868 research outputs found

    An experimental study of improvement of a micro hydro turbine performance

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    The thesis includes a literature survey of small hydraulic turbines, incorporating a historical review. The possible role of "micro hydros" in generating power in various parts of the world, and particularly in Iran, is discussed. The theory of turbo machinery, particularly with regard to axial flow turbines, is presented next. This is followed by some details on the design of guide vanes, runner blades and draft tube of axial flow turbines, these components being usually regarded as areas which have major impact on the performance of hydraulic turbines. The next chapter gives the details of the test circuit that was constructed. This could provide water volume flow rates of up to 0.15 m3/s at heads of up 25m. The two dynamometers that were used could adsorb pores to up to 25 kw and 50 kw respectively. An existing micro-turbine, the Agnew turbine, was selected for examination and possible improvement. The first possible improvement was the introduction of guide vanes upstream of the turbine runner (this inclusion necessitated a second support for the main shaft). It was found that this gave significant improvements - efficiency raised by over 20% in some cases. The domain of high efficiency working was considerably extended. It was observed that instability (with fall in power output) could occur after a period of running. This seemed to be associated with an accumulation of air bubbles at the highest point in the casing of the machine. Introduction of a vent from this point was found to relieve this problem and ensure stable operation

    The Design and Evaluation of a Joint Health and Safety Committee Education Programme in the Healthcare Sector in Western Canada

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    In spite of the long-term existence of joint committees, injury rates appear to be increasing in the healthcare sector. The purpose of this study was to deliver and evaluate a province-wide joint committee (JC) education program for healthcare institutions BC. The joint committee education program was designed with input from labour and management representatives and expert advice from compensation, union, and human resources consultants. The training program was designed to: 1) ensure that committee members fully understood their roles and responsibilities as outlined under the Workers' Compensation Act and Regulations, 2) increase the problem solving skills of committee members, 3) improve the committee's ability in identifying and resolving health and safety concerns in their workplace. Between June and December 2000, 1,206 JC members, (employed at 262 different healthcare facilities), were trained. An evaluation survey, designed as a retrospective before and after study, to evaluate whether the JC training sessions had produced changes in committee functioning was conducted from 7 to 15 months after the training (during the period July 2001 to September 2001) by two trained telephone interviewers. While the level of JC functioning was quite high most institutions prior to training the evaluation survey found large and statistically significant improvements in JC functioning. A 39.5% increase in the proportion of respondents reporting “high” marks for JC effectiveness in identifying hazards and an increase of 50% reporting “high” marks for understanding the JCs role were observed. Increases in the proportion of respondents reporting “high” marks for accuracy of JC minutes, specificity of recommendations, and perhaps most importantly, degrees of cooperation among JC members were in the 20 percent range. IN conclusion this province-wide training of JC members in healthcare institutions increased the functioning of JCs in key areas

    The Analysis of Politeness Strategies in Buginese Bone Language

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    This study was aimed to investigate the kind politeness strategies used by Buginese Bone in several situations. The source of data was verbal utterances by Buginese Bone. This study used pragmatic study especially theory of politeness by Brown and Levinson. It also used the qualitative descriptive method. The writer used observation by recording and note-taking providing the technique of collecting data. The result of the study showed that the types of politeness strategies used in Buginese Bone are; Negative Politeness, Off-record which found in the interaction between strangers, local inhabitants, family members, superior and subordinate. While, positive politeness is appeared in the interaction between friends. The implication of this research was intended for making good interaction when interacting to other people. The writers also suggest that for further research to investigate the same field in terms of semantics

    The Drosophila F-box protein Fbxl7 binds to the protocadherin fat and regulates Dachs localization and Hippo signaling.

