4,243 research outputs found

    Investigation of prediction methods for the loads and stresses of Apollo type spacecraft parachutes. Volume 1: Loads

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    An analysis was conducted with the objective of upgrading and improving the loads, stress, and performance prediction methods for Apollo spacecraft parachutes. The subjects considered were: (1) methods for a new theoretical approach to the parachute opening process, (2) new experimental-analytical techniques to improve the measurement of pressures, stresses, and strains in inflight parachutes, and (3) a numerical method for analyzing the dynamical behavior of rapidly loaded pilot chute risers

    Sediment Sorting and Rounding in a Basaltic Glacio-Fluvio-Aeolian Environment: hrisjkull Glacier, Iceland

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    Sediments and sedimentary rocks preserve a rich history of environment and climate. Identifying these signals requires an understanding of the physical and chemical processes that have affected sedimentary deposits [1]. Such processes include sorting and rounding during transport and chemical alteration through weathering and diagenesis. Although these processes have long been studied in quartz-dominated sedimentary systems [2], a lack of studies of basaltic sedimentary systems limits our interpretations of the environment and climate where mafic source rocks dominate, such as on Mars [3,4]. As part of the SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments project [5], which uses robotic operations to examine physical and chemical changes to sediments in basaltic glacio-fluvialaeolian environments, this research studies changes in sorting and rounding of fluvial-aeolian sediments along a glacier-proximal-to-glacier-distal transect in the outwash-plain of the risjkull glacier in SW Iceland (Fig. 1

    Clay Sediments from Basaltic Terrains: Implications for Sedimentary Processes on Mars

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    The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, Curiosity, has been traversing across fluvial, lacustrine, and eolian sedimentary rocks since it touched down in 2012. The CheMin X-ray diffractometer (XRD) on board Curiosity has revealed smectite clay minerals in most fluvio-lacustrine samples and abundant X-ray amorphous materials in all samples analyzed to date. For example, mudstones from the Sheepbed member at the base of the stratigraphic section and the lower part of the Murray formation contain on average ~7 to 20 wt% smectite and ~30 to 46 wt% X-ray amorphous abundances. On Earth, smectite and secondary X-ray amorphous materials are juvenile weathering products that are generated in sedimentary environments and ultimately record the interaction between primary igneous minerals and the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. For this study, we investigated glacio-fluvio-eolian sediments generated in basaltic terrains as terrestrial analogs for the mudstones from Gale Crater, Mars. This work focuses on the clay sized sediments (<2 m) from these deposits as this grain size hosts the most mineralogically and geochemically altered detritus in sedimentary environments. The goal of investigating basaltic sedimentation is to create a terrestrial reference frame that sheds light on the paleoclimate and paleoaqueous conditions responsible for shaping the ancient sedimentary environments of Mars (e.g., Gale Crater and Jezero Crater)

    Using XRD to Characterize Sediment Sorting in a Mars Analog Glacio-Fluvio-Eolian Basaltic Sedimentary System in Iceland

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    The martian surface has a primarily basaltic composition and is dominated by sedimentary deposits. Ancient layered sedimentary rocks have been identified across the planet from orbit, have been studied in situ by the Mars Exploration Rovers and the Mars Science Laboratory rover, and will be studied by the Mars 2020 rover. These ancient sedimentary rocks were deposited in fluvial, lacustrine, and eolian environments during a warmer and wetter era on Mars. It is important to study the composition of sediments in Mars analog environments to characterize how minerals in basaltic sedimentary systems are sorted and/or aqueously altered. This information can help us better interpret sedimentary processes from similar deposits on Mars and derive information about the igneous source rocks. Sediment sorting has been studied extensively on Earth, but not typically in basaltic environments. Previous work has addressed sorting of basaltic sediments through experimental techniques and in modern eolian basaltic systems and aqueous alteration in subglacial and proglacial environments. We add to this body of research by studying sediment sorting and aqueous alteration in a glacio-fluvio-eolian basaltic system in southwest Iceland

    Which are Better Conditioned Meshes Adaptive, Uniform, Locally Refined or Localised

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    Adaptive, locally refined and locally adjusted meshes are preferred over uniform meshes for capturing singular or localised solutions. Roughly speaking, for a given degree of freedom a solution associated with adaptive, locally refined and locally adjusted meshes is more accurate than the solution given by uniform meshes. In this work, we answer the question which meshes are better conditioned. We found, for approximately same degree of freedom (same size of matrix), it is easier to solve a system of equations associated with an adaptive mesh.Comment: 4 Page

    Decorrelation Stretches (DCS) of Visible Images as a Tool for Sedimentary Provenance Investigations on Earth and Mars

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    The surface of Mars exhibits vast expanses of mafic sediments and ancient sedimentary rocks that record signals of climate and environment. To decipher the paleoenvironments, the sediment sources and transport histories must be con-strained, but it is not well known how physical fractionation and aqueous alteration affect mafic sediments during glacial, eolian, and fluvial processes. Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments (SAND-E), a NASA Planetary Science and Technology through Analog Research (PSTAR) project, bridges this gap through studies of sediment-grain properties and mineralogy in the glacio-XRD)-derived mineralogies

    Overview and Initial Results of SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments

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    Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and automated terrain analysis for science and navigation are new technologies for planetary exploration. The Mars Helicopter will fly with the Mars2020 rover, the Dragonfly quadcopter will explore Titan, and Soil Properties and Object Classification (SPOC) software will be used for path planning and navigation on the Mars2020 rover. Using an Argo J5 rover instrumented with stereo cameras and Autonomous Soil Assessment System (ASAS) software, and an off the shelf quadcopter, SAND-E tested the use of automated terrain analysis and UAS data for science operations in a Mars-analog environment in Iceland during July of 2019. Scientifically, we sought to determine changes in the physical and chemical properties of sediments along a glacial-fluvial-aeolian transport pathway. Operationally, we tested rover mission-like scenarios that included UAS images and classified terrain images. Here, we present the initial results for both the operations and science elements of the study. Site Selection: A goal of SAND-E is examine sorting and alteration of sediments in fluvial and aeolian environments in both mineral-dominated and glass-dominated basaltic settings. During the first year of the project we focused on a mineral-dominated environment. Selection of the location was based on prior publications that indicated our selected region had a greater abundance of crystalline sediments than other areas fluvial-aeolian settings in Iceland. Other criteria included the presence of both fluvial and aeolian landforms along a transport pathway such that the sediments in transport could be linked to their source rocks. We chose the Skjaldbreidauhraun glacial outwash plain, which sits at the base of Thrisjkull glacier. The site is 30 km north of Thingvellir National Park and ~2 hours from Reykjavik. The outwash plain is fed by two small catchments that drain from the base of the glacier and cut through hyaloclastite and shield volcano bedrock. The drainage progresses from steep alluvial fans near the glacier into a low-sloping fluvial braidplain that becomes confined by the Skjaldbreidur shield volcano and creates a shallow canyon cut into lava bedrock. The fluvial system was a typical braided alluvial environment composed pebble- and cobble-bedded longitudinal bars and sandy channel beds. The river remained active and fluctuated in response to diurnal runoff cycles near the glacier before disappearing into the sandy substrate downstream. The high concentration of suspended sediment in the river was evident by the cloudy water and the silt and clay-sized sediments that draped the channel beds after abandonment and created playas in the lowest sloping areas of the catchment. The entire fluvial system was affected by the winds generated by frontal systems and katabatic flows descending the glacier. This resulted in the formation of aeolian lag deposits and a wind-deflation plain where the fluvial system was not active. Wind ripples and drifts formed in abandoned fluvial channels from aeolian reworking of the sand-sized fluvial sediments. The silt- and clay-sized sediments found in fluvial channels, bar tops, and playas generated dust plumes during high wind events. Our operation sought to capture the variability in this system by sampling from the range of fluvial and aeolian features 6.3 km (proximal), 11.3 km (medial), and 14.4 km (distal) along the river from its origin at the base of glacier

    Self-organized critical neural networks

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    A mechanism for self-organization of the degree of connectivity in model neural networks is studied. Network connectivity is regulated locally on the basis of an order parameter of the global dynamics which is estimated from an observable at the single synapse level. This principle is studied in a two-dimensional neural network with randomly wired asymmetric weights. In this class of networks, network connectivity is closely related to a phase transition between ordered and disordered dynamics. A slow topology change is imposed on the network through a local rewiring rule motivated by activity-dependent synaptic development: Neighbor neurons whose activity is correlated, on average develop a new connection while uncorrelated neighbors tend to disconnect. As a result, robust self-organization of the network towards the order disorder transition occurs. Convergence is independent of initial conditions, robust against thermal noise, and does not require fine tuning of parameters.Comment: 5 pages RevTeX, 7 figures PostScrip

    Dust from Mars-Analog Plains (Iceland): Physico-Compositional Properties as a Function of Grain-Size Fraction

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    Dust is a key component of the geological and climatic systems of Earth and Mars. On Mars, dust is ubiquitous. It coats rocks and soils, and, in the atmosphere, it interacts strongly with solar and thermal radiation. Yet, key questions remain about the genesis and fate of martian dust, as well as its sources, composition, and properties. We collected wind-blown dust from basaltic plains in SW Iceland at Skjaldbreiauhraun that represent a geologic Mars-analog environment. Icelandic dust differs from the typical continental sources (e.g. Sahara, Asia) because of its basaltic volcanogenic origin, which is similar to Mars. Dust collection took place in July of 2019 as a complementary project to the SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments project. Here we report preliminary analyses of this Mars-analog dust material, with the goal of understanding the processes that control the physico-chemical proper-ties of the different grain-size fractions

    Recovering the state sequence of hidden Markov models using mean-field approximations

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    Inferring the sequence of states from observations is one of the most fundamental problems in Hidden Markov Models. In statistical physics language, this problem is equivalent to computing the marginals of a one-dimensional model with a random external field. While this task can be accomplished through transfer matrix methods, it becomes quickly intractable when the underlying state space is large. This paper develops several low-complexity approximate algorithms to address this inference problem when the state space becomes large. The new algorithms are based on various mean-field approximations of the transfer matrix. Their performances are studied in detail on a simple realistic model for DNA pyrosequencing.Comment: 43 pages, 41 figure