxa were reported for the first time from C13, according to the grid-square in the system of Turkey adopted by Henderson.

    The epiphytic bryophyte succession of Buxus sempervirens forests in the Fırtına Valley, Rize (North Türkiye)

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    In this study, the epiphytic bryophyte succession of the Buxus sempervirens L. forests in Fırtına Valley (Çamlıhemşin-Rize, North Türkiye), one of the nine biodiversity hotspots in Türkiye, were investigated. For this purpose, a total of 60 sampling plots were taken from the live trunks of the B. sempervirens trees of different ages. Twenty-nine epiphytic bryophyte species were determined (24 mosses and 5 liverworts) within the sample plots. Also, six different life form types and four different habitat affinity categories were determined. The mat type life form is in the first place with 34.4% whereas the and cortico-saxicolous species are the most common with 51.7%. Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) classified the epiphytic bryophyte communities on the trunks of the B. sempervirens at the second level into two main clusters (A and B) and three sub-clusters (A1, B1 and, B2). Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) axis 1 was interpreted as gradient along the height of the epiphytic habitat (from the lower base to the upper zone) on trunks and the DCA axis 2 was interpreted as gradient of moisture (from mesic to xeric). Exsertotheca crispa (Hedw.) S.Olsson, Enroth & D.Quandt was the species with the highest Index of Ecological Significance (IES) value on the lower bases of the aged trees. Species diversity and epiphytic cover in the upper zones were lower than in the basal and middle zones in the study area. While Metzgeria furcata, (L.) Corda, Oxyrrhynchium hians (Hedw.) Loeske, Plagiothecium nemorale (Mitt.) A.Jaeger, and Radula lindenbergiana Gottsche ex C.Hartm were only found on old trees, Ctenidium molluscum (Hedw.) Mitt. and Pseudoleskeella nervosa (Brid.) Nyholm were only found on middle-aged trees

    Ermenek Vadisi (Karaman, Mersin-Türkiye)’nin Briyofit Florası

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    In this study, the bryophyte flora of Ermenek Valley (Karaman, Mersin) was investigated. In a total 163 taxa belonging to 27 families and 64 genera were determined by identifying the bryophyte specimens collected from 33 stations at different habitats and different vegetation periods between the years 2019 and 2020. Marchantiophyta, 10 taxa belonging to 8 families and 10 genera, Bryophyta, 153 taxa belonging to 19 families and 54 genera are represented. Among them, 39 taxa are new records for C12 grid square and, also Fissidens gymnandrus is recorded for the second time from Turkey. While Pottiaceae (44 taxa) and Brachytheciaceae (26 taxa) two largest families in the study area, Ptychostomum (11 taxa), Syntrichia and Grimmia (10 taxa) are the most species rich genera. Taxa in the floristic list, along with ecological characteristics and life forms were given.Bu çalışmada, Ermenek Vadisi’nin (Karaman, Mersin) briyofit florası araştırılmıştır. 2019 ve 2020 yılları arasında vejetasyonun farklı dönemlerinde 33 istasyonun farklı habitatlarından toplanan briyofit örnekleri teşhis edilerek 27 familya ve 64 cinse ait toplam 163 takson tespit edilmiştir. Marchantiophyta, 8 familya ve 10 cinse ait 10 takson, Bryophyta, 19 familya ve 54 cinse ait 153 takson ile temsil edilmektedir. Bunlardan 39 takson C12 karesi için yeni kayıtır ve ayrıca Fissidens gymnandrus Türkiye’den ikinci kez kaydedilmiştir. Pottiaceae (44 takson) ve Brachytheciaceae (26 takson) en büyük iki familya olurken, Ptychostomum (11 takson), Syntrichia ve Grimmia (10 takson) tür bakımından en zengin cislerdir. Floristik listede taksonlar, ekolojik özellikleri ve hayat formları ile birlikte verilmiştir

    Scapania gracilis Lindb. (Hepaticae, Scapaniaceae), new to bryophyte flora of Turkey

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    Scapania gracilis Lindb. is a hygro- to mesophytic liverwort species which is reported for the first time from Turkey. The species is described from material collected from the north-west Anatolia (Sakarya) which has very warm summers and mild winters with high annual rainfall (800–1000 mm) in Marmara region and very humid conditions. Turkish plants are described and illustrated.

