11 research outputs found
Get to Know Your Librarian: How a Simple Orientation Program Helped Alleviate Library Anxiety
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- 27/11/2017
- Field of study
Library orientations do their part to familiarize students with information literacy, and how the library fits within university life. But what if an orientation could give a student a strong introduction to their academic librarians? Research in academic libraries has noted that library anxiety remains a continual problem among current students. Valparaiso University librarians created the Get to Know Your Librarian program, which sought to make librarians accessible. Using humor and casualness, incoming students were âintroducedâ to librarians through a series of fun facts. This simple program was successful in helping alleviate incoming studentsâ library anxiety before their first semester
The Evolution of Anne Roe
- Author
- A new classification of occupations
- A psychological study of physical scientists
- A psychologist examines 64 eminent scientists
- A psychologist examines 64 eminent scientists
- Alcohol education in the schools
- Brown
- Burks
- Early background of eminent scientists
- Early determinants of vocational choice
- Klos
- Personality development and career choice
- Personality structure and occupational behavior
- Politics as a Career
- Psychological approaches to creativity in science
- Psychological definitions of man
- Psychology and the evolution of man
- Roe
- Satisfactions in work
- Shakow
- Siegelman
- Siegelman
- Simpson
- Simpson
- Simpson
- The personality of artists
- Vasectomy
- Womanpower
- Women in science
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Get to Know Your Librarian: How a Simple Orientation Program Helped Alleviate Library Anxiety
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Impact of training on work-related assault
- Author
- American Nurses Association
- Anderson
- Arnetz
- Barlow
- Baxter
- Beech
- Bensley
- Carmel
- Cole
- Cooper
- Drummond
- Duhart
- Durkin
- Efron
- Ellwood
- ENA Survey Examines Facets of Workplace Violence
- Fernandes
- Gerberich
- Gerberich
- Greenland
- Helmuth
- Horvitz
- Hosmer
- Infantino
- Lanza
- Lee
- Lee
- Lehmann
- Liss
- Little
- Martin
- Mongin
- Northwestern National Life Insurance Company
- Nursing License List
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- Ore
- Peek-Asa
- Rothman
- Schaffer
- Schlesselman
- Simonowitz
- Toscano
- Trape
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Walker
- Warshaw
- Whittington
- Wilkinson
- Williams
- Yassi
- Yassi
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study
A National Examination of Gender Equity in Public Parks and Recreation
- Author
- Adams J. S.
- Adams J. S.
- Adams J. S.
- Allison M. T.
- Anthony K.
- Arnold M. L.
- Aven F. F.
- Bateman T. S.
- Brayfield A. H.
- Chao G. T.
- Chiu C.
- Cook E. P.
- Folger R.
- Frisby W.
- Hayes R. D.
- Henderson K. A.
- Henderson K. A.
- Hooks K. L.
- Kretz G.
- Laband D. N.
- Lawler E. E.
- Loscocco K. A.
- Mathieu J. E.
- McCue D. D.
- McDonald M.
- Miles E. W.
- Moorman R. H.
- Mowday R. T.
- O'Neill B. S.
- Ott E. M.
- Patrick S. L.
- Pond S. B.
- Rosenberg J.
- Schien E. H.
- Schnake M.
- Shinew K J.
- Shinew K. J.
- Smith C. A.
- Special committee examines upward mobility of women in accounting.
- Steers R. M.
- Thompson A.
- Vroom V. H.
- Walster E. H.
- Weick K. E.
- Witt L. A.
- Zeffane R.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Library instruction and information literacy â 2003
- Author
- Abdulla A.D.
- Abilock D.
- Adamich T.
- After
- Alpi K.
- An IL.
- Anderson N.
- Andretta S.
- Aquino T.L.
- Ardis S.B.
- Assessment
- At Oxford College
- Avery E.F.
- Baker S.L.
- Balsano C.
- Balsano C.
- Barrett L.
- Barton J.A.
- Bedwell K.
- Behen L.D.
- Beile P.M.
- Benjes-Small C.
- Benson V.
- Big
- Birks J.
- Bishop K.
- Blankenship J.
- Blixrud J.C.
- Block M.
- Bonnette A.E.
- Boyle F.
- Branch J.
- Burrows S.
- Bush G.
- Callison D.
- Callison D.
- Callison D.
- Callison D.
- Callison D.
- Callison D.
- Callister P.D.
- Carey J.O.
- Carr J.A.
- Chan Lin L.
- Chang S.L.
- Clumpner K.E.
- Comprehensive
- Cornelio A.
- Crum J.
- Daggett W.R.
- Damron J.A.
- DeChambeau A.
- Dempsey B.
- Describes
- Describes
- Describes
- Describes
- Describes a successful program at Colorado State University called
- Describes Washington State University Libraries' collaboration with the university's freshmen seminar program
- Developing Research
- Dibble M.
- Digital reference transaction transcripts from the University of New Brunswick are analyzed and content is classified using three different models
- Dinnin C.
- Directed
- Discusses
- Discusses
- Doll C.
- Donham J.
- Dzikowski J.
- Eisenberg M.
- Eisenberg M.B.
- English N.
- Erazo E.
- Ercegovac Z.
- Ercegovac Z.
- Examines
- Feeney M.
- Fowler C.S.
- Friesen J.
- Gannon-Leary P.
- Garrett M.
- Goldfinch E.
- Gordon C.A.
- Graham J.
- Green D.D.
- Gregg A.L.
- Harris F.J.
- Henderson M.V.
- Hinchliffe L.J.
- Holley C.W.
- Hopson I.
- Hughes S.
- Hull G.A.
- Irvine L.
- Isaacson D.
- Jenkins J.
- Johnston P.E.
- Joiner C.
- Julien H.
- Kapitzke C.
- Kent B.
- Klesch J.N.
- Knight L.A.
- Koechlin C.
- Kojima A.M.
- Kraemer E.W.
- Lampert L.D.
- Lawler A.H.
- Lawpaths
- Lee L.
- Lemke C.
- Level A.V.
- Librarians at the University of Calgary converted their workbook-based biology library instruction course to WebCTand tested with first-year biology students.
- Librarians at the University of Maryland's Engineering and Physical Sciences Library transformed their one-hour lecture-bssed instruction session for 800 first-year engineering students to a library
- Librarians from Purdue University North Central designed a
- Lindsay E.B.
- Litch M.
- Lombardo S.V.
- Lorenzen M.
- Macklin A.S.
- Macklin A.S.
- Malone D.
- Marcus S.
- Marfleet B.G.
- Mark A.E.
- Martin A.
- Martin K.B.
- Matoush T.L.
- McCannon M.
- McCarthy C.A.
- McNeil B.J.
- McNeill K.
- Mendelsohn S.
- Merz L.H.
- Miltner L.
- Minkel W.
- Minkel W.
- Moore M.
- Murray J.
- Needham J.
- Neyer L.
- Nims J.K.
- Nims J.K.
- Noble A.
- Norgaard R.
- Northrup M.
- Norton B.
- Oberg D.
- Originally
- Outlines
- Owen T.B.
- Paglin C.
- Part
- Pennavaria K.
- Peterson C.
- Powell C.A.
- Preddy L.B.
- Preddy L.B.
- Preddy L.B.
- Prorak D.
- Pros
- Quigley B.D.
- Raish M.
- Rawlings M.S.
- Reprints
- Riskin S.
- Roberts G.
- Rockman I.F.
- Salpeter J.
- Salpeter J.
- Schomberg J.
- Serim F.
- Sheffer R.A.
- Shenton A.K.
- Sherman L.
- Skirrow I.
- Smith E.M.
- Smolin L.I.
- Smyth J.
- Solla L.
- Stripling B.K.
- Stylianopoulos L.W.
- Summary IL
- Taking
- Tempelman-Kluit N.
- Tenopir C.
- Terry M.
- The
- The
- Thompson J.
- Thorhauge J.
- Todd R.J.
- Toor R.
- Tosa Y.
- TuĂłn J.
- TuĂłn J.
- Valenza J.
- Valenza J.K.
- Van Leer J.
- Van Scoyoc A.M.
- Veal R.
- Veltze L.
- Volume
- Whelan D.L.
- Whitehead M.J.
- Williamson J.
- Wills A.
- Wilson P.
- Winterman V.
- Wittkopf B.
- Wolf S.
