40 research outputs found
Public-private partnership models for improving electricity generation in Tanzania: The case of independent power producers and Tanzania electric supply company
Abstract. Public – Private Partnerships (PPPs) have become a popular global strategy for addressing energy infrastructure challenges. However, the question on which PPPs model works best for a particular project in the range of more than a dozen different models, remains unsettled by different governments of the world. This study examined the necessary conditions for enhancing Public- Private Partnership (PPPs) models for improving electricity generation in Tanzania. Overall, the study findings revealed that, performance of PPPs in electricity generation projects was being hindered by elements such as unpredictable payments guarantee, skewed contracts for PPAs, lack of transparency and fair competition and high costs of electricity. Findings suggests that, the quality of political, economic and social institutions, both formal and informal are important for influencing the functioning of PPPs projects and its economic outcomes. Also, robust and inclusive institutions, the quality of governance structures, laws, rules, regulations, and policies as well as the accepted norms and customs, predict the best outcomes. The reverse is equally true. In addition, rent seeking activities decrease appreciably as institutional competence improves accordingly as well as the capacity of the state to regulate activities of private investors.Keywords. Public – Private –Partnerships, Independent Power Producers, electricity generation projects, Tanzania.JEL. ???????????????
Pandemi covid-19 memiliki dampak negatif pada semua sektor, khususnya sektor pendidikan. Dimana siswa dianjurkan untuk belajar di rumah secara online, tanpa bisa melakukan aktivitas di luar rumah dengan leluasa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tentang perbedaan kualitas hidup siswa putra dan putri di SMAN 15 Surabaya pada masa pandemi covid-19. Jenis penelitian menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan komparatif. Instrumen dari penelitian ini menggunakan The World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) untuk pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan secara online dengan membagikan kuesioner melalui google form. Peneliti menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling dengan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 112 siswa dan siswi kelas XI SMAN 15 Surabaya Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan mean (rata-rata), standar deviasi, persentase, dan uji Chi-square. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh hasil bahwa kualitas hidup siswa dan siswi memiliki kategori yang berbeda, kategori buruk sebanyak 3 siswa (2.67%), kategori sedang sebanyak 53 siswa (47.32%), dan kategori baik sebanyak 48 siswa (42.85%), serta sangat baik sebanyak 8 siswa (7.14%). Berdasarkan analisis dari hasil uji Chi-square dinyatakan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan kualitas hidup antara siswa putra dan putri SMAN 15 Surabaya pada masa pandemi covid-19 dengan nilai signifikansinya 0.077 > 0.05, sehingga dapat diartikan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kualitas hidup siswa putra dan putri di SMAN 15 Surabaya pada masa pandemi covid-19.
Kata Kunci : pandemi covid-19; kualitas hidup; siswa SMAN 15 Surabaya
The covid-19 pandemic had maltreated all sectors, especially the education sector. Students are encouraged to do online school at their houses without being able to do outdoor activities. This research aims to find the differences in the quality of life between male and female students at SMAN 15 Surabaya during the covid-19 pandemic. This type of research used quantitative research with a comparative approach. The research instrument used The World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) to collect the research data, it was carried out online by distributing questionnaires through the google form. Researchers used the cluster random sampling technique with the sample used in this research consisting of 112 students from grade XI SMAN 15 Surabaya. Data analysis in research using mean (average), standard deviation, percentage, and Chi-square test. Based on the researcher's results, it's discovered that the quality of life from male and female students had a different category, three students (2.67%) in negative, 53 students (47.32%) in the moderate, and 48 good categories (42.85%), and excellent or very good as many as eight students (7.14%). Based on the analysis of the Chi-square test results, it's stated that there are no differences in the quality of life between male and female students of SMAN 15 Surabaya during the covid-19 pandemic. With a significance value of 0.077> 0.05, that means that there is no significant difference between the quality of life of male and female students at SMAN 15 Surabaya during the covid-19 pandemic.