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    The Drosophila protocadherin Fat (Ft) regulates growth, planar cell polarity (PCP) and proximodistal patterning. A key downstream component of Ft signaling is the atypical myosin Dachs (D). Multiple regions of the intracellular domain of Ft have been implicated in regulating growth and PCP but how Ft regulates D is not known. Mutations in Fbxl7, which encodes an F-box protein, result in tissue overgrowth and abnormalities in proximodistal patterning that phenocopy deleting a specific portion of the intracellular domain (ICD) of Ft that regulates both growth and PCP. Fbxl7 binds to this same portion of the Ft ICD, co-localizes with Ft to the proximal edge of cells and regulates the levels and asymmetry of D at the apical membrane. Fbxl7 can also regulate the trafficking of proteins between the apical membrane and intracellular vesicles. Thus Fbxl7 functions in a subset of pathways downstream of Ft and links Ft to D localization


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    Salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk mengentaskan kemiskinan adalah melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk mengelola sumber daya di pedesaan. Namun demikian, tingkat keterampilan dan pengetahuan masyarakat sangat berpengaruh pada pelaksanaan dan keberhasilan pemberdayaan ini. Upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat seyogyanya melibatkan usaha-usaha untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat sehingga dapat memotivasi partisipasi masyarakat dalam mengelola dua leading sector yang merupakan unggulan di pedesaan, pertanian, dan peternakan. Beberapa program dalam pelaksanaan KKN PPM UH Pemberdayaan Petani, dan Peternak ini adalah perbaikan teknologi pengelolaan lahan sawah tadah hujan, pengembangan sistem budidaya vertikultur, intensifikasi ternak itik dan pengembangan olahan produk lokal berbahan dasar ternak unggas. KKN PPMUH dilaksanakan di Desa Bila Kecamatan Dua Pitue Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang dan diikuti oleh 14 orang mahasiswa dari Fakultas Pertanian dan Fakultas Peternakan. Pelaksanaan diawali dengan sosialisasi program kerja kepada masyarakat dan kelompok tani dan peternak di lokasi mitra yang dilanjutkan dengan seminar program kerja. Beberapa program yang telah dilaksanakan yakni penyuluhan dan pelatihan serta pembuatan demplot pertanian organik padi pada lahan sawah tadah hujan, vertikultur sayur-sayuran dan budidaya ternak itik. Program KKN PPM UH disambut baik oleh warga di lokasi yang terlibat langsung dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan dan demplot. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dampak dari kegiatan ini adalah terjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat kelompok tani dan peternak terkait beberapa hal yakni: pengelolaan budidaya padi secara organik, pembuatan POC dan Pestisida nabati serta intensifikasi budidaya ternak itik dan kewirausahaan telur asin.  Kata kunci: Pemberdayaan masyarakat, sumberdaya lokal, peningkatan produksi pertanian, peternakan dan perikanan

    An Analysis of Lexical Collocation in King Charles’ Speech

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    Collocation is quite common to every native speaker. English language is restricted to collocation. It has set its own patterns that occur in natural way. Collocation takes in the form of lexical combination and grammatical combination. Respecting to King Charles III, he starts to deliver speeches on numerous occasion after becoming new monarch. The usage of collocation might differ widely from deeper meaning and context behind. This qualitative research is designed to analyze lexical collocation that exists in King Charles’ speech. The document obtained from speech text was published by website ‘PBS News Hour’. The research results points out that 15 collocation data were produced by King Charles III in his speech. It clearly reflects how he conveyed some collocation form to exact meaning. Those were accepted in its language system, culture, and real life. This research is expected to bring out the best in foreign students’ language proficiency, understanding other language system and culture differences

    The Types of Conversational Implicature in “Gifted” movie

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    This study is a pragmatic context of conversational implicature. It aimed to identify the types of conversational implicature and the non-observance maxim of cooperative principles expressed by the characters in a movie entitled Gifted. The objectives of the research are to identify the types of conversational implicature by the characters in the movie. This research applied a mixed method (descriptive qualitative method and quantitative method) to analyze the data. The data were in the form of utterances in the movie which were organized and analyzed based on Grice’s theory of conversational implicature. The findings of this research are explained as follows: particularized conversational implicature is found as the most dominant type of conversational implicature performed by the characters in the movie since most of the implied meanings needed background knowledge


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    ABSTRACT   Unlicensed Gold Mining (PETI) Effect on Macrozoobentos in The Waters of The Bodi River, Western Paleleh District, Buol District, Central Sulawesi Province, in addition to damaging the environment, also endangers the lives of miners and the surrounding community, therefore it is necessary to maintain water quality according to its designation. This study aims to determine the quality of the waters of the Bodi River, social and economic conditions, as well as the health condition of the mining community affected by PETI activities. The parameters studied were macrozoobentos ecology index.This research was conducted at 4 sample point stations representing observation locations, each representing Location I (Upstream), Location II (mining activity area), and Location III (settlement). This type of research is an analytic observational study, with a research design using a cross sectional study. Macrozoobentos samples were taken using the Ekman grab. The results showed that the status of the water quality of the Bodi River at Station 1,2,3, and 4 dominance of macrozoobentos indicates unstable, depressed and high dominance water conditions

    The Break Subtype of Affect-H in English And Buginese: Revisiting Dixon’s Theoretical Framework

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the differences and the similarity of The Break Subtype of Affect-H in grammatical and semantical construction. This research use descriptive qualitative method. Primary data are the data in English and Buginese. To collect the data in English the researcher use C Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and to collect data in Buginese language, the researcher recorded some native speakers of Buginese while using the break verbs in Buginese language. The secondary data are the data that were taken from journals, e-books, and articles. The collected data were analyzed by using Dixon’s theory of Break Subtype of Affect-H. The result of this research shows that there are 14 words in Buginese that are identical with the “Break” verb. They are mappakkasolang, ma’jemmu’, mapperra’, maruttung, massope/makkape’, mappue’, mappacippe, mappareppa’, malleppoang, mappa’bettu, mappaleppo’, mappaddempung, and ma’bettu. Construction I of break verb have the same meaning as construction II of mappakkasolang verb. They both means that someone break something by using another instrument. Construction II of break verb and mappakkasolang verb have different meanings. The sentence in Buginese means that someone break something on the table, but no conclusion can be taken about how someone broke the thing. As for the sentence in English it is obvious that someone accidentally put his/her nail inside a piece of wood and break it. Construction III of break verb is applicable but in the other hand, construction III of mappakkasolang verb is not a common way of saying that something is broken because another thing accidentally break it, as in Buginese sentence the role of breaking something is usually done by human, animals, disaster, or weather


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    Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi terjadinya kekurangan air pada lahan sawah irigasi dengan penggunaan varietas adaftif. Inovasi teknologi pada perbaikan mutu intensifikasi dengan sistem mekanisasi salah satu alternatif menanggulangi tenaga kerja manusia. Melalui penerapan efisiensi pengelolaan air irigasi akibat pola perubahan iklim, menghasilkan varietas yang toleran terhadap kekeringan serta penggunaan paket teknologi yang sesuai musim tanam dan tipe hujan equatorial pada tekstur pasir. Tujuan penelitian untuk memperoleh model pengelolaan air dengan sistem tanam metode SRI yang dikombinasi dengan cara legowo dan penggunaan varietas padi yang sesuai kondisi wilayah tipe hujan equatorial. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Sidrap pada lahan bertekstur pasir, penelitian dalam bentuk percobaan dengan metode analisis Rancangan Petak Terpisah. Perlakuan pengelolaan air yakni metode basah-kering, macak-macak dan terputus-putus sebagai petak utama dan berbagai varietas terdiri dari Mekongga, Inpari-4 dan Inpari-30 sebagai anak petak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengelolaan air dengan metode basah-kering memberikan pengaruh yang lebih baik pada tinggi tanaman umur 30 hst (44,74 cm), umur 60 hst (84,74 cm), saat panen (101,62 cm), panjang malai (27,87 cm) dan petak (per hektar) yakni 223,75 kg (6,78 t), sedangkan jumlah anakan 30 hst (20,80 batang), anakan produktif (21,20 batang) diperoleh pada metode terputus-putus. Pengembangan varietas pada lahan sawah bertekstur pasir sebaiknya menggunakan varietas Inpari-4 yang dikombinasikan dengan pengelolaan air dengan metode basah kering
