15 research outputs found

    Impact of blood volume on the diffuse reflectance spectra of human skin measured in visible and NIR spectral ranges

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    We consider changes in the volume of blood and oxygen saturation caused by a pulse wave and their influence on the diffuse reflectance spectra in the visible/NIR spectral range. CUDA-based Monte-Carlo model was used for routine simulation of detector depth sensitivity (sampling volume) and skin spectra, and their variations associated with physiological changes in the human skin. The results presented in the form of animated graphs of sampling volume changes for scaling of the parameters of the main human skin layers related to the results of experimental measurements are of particular interest for pulse oximetry, photoplethysmography, Doppler flowmetry, reflectance spectroscopy

    Combined use of laser Doppler flowmetry and skin thermometry for functional diagnostics of intradermal finger vessels

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    We introduce a noninvasive diagnostic approach for functional monitoring of blood microflows in capillaries and thermoregulatory vessels within the skin. The measuring system is based on the combined use of laser Doppler flowmetry and skin contact thermometry. The obtained results suggest that monitoring of blood microcirculation during the occlusion, performed in conjunction with the skin temperature measurements in the thermally stabilized medium, has a great potential for quantitative assessment of angiospatic dysfunctions of the peripheral blood vessels. The indices of blood flow reserve and temperature response were measured and used as the primarily parameters of the functional diagnostics of the peripheral vessels of skin. Utilizing these parameters, a simple phenomenological model has been suggested to identify patients with angiospastic violations in the vascular system

    Skin complications of diabetes mellitus revealed by polarized hyperspectral imaging and machine learning

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    Aging and diabetes lead to protein glycation and cause dysfunction of collagen-containing tissues. The accompanying structural and functional changes of collagen significantly contribute to the development of various pathological malformations affecting the skin, blood vessels, and nerves, causing a number of complications, increasing disability risks and threat to life. In fact, no methods of non-invasive assessment of glycation and associated metabolic processes in biotissues or prediction of possible skin complications, e.g., ulcers, currently exist for endocrinologists and clinical diagnosis. In this publication, utilizing emerging photonics-based technology, innovative solutions in machine learning, and definitive physiological characteristics, we introduce a diagnostic approach capable of evaluating the skin complications of diabetes mellitus at the very earlier stage. The results of the feasibility studies, as well as the actual tests on patients with diabetes and healthy volunteers, clearly show the ability of the approach to differentiate diabetic and control groups. Furthermore, the developed in-house polarization-based hyperspectral imaging technique accomplished with the implementation of the artificial neural network provides new horizons in the study and diagnosis of age-related diseases

    Multimodal optical measurement for study of lower limb tissue viability in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    According to the International Diabetes Federation, the challenge of early stage diagnosis and treatment effectiveness monitoring in diabetes is currently one of the highest priorities in modern healthcare. The potential of combined measurements of skin fluorescence and blood perfusion by the laser Doppler flowmetry method in diagnostics of low limb diabetes complications was evaluated. Using Monte Carlo probabilistic modeling, the diagnostic volume and depth of the diagnosis were evaluated. The experimental study involved 76 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. These patients were divided into two groups depending on the degree of complications. The control group consisted of 48 healthy volunteers. The local thermal stimulation was selected as a stimulus on the blood microcirculation system. The experimental studies have shown that diabetic patients have elevated values of normalized fluorescence amplitudes, as well as a lower perfusion response to local heating. In the group of people with diabetes with trophic ulcers, these parameters also significantly differ from the control and diabetes only groups. Thus, the intensity of skin fluorescence and level of tissue blood perfusion can act as markers for various degrees of complications from the beginning of diabetes to the formation of trophic ulcers

    Feature of fire resistance calculation of steel structures with intumescent coating

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    The problem of estimation of fire resistance of steel frame structures with intumescent coatings is considered. It implies that both physical properties of a covering (its thickness and structure) and mechanical properties of a metal structure change critically at heating. All above changes should be considered to maintain the standard values of fire resistance of a construction at calculation. Usually, known technical characteristics of fire resistance of intumescent coverings are used for estimation of fire resistance of steel structures with intumescent coverings. Importance of taking into account the influence of strength loss time at heating of a steel structure on calculation of fire resistance limit of system “intumescent fireproof coating steel structure” is shown in the article. On an example of calculation of heating time to the critical temperature of steel columns and beams protected by intumescent coating, it is shown that own heating time of steel structures before they lose strength makes 10 to 16 % from a settlement limit of fire resistance. This fact should be considered at the forecast of fire resistance of steel frame structures with intumescent coatings

    Feature of fire resistance calculation of steel structures with intumescent coating

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    The problem of estimation of fire resistance of steel frame structures with intumescent coatings is considered. It implies that both physical properties of a covering (its thickness and structure) and mechanical properties of a metal structure change critically at heating. All above changes should be considered to maintain the standard values of fire resistance of a construction at calculation. Usually, known technical characteristics of fire resistance of intumescent coverings are used for estimation of fire resistance of steel structures with intumescent coverings. Importance of taking into account the influence of strength loss time at heating of a steel structure on calculation of fire resistance limit of system “intumescent fireproof coating steel structure” is shown in the article. On an example of calculation of heating time to the critical temperature of steel columns and beams protected by intumescent coating, it is shown that own heating time of steel structures before they lose strength makes 10 to 16 % from a settlement limit of fire resistance. This fact should be considered at the forecast of fire resistance of steel frame structures with intumescent coatings

    Dissociation Between Neuronal and Astrocytic Calcium Activity in Response to Locomotion in Mice

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    Locomotion triggers a coordinated response of both neurons and astrocytes in the brain. Here we performed calcium (Ca2+) imaging of these two cell types in the somatosensory cortex in head-fixed mice moving on the airlifted platform. Ca2+ activity in astrocytes significantly increased during locomotion from a low quiescence level. Ca2+ signals first appeared in the distal processes and then propagated to astrocytic somata, where it became significantly larger and exhibited oscillatory behaviour. Thus, astrocytic soma operates as both integrator and amplifier of Ca2+ signal. In neurons, Ca2+ activity was pronounced in quiescent periods and further increased during locomotion. Neuronal Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) rose almost immediately following the onset of locomotion, whereas astrocytic Ca2+ signals lagged by several seconds. Such a long lag suggests that astrocytic [Ca2+]i elevations are unlikely to be triggered by the activity of synapses among local neurons. Ca2+ responses to pairs of consecutive episodes of locomotion did not significantly differ in neurons, while were significantly diminished in response to the second locomotion in astrocytes. Such astrocytic refractoriness may arise from distinct mechanisms underlying Ca2+ signal generation. In neurons, the bulk of Ca2+ enters through the Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane allowing for steady-level Ca2+ elevations in repetitive runs. Astrocytic Ca2+ responses originate from the intracellular stores, the depletion of which affects subsequent Ca2+ signals. Functionally, neuronal Ca2+ response reflects sensory input processed by neurons. Astrocytic Ca2+ dynamics is likely to provide metabolic and homeostatic support within the brain active milieu.</p