514 research outputs found

    Simulating intergalactic quasar scintillation

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    Intergalactic scintillation of distant quasars is sensitive to free electrons and therefore complements Lyα\alpha absorption line experiments probing the neutral intergalactic medium (IGM). We present a new scheme to compute IGM refractive scintillation effects on distant sources in combination with Adaptive Mesh Refinement cosmological simulations. First we validate our model by reproducing the well-known interstellar scintillation (ISS) of Galactic sources. The simulated cosmic density field is then used to infer the statistical properties of intergalactic scintillation. Contrary to previous claims, we find that the scattering measure of the simulated IGM at z<2z<2 is \langle \mbox{SM}_{\equ}\rangle=3.879, i.e. almost 40 times larger than for the usually assumed smooth IGM. This yield an average modulation index ranging from 0.01 (νs=5\nu_s=5 GHz) up to 0.2 (νs=50\nu_s=50 GHz); above \nu_{s}\gsim30 GHz the IGM contribution dominates over ISS modulation. We compare our model with data from a 0.3z20.3\leq z\leq 2 quasar sample observed at \nu_{\obs}=8.4 GHz. For this high frequency (10.92νs25.210.92\leq \nu_s \leq 25.2), high galactic latitude sample ISS is negligible, and IGM scintillation can reproduce the observed modulation with a 4% accuracy, without invoking intrinsic source variability. We conclude by discussing the possibility of using IGM scintillation as a tool to pinpoint the presence of intervening high-zz groups/clusters along the line of sight, thus making it a probe suitably complementing Sunyaev-Zeldovich data recently obtained by \textit{Planck}.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Two phase galaxy formation: The Evolutionary Properties of Galaxies

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    We use our model for the formation and evolution of galaxies within a two-phase galaxy formation scenario, showing that the high-redshift domain typically supports the growth of spheroidal systems, whereas at low redshifts the predominant baryonic growth mechanism is quiescent and may therefore support the growth of a disc structure. Under this framework we investigate the evolving galaxy population by comparing key observations at both low and high-redshifts, finding generally good agreement. By analysing the evolutionary properties of this model, we are able to recreate several features of the evolving galaxy population with redshift, naturally reproducing number counts of massive star-forming galaxies at high redshifts, along with the galaxy scaling relations, star formation rate density and evolution of the stellar mass function. Building upon these encouraging agreements, we make model predictions that can be tested by future observations. In particular, we present the expected evolution to z=2 of the super-massive black hole mass function, and we show that the gas fraction in galaxies should decrease with increasing redshift in a mass, with more and more evolution going to higher and higher masses. Also, the characteristic transition mass from disc to bulge dominated system should decrease with increasing redshift.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Version polished for publication in MNRA

    A common solution to the cosmic ray anisotropy and gradient problems

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    Multichannel Cosmic Ray (CR) spectra and the large scale CR anisotropy can hardly be made compatible in the framework of conventional isotropic and homogeneous propagation models. These models also have problems explaining the longitude distribution and the radial emissivity gradient of the γ\gamma-ray galactic interstellar emission. We argue here that accounting for a well physically motivated correlation between the CR escape time and the spatially dependent magnetic turbulence power can naturally solve both problems. Indeed, by exploiting this correlation we find propagation models that fit a wide set of CR primary and secondary spectra, and consistently reproduce the CR anisotropy in the energy range 10^2 - 10^4 \GeV and the γ\gamma-ray longitude distribution recently measured by Fermi-LAT.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. v2: Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Discovery of the supernova remnant G351.0-5.4

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    Context. While searching the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) for diffuse radio emission, we have serendipitously discovered extended radio emission close to the Galactic plane. The radio morphology suggests the presence of a previously unknown Galactic supernova remnant. An unclassified {\gamma}-ray source detected by EGRET (3EG J1744-3934) is present in the same location and may stem from the interaction between high-speed particles escaping the remnant and the surrounding interstellar medium. Aims. Our aim is to confirm the presence of a previously unknown supernova remnant and to determine a possible association with the {\gamma}-ray emission 3EG J1744-3934. Methods. We have conducted optical and radio follow-ups of the target using the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on the Blanco telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) and the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT). We then combined these data with archival radio and {\gamma}-ray observations. Results. While we detected the extended emission in four different radio bands (325, 1400, 2417, and 4850 MHz), no optical counterpart has been identified. Given its morphology and brightness, it is likely that the radio emission is caused by an old supernova remnant no longer visible in the optical band. Although an unclassified EGRET source is co-located with the supernova remnant, Fermi-LAT data do not show a significant {\gamma}-ray excess that is correlated with the radio emission. However, in the radial distribution of the {\gamma}-ray events, a spatially extended feature is related with SNR at a confidence level 1.5\sim 1.5 {\sigma}. Conclusions. We classify the newly discovered extended emission in the radio band as the old remnant of a previously unknown Galactic supernova: SNR G351.0-5.4.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted A&

    The HI Content of Local Late-Type Galaxies

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    We present a solid relationship between the neutral hydrogen (HI) disk mass and the stellar disk mass of late-type galaxies in the local universe. This relationship is derived by comparing the stellar disk mass function from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the HI mass function from the HI Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS). We find that the HI mass in late-type galaxies tightly correlates with the stellar mass over three orders of magnitude in stellar disk mass. We cross-check our result with that obtained from a sample of HIPASS objects for which the stellar mass has been obtained by inner kinematics. In addition, we derive the HI versus halo mass relationship and the dependence of all the baryonic components in spirals on the host halo mass. These relationships bear the imprint of the processes ruling galaxy formation, and highlight the inefficiency of galaxies both in forming stars and in retaining their pristine HI gas.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Match to the published version. References update

    Cosmic-Ray Nuclei, Antiprotons and Gamma-rays in the Galaxy: a New Diffusion Model

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    We model the transport of cosmic ray nuclei in the Galaxy by means of a new numerical code. Differently from previous numerical models we account for a generic spatial distribution of the diffusion coefficient. We found that in the case of radially uniform diffusion, the main secondary/primary ratios (B/C, N/O and sub-Fe/Fe) and the modulated antiproton spectrum match consistently the available observations. Convection and re-acceleration do not seem to be required in the energy range we consider: 1<E<1031 < E < 10^3 GeV/nucleon. We generalize these results accounting for radial dependence of the diffusion coefficient, which is assumed to trace that of the cosmic ray sources. While this does not affect the prediction of secondary/primary ratios, the simulated longitude profile of the diffuse γ\gamma-ray emission is significantly different from the uniform case and may agree with EGRET measurements without invoking ad hoc assumptions on the galactic gas density distribution.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. v3: Added detailed references to nuclear cross-section networ

    New Constraints from PAMELA anti-proton data on Annihilating and Decaying Dark Matter

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    Recently the PAMELA experiment has released its updated anti-proton flux and anti-proton to proton flux ratio data up to energies of ~200GeV. With no clear excess of cosmic ray anti-protons at high energies, one can extend constraints on the production of anti-protons from dark matter. In this letter, we consider both the cases of dark matter annihilating and decaying into standard model particles that produce significant numbers of anti-protons. We provide two sets of constraints on the annihilation cross-sections/decay lifetimes. In the one set of constraints we ignore any source of anti-protons other than dark matter, which give the highest allowed cross-sections/inverse lifetimes. In the other set we include also anti-protons produced in collisions of cosmic rays with interstellar medium nuclei, getting tighter but more realistic constraints on the annihilation cross-sections/decay lifetimes.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Cosmic-ray propagation with DRAGON2: I. numerical solver and astrophysical ingredients

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    We present version 2 of the DRAGON code designed for computing realistic predictions of the CR densities in the Galaxy. The code numerically solves the interstellar CR transport equation (including inhomogeneous and anisotropic diffusion, either in space and momentum, advective transport and energy losses), under realistic conditions. The new version includes an updated numerical solver and several models for the astrophysical ingredients involved in the transport equation. Improvements in the accuracy of the numerical solution are proved against analytical solutions and in reference diffusion scenarios. The novel features implemented in the code allow to simulate the diverse scenarios proposed to reproduce the most recent measurements of local and diffuse CR fluxes, going beyond the limitations of the homogeneous galactic transport paradigm. To this end, several applications using DRAGON2 are presented as well. This new version facilitates the users to include their own physical models by means of a modular C++ structure. © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl

    Cosmic ray electrons and positrons from discrete stochastic sources

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    The distances that galactic cosmic ray electrons and positrons can travel are severely limited by energy losses to at most a few kiloparsec, thereby rendering the local spectrum very sensitive to the exact distribution of sources in our galactic neighbourhood. However, due to our ignorance of the exact source distribution, we can only predict the spectrum stochastically. We argue that even in the case of a large number of sources the central limit theorem is not applicable, but that the standard deviation for the flux from a random source is divergent due to a long power law tail of the probability density. Instead, we compute the expectation value and characterise the scatter around it by quantiles of the probability density using a generalised central limit theorem in a fully analytical way. The uncertainty band is asymmetric about the expectation value and can become quite large for TeV energies. In particular, the predicted local spectrum is marginally consistent with the measurements by Fermi-LAT and HESS even without imposing spectral breaks or cut-offs at source. We conclude that this uncertainty has to be properly accounted for when predicting electron fluxes above a few hundred GeV from astrophysical sources.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures; references and clarifying comment added; to appear in JCA