    New epiphytic bryophyte communities from Turkey

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    The epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of the Kümbet Plateau (Dereli-Giresun) was investigated. A total of 40 relevés taken from tree trunks in different vegetation periods of the year 2019 were analysed using multivariate analysis methods such as detrended correspondence analysis (DECORANA) and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), and the Braun-Blanquet method was also applied. As a result, Frullanio tamarisci-Neckeretum pumilae Alataş, Ezer, Batan & Erata ass. nov. and Frullanio tamarisci-Neckeretum pumilae-isothecietosum alopecuroidis Alataş, Ezer, Batan & Erata subass. nov. were described as new syntaxa from Turkey. In addition, Ulotetum crispae -sanionietosum uncinatae was recorded for the first time from Turkey, while Ulotetum crispae was recorded for the second time from Turkey. These syntaxa were analysed in terms of their ecological and floristic aspects

    Türkiye'deki kurakçıl tür Pterygoneurum crossidioides (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) üzerine Notlar

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    Pterygoneurum crossidioides W. Frey, Herrnstadt & Kürschner (Pottiaceae) Türkiye'den ikinci kez kaydedilmiştir. Tür kurak iklim şartlarının hakim olduğu İç Anadolu Bölgesinde Bor (Niğde) ilçesinden toplanmıştır. Türkiye bitkisi tanımlanmış ve resimlendirilmiştir. Türün ekolojik karakteristikleri, coğrafik dağılımı ve Türkiye'deki Pterygoneurum türlerinin teşhis anahtarı da verilmiştir.Pterygoneurum crossidioides W. Frey, Herrnstadt & Kürschner (Pottiaceae) is recorded for the second time in Turkey. The species was collected from Bor district (Niğde) in the Central Anatolia Region where the conditions of arid climate dominate. Turkish plants described and illustrated. Ecological characteristics of the species, geographic distribution and identification key to the Pterygoneurum species in Turkey are also presented

    Güney Amanos Dağları (Musa Dağı) biryofit florası ve epifitik biryofit ve jetasyonunun araştırılması

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    TEZ6766Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2008.Kaynakça (s.275-303) var.xv, 304 s. : rnk.res. ; 29 cm.In this study, the bryophyte flora and epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of Mount Musa which is situated in southernmost part of Amanos Mountains are investigated. 208 taxa belonging to 46 families and 95 genera were found by identifying bryophyte specimens collected from study area between the years 2004 and 2006. Frullania fragilifolia (Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees is reported for the first time from Turkey. Epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of Mount Musa was phytosociologically analysed with 150 releves which were taken from different localities and habitats. As a result of this analyse, 4 epiphytic bryophyte associations, 4 subassociations and 1 community were determined from the area. Ass. Neckeretum crispae and subass. -homalietosum trichomanoidis are new for Turkey among the others. The epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of study area was analyzed by using both the Braun-Blanquet approach and Multivariate analysis methods such as TWINSPAN and DECORONA.Bu çalışma ile Amanos Dağlarının güneydeki en uç noktasını oluşturan Musa Dağı'nın biryofit florası ve epifitik biryofit vejetasyonu araştırılmıştır. Araştırma alanından 2004-2006 yılları arasında toplanan biryofit örnekleri teşhis edilerek 46 familya ve 95 cinse ait 208 takson saptanmıştır. Saptanan bu taksonlardan Frullania fragilifolia (Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees Türkiye'den ilk kez rapor edilmiştir. Alanın epifitik vejetasyonu ise farklı lokalite ve habitatlardan alınan 150 adet örneklik alan ile fitososyolojik olarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu analiz sonucunda 4 adet epifitik biryofit birliği, 4 adet alt birlik ve 1 adet topluluk belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen bu sintaksonlardan Neckeretum crispae ve -homalietosum trichomanoidis Türkiye için yenidir. Araştırma alanının epifitik biryofit vejetasyonu Braun-Blanquet metodunun yanı sıra TWINSPAN ve DECORONA gibi Multivariate yöntemleriyle de analiz edilmiştir.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:FEF2004D1

    The Bryophyte Flora of Kaplandede Mountain (Düzce, Turkey)

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    In this study, the bryoflora of the Kaplandede Mountain was investigated between March and October 2009. After the identification of 625 bryophyte specimens collected from the research area, total of 122 taxa (99 mosses, 22 liverworts, 1 hornwort) were found. Among them according to the grid-square system of Henderson (1961) three liverwort taxa and fifteen moss taxa are new records for A2 grid square. Cephaloziella dentata (Raddi) Steph. and Campylopus flexuosus (Hedw.) Brid. are recorded for the second time from Turkey. Two remarkable moss species, Orthotrichum scanicum Grönvall and Tortula brevissima Schiffn., were also collected from the study area.

    Contributions to the Bryophyte Flora of Kütahya Province (Turkey)

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    In this study, bryophyte specimens belonging to Kütahya Province were investigated. A total of 49 taxa (48 mosses, 1 liverwort) belonging to 11 families and 26 genera were determined as a result of identification of bryophyte specimens, collected from various localities and habitats of Kütahya. Among them, 38 are new to Kütahya Province, and five are new records for the B6 grid - square