73 research outputs found

    The implementation of the Paris agreement in Poland. Theory and practice

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    The main aim of this paper is to describe the legal instruments of climate protection in Poland. This issue is significant, because for several decades, climate changes and climate protection have been the object of legal regulation, both international, European and domestic. The conducted analysis concerns two main legal acts: the Act of 9 June 2011 – the Geological and Mining Law as regards CCS, and the Act of 20 February 2015 on Renewable energy (including, to a certain extent, regulations of the Act of 20 May 2016 on Investments in wind power plants) as well as other provisions relating to environmental protection. The paper closes with an evaluation of the present regulations and formulation of de lege ferenda proposals

    Sprawozdanie z Seminarium naukowo-metodycznego „Dzieci wojny i dzieci uchodźcy – o prawach dzieci z różnych perspektyw” Bydgoszcz, 17 maja 2018 roku

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    Sprawozdanie z Seminarium naukowo-metodycznego „Dzieci wojny i dzieci uchodźcy – o prawach dzieci z różnych perspektyw” Bydgoszcz, 17 maja 2018 rok

    Histological, histochemical and ultrastructural studies on Harderian and lacrimal glands of the Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus major L.)

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    This study describes the macroscopic anatomy and the microscopic and ultrastructural features of the Harderian gland and lacrimal gland of the Capercaillies. It was conducted both on adult male and female Capercaillies. Tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, azan trichrome, modified Mallory’s trichrome, methyl green-pyronin Y, periodic acid-Schiff, alcian blue pH 2.5, aldehyde fuchsin and Hale’s dialysed iron. The morphometric study of the Harderian and lacrimal glands indicated that they are both larger in male than in female Capercaillies. The histological analysis showed that the HG has a multilobar tubulo-alveolar structure with numerous lymphocytes and plasma cells. The LG has a multilobar tubulo-acinar structure without lymphocytes and plasma cells. The periodic acid-Schiff staining and alcian blue pH 2.5 staining demonstrated a mild positive reaction in the epithelial cells of the Harderian gland and weak positive reaction in the lacrimal gland. The HDI staining detected the presence of carboxylated acid mucopolysaccharides in the Harderian and lacrimal glands. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of two types of secretory vesicles in the cytoplasm of both studied glands. It also showed that lipid droplets and glycogen granules were more abundant in the Harderian gland than in the lacrimal gland of this species

    Is oxygenation related to the decomposition of organic matter in cryoconite holes?

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    Cryoconite is a sediment occurring on glacier surfaces worldwide which reduces ice albedo and concentrates glacier surface meltwater into small reservoirs called cryoconite holes. It consists of mineral and biogenic matter, including active microorganisms. This study presents an experimental insight into the influence of sediment oxygenation on the cryoconite ability to produce and decomposition of organic matter. Samples were collected from five glaciers in the Arctic and the European mainland. Cryoconite from three glaciers was incubated in stagnant and mechanically mixed conditions to imitate inter-hole water–sediment mixing by meltwater occurring on glaciers in Northern Hemisphere, and its effect on oxygen profiles and organic matter content. Moreover, we investigated short-term changes of oxygen conditions in cryoconite from four glaciers in illuminated and dark conditions. An anaerobic zone was present or approaching zero oxygen in all illuminated cryoconite samples, varying in depth depending on the origin of cryoconite: from 1500 µm from Steindalsbreen (Scandinavian Peninsula) and Forni Glacier (The Alps) to 3100 µm from Russell Glacier and Longyearbreen (Arctic) after incubation. Organic matter content varied between glaciers from 6.11% on Longyearbreen to 16.36% on Russell Glacier. The mixed sediment from the Forni Glacier had less organic matter than stagnant, the sediment from Longyearbreen followed this trend, but the difference was not statistically significant, while the sediment from Ebenferner did not differ between groups. Our results have implications for the understanding of biogeochemical processes on glacier surfaces, the adaptation of organisms to changing physical conditions due to abrupt sediment mixing, but also on the estimation of productivity of supraglacial systems


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    Abstract: Novel palladium(II) complexes (4-6) have been synthesized from the reaction of (E)

    The Bosnian Crisis 1991-1995

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    Rozpad Jugosławii i wojna na Półwyspie Bałkańskim były tematami, które w ostatniej dekadzie XX wieku elektryzowały opinię publiczną. Był to pierwszy tak poważny konflikt w Europie od czasów II wojny światowej, a jego konsekwencje są widoczne gołym okiem po dziś dzień.Praca magisterska poświęcona jest wojnie w Bośni i Hercegowinie, która stanowiła najkrwawszą i najbardziej dramatyczną odsłonę konfliktu, podczas którego w pewnym momencie wszystkie strony walczyły przeciw sobie. Jednak Bośnia i Hercegowina, choć zamieszkała przez ludzi o odmiennych narodowościach, religiach i poglądach, nie zawsze była krainą targaną bratobójczą wojną.Rozprawa została podzielona na pięć rozdziałów aby jak najdokładniej przedstawić przyczyny wojny, jej skomplikowany i wielowątkowy przebieg, a także konsekwencje tego okresu dla funkcjonowania współczesnej Bośni. Celem niniejszej pracy było odpowiedzenie na pytania badawcze skupione wokół konfliktu bośniackiego – jakie były jego przyczyny, co leżało u źródła tendencji separatystycznych wśród mieszkańców byłej Jugosławii, przede wszystkim zaś jaki był przebieg samej wojny bośniackiej i udział państw trzecich w tym sporze.The breakup of Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav wars were the number one topics during the last decade of the 20th Century. It was the first European armed conflict since World War II and its implications for the Balkan Peninsula can be seen with the naked eye up until this day.This thesis tackles the topic of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina – the bloodiest and most harrowing part of the Yugoslav Wars. However, Bosnia, a place where people with various cultural backgrounds, ideas and different religions live, has not always been struggling with fratricidal conflict.This paper contains five main chapters that describe the motives, taxing military action and effects of the war for modern Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the thesis is to find answers to research questions such as: what caused separatism in the Balkans, what the background of the conflict was and finally, the course of the war and the participation of international institutions