- Wolf S.E.
- Young S.
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Five Years After A Nation at Risk: An Annotated Bibliography
- Author
- A
- A
- A
- A
- A
- A
- A
- A
- A
- A
- A
- A Game Plan for National Championship for Ohio's Public Schools--A Report to Governor Richard
- A Nation
- Academy for Educational Development.
- Action Oregon Oregon
- Advocates
- After
- American Federation of Teachers.
- An
- An initial public response to the 1983 commission reports by members of the National Forum
- Analyzes
- Analyzes
- Another
- Argues
- Arguing
- Arkansas Public Schools Standards
- As
- At
- Based
- Bonnie G. Gratch
- Brief
- California
- Calls
- Career Maine
- Carnegie Report
- Central Skills Series Arizona The
- Chapter
- Children Literacy Initiatives
- Commission
- Common Connecticut Connecticut's
- Connecticut's Connecticut
- Contains
- Cooperative
- Covers
- Data
- Describes
- Describes
- Detailed
- Discusses
- Discusses
- Discussion
- Dissertation Abstracts Computerized
- Dougherty Van
- Doyle Describes
- Draws
- DuFour Recommends
- DuFour Richard
- Early Alaska An
- Education
- Education
- Education Act Missouri Implementation
- Education Commission of the States.
- Education Commission of the States.
- Education Improvement Act South Carolina
- Education North Carolina
- Education North Dakota
- Education Virginia Excellence
- Educational Equality Project Part
- Educational New Mexico
- Educator The Condition
- Effective Education Series Colorado The
- Eight
- Eight
- Eleven
- Emphasizes
- Emphasizes
- English Bennett
- Ernest Boyer Based
- Excellence Delaware Agenda
- Expands
- Flaxman Erwin
- Focuses
- Following
- Four
- Freeman Appraises
- Future Minnesota Directions
- Georgia's Quality Basic Education Summary
- Governor's Georgia The
- Gratch is education subject specialist and director of information services at Bowling Green State University Libraries
- Greatness Return
- Green Joslyn
- Group
- Harris Argues
- Harry A.
- Haskins Six
- Hearings and commissioned papers are summarized and sixteen recommendations are offered in this report of the National Commission for Excellence in Teacher Education's study.
- High School Ernest L.
- Identifies
- Identifies
- In
- Indiana
- Is The Future
- Johnson Detailed
- Jones Contains
- Kansas' Kansas
- Kyle Explores
- Levin Interprets
- Living Thinking
- Maine's Superintendents A Look
- Many
- Maryland Revised
- Massachusetts Public School Improvement Massachusetts Chapter
- Michigan Citizens Michigan Better
- Mississippi Education Reform Act Mississippi The
- More than five years have passed since A Nation at Risk was published in 1983 by then-Secretary of Education Terrance Bell's National Commission on Excellence in Education.
- Mortimer
- Mortimer
- Most
- Most
- National Research Council.
- Nebraska
- New Hampshire The State of Public Education (K12) in New Hampshire.
- New Jersey Educational Technology
- New Jersey's New Jersey
- Numerous
- Our Plan Vision
- Patricia
- Penny What Is
- Policy Implementation Teacher Education
- Presents
- Presents
- Presents
- Presents findings of the National Board of Inquiry as evidence of needed educational reforms.
- Priority for a Quality Basic Education
- Progress
- Progress Report Oklahoma Continuing
- Public Restructuring California
- Reactions
- Recommendations
- Recommendations
- Recommends a National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
- Records the states' progress toward fifty recommendations of the National Commission on Excellence in Education.
- Redesign Presents
- Report
- Report
- Reports
- Reports
- Research
- Research
- Responds A State
- Results
- Reviews
- Risk American
- Roth These
- Russo Francis X.
- School Improvement Report
- Second
- Secondary School Recognition Program Research
- Sets
- Seven
- Six
- Special The
- Stales Teacher Education
- Stedman Examines
- Stresses
- Summary
- Survey
- Survey
- Survey
- Teaching Carnegie Foundation
- Texas Compares
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The Basic Education North Carolina
- The New York Report New York
- These
- These
- This
- Timar Thomas B.
- To Improve Rhode Island
- Traces
- Volume
- While
- While
- Written
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study