63 research outputs found

    Bilingualer Biologieunterricht : Ein Forschungsfeld (auch) fĂŒr die Biologiedidaktik

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    Der Beitrag regt an, dass sich die Biologiedidaktik an der Konzeption und Evaluation bilingualen Biologieunterrichts beteiligen möge. Zu diesem Zweck werden vor dem Hintergrund von DefinitionsansĂ€tzen Entwicklung und Praxis bilingualen Sachfachunterrichts nachgezeichnet. Ausgehend von der GegenĂŒberstellung der Sichtweisen der Sprach- und Sachfachdidaktiken werden Perspektiven fĂŒr einen konzeptionell fundierten bilingualen deutsch-englischen Biologieunterricht entworfen. Als primĂ€rer Suchraum fĂŒr die Entwicklung eines didaktischmethodischen Konzeptes wird die Schnittmenge der beiden beteiligten FĂ€cher exemplarisch abgesteckt. Abschließend wird der Blick auf Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaufgaben der Biologiedidaktik im Falle ihrer Beteiligung an der Konzeption bilingualen Biologieunterrichts gelenkt. Das Literaturverzeichnis bietet im Sinne einer Basis-Bibliographie Einstiegspunkte fĂŒr interessierte Biologiedidaktiker

    Aspekte der Leistungsmessung im bilingualen Biologieunterricht

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    Die Beurteilung von SchĂŒlerleistungen wird im bilingualen Biologieunterricht noch facettenreicher als sie es grundsĂ€tzlich schon ist. Der Beitrag stellt eine Untersuchung vor, bei der einerseits SchĂŒlerleistungen vergleichend erhoben wurden und andererseits LehrkrĂ€fte nach ihren Bewertungskriterien und -instrumenten befragt wurden. Die Ergebnisse der explorativen Studie deuten Defi zite bei der Beherrschung der deutschen Fachsprache durch die bilingual unterrichteten SchĂŒler an. Zur Erhebung der SchĂŒlerleistungen setzen die antwortenden Fachlehrer bestimmte Aufgabentypen mit unterschiedlicher Gewichtung ein;bilingual unterrichtende LehrkrĂ€fte berĂŒcksichtigen dabei sprachliche Leistungsanteile ihrer SchĂŒler anders als nur auf Deutsch unterrichtende LehrkrĂ€fte. Es stellt sich die Frage nach dem Umgang der Biologiedidaktik mit derartigen Befunden

    Pseudopotential SCF–MO studies of hypervalent compounds. I. XeF2 and XeF4

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    The (ab initio) effective potential theory developed by Ewig et al. has been applied to a series of hypervalent compounds with a view to elucidating the anomalous properties of several of the higher fluorides of xenon and iodine. In this initial paper the development of a minimal basis set substantially better than an STO‐4G atom‐optimized set is described. Calculations carried out on XeF2 and XeF4 give valence orbital energies in fair agreement with those obtained with the more flexible, all‐electron SCF–MO calculations by Basch et al. Equilibrium structures of XeF2 and XeF4 provided by the effective potential calculations possess the correct symmetries. Bond lengths, although too long by 0.09 Å, correctly reproduce the contraction observed experimentally upon fluorination of XeF2. Calculated bending and stretch–stretch interaction force constants are in pleasing agreement with experiment, as is the stretching anharmonicity. Stretching frequencies evaluated at the experimental bond length, however, are 25% high. Overall, the ability of the present treatment to give a reasonable account of the structures and force fields of XeF2 and XeF4 justifies its application to the higher fluorides where interpretations of observations are more speculative.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70823/2/JCPSA6-73-1-367-1.pd

    Pseudopotential SCF–MO studies of hypervalent compounds. II. XeF+5 and XeF6

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    New evidence bearing upon the anomalous properties of xenon hexafluoride has been obtained via the ab initio molecular orbital approach applied successfully to the di‐ and tetrafluorides in paper I. Structures of both XeF+5 and XeF6 are governed by a stereochemically active lone pair. In the case of the square–pyramidal cation the Fax–Xe–Feq angle calculated for the bare ion is within 2° of the value observed in the crystalline complex. For the hexafluoride, however, the calculated deformation from Oh symmetry is appreciably greater than that deduced from electron diffraction intensities. Nevertheless, the results of calculations are in sufficient conformity with the Bartell–Gavin, Pitzer–Bernstein interpretation and at variance with the ’’electronic‐isomers’’ interpretation to leave little doubt about the answer. With increasing fluorination in the XeFn series the HOMO–LUMO energy difference decreases and the second‐order Jahn–Teller effect is enhanced. Increasing fluorination (and increased positive charge on Xe) also shortens bond lengths; calculated shortenings parallel observed shortenings. The deformation of XeF6 from Oh is along t1u bend and stretch coordinates to a C3v structure with long bonds adjacent to the lone pair, as expected according to the valence‐shell–electron‐pair‐repulsion model. Pure t2g deformations are destabilizing but anharmonic t1u–t2g coupling significantly stabilizes the deformation. Steric aspects of the structure and force field are diagnosed and found to be minor. Values for the force constants f44, f55, f̄4444, f̄444â€Č4â€Č, and f̄445 are derived and found to be of the magnitude forecast in the Bartell–Gavin and Pitzer–Bernstein treatments except that the calculations do not reproduce the delicate balances believed to lead to almost free pseudorotation in XeF6.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/69894/2/JCPSA6-73-1-375-1.pd

