6 research outputs found

    Regional and cellular patterns of reelin mRNA expression in the forebrain of the developing and adult mouse

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    The reelin gene encodes an extracellular protein that is crucial for neuronal migration in laminated brain regions. To gain insights into the functions of Reelin, we performed high-resolution in situ hybridization analyses to determine the pattern of reelin expression in the developing forebrain of the mouse. We also performed double-labeling studies with several markers, including calcium-binding proteins, GAD65/67, and neuropeptides, to characterize the neuronal subsets that express reelin transcripts. reelinexpression was detected at embryonic day 10 and later in the forebrain, with a distribution that is consistent with the prosomeric model of forebrain regionalization. In the diencephalon, expression was restricted to transverse and longitudinal domains that delineated boundaries between neuromeres. During embryogenesis,reelin was detected in the cerebral cortex in Cajal-Retzius cells but not in the GABAergic neurons of layer I. At prenatal stages, reelin was also expressed in the olfactory bulb, and striatum and in restricted nuclei in the ventral telencephalon, hypothalamus, thalamus, and pretectum. At postnatal stages, reelin transcripts gradually disappeared from Cajal-Retzius cells, at the same time as they appeared in subsets of GABAergic neurons distributed throughout neocortical and hippocampal layers. In other telencephalic and diencephalic regions,reelin expression decreased steadily during the postnatal period. In the adult, there was prominent expression in the olfactory bulb and cerebral cortex, where it was restricted to subsets of GABAergic interneurons that co-expressed calbindin, calretinin, neuropeptide Y, and somatostatin. This complex pattern of cellular and regional expression is consistent with Reelin having multiple roles in brain development and adult brain function

    Hepatotoxicity of cyanotoxin microcystin-LR in human: Insights into mechanisms of action in the 3D culture model Hepoid-HepaRG

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    International audienceMicrocystin-LR (MC-LR) is a potent hepatotoxin produced by harmful cyanobacterial blooms (CyanoHABs). MC-LR targets highly differentiated hepatocytes expressing organic anion transporting polypeptides OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 that are responsible for hepatocellular uptake of the toxin. The present study utilized an advanced 3D in vitro human liver model Hepoid-HepaRG based on the cultivation of collagen-matrix embedded multicellular spheroids composed of highly differentiated and polarized hepatocyte-like cells. 14-d-old Hepoid-HepaRG cultures showed increased expression of OATP1B1/1B3 and sensitivity to MC-LR cytotoxicity at concentrations >10 nM (48 h exposure, EC(20) = 26 nM). MC-LR induced neither caspase 3/7 activity nor expression of the endoplasmic reticulum stress marker gene BiP/GRP78, but increased release of pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-8, indicating a necrotic type of cell death. Subcytotoxic (10 nM) and cytotoxic (≄100 nM) MC-LR concentrations disrupted hepatocyte functions, such as xenobiotic metabolism phase-I enzyme activities (cytochrome P450 1A/1B) and albumin secretion, along with reduced expression of CYP1A2 and ALB genes. MC-LR also decreased expression of HNF4A gene, a critical regulator of hepatocyte differentiation and function. Genes encoding hepatobiliary membrane transporters (OATP1B1, BSEP, NTCP), hepatocyte gap junctional gene connexin 32 and the epithelial cell marker E-cadherin were also downregulated. Simultaneous upregulation of connexin 43 gene, primarily expressed by liver progenitor and non-parenchymal cells, indicated a disruption of tissue homeostasis. This was associated with a shift in the expression ratio of E-cadherin to N-cadherin towards the mesenchymal cell marker, a process linked to epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and hepatocarcinogenesis. The effects observed in the human liver cell in vitro model revealed mechanisms that can potentially contribute to the MC-LR-induced promotion and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Hepoid-HepaRG cultures provide a robust, accessible and versatile in vitro model, capable of sensitively detecting hepatotoxic effects at toxicologically relevant concentrations, allowing for assessing hepatotoxicity mechanisms, human health hazards and impacts of environmental hepatotoxins, such as MC-LR

    Regional and cellular patterns of reelin mRNA expression in the forebrain of the developing and adult mouse

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    The reelin gene encodes an extracellular protein that is crucial for neuronal migration in laminated brain regions. To gain insights into the functions of Reelin, we performed high-resolution in situ hybridization analyses to determine the pattern of reelin expression in the developing forebrain of the mouse. We also performed double-labeling studies with several markers, including calcium-binding proteins, GAD65/67, and neuropeptides, to characterize the neuronal subsets that express reelin transcripts. reelinexpression was detected at embryonic day 10 and later in the forebrain, with a distribution that is consistent with the prosomeric model of forebrain regionalization. In the diencephalon, expression was restricted to transverse and longitudinal domains that delineated boundaries between neuromeres. During embryogenesis,reelin was detected in the cerebral cortex in Cajal-Retzius cells but not in the GABAergic neurons of layer I. At prenatal stages, reelin was also expressed in the olfactory bulb, and striatum and in restricted nuclei in the ventral telencephalon, hypothalamus, thalamus, and pretectum. At postnatal stages, reelin transcripts gradually disappeared from Cajal-Retzius cells, at the same time as they appeared in subsets of GABAergic neurons distributed throughout neocortical and hippocampal layers. In other telencephalic and diencephalic regions,reelin expression decreased steadily during the postnatal period. In the adult, there was prominent expression in the olfactory bulb and cerebral cortex, where it was restricted to subsets of GABAergic interneurons that co-expressed calbindin, calretinin, neuropeptide Y, and somatostatin. This complex pattern of cellular and regional expression is consistent with Reelin having multiple roles in brain development and adult brain function

    Staphylococcus aureus induces DNA damage in host cell

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    International audienceStaphylococcus aureus causes serious medical problems in human and animals. Here we show thatS. aureus can compromise host genomic integrity as indicated by bacteria-induced histone H2AXphosphorylation, a marker of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), in human cervix cancer HeLa andosteoblast-like MG-63 cells. This DNA damage is mediated by alpha phenol-soluble modulins (PSMα1–4),while a specific class of lipoproteins (Lpls), encoded on a pathogenicity island in S. aureus, dampens theH2AX phosphorylation thus counteracting the DNA damage. This DNA damage is mediated by reactiveoxygen species (ROS), which promotes oxidation of guanine forming 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG). DNA damage is followed by the induction of DNA repair that involves the ATM kinase-signalingpathway. An examination of S. aureus strains, isolated from the same patient during acute initial andrecurrent bone and joint infections (BJI), showed that recurrent strains produce lower amounts of Lpls,induce stronger DNA-damage and prompt the G2/M transition delay to a greater extent that suggest aninvolvement of these mechanisms in adaptive processes of bacteria during chronicization. Our findingsredefine our understanding of mechanisms of S. aureus-host interaction and suggest that the balancebetween the levels of PSMα and Lpls expression impacts the persistence of the infection