Keywords : covid-19 pandemic; quality of life; students of SMAN 15 Surabaya
Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance, Karakteristik Perusahaan Terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh good corporate governance, karakteristik perusahaan terhadap pengungkapan corporate social responsibility. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan manufaktur sektor farmasi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2017-2020. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan diperoleh 40 sampel pengamatan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear sederhana dengan mengggunakan SPSS versi 26. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kepemilikan manajerial, komite audit, ukuran dewan komisaris, ukuran perusahaan, dan profitabilitas tidak berpengaruh terhadap pengungkapan corporate social responsibility
Hubungan Komitmen Kerja dan Kecerdasan Emosional dengan Prestasi Kerja Pegawai Akademi Keperawatan Kabupaten Kolaka
This study aimed to examine and analyze empirically the effect of working motivation, working commitment, and emotional intelligence on the working achievement of staff at Kolaka Government’s Academy of Nursing. The study was explanatory research which aimed at explaining the position of variables under investigation as well as the relationship between them and the effect of one variable on the others. Results showed that: (1) working motivation, working commitment, and emotional intelligence had a positively significant effect on the working achievement of staff at Kolaka Government’s Academy of Nursing; (2) working motivation had a positive significant effect on the working achievement of staff at Kolaka Government’s Academy of Nursing; (3) working commitment had a positively significant effect on the working achievement of staff at Kolaka Government’s Academy of Nursing; and (4) emotional intelligence had a positively significant effect on the working achievement of staff at Kolaka Government’s Academy of Nursing
Sectio caesarea sebagai metode persalinan yang dilakukan dengan memberikan sayatan terbuka pada dinding rahim sehingga menimbulkan luka pada area perut. Secara global sekitar 21% terjadi persalinan sectio caesarea. Di Indonesia, persalinan sectio caesarea berkisar 17,6%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik ibu post sectio caesarea terkait penyembuhan luka. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan Analisis Data Sekunder (ADS). Jumlah sampel sebanyak 136 dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa karakteristik ibu post sectio caesarea adalah sebagian besar berusia 20-35 tahun (76,5%) dengan tingkat pendidikan menengah (46,3%) , multipara (69,1%), tidakmemiliki riwayat SC (56,6%) dan tidak menderita anemia (61,8%). Kondisi luka yang dialami oleh ibu post sectio caesarea hampir keseluruhannya adalah luka kering (99,3%). Luka post sectio caesareamengalami penyembuhan dengan baik
Sectio caesarea is a delivery method that is carried out by making an open incision in the uterine wall, causing wounds in the abdominal area. Globally, around 21% of caesarean section deliveries occur. In Indonesia, caesarean section delivery is around 17.6%. This study aims to determine the characteristics of post-cesarean section mothers regarding wound healing. This research is descriptive quantitative research with a Secondary Data Analysis (ADS) approach. The total sample was 136 using purposive sampling technique. The results of this study show that the characteristics of mothers post cesarean section are that most of them are aged 20-35 years (76.5%) with secondary education level (46.3%), multiparous (69.1%), and have no history of CS (56, 6%) and did not suffer from anemia (61.8%). Almost all of the wounds experienced by mothers after caesarean section were dry wounds (99.3%). The post caesarean section wound is healing well.Sectio caesarea sebagai metode persalinan yang dilakukan dengan memberikan sayatan terbuka pada dinding rahim sehingga menimbulkan luka pada area perut. Secara global sekitar 21% terjadi persalinan sectio caesarea. Di Indonesia, persalinan sectio caesarea berkisar 17,6%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik ibu post sectio caesarea terkait penyembuhan luka. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan Analisis Data Sekunder (ADS). Jumlah sampel sebanyak 136 dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa karakteristik ibu post sectio caesarea adalah sebagian besar berusia 20-35 tahun (76,5%) dengan tingkat pendidikan menengah (46,3%) , multipara (69,1%), tidak memiliki riwayat SC (56,6%) dan tidak menderita anemia (61,8%). Kondisi luka yang dialami oleh ibu post sectio caesarea hampir keseluruhannya adalah luka kering (99,3%). Luka post sectio caesarea mengalami penyembuhan dengan baik
Community Adaptation Patterns in Facing The Condition of Pandemic Covid-19