    Interleukin 6, lipopolysaccharide-binding protein and interleukin 10 in the prediction of risk and etiologic patterns in patients with community-acquired pneumonia: results from the German competence network CAPNETZ

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of our study was to investigate the predictive value of the biomarkers interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 10 (IL-10) and lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) compared with clinical CRB and CRB-65 severity scores in patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Samples and data were obtained from patients enrolled into the German CAPNETZ study group. Samples (blood, sputum and urine) were collected within 24 h of first presentation and inclusion in the CAPNETZ study, and CRB and CRB-65 scores were determined for all patients at the time of enrollment. The combined end point representative of a severe course of CAP was defined as mechanical ventilation, intensive care unit treatment and/or death within 30 days. Overall, a total of 1,000 patients were enrolled in the study. A severe course of CAP was observed in 105 (10.5%) patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The highest IL-6, IL-10 and LBP concentrations were found in patients with CRB-65 scores of 3-4 or CRB scores of 2-3. IL-6 and LBP levels on enrollment in the study were significantly higher for patients with a severe course of CAP than for those who did not have severe CAP. In receiver operating characteristic analyses, the area under the curve values for of IL-6 (0.689), IL-10 (0.665) and LPB (0.624) in a severe course of CAP were lower than that of CRB-65 (0.764) and similar to that of CRB (0.69). The accuracy of both CRB and CRB-65 was increased significantly by including IL-6 measurements. In addition, higher cytokine concentrations were found in patients with typical bacterial infections compared with patients with atypical or viral infections and those with infection of unknown etiology. LBP showed the highest discriminatory power with respect to the etiology of infection.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>IL-6, IL-10 and LBP concentrations were increased in patients with a CRB-65 score of 3-4 and a severe course of CAP. The concentrations of IL-6 and IL-10 reflected the severity of disease in patients with CAP. The predictive power of IL-6, IL-10 and LBP for a severe course of pneumonia was lower than that of CRB-65. Typical bacterial pathogens induced the highest LBP, IL-6 and IL-10 concentrations.</p

    Lost in Transformation? Chancen und Herausforderungen fĂŒr inklusiven Unterricht im Angesicht der digitalen Transformation

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    Ausgehend von den entwickelten QualitĂ€tsmerkmalen und Gelingensbedingungen fĂŒr inklusiven Unterricht diskutiert der Beitrag anhand von 14 Merkmalen die Frage, welche Chancen und Herausforderungen aktuelle Digitalisierungsprozesse fĂŒr die Gestaltung inklusiven Unterrichts eröffnen können. Mit der Vorstellung von Gelingensbedingungen verfolgt der Beitrag das Ziel, eine Strukturierungshilfe zur Diskussion zu stellen, um im Kontext der komplexen Entwicklungs- und Transformationsprozesse nicht die Orientierung zu verlieren. Diese Gelingensbedingungen sind das (Zwischen-)Ergebnis der interdisziplinĂ€ren Werkstatt Digitalisierung in inklusiven Settings als Bestandteil des QLB-Projektes BRIDGES an der UniversitĂ€t Vechta. Im Rahmen des Beitrages werden die gemeinsam entwickelten Merkmale vorgestellt und die fachspezifischen Perspektiven der beteiligten Bildungswissenschaften und Fachdidaktiken exemplarisch dargelegt. (DIPF/Orig.

    UW Dawgstar: One Third of ION-F - An element of the Ionospheric Observation Nanosatellite Formation (ION-F)

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    The preliminary design for the UW Dawgstar nanosatellite is presented. The Dawgstar is a 13 kg satellite designed as a part of the University Nanosatellite Program funded by AFOSR, DARPA, AFRL, and NASA. The goal of this two-year program is to design, build, and fly nanosatellites. The mission overview is detailed, including the coupling with the University partners Utah State and Virginia Tech in the Ionospheric Observation Nanosatellite Formation (ION-F). The mission includes several formations and formation keeping experiments, and distributed ionospheric measurements. Each of the subsystems is also detailed, including the design and integration of eight miniature pulsed plasma thrusters for attitude control and formation flying

    Management of adults with hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonia: 2016 clinical practice guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the American Thoracic Society

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    It is important to realize that guidelines cannot always account for individual variation among patients. They are not intended to supplant physician judgment with respect to particular patients or special clinical situations. IDSA considers adherence to these guidelines to be voluntary, with the ultimate determination regarding their application to be made by the physician in the light of each patient's individual circumstances. These guidelines are intended for use by healthcare professionals who care for patients at risk for hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), including specialists in infectious diseases, pulmonary diseases, critical care, and surgeons, anesthesiologists, hospitalists, and any clinicians and healthcare providers caring for hospitalized patients with nosocomial pneumonia. The panel's recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of HAP and VAP are based upon evidence derived from topic-specific systematic literature reviews