The covid-19 pandemic which is endemic in almost all countries requires all citizens to adapt to this pandemic situation. Corona Virus can be directly transmitted to human through the environment such as air, surface of plastics and clothes, physical contact such as shaking hands, being in groups, doing activities outside home, and lack of self-hygiene discipline. This situation requires the community to change their usual adaptation patterns. Therefore, people are guided to change their adaptation patterns to new adaptation patterns. This study aims to analyze the adaptation patterns in society in the co-19 pandemic conditions. This research uses mixed method by combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, questionnaires and analyzed using a one way anova statistical. The results of a one way anova analysis on the aspects of forming the adaptation pattern, the calculated F value is 14,611 with a significant value of 0.000 (sig <0.05), it can be concluded that there are differences in the aspects forming the adaptation pattern. The results showed that the majority of 135 respondents had adaptation patterns in the aspects of self-objectivity and self-acceptance that is being realistic after knowing oneself so that they were able to accept their circumstances. There are different patterns of community adaptation in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic conditions, where the aspects of Self-knowledge and Self-insight have significant differences from the Aspects of Self-objectivity and Self-acceptance. Respondents who have become participants state that they are changing their adaptation patterns to new adaptation patterns, namely: 1) participants seek insights into virus outbreaks through valid sources. 2) follow health protocols. 3) Stay calm and don’t panic. 4) participants hope to be able to carry out routine activities, while maintaining personal health and hygiene.Keywords: Adaptation patterns; community; COVID-1
Towards sustainable forest management in Tanzania: analysis of the effectiveness of the national forest policy and its implications for the forests and people of United Republic of Tanzania: a case study of Rufiji District, Southern Tanzania
Sustainable forest management (SFM) is crucial for the socio-economic development of forest-rich communities. Given its abundance of forest resources, Tanzania has adopted forest policy strategies that aim to enhance SFM through the active engagement of rural communities in forest management. Despite policy progress, Tanzania’s forest sector continues to face several institutional and policy implementation challenges. Using a qualitative case study approach and the DPSIR framework, this study critically examined forest policy gaps impeding sustainable forest management in the Rufiji district of Tanzania. Data were obtained through document reviews, a workshop and semi-structured interviews with experts in the forest sector. The study found that existing forest management strategies do not adequately address key drivers of forest loss thereby hindering SFM progress in the country. Additionally, although the forest sector offers enormous opportunities to improve livelihoods and local economies, the lack of market-based policy instruments is a major barrier
Modern Dressing Wound Care Mempercepat Proses Penyembuhan Ulkus Kaki pada Pasien Diabetes: A Systematic Review
Foot ulcers in diabetic patients should receive treatment to reduce the risk of infection and amputation and improve function and quality of life. Wound care techniques are developing very quickly, which can help nurses and patients to improve the healing of foot ulcers in diabetic patients. Several wound care methods that can accelerate the healing process of foot ulcers in DM patients include modern wound dressings, the process of healing diabetic ulcers. With modern dressing methods, chronic wound care with modern dressings, the potential of green tea in wound healing, honey as a debridement agent. Objective: This study reviews several dressing methods that accelerate the healing process of foot ulcers in diabetic patients. This study uses a Systematic Review based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews & Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) to identify all published literature using relevant databases and keywords. In the 5 articles that we analyzed, the use of modern wound dressings proved to be more effective in accelerating wound healing, especially foot ulcers in diabetic patients. Modern wound care (Modern wound dressing), chronic wound care with modern dressings, the potential of green tea in wound healing, Honey as a debridement agent: a systematic review. And the role of the family in helping patients take medication regularly is the right choice to accelerate the healing process of foot ulcers in diabetic patients with more cost-effective